void FromGameObject(glTF gltf, GameObject go, bool useSparseAccessorForMorphTarget = false) { var bytesBuffer = new ArrayByteBuffer(new byte[50 * 1024 * 1024]); var bufferIndex = gltf.AddBuffer(bytesBuffer); GameObject tmpParent = null; if (go.transform.childCount == 0) { tmpParent = new GameObject("tmpParent"); go.transform.SetParent(tmpParent.transform, true); go = tmpParent; } try { Nodes = go.transform.Traverse() .Skip(1) // exclude root object for the symmetry with the importer .ToList(); #region Materials and Textures Materials = Nodes .Where(x => !x.HasTextMeshProComponent()) .SelectMany(x => x.GetSharedMaterials()).Where(x => x != null).Distinct().ToList(); var unityTextures = Materials.SelectMany(x => TextureExporter.GetTextures(x)).Where(x => x.texture != null).Distinct().ToList(); TextureManager = new TextureExportManager(unityTextures.Select(x => x.texture)); var materialExporter = CreateMaterialExporter(); gltf.materials = Materials.Select(x => materialExporter.ExportMaterial(x, TextureManager)).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < unityTextures.Count; ++i) { var unityTexture = unityTextures[i]; TextureExporter.ExportTexture(gltf, bufferIndex, TextureManager.GetExportTexture(i), unityTexture.textureType); } #endregion #region Meshes var unityMeshes = Nodes .Select(x => new MeshWithRenderer { Mesh = x.GetSharedMesh(), Renderer = x.GetComponent <Renderer>(), }) .Where(x => { if (x.Mesh == null) { return(false); } if (x.Renderer.sharedMaterials == null || x.Renderer.sharedMaterials.Length == 0) { return(false); } return(true); }) .ToList(); var uniqueMeshes = new List <MeshWithRenderer>(); foreach (var um in unityMeshes) { if (!uniqueMeshes.Any(x => x.IsSameMeshAndMaterials(um))) { uniqueMeshes.Add(um); } } MeshExporter.ExportMeshes(glTF, bufferIndex, uniqueMeshes, Materials, useSparseAccessorForMorphTarget, ExportOnlyBlendShapePosition); Meshes = unityMeshes.Select(x => x.Mesh).ToList(); #endregion #region Nodes and Skins var unitySkins = Nodes .Select(x => x.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>()).Where(x => x != null && x.bones != null && x.bones.Length > 0) .ToList(); gltf.nodes = Nodes.Select(x => ExportNode(x, Nodes, uniqueMeshes, unitySkins)).ToList(); gltf.scenes = new List <gltfScene> { new gltfScene { nodes = go.transform.GetChildren().Select(x => Nodes.IndexOf(x)).ToArray(), } }; foreach (var x in unitySkins) { var matrices = x.sharedMesh.bindposes.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray(); var accessor = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, matrices, glBufferTarget.NONE); var skin = new glTFSkin { inverseBindMatrices = accessor, joints = x.bones.Select(y => Nodes.IndexOf(y)).ToArray(), skeleton = Nodes.IndexOf(x.rootBone), }; var skinIndex = gltf.skins.Count; gltf.skins.Add(skin); foreach (var z in Nodes.Where(y => y.Has(x))) { var nodeIndex = Nodes.IndexOf(z); var node = gltf.nodes[nodeIndex]; node.skin = skinIndex; } } #endregion #if UNITY_EDITOR #region Animations var clips = new List <AnimationClip>(); var animator = go.GetComponent <Animator>(); var animation = go.GetComponent <Animation>(); if (animator != null) { clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animator); } else if (animation != null) { clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animation); } if (clips.Any()) { foreach (AnimationClip clip in clips) { var animationWithCurve = AnimationExporter.Export(clip, go.transform, Nodes); foreach (var kv in animationWithCurve.SamplerMap) { var sampler = animationWithCurve.Animation.samplers[kv.Key]; var inputAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, kv.Value.Input); sampler.input = inputAccessorIndex; var outputAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, kv.Value.Output); sampler.output = outputAccessorIndex; // modify accessors var outputAccessor = gltf.accessors[outputAccessorIndex]; var channel = animationWithCurve.Animation.channels.First(x => x.sampler == kv.Key); switch (glTFAnimationTarget.GetElementCount(channel.target.path)) { case 1: outputAccessor.type = "SCALAR"; //outputAccessor.count = ; break; case 3: outputAccessor.type = "VEC3"; outputAccessor.count /= 3; break; case 4: outputAccessor.type = "VEC4"; outputAccessor.count /= 4; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } } animationWithCurve.Animation.name = clip.name; gltf.animations.Add(animationWithCurve.Animation); } } #endregion #endif } finally { if (tmpParent != null) { tmpParent.transform.GetChild(0).SetParent(null); if (Application.isPlaying) { GameObject.Destroy(tmpParent); } else { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(tmpParent); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Prepareで作ったCopyから、glTFにデータを変換する /// </summary> public virtual void Export() { var bytesBuffer = new ArrayByteBuffer(new byte[50 * 1024 * 1024]); var bufferIndex = glTF.AddBuffer(bytesBuffer); #region Materials and Textures var unityTextures = Materials.SelectMany(x => TextureIO.GetTextures(x)).Where(x => x.Texture != null) .Distinct().ToList(); TextureManager = new TextureExportManager(unityTextures.Select(x => x.Texture)); var materialExporter = CreateMaterialExporter(); glTF.materials = Materials.Select(x => materialExporter.ExportMaterial(x, TextureManager)).