Example #1
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*, System.Windows.Window window, ScriptEnvironment environment*/)
            var ss   = context.StructureSet;
            var body = ss.Structures.Single(st => st.DicomType == "EXTERNAL");
            var s    = SelectStructureWindow.SelectStructure(ss); // A user interface for selecting structure

            if (s == null)

            var newStr = EnlargeStructure(s, ss, 30, 20);

            if (newStr != null)
                MessageBox.Show("New structure was created: " + newStr.Id);
                MessageBox.Show("New structure could not be created");
Example #2
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*, System.Windows.Window window, ScriptEnvironment environment*/)
            // TODO : Add here your code that is called when the script is launched from Eclipse
            // check if the plan has dose
            if (!context.PlanSetup.IsDoseValid)
                MessageBox.Show("The plan selected has no valid dose.");

            // get list of structures for loaded plan
            StructureSet ss             = context.StructureSet;
            var          listStructures = ss.Structures;

            // define PTV (selected)
            //Structure ptv = listStructures.Where(x => !x.IsEmpty && x.Id.ToUpper().Contains("PTV1 REKTM")).FirstOrDefault();
            //Structure ptv = listStructures.Where(x => x.Id == context.PlanSetup.TargetVolumeID).FirstOrDefault();

            var ptv = SelectStructureWindow.SelectStructure(ss);

            // make sure the volume is non-zero
            if (ptv.IsEmpty == true)
                MessageBox.Show("Target Volume has no contours.");

            // search for body
            Structure body = listStructures.Where(x => !x.IsEmpty && (x.DicomType.ToUpper().Equals("EXTERNAL") || x.Id.ToUpper().Equals("KÖRPER") || x.Id.ToUpper().Equals("BODY") || x.Id.ToUpper().Equals("OUTER CONTOUR"))).FirstOrDefault();

            if (body == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Unbekannte Körper-Struktur-Bezeichnung. Körper, Body oder Outer Contour.");

            // --- calc Conformity index (CI)
            DoseValue dose100 = new DoseValue(context.PlanSetup.TreatmentPercentage * 100, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Percent);
            //DoseValue dose100 = new DoseValue(100, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Percent);
            DoseValue dose95 = new DoseValue(95, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Percent);
            double    ptv100 = context.PlanSetup.GetVolumeAtDose(ptv, dose100, VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3);

            double v100  = context.PlanSetup.GetVolumeAtDose(body, dose100, VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3);
            double CI    = Math.Round(v100 * ptv.Volume / ptv100 / ptv100, 2);
            double ptv95 = context.PlanSetup.GetVolumeAtDose(ptv, dose95, VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3);

            double v95  = context.PlanSetup.GetVolumeAtDose(body, dose95, VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3);
            double CI95 = Math.Round(v95 * ptv.Volume / ptv95 / ptv95, 2);

            // --- calc Gradient index (GI)
            DoseValue dose50 = new DoseValue(context.PlanSetup.TreatmentPercentage * 100 / 2, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Percent);
            double    v50    = context.PlanSetup.GetVolumeAtDose(body, dose50, VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3);
            double    GI     = Math.Round(v50 / v100, 2); // C# can handle divide-by-zero (double.infinity) so not need to check the situation
            double    GI95   = Math.Round(v50 / v95, 2);  // C# can handle divide-by-zero (double.infinity) so not need to check the situation

            // --- calc Heterogeneity index (HI)
            // get prescription dose
            double Dp = context.PlanSetup.DosePerFraction.Dose * context.PlanSetup.NumberOfFractions.Value;
            double D2 = context.PlanSetup.GetDoseAtVolume(ptv, 2, VolumePresentation.Relative, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute).Dose;

            double D98 = context.PlanSetup.GetDoseAtVolume(ptv, 98, VolumePresentation.Relative, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute).Dose;
            double HI  = Math.Round((D2 - D98) / Dp, 2); // C# can handle divide-by-zero (double.infinity) so not need to check the situation

            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Zielvolumen: {0}\rCI\t=   {1}\rCI95\t=   {2}\rGI\t=   {3}\rGI95\t=   {4}\rHI\t=   {5}\r\rBemerkung: Es sollte nur ein Zielvolumen geben.\r\rFormeln:\rCI\t=   TV*PIV/(TV_PIV)^2)\rCI95\t=   TV*V95/(TV_V95)^2)\rGI\t=   V50/PIV\rGI95\t=   V50/V95\rHI\t=   (D_2-D_98)/D_p", ptv.Id, CI, CI95, GI, GI95, HI));
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*, System.Windows.Window window, ScriptEnvironment environment*/)
            // Choose structure for DVH-export in all plans or one course of a patient
            var ss   = context.StructureSet;
            var roi2 = SelectStructureWindow.SelectStructure(ss);

            if (roi2 == null)
            string structureOfInterest = roi2.Id;

            // Choose Destination-Folder
            string startPath  = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
            var    fileDialog = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();

            fileDialog.InitialDirectory = startPath;
            fileDialog.Multiselect      = false;
            fileDialog.Title            = "Choose Destination-Folder and press OK";
            fileDialog.ShowReadOnly     = true;
            fileDialog.FilterIndex      = 0;
            fileDialog.ValidateNames    = false;
            fileDialog.CheckFileExists  = false;
            fileDialog.CheckPathExists  = true;
            fileDialog.FileName         = "Folder Selection.";
            if (fileDialog.ShowDialog() == false)
                return;    // user canceled
            var    filePath = fileDialog.FileName;
            string outputDestinationDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);

