IsSpecialProperty() public method

True if property is considered a special property and thus should not be skipped.
public IsSpecialProperty ( string property ) : bool
property string The JSON property name.
return bool
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts VW features from given type based on JSON.NET annotation. Basic structure:
        /// {
        ///   _label: { ... },  // SimpleLabel or ContextualBanditLabel
        ///   ns1: {            // Complex types denote namespaces. Property name becomes namespace name.
        ///     feature1: 5,    // Primitive types denote features
        ///     ...
        ///   },
        ///   ns2 : { ... },    // another namespace
        ///   feature2: true    // Top-level primitive property becomes feature in default namespace.
        /// }
        /// </summary>
        internal static Schema CreateSchema(Type type, PropertyConfiguration propertyConfiguration)
            var exampleMemberSerialization = GetMemberSerialiation(type);

            // find all feature properties under namespace properties
            var namespaceFeatures =
                from ns in type.GetProperties()
                // removing any JsonIgnore properties
                where !ns.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), true).Any()
                let nsAttr = (JsonPropertyAttribute)ns.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault()
                             let nsIsMarkedWithJsonConverter = ns.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(JsonConverterAttribute), true) is JsonConverterAttribute
                                                               !IsDictType(ns.PropertyType) &&
                                                               !IsTypeSupported(ns.PropertyType) &&
                                                               !nsIsMarkedWithJsonConverter &&
                                                               // model OptIn/OptOut
                                                               (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptOut || (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptIn && nsAttr != null))
                                                               let namespaceRawValue = nsAttr != null && nsAttr.PropertyName != null ? nsAttr.PropertyName : ns.Name
                                                                                       // filter all aux properties
                                                                                       where !namespaceRawValue.StartsWith(propertyConfiguration.FeatureIgnorePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)
                                                                                       let featureGroup = namespaceRawValue[0]
                                                                                                          let namespaceValue = namespaceRawValue.Length > 1 ? namespaceRawValue.Substring(1) : null
                                                                                                                               let namespaceMemberSerialization = GetMemberSerialiation(ns.PropertyType)
                                                                                                                                                                  from p in ns.PropertyType.GetProperties()
                                                                                                                                                                  // removing any JsonIgnore properties
                                                                                                                                                                  where !p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), true).Any()
                                                                                                                                                                  let attr = (JsonPropertyAttribute)p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault()
                                                                                                                                                                             let isMarkedWithJsonConverter = p.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(JsonConverterAttribute), true) is JsonConverterAttribute
                                                                                                                                                                                                             where (IsTypeSupported(p.PropertyType) || isMarkedWithJsonConverter) &&
                                                                                                                                                                                                             // model OptIn/OptOut
                                                                                                                                                                                                             (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptOut || (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptIn && attr != null))
                                                                                                                                                                                                             let name = attr != null && attr.PropertyName != null ? attr.PropertyName : p.Name
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        let isTextProperty = name == propertyConfiguration.TextProperty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             // filter all aux properties
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             where isTextProperty || !name.StartsWith(propertyConfiguration.FeatureIgnorePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             select new FeatureExpression(
                    featureType: isMarkedWithJsonConverter ? typeof(VowpalWabbitJsonSerializable) : p.PropertyType,
                    name: name,
                    // CODE example.NamespaceProperty.FeatureProperty
                    valueExpressionFactory: CreateValueExpressionFactory(ns, p),
                    // Note: default to string escaping
                    stringProcessing: isTextProperty ? StringProcessing.Split : StringProcessing.EscapeAndIncludeName,
                    // CODE example != null
                    // CODE example.NamespaceProperty != null
                    valueValidExpressionFactories: new List <Func <Expression, Expression> > {
                valueExpression => Expression.NotEqual(valueExpression, Expression.Constant(null)),
                valueExpression => Expression.NotEqual(Expression.Property(valueExpression, ns), Expression.Constant(null))
                    @namespace: namespaceValue,
                    featureGroup: featureGroup);

