public static void ApplyVisibility(GameObject obj, bool inheritVisible = true, string instanceName = "") { Node node = nodes[]; CollectionNode collectionNode = node.collectionInstance; if (null != collectionNode) { instanceName = instanceName + "/" +; foreach (Node n in collectionNode.objects) { foreach (Tuple <GameObject, string> item in n.instances) { if (item.Item2 == instanceName) { ApplyVisibility(item.Item1, collectionNode.visible && collectionNode.tempVisible && node.visible && node.tempVisible && inheritVisible, item.Item2); } } } ApplyCollectionVisibility(collectionNode, instanceName, collectionNode.visible && collectionNode.tempVisible && node.visible && node.tempVisible && inheritVisible); obj = obj.transform.Find(Utils.blenderCollectionInstanceOffset).gameObject; } EnableComponents(obj, node.containerVisible & node.visible & node.tempVisible & inheritVisible); // Enable/Disable light VRtistMixer.SetLightEnabled(obj, node.containerVisible & node.visible & node.tempVisible & inheritVisible); }
public void RemoveInstance(GameObject obj) { foreach (Tuple <GameObject, string> item in instances) { if (item.Item1 == obj) { instances.Remove(item); VRtistMixer.OnInstanceRemoved(obj); break; } } }
public static void Rename(string srcName, string dstName) { if (nodes.ContainsKey(srcName)) { Node node = nodes[srcName]; = dstName; foreach (Tuple <GameObject, string> obj in node.instances) { = dstName; VRtistMixer.OnObjectRenamed(obj.Item1); } nodes[dstName] = node; nodes.Remove(srcName); } }
public void JoinRoom(string roomName) { byte[] nameBuffer = Converter.StringToBytes(roomName); byte[] mockVersionBuffer = Converter.StringToBytes("ignored"); byte[] versionCheckBuffer = Converter.BoolToBytes(true); byte[] buffer = Converter.ConcatenateBuffers(new List <byte[]> { nameBuffer, mockVersionBuffer, mockVersionBuffer, versionCheckBuffer }); NetCommand command = new NetCommand(buffer, MessageType.JoinRoom); AddCommand(command); string json = VRtistMixer.CreateClientNameAndColor(); if (null == json) { return; } NetCommand commandClientInfo = new NetCommand(Converter.StringToBytes(json), MessageType.SetClientCustomAttribute); AddCommand(commandClientInfo); }
public bool UnpackFromClientId(NetCommand command, ref List <NetCommand> commands) { int index = 0; string masterId = Converter.GetString(, ref index); // For debug purpose (unity in editor mode when networkSettings.master is empty) string currentMasterId = VRtistMixer.GetMasterId(); if (null == currentMasterId || currentMasterId.Length == 0) { VRtistMixer.SetMasterId(masterId); } if (masterId != VRtistMixer.GetMasterId()) { return(false); } int remainingData = - index; while (remainingData > 0) { int dataLength = Converter.GetInt(, ref index); remainingData -= dataLength + sizeof(int); dataLength -= sizeof(int); int messageType = Converter.GetInt(, ref index); byte[] newBuffer = new byte[dataLength]; Buffer.BlockCopy(, index, newBuffer, 0, dataLength); index += dataLength; NetCommand newCommand = new NetCommand(newBuffer, (MessageType)messageType); commands.Add(newCommand); } return(true); }
public void AddInstance(GameObject obj, string collectionInstanceName = "/") { instances.Add(new Tuple <GameObject, string>(obj, collectionInstanceName)); VRtistMixer.OnInstanceAdded(obj); }
public void Connect() { connected = false; string[] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); #if UNITY_EDITOR // For debug purpose use the network settings VRtistMixer.GetNetworkData(ref hostname, ref room, ref port, ref master, ref userName, ref userColor); #else hostname = null; #endif // Read command line for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "--room") { room = args[i + 1]; } if (args[i] == "--hostname") { hostname = args[i + 1]; } if (args[i] == "--port") { Int32.TryParse(args[i + 1], out port); } if (args[i] == "--master") { master = args[i + 1]; } if (args[i] == "--username") { userName = args[i + 1]; } if (args[i] == "--usercolor") { ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(args[i + 1], out userColor); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR VRtistMixer.SetNetworkData(room, master, userName, userColor); #endif if (null == hostname) { return; } IPAddress ipAddress = GetIpAddressFromHostname(hostname); if (null == ipAddress) { return; } IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port); // Create a TCP/IP socket. socket = new Socket(ipAddress.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); // Connect the socket to the remote endpoint. Catch any errors. try { socket.Connect(remoteEP); } catch (ArgumentNullException ane) { Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException : {0}", ane.ToString()); return; } catch (SocketException se) { Console.WriteLine("SocketException : {0}", se.ToString()); return; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception : {0}", e.ToString()); return; } JoinRoom(room); connected = true; NetCommand command = new NetCommand(new byte[0], MessageType.ClientId); AddCommand(command); NetCommand commandListClients = new NetCommand(new byte[0], MessageType.ListAllClients); AddCommand(commandListClients); thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run)); thread.Start(); }