public void ParsingStoreHandlerBlankNodesTriGActual() { EnsureTestData("test-bnodes.trig"); TriGParser parser = new TriGParser(); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); parser.Load(store, new StreamParams("test-bnodes.trig")); EnsureTestResults(store); }
private void EnsureTestData(String testFile) { if (!File.Exists(testFile)) { TriGParser parser = new TriGParser(); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); parser.Load(store, new TextReaderParams(new StringReader(TestFragment))); store.SaveToFile(testFile); } }
public void ParsingTriGCollectionSyntax4() { const String data = @"@prefix : <http://example/> . :graph { :resource :predicate1 ( true 1 12.3 123e4 ). }"; TriGParser parser = new TriGParser(); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); parser.Load(store, new StringReader(data)); Assert.Equal(1, store.Graphs.Count); Assert.Equal(9, store.Triples.Count()); }
public void ParsingTriGCollectionSyntax2() { const String data = @"@prefix : <http://example/> . :graph { :resource :predicate1 ( ""a"" ""b""@en ""c""^^:datatype ). :resource :predicate2 ( :a :b :c ). }"; TriGParser parser = new TriGParser(); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); parser.Load(store, new StringReader(data)); Assert.Equal(1, store.Graphs.Count); Assert.Equal(14, store.Triples.Count()); }
public static Object LoadFromFile( f, string baseUri, rdff) { Object obj; if (rdff == dotSesameFormats.RDFFormat.N3) { obj = new Graph(); if (baseUri != null) ((IGraph)obj).BaseUri = new Uri(baseUri); FileLoader.Load((IGraph)obj, f.getPath(), new Notation3Parser()); } else if (rdff == dotSesameFormats.RDFFormat.NTRIPLES) { obj = new Graph(); if (baseUri != null) ((IGraph)obj).BaseUri = new Uri(baseUri); FileLoader.Load((IGraph)obj, f.getPath(), new NTriplesParser()); } else if (rdff == dotSesameFormats.RDFFormat.RDFXML) { obj = new Graph(); if (baseUri != null) ((IGraph)obj).BaseUri = new Uri(baseUri); FileLoader.Load((IGraph)obj, f.getPath(), new RdfXmlParser()); } else if (rdff == dotSesameFormats.RDFFormat.TRIG) { obj = new TripleStore(); TriGParser trig = new TriGParser(); trig.Load((ITripleStore)obj, new StreamParams(f.getPath())); } else if (rdff == dotSesameFormats.RDFFormat.TRIX) { obj = new TripleStore(); TriXParser trix = new TriXParser(); trix.Load((ITripleStore)obj, new StreamParams(f.getPath())); } else if (rdff == dotSesameFormats.RDFFormat.TURTLE) { obj = new Graph(); if (baseUri != null) ((IGraph)obj).BaseUri = new Uri(baseUri); FileLoader.Load((IGraph)obj, f.getPath(), new TurtleParser()); } else { throw new RdfParserSelectionException("The given Input Format is not supported by dotNetRDF"); } return obj; }
public void ParsingTriGCollectionSyntax3() { const String data = @"@prefix : <http://example/> . :graph { :resource :predicate1 ( ( ""a"" ) # 2 triples [] _:blank ( ""b""@en-us ( ""c""^^:datatype ) # 2 triples ) # 4 triples ) . # 8 triples }"; TriGParser parser = new TriGParser(); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); parser.Load(store, new StringReader(data)); Assert.Equal(1, store.Graphs.Count); Assert.Equal(17, store.Triples.Count()); }
private static ITripleStore TestParsing(String data, TriGSyntax syntax, bool shouldParse) { TriGParser parser = new TriGParser(syntax); ITripleStore store = new TripleStore(); try { parser.Load(store, new StringReader(data)); if (!shouldParse) { Assert.True(false, "Parsed using syntax " + syntax.ToString() + " when an error was expected"); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (shouldParse) { throw new RdfParseException("Error parsing using syntax " + syntax.ToString() + " when success was expected", ex); } } return(store); }
private void ParsingStoreHandlerTriGCountingActual() { this.EnsureTestData("test.trig"); StreamParams ps = new StreamParams("test.trig", Encoding.ASCII); TriGParser parser = new TriGParser(); StoreCountHandler counter = new StoreCountHandler(); parser.Load(counter, ps); Graph configOrig = new Graph(); configOrig.LoadFromEmbeddedResource("VDS.RDF.Configuration.configuration.ttl"); Graph lvnOrig = new Graph(); lvnOrig.LoadFromEmbeddedResource("VDS.RDF.Query.Expressions.Functions.LeviathanFunctionLibrary.ttl"); Assert.AreEqual(2, counter.GraphCount, "Expected 2 Graphs to be counted"); Assert.AreEqual(configOrig.Triples.Count + lvnOrig.Triples.Count, counter.TripleCount, "Expected Triple Count to be sum of Triple Counts in two input Graphs"); }
