protected override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase builder)

            var ob = builder as MyObjectBuilder_AudioDefinition;
            MyDebug.AssertDebug(ob != null);

            this.SoundData = ob.SoundData;
            this.SoundData.SubtypeId = base.Id.SubtypeId;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates values of omnidirectional emitter.
        /// Omnidirectional means it's same for all directions. There's no Cone and Front/Top vectors are not used.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void UpdateValuesOmni(this Emitter emitter, Vector3 position, Vector3 velocity, MySoundData cue, int channelsCount, float? customMaxDistance)
            emitter.Position = new SharpDX.Vector3(position.X, position.Y, position.Z);
            emitter.Velocity = new SharpDX.Vector3(velocity.X, velocity.Y, velocity.Z);

            float maxDistance = customMaxDistance.HasValue ? customMaxDistance.Value : cue.MaxDistance;
            emitter.DopplerScaler = 1f;
            emitter.CurveDistanceScaler = maxDistance;
            emitter.VolumeCurve = MyDistanceCurves.Curves[(int)cue.VolumeCurve];

            emitter.InnerRadius = (channelsCount > 2) ? maxDistance : 0f;
            emitter.InnerRadiusAngle = (channelsCount > 2) ? 0.5f * SharpDX.AngleSingle.RightAngle.Radians : 0f;
        public MyInMemoryWave(MySoundData cue, string path)
            using (var stream = MyFileSystem.OpenRead(path))
                m_stream = new SoundStream(stream);
                m_waveFormat = m_stream.Format;
                m_buffer = new AudioBuffer
                    Stream = m_stream.ToDataStream(),
                    AudioBytes = (int)m_stream.Length,
                    Flags = BufferFlags.None

                if (cue.Loopable)
                    m_buffer.LoopCount = AudioBuffer.LoopInfinite;

        protected override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionBase builder)

            var ob = builder as MyObjectBuilder_AudioDefinition;
            MyDebug.AssertDebug(ob != null);

            this.SoundData = ob.SoundData;
            this.SoundData.SubtypeId = base.Id.SubtypeId;

            if (this.SoundData.Loopable)
                bool hasLoop = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < this.SoundData.Waves.Count; i++) {
                    hasLoop &= this.SoundData.Waves[i].Loop != null;
                //MyDebug.AssertDebug(hasLoop, String.Format("Sound '{0}' has <Loopable> tag set to TRUE, but is missing a <Loop> in <Wave>, please fix the .sbc", this.SoundData.SubtypeId));
Example #5
 private float PitchVariation(MySoundData cue)
     return MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(-1f, 1f) * cue.PitchVariation / 100f;
Example #6
 private float VolumeVariation(MySoundData cue)
     return MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(-1f, 1f) * cue.VolumeVariation * 0.07f;
 void cuesCombo_OnSelect()
     m_currentCueSelectedItem = (int)m_cuesCombo.GetSelectedKey();
     var cue = new MyCueId(MyStringHash.TryGet(m_cuesCombo.GetSelectedValue().ToString()));
     m_currentCue = MyAudio.Static.GetCue(cue);
 private void PlayMusic(MyCueId cue, MyStringHash effect, int effectDuration = 2000, MyCueId[] cueIds = null, bool play = true)
     if (MyAudio.Static == null)
         m_musicSourceVoice = MyAudio.Static.PlayMusicCue(cue, true);
     if (m_musicSourceVoice != null)
         if (effect != MyStringHash.NullOrEmpty)
             m_musicSourceVoice = MyAudio.Static.ApplyEffect(m_musicSourceVoice, effect, cueIds, effectDuration, true).OutputSound;
         if (m_musicSourceVoice != null)
             m_musicSourceVoice.StoppedPlaying += MusicStopped;
     m_lastMusicData = MyAudio.Static.GetCue(cue);
        public void PlaySoundWithDistance(MyCueId soundId, bool stopPrevious = false, bool skipIntro = false, bool force2D = false, bool useDistanceCheck = true, bool alwaysHearOnRealistic = false, bool skipToEnd = false)
            m_lastSoundData = MyAudio.Static.GetCue(soundId);