            // find all top-level feature properties for the default namespace
            var defaultNamespaceFeatures =
                from p in type.GetProperties()
                // removing any JsonIgnore properties
                where !p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), true).Any()
                let attr = (JsonPropertyAttribute)p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault()
                           // model OptIn/OptOut
                           (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptOut || (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptIn && attr != null))
                           let name = attr != null && attr.PropertyName != null ? attr.PropertyName : p.Name
                                      // filter all aux properties, except for special props
                                      where propertyConfiguration.IsSpecialProperty(name) ||
                                      !name.StartsWith(propertyConfiguration.FeatureIgnorePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)
                                      // filtering labels for now
                                      where name != propertyConfiguration.LabelProperty
                                      let isMarkedWithJsonConverter = p.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(JsonConverterAttribute), true) is JsonConverterAttribute
                                                                      where IsTypeSupported(p.PropertyType) ||
                                                                      // _multi can be any list type that JSON.NET supports
                                                                      name == propertyConfiguration.MultiProperty ||
                                                                      isMarkedWithJsonConverter ||
                                                                      // labels must be ILabel or string
                                                                      // Note: from the JSON side they actually can be anything that serializes to the same properties as ILabel implementors
                                                                      (name == propertyConfiguration.LabelProperty && (typeof(ILabel).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType) || p.PropertyType == typeof(string)))
                                                                      select new FeatureExpression(
                    featureType: isMarkedWithJsonConverter ? typeof(VowpalWabbitJsonSerializable) : p.PropertyType,
                    name: name,
                    // CODE example.FeatureProperty
                    valueExpressionFactory: CreateValueExpressionFactory(null, p),
                    // Note: default to string escaping
                    stringProcessing: name == propertyConfiguration.TextProperty ? StringProcessing.Split : StringProcessing.EscapeAndIncludeName,
                    // CODE example != null
                    valueValidExpressionFactories: new List <Func <Expression, Expression> > {
                valueExpression => Expression.NotEqual(valueExpression, Expression.Constant(null))
                    @namespace: p.PropertyType.IsArray && name.Length > 1 ? name.Substring(1) : null,
                    featureGroup: p.PropertyType.IsArray && name.Length > 0 ? name[0] : VowpalWabbitConstants.DefaultNamespace);

            // find all top-level dictionaries
            var topLevelDictionaries =
                from p in type.GetProperties()
                // removing any JsonIgnore properties
                where !p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), true).Any()
                let attr = (JsonPropertyAttribute)p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault()
                           // model OptIn/OptOut
                           (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptOut || (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptIn && attr != null))
                           where IsDictType(p.PropertyType)
                           let name = attr != null && attr.PropertyName != null ? attr.PropertyName : p.Name
                                      let namespaceRawValue = attr != null && attr.PropertyName != null ? attr.PropertyName : p.Name
                                                              // filter all aux properties
                                                              where !namespaceRawValue.StartsWith(propertyConfiguration.FeatureIgnorePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)
                                                              let featureGroup = namespaceRawValue[0]
                                                                                 let namespaceValue = namespaceRawValue.Length > 1 ? namespaceRawValue.Substring(1) : null
                                                                                                      select new FeatureExpression(
                    featureType: p.PropertyType,
                    name: name,
                    // CODE example.FeatureProperty
                    valueExpressionFactory: CreateValueExpressionFactory(null, p),
                    // CODE example != null
                    valueValidExpressionFactories: new List <Func <Expression, Expression> > {
                valueExpression => Expression.NotEqual(valueExpression, Expression.Constant(null))
                    @namespace: namespaceValue,
                    featureGroup: featureGroup);

            // find label
            var labelProperties =
                from p in type.GetProperties()
                // removing any JsonIgnore properties
                where !p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), true).Any()
                let attr = (JsonPropertyAttribute)p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault()
                           // model OptIn/OptOut
                           (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptOut || (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptIn && attr != null))
                           let name = attr != null && attr.PropertyName != null ? attr.PropertyName : p.Name
                                      // filtering labels for now
                                      where name == propertyConfiguration.LabelProperty
                                      // labels must be ILabel or string
                                      // Note: from the JSON side they actually can be anything that serializes to the same properties as ILabel implementors
                                      (name == propertyConfiguration.LabelProperty &&
                                       (typeof(ILabel).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType) || p.PropertyType == typeof(string)))
                                      select new LabelExpression
                LabelType = p.PropertyType,
                Name      = name,
                // CODE example.Label
                ValueExpressionFactory = valueExpression => Expression.Property(valueExpression, p),
                // CODE example != null
                ValueValidExpressionFactories = new List <Func <Expression, Expression> > {
                    valueExpression => Expression.NotEqual(valueExpression, Expression.Constant(null))

            // TODO: _label_ and _labelIndex is not supported

            return(new Schema
                Label = labelProperties.FirstOrDefault(),
                Features = namespaceFeatures
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts VW features from given type based on JSON.NET annotation. Basic structure:
        /// {
        ///   _label: { ... },  // SimpleLabel or ContextualBanditLabel
        ///   ns1: {            // Complex types denote namespaces. Property name becomes namespace name.
        ///     feature1: 5,    // Primitive types denote features
        ///     ...
        ///   },
        ///   ns2 : { ... },    // another namespace
        ///   feature2: true    // Top-level primitive property becomes feature in default namespace.
        /// }
        /// </summary>
        internal static Schema CreateSchema(Type type, PropertyConfiguration propertyConfiguration)
            var exampleMemberSerialization = GetMemberSerialiation(type);