            //string outputDestinationDirectory = @"C:\Users\mg\Desktop\Skript-Output";
            string scriptname = "DVH-Export (all plans)";

            // Retrieve patient information
            Patient patient = context.Patient;

            // Iterate through all created courses and plans with dosis
            // Use all courses of a patient. Uncomment this:
            var courses = patient.Courses.Where(c => c.HistoryDateTime != null).ToList();

            // Use specific Course. Uncomment this:
            // var courses = patient.Courses.Where(c => c.Id.Equals("ProstataOnly")).ToList();
            foreach (var course in courses)
                // Iterate through alls plans with dose
                var planSetups = course.PlanSetups.Where(p => (p.Dose != null)).ToList();
                foreach (var planSetup in planSetups)
                    var listStructures = planSetup.StructureSet.Structures;
                    // search for error structure
                    Structure error = listStructures.Where(x => !x.IsEmpty && x.Id.Equals(structureOfInterest)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (error == null)
                        string message2 = string.Format("Can not find {0} in {1}", structureOfInterest, planSetup.Id);
                        MessageBox.Show(message2, scriptname, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
                    // Check for structure of interest
                    var roi = planSetup.StructureSet.Structures.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id.Equals(structureOfInterest));
                    if (roi != null)
                        // extract DVH data for ptv using bin width of 0.1.
                        DVHData dvh = planSetup.GetDVHCumulativeData(roi, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.Relative, 0.1);

                        string filename = string.Format(@"{0}\DVH_{1}_{2}_{3}.txt", outputDestinationDirectory, context.Patient.Id, roi.Id, planSetup.Id);

                        // write a header
                        string[] msg = { string.Format("Pat.Id:,{0}", context.Patient.Id), string.Format("Plan.Id:,{0}", planSetup.Id), string.Format("Structure:,{0}", roi.Id), "----,----", "Dose,Volume", "Gy,%" };
                        System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(filename, msg);

                        // write all dvh points
                        foreach (DVHPoint pt in dvh.CurveData)
                            string line = string.Format("{0},{1}", pt.DoseValue.Dose, pt.Volume);
                            File.AppendAllText(filename, line + Environment.NewLine);
            string message = string.Format("DVH-Export for {0} is finished. \nData saved in: {1}", context.Patient.Id, outputDestinationDirectory);

            MessageBox.Show(message, scriptname, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*, System.Windows.Window window, ScriptEnvironment environment*/)

            if (context.Patient == null || context.StructureSet == null)

                MessageBox.Show("Please load a patient, 3D image, and structure set before running this script.", SCRIPT_NAME, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);


            string msg1 = "";

            string msg2 = "";

            StructureSet ss = context.StructureSet;

            // get list of structures for loaded plan

            var listStructures = context.StructureSet.Structures;

            // define PTV (selected)

            //Structure ptv = listStructures.Where(x => !x.IsEmpty && x.Id.ToUpper().Contains("PTV1 REKTM")).FirstOrDefault();

            //Structure ptv = listStructures.Where(x => x.Id == context.PlanSetup.TargetVolumeID).FirstOrDefault();

            var ptv = SelectStructureWindow.SelectStructure(ss);

            if (ptv == null)

                msg2 += string.Format("'{0}' found \n", ptv.Id);

            context.Patient.BeginModifications();   // enable writing with this script.


            // FIND OAR


            // find Rectum

            Structure rectum = listStructures.Where(x => !x.IsEmpty && (x.Id.ToUpper().Contains("REKTUM") || x.Id.ToUpper().Contains("RECTUM")) && x.DicomType.Equals("ORGAN") & !x.Id.ToUpper().Contains("HK")).FirstOrDefault();

            if (rectum == null)
                msg1 += string.Format("Not found: '{0}' \n", "Rektum (OAR)");

                msg2 += string.Format("'{0}' found \n", rectum.Id);

            // find Blase

            Structure blase = listStructures.Where(x => !x.IsEmpty && x.Id.ToUpper().Contains("BLASE") && x.DicomType.Equals("ORGAN") & !x.Id.ToUpper().Contains("HK")).FirstOrDefault();

            if (blase == null)
                msg1 += string.Format("Not found: '{0}' \n", "Blase (OAR)");

                msg2 += string.Format("'{0}' found \n", blase.Id);

            MessageBox.Show(msg2 + "\n" + msg1, SCRIPT_NAME, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);


            // GENERATE HelpStructures


            int RectumHkCount = 1;

            int BlaseHkCount = 1;

            foreach (Structure scan in listStructures)

                if (scan.Id.ToUpper().Contains("ZHK REKTUM"))
                if (scan.Id.ToUpper().Contains("ZHK BLASE"))

            // HK Rektum

            if (rectum != null)

                Structure hk_rectum = ss.AddStructure("CONTROL", "zHK Rektum_" + RectumHkCount);

                hk_rectum.SegmentVolume = rectum.Margin(8.0);

                hk_rectum.SegmentVolume = hk_rectum.Sub(ptv);

            // HK Blase (german for bladder)

            if (blase != null)

                double             x1       = 5;
                double             y1       = 10;
                double             z1       = 15;
                double             x2       = 5;
                double             y2       = 20;
                double             z2       = 8;
                AxisAlignedMargins margins  = new AxisAlignedMargins(StructureMarginGeometry.Outer, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2);
                Structure          hk_blase = ss.AddStructure("CONTROL", "zHK Blase_" + BlaseHkCount);

                hk_blase.SegmentVolume = blase.AsymmetricMargin(margins);

                hk_blase.SegmentVolume = hk_blase.Sub(ptv);


            // remove structures unneccesary for optimization