            if (useDistanceCheck)
                m_closeSoundCueId = soundId;

            if (useDistanceCheck && ShouldPlay2D() == false && force2D == false)
                soundId = CheckDistanceSounds(soundId);

            bool usesDistanceSoundsCache = m_usesDistanceSounds;
            if (m_sound != null)
                if (stopPrevious)
                else if (m_sound.IsLoopable)
                    var sound = Sound;
            if (m_secondarySound != null)
            SoundId = soundId;
            PlaySoundInternal((skipIntro || skipToEnd), force2D: force2D, alwaysHearOnRealistic: alwaysHearOnRealistic, skipToEnd: skipToEnd);
            m_usesDistanceSounds = usesDistanceSoundsCache;
        private MyCueId SelectCue(MySoundPair sound)
            if (m_useRealisticByDefault)
                if (m_lastSoundData == null)
                    m_lastSoundData = MyAudio.Static.GetCue(sound.Realistic);

                if (m_lastSoundData != null && m_lastSoundData.AlwaysUseOneMode)
                    m_realistic = true;
                    return sound.Realistic;

                MyCockpit cockpit = MySession.Static.LocalCharacter != null ? MySession.Static.LocalCharacter.Parent as MyCockpit : null;
                bool isLargePressurizedCockpit = (cockpit != null && cockpit.CubeGrid.GridSizeEnum == VRage.Game.MyCubeSize.Large && cockpit.BlockDefinition.IsPressurized);
                if (IsThereAir() || isLargePressurizedCockpit)
                    m_realistic = false;
                    return sound.Arcade;
                    m_realistic = true;
                    return sound.Realistic;
                m_realistic = false;
                return sound.Arcade;
Example #11
        public bool Add(MySoundData cue, MyAudioWave cueWave)
            string[] files = { cueWave.Start, cueWave.Loop, cueWave.End };
            SharpDX.Multimedia.WaveFormatEncoding encoding = SharpDX.Multimedia.WaveFormatEncoding.Unknown;
            bool result = true;
            int i = 0;
            foreach (var waveFilename in files)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(waveFilename) || m_waves.ContainsKey(waveFilename))

                var fsPath = Path.IsPathRooted(waveFilename) ? waveFilename : Path.Combine(MyFileSystem.ContentPath, "Audio", waveFilename);
                var exists = MyFileSystem.FileExists(fsPath);
                result |= exists;
                if (exists)
                    if (cue.StreamSound)
                        return true;
                        MyInMemoryWave wave = new MyInMemoryWave(cue, fsPath, this);
                        if (i != 2)
                            wave.Buffer.LoopCount = 0;
                        m_waves[waveFilename] = wave;

                        // check the formats
                        if (encoding == SharpDX.Multimedia.WaveFormatEncoding.Unknown)
                            encoding = wave.WaveFormat.Encoding;

                        // check the formats
                        if (wave.WaveFormat.Encoding == SharpDX.Multimedia.WaveFormatEncoding.Unknown)
                            if (MyAudio.OnSoundError != null)
                                var msg = string.Format("Unknown audio encoding '{0}', '{1}'", cue.SubtypeId.ToString(), waveFilename);
                                MyAudio.OnSoundError(cue, msg);
                            result = false;

                        // 3D sounds must be mono
                        if (cueWave.Type == MySoundDimensions.D3 && wave.WaveFormat.Channels != 1)
                            if (MyAudio.OnSoundError != null)
                                var msg = string.Format("3D sound '{0}', '{1}' must be in mono, got {2} channels", cue.SubtypeId.ToString(), waveFilename, wave.WaveFormat.Channels);
                                MyAudio.OnSoundError(cue, msg);
                            result = false;