private void ParsingStoreHandlerTriGExplicitActual() { this.EnsureTestData("test.trig"); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); StreamParams ps = new StreamParams("test.trig", Encoding.ASCII); TriGParser parser = new TriGParser(); parser.Load(new StoreHandler(store), ps); Assert.IsTrue(store.HasGraph(new Uri("")), "Configuration Vocab Graph should have been parsed from Dataset"); Graph configOrig = new Graph(); configOrig.LoadFromEmbeddedResource("VDS.RDF.Configuration.configuration.ttl"); IGraph config = store.Graph(new Uri("")); Assert.AreEqual(configOrig, config, "Configuration Vocab Graphs should have been equal"); Assert.IsTrue(store.HasGraph(new Uri("")), "Leviathan Function Library Graph should have been parsed from Dataset"); Graph lvnOrig = new Graph(); lvnOrig.LoadFromEmbeddedResource("VDS.RDF.Query.Expressions.Functions.LeviathanFunctionLibrary.ttl"); IGraph lvn = store.Graph(new Uri("")); Assert.AreEqual(lvnOrig, lvn, "Leviathan Function Library Graphs should have been equal"); }
public static void Main(String[] args) { StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter("TriGTestSuite.txt"); Console.SetOut(output); Console.WriteLine("## TriG Test Suite"); Console.WriteLine(); try { foreach (String file in Directory.GetFiles("trig_tests")) { if (Path.GetExtension(file) == ".trig") { Console.WriteLine("## Testing File " + Path.GetFileName(file)); try { //Parse in TriGParser parser = new TriGParser(); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); //parser.TraceTokeniser = true; parser.Load(store, new StreamParams(file)); //Output the Triples Console.WriteLine("# Parsed OK"); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (Triple t in store.Triples) { Console.WriteLine(t.ToString() + " from Graph <" + t.GraphUri.ToString() + ">"); } Console.WriteLine(); //Write out TriGWriter writer = new TriGWriter(); writer.HighSpeedModePermitted = false; writer.Save(store, new StreamParams(file + ".out")); //Parse back in again TripleStore store2 = new TripleStore(); parser.Load(store2, new StreamParams(file + ".out")); Console.WriteLine("# Parsed back in again"); if (store.Graphs.Count == store2.Graphs.Count) { Console.WriteLine("Correct number of Graphs"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect number of Graphs - Expected " + store.Graphs.Count + " - Actual " + store2.Graphs.Count); } if (store.Triples.Count() == store2.Triples.Count()) { Console.WriteLine("Correct number of Triples"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect number of Triples - Expected " + store.Triples.Count() + " - Actual " + store2.Triples.Count()); } } catch (RdfParseException parseEx) { HandleError("Parser Error", parseEx); } catch (RdfException rdfEx) { HandleError("RDF Error", rdfEx); } catch (Exception ex) { HandleError("Other Error", ex); } finally { Console.WriteLine(); } } } } catch (RdfParseException parseEx) { HandleError("Parser Error", parseEx); } catch (Exception ex) { HandleError("Other Error", ex); } finally { output.Close(); } }
public static void Main(String[] args) { StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter("NQuadsTestSuite.txt"); Console.SetOut(output); Console.WriteLine("## NQuads Test Suite"); Console.WriteLine(); try { //Make sure Test Directory exists if (!Directory.Exists("nquads_tests")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("nquads_tests"); } //First read in the TriG tests and serialize to NQuads Console.WriteLine("# Reading in TriG files and serializing to NQuads"); foreach (String file in Directory.GetFiles("trig_tests")) { if (Path.GetExtension(file) == ".trig") { //Skip the Bad Syntax tests if (Path.GetFileName(file).StartsWith("bad")) continue; Console.WriteLine("Reading File " + Path.GetFileName(file)); try { TriGParser parser = new TriGParser(); TripleStore store = new TripleStore(); parser.Load(store, new StreamParams(file)); Console.WriteLine("Parsed OK"); NQuadsWriter writer = new NQuadsWriter(); String outfile = "nquads_tests/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + ".nq"; writer.Save(store, new StreamParams(outfile)); Console.WriteLine("Serialized OK"); NQuadsParser nqparser = new NQuadsParser(); nqparser.TraceTokeniser = true; TripleStore store2 = new TripleStore(); nqparser.Load(store2, new StreamParams(outfile)); Console.WriteLine("Parsed serialized NQuads OK"); if (store.Graphs.Count != store2.Graphs.Count) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Wrong number of Graphs when parsed back in"); } else if (store.Triples.Count() != store2.Triples.Count()) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Wrong number of Triples when parsed back in"); } } catch (RdfParseException parseEx) { HandleError("Parser Error", parseEx); } catch (RdfException rdfEx) { HandleError("RDF Error", rdfEx); } catch (Exception ex) { HandleError("Other Error", ex); } finally { Console.WriteLine(); } } } } catch (RdfParseException parseEx) { HandleError("Parser Error", parseEx); } catch (Exception ex) { HandleError("Other Error", ex); } finally { output.Close(); } }