            // find all feature properties under namespace properties
            var namespaceFeatures =
                from ns in type.GetProperties()
                // removing any JsonIgnore properties
                where !ns.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), true).Any()
                let nsAttr = (JsonPropertyAttribute)ns.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault()
                where !IsFeatureTypeSupported(ns.PropertyType) &&
                    // model OptIn/OptOut
                    (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptOut || (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptIn && nsAttr != null))
                let namespaceRawValue = nsAttr != null && nsAttr.PropertyName != null ? nsAttr.PropertyName : ns.Name
                // filter all aux properties
                where !namespaceRawValue.StartsWith(propertyConfiguration.FeatureIgnorePrefix)
                let featureGroup = namespaceRawValue[0]
                let namespaceValue = namespaceRawValue.Length > 1 ? namespaceRawValue.Substring(1) : null
                let namespaceMemberSerialization = GetMemberSerialiation(ns.PropertyType)
                from p in ns.PropertyType.GetProperties()
                // removing any JsonIgnore properties
                where !p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), true).Any()
                let attr = (JsonPropertyAttribute)p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault()
                where IsFeatureTypeSupported(p.PropertyType) &&
                    // model OptIn/OptOut
                    (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptOut || (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptIn && attr != null))
                let name = attr != null && attr.PropertyName != null ? attr.PropertyName : p.Name
                let isTextProperty = name == propertyConfiguration.TextProperty
                // filter all aux properties
                where isTextProperty || !name.StartsWith(propertyConfiguration.FeatureIgnorePrefix)
                select new FeatureExpression(
                    featureType: p.PropertyType,
                    name: name,
                    // CODE example.NamespaceProperty.FeatureProperty
                    valueExpressionFactory: valueExpression => Expression.Property(Expression.Property(valueExpression, ns), p),
                    // Note: default to string escaping
                    stringProcessing: isTextProperty ? StringProcessing.Split : StringProcessing.EscapeAndIncludeName,
                    // CODE example != null
                    // CODE example.NamespaceProperty != null
                    valueValidExpressionFactories: new List<Func<Expression, Expression>>{
                        valueExpression => Expression.NotEqual(valueExpression, Expression.Constant(null)),
                        valueExpression => Expression.NotEqual(Expression.Property(valueExpression, ns), Expression.Constant(null))
                    @namespace: namespaceValue,
                    featureGroup: featureGroup);

            // find all top-level feature properties for the default namespace
            var defaultNamespaceFeatures =
                from p in type.GetProperties()
                // removing any JsonIgnore properties
                where !p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), true).Any()
                let attr = (JsonPropertyAttribute)p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault()
                    // model OptIn/OptOut
                    (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptOut || (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptIn && attr != null))
                let name = attr != null && attr.PropertyName != null ? attr.PropertyName : p.Name
                // filter all aux properties, except for special props
                where propertyConfiguration.IsSpecialProperty(name) ||
                // filterint labels for now
                where name != propertyConfiguration.LabelProperty
                where IsFeatureTypeSupported(p.PropertyType) ||
                    // _multi can be any list type that JSON.NET supports
                    name == propertyConfiguration.MultiProperty ||
                    // labels must be ILabel or string
                    // Note: from the JSON side they actually can be anything that serializes to the same properties as ILabel implementors
                    (name == propertyConfiguration.LabelProperty && (typeof(ILabel).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType) || p.PropertyType == typeof(string)))
                select new FeatureExpression(
                    featureType: p.PropertyType,
                    name: name,
                    // CODE example.FeatureProperty
                    valueExpressionFactory: valueExpression => Expression.Property(valueExpression, p),
                    // Note: default to string escaping
                    stringProcessing: name == propertyConfiguration.TextProperty ? StringProcessing.Split : StringProcessing.EscapeAndIncludeName,
                    // CODE example != null
                    valueValidExpressionFactories: new List<Func<Expression, Expression>>{ valueExpression => Expression.NotEqual(valueExpression, Expression.Constant(null)) },
                    featureGroup: VowpalWabbitConstants.DefaultNamespace);

            // find label
            var labelProperties =
                from p in type.GetProperties()
                // removing any JsonIgnore properties
                where !p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), true).Any()
                let attr = (JsonPropertyAttribute)p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault()
                    // model OptIn/OptOut
                    (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptOut || (exampleMemberSerialization == MemberSerialization.OptIn && attr != null))
                let name = attr != null && attr.PropertyName != null ? attr.PropertyName : p.Name
                // filterint labels for now
                where name == propertyConfiguration.LabelProperty
                    // labels must be ILabel or string
                    // Note: from the JSON side they actually can be anything that serializes to the same properties as ILabel implementors
                    (name == propertyConfiguration.LabelProperty &&
                    (typeof(ILabel).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType) || p.PropertyType == typeof(string)))
                select new LabelExpression
                    LabelType = p.PropertyType,
                    Name = name,
                    // CODE example.Label
                    ValueExpressionFactory = valueExpression => Expression.Property(valueExpression, p),
                    // CODE example != null
                    ValueValidExpressionFactories = new List<Func<Expression, Expression>>{ valueExpression => Expression.NotEqual(valueExpression, Expression.Constant(null)) }

            return new Schema
                Label = labelProperties.FirstOrDefault(),
                Features = namespaceFeatures.Union(defaultNamespaceFeatures).ToList()