                        // all parts of the sound must have the same encoding
                        if (wave.WaveFormat.Encoding != encoding)
                            if (MyAudio.OnSoundError != null)
                                var msg = string.Format("Inconsistent sound encoding in '{0}', '{1}', got '{2}', expected '{3}'", cue.SubtypeId.ToString(), waveFilename, wave.WaveFormat.Encoding, encoding);
                                MyAudio.OnSoundError(cue, msg);
                            result = false;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (MyAudio.OnSoundError != null)
                            var msg = string.Format("Unable to load audio file: '{0}', '{1}': {2}", cue.SubtypeId.ToString(), waveFilename, e.ToString());
                            MyAudio.OnSoundError(cue, msg);
                        result = false;
                    // Second catch shouldn't be needed according to
                    // all non-exceptions will be wrapped as type derived from Exception and caught above.
                    //    if (MyAudio.OnSoundError != null)
                    //    {
                    //        var msg = string.Format("Unable to load audio file: '{0}', '{1}': {2}", cue.SubtypeId.ToString(), waveFilename, "Something went horribly wrong");
                    //        MyAudio.OnSoundError(cue, msg);
                    //    }
                    //    result = false;
                    if (MyAudio.OnSoundError != null)
                        var msg = string.Format("Unable to find audio file: '{0}', '{1}'", cue.SubtypeId.ToString(), waveFilename);
                        MyAudio.OnSoundError(cue, msg);
                    result = false;
            return result;
Example #12
        public MyInMemoryWave GetStreamedWave(string filename, MySoundData cue, MySoundDimensions dim = MySoundDimensions.D2)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                return null;

            SharpDX.Multimedia.WaveFormatEncoding encoding = SharpDX.Multimedia.WaveFormatEncoding.Unknown;
            var fsPath = Path.IsPathRooted(filename) ? filename : Path.Combine(MyFileSystem.ContentPath, "Audio", filename);
            var exists = MyFileSystem.FileExists(fsPath);
            if (exists)
                    MyInMemoryWave wave;
                    if (!LoadedStreamedWaves.TryGetValue(fsPath, out wave))
                        wave = LoadedStreamedWaves[fsPath] = new MyInMemoryWave(cue, fsPath, this, true);

                    // check the formats
                    if (encoding == SharpDX.Multimedia.WaveFormatEncoding.Unknown)
                        encoding = wave.WaveFormat.Encoding;

                    // check the formats
                    if (wave.WaveFormat.Encoding == SharpDX.Multimedia.WaveFormatEncoding.Unknown)
                        if (MyAudio.OnSoundError != null)
                            var msg = string.Format("Unknown audio encoding '{0}', '{1}'", cue.SubtypeId.ToString(), filename);
                            MyAudio.OnSoundError(cue, msg);
                        return null;

                    // 3D sounds must be mono
                    if (dim == MySoundDimensions.D3 && wave.WaveFormat.Channels != 1)
                        if (MyAudio.OnSoundError != null)
                            var msg = string.Format("3D sound '{0}', '{1}' must be in mono, got {2} channels", cue.SubtypeId.ToString(), filename, wave.WaveFormat.Channels);
                            MyAudio.OnSoundError(cue, msg);
                        return null;

                    // all parts of the sound must have the same encoding
                    if (wave.WaveFormat.Encoding != encoding)
                        if (MyAudio.OnSoundError != null)
                            var msg = string.Format("Inconsistent sound encoding in '{0}', '{1}', got '{2}', expected '{3}'", cue.SubtypeId.ToString(), filename, wave.WaveFormat.Encoding, encoding);
                            MyAudio.OnSoundError(cue, msg);
                        return null;

                    return wave;
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (MyAudio.OnSoundError != null)
                        var msg = string.Format("Unable to load audio file: '{0}', '{1}': {2}", cue.SubtypeId.ToString(), filename, e.ToString());
                        MyAudio.OnSoundError(cue, msg);
                    return null;
                if (MyAudio.OnSoundError != null)
                    var msg = string.Format("Unable to find audio file: '{0}', '{1}'", cue.SubtypeId.ToString(), filename);
                    MyAudio.OnSoundError(cue, msg);
            return null;