/// <summary>
 /// Raises the CrumbDropDown event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">An ContextPositionMenuArgs containing the event data.</param>
 internal protected virtual void OnCrumbDropDown(BreadCrumbMenuArgs e)
     if (CrumbDropDown != null)
         CrumbDropDown(this, e);
Example #2
        private void OnButtonClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // Only allow a single context menu at a time
            if (!_showingContextMenu)
                // Get access to the controller, view and crumb item
                ViewDrawButton        viewButton = sender as ViewDrawButton;
                ButtonController      controller = viewButton.MouseController as ButtonController;
                KryptonBreadCrumbItem breadCrumb = controller.Tag as KryptonBreadCrumbItem;

                // Do we need to show a drop down menu?
                if (viewButton.DropDown && viewButton.SplitRectangle.Contains(e.Location))
                    // Create a context menu with a items collection
                    KryptonContextMenu kcm = new KryptonContextMenu();

                    // Use same palette settings for context menu as the main control
                    kcm.Palette = _kryptonBreadCrumb.Palette;
                    if (kcm.Palette == null)
                        kcm.PaletteMode = _kryptonBreadCrumb.PaletteMode;

                    // Add an items collection as the root item of the context menu
                    KryptonContextMenuItems items = new KryptonContextMenuItems();

                    // Store lookup between each menu item and the crumb it represents. Prevents
                    // needing to use the menu item tag for remembering association. Leaving the
                    // tag free for use by the user.
                    _menuItemToCrumb = new MenuItemToCrumb();

                    // Create a new menu item to represent each child crumb
                    foreach (KryptonBreadCrumbItem childCrumb in breadCrumb.Items)
                        KryptonContextMenuItem childMenu = new KryptonContextMenuItem();

                        // Store 1-to-1 association
                        _menuItemToCrumb.Add(childMenu, childCrumb);

                        // Copy across the display details of the child crumb item
                        childMenu.Text                  = childCrumb.ShortText;
                        childMenu.ExtraText             = childCrumb.LongText;
                        childMenu.Image                 = childCrumb.Image;
                        childMenu.ImageTransparentColor = childCrumb.ImageTransparentColor;
                        childMenu.Click                += new EventHandler(OnChildCrumbClick);


                    // Allow the user a chance to alter the menu contents or cancel it entirely
                    BreadCrumbMenuArgs bcma = new BreadCrumbMenuArgs(breadCrumb, kcm, KryptonContextMenuPositionH.Left, KryptonContextMenuPositionV.Below);

                    // Is there still the need to show a menu that is not empty?
                    if (!bcma.Cancel &&
                        (bcma.KryptonContextMenu != null) &&
                        // Cache the controller for use in menu close processing, prevents the need to
                        // store anything in the KryptonContextMenu tag and so free up its use to the user.
                        _pressedButtonController = controller;

                        // Show the context menu so user can select the next item for selection
                        bcma.KryptonContextMenu.Closed += new ToolStripDropDownClosedEventHandler(OnKryptonContextMenuClosed);
                        bcma.KryptonContextMenu.Show(_kryptonBreadCrumb, _kryptonBreadCrumb.RectangleToScreen(new Rectangle(viewButton.SplitRectangle.X - viewButton.SplitRectangle.Width,
                                                                                                                            viewButton.SplitRectangle.Width * 2,

                        // do not show another context menu whilst this one is visible
                        _showingContextMenu = true;
                        // Button gives a fixed appearance when pressed, without a context menu that is not necessary
                    // Button gives a fixed appearance when pressed, without a context menu that is not necessary

                    // Clicking item makes it become the selected crumb
                    _kryptonBreadCrumb.SelectedItem = breadCrumb;