Example #1
        public override void OnFileFound(string path, string name, bool isMod)
            SoundEffectsDefinition soundDef = null;

            var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SoundEffectsDefinition));

                using (var streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(path))
                    soundDef = xmlSerializer.Deserialize(streamReader) as SoundEffectsDefinition;
            catch (Exception e)
                vehicleEffectsDefParseErrors.Add(name + " - " + e.Message);

            // We can create the effects during loading. This also means that they will be ready when the
            // vehicle definitions get parsed because that only happens after all files have been loaded
            foreach (var effect in soundDef.Effects)
                effect.SoundFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), effect.SoundFile);
                var sound = effect.CreateEffect();
                if (sound == null)
                    vehicleEffectsDefParseErrors.Add(name + " - Unable to create sound effect, see output_log.txt for more details.");

                if (!manager.AddEffect(sound))
                    if (isMod)
                        // Only show duplicate effects included with mods as errors to allow authors to include the same effect with multiple assets
                        // Also, mods are loaded first so a mod containing the same effect as an asset will always take priority
                        vehicleEffectsDefParseErrors.Add(name + " - Duplicate sound effect name, ignoring effect.");
                    Logging.LogWarning("Duplicate Custom Sound Effect " + sound.name + " found and ignored from " + name);

                Logging.Log("Loaded Custom Sound Effect " + sound.name + " from " + name);