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < unityTextures.Count; ++i) { var unityTexture = unityTextures[i]; TextureIO.ExportTexture(glTF, bufferIndex, TextureManager.GetExportTexture(i), unityTexture.TextureType); } #endregion if (Copy != null) { #region Meshes var unityMeshes = Nodes .Select(x => new MeshWithRenderer { Mesh = x.GetSharedMesh(), Rendererer = x.GetComponent <Renderer>(), }) .Where(x => { if (x.Mesh == null) { return(false); } if (x.Rendererer.sharedMaterials == null || x.Rendererer.sharedMaterials.Length == 0) { return(false); } return(true); }) .ToList(); MeshExporter.ExportMeshes(glTF, bufferIndex, unityMeshes, Materials, UseSparseAccessorForBlendShape); Meshes = unityMeshes.Select(x => x.Mesh).ToList(); #endregion #region Nodes and Skins var unitySkins = Nodes .Select(x => x.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>()).Where(x => x != null && x.bones != null && x.bones.Length > 0) .ToList(); glTF.nodes = Nodes.Select(x => ExportNode(x, Nodes, unityMeshes.Select(y => y.Rendererer).ToList(), unitySkins)).ToList(); glTF.scenes = new List <gltfScene> { new gltfScene { nodes = Copy.transform.GetChildren().Select(x => Nodes.IndexOf(x)).ToArray(), } }; foreach (var x in unitySkins) { var matrices = x.sharedMesh.bindposes.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray(); var accessor = glTF.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, matrices, glBufferTarget.NONE); var skin = new glTFSkin { inverseBindMatrices = accessor, joints = x.bones.Select(y => Nodes.IndexOf(y)).ToArray(), skeleton = Nodes.IndexOf(x.rootBone), }; var skinIndex = glTF.skins.Count; glTF.skins.Add(skin); foreach (var z in Nodes.Where(y => y.Has(x))) { var nodeIndex = Nodes.IndexOf(z); var node = glTF.nodes[nodeIndex]; node.skin = skinIndex; } } #endregion #if UNITY_EDITOR #region Animations var clips = new List <AnimationClip>(); var animator = Copy.GetComponent <Animator>(); var animation = Copy.GetComponent <Animation>(); if (animator != null) { clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animator); } else if (animation != null) { clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animation); } if (clips.Any()) { foreach (var clip in clips) { var animationWithCurve = AnimationExporter.Export(clip, Copy.transform, Nodes); AnimationExporter.WriteAnimationWithSampleCurves(glTF, animationWithCurve, clip.name, bufferIndex); } } #endregion #endif } }
public static AnimationWithSampleCurves Export(AnimationClip clip, Transform root, List <Transform> nodes) { var animation = new AnimationWithSampleCurves { Animation = new glTFAnimation(), }; #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER List <AnimationCurveData> curveDatum = new List <AnimationCurveData>(); foreach (var binding in AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(clip)) { var curve = AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(clip, binding); var property = AnimationExporter.PropertyToTarget(binding.propertyName); if (property == glTFAnimationTarget.AnimationProperties.NotImplemented) { Debug.LogWarning("Not Implemented keyframe property : " + binding.propertyName); continue; } if (property == glTFAnimationTarget.AnimationProperties.EulerRotation) { Debug.LogWarning("Interpolation setting of AnimationClip should be Quaternion"); continue; } var nodeIndex = GetNodeIndex(root, nodes, binding.path); var samplerIndex = animation.Animation.AddChannelAndGetSampler(nodeIndex, property); var elementCount = 0; if (property == glTFAnimationTarget.AnimationProperties.BlendShape) { var mesh = nodes[nodeIndex].GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().sharedMesh; elementCount = mesh.blendShapeCount; } else { elementCount = glTFAnimationTarget.GetElementCount(property); } // 同一のsamplerIndexが割り当てられているcurveDataがある場合はそれを使用し、無ければ作る var curveData = curveDatum.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SamplerIndex == samplerIndex); if (curveData == null) { curveData = new AnimationCurveData(AnimationUtility.GetKeyRightTangentMode(curve, 0), property, samplerIndex, elementCount); curveDatum.Add(curveData); } // 全てのキーフレームを回収 int elementOffset = 0; float valueFactor = 1.0f; if (property == glTFAnimationTarget.AnimationProperties.BlendShape) { var mesh = nodes[nodeIndex].GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().sharedMesh; var blendShapeName = binding.propertyName.Replace("blendShape.", ""); elementOffset = mesh.GetBlendShapeIndex(blendShapeName); valueFactor = 0.01f; } else { elementOffset = AnimationExporter.GetElementOffset(binding.propertyName); } if (elementOffset >= 0 && elementOffset < elementCount) { for (int i = 0; i < curve.keys.Length; i++) { curveData.SetKeyframeData(curve.keys[i].time, curve.keys[i].value * valueFactor, elementOffset); } } } //キー挿入 foreach (var curve in curveDatum) { if (curve.Keyframes.Count == 0) { continue; } curve.RecountEmptyKeyframe(); var elementNum = curve.Keyframes.First().Values.Length; var values = default(InputOutputValues); if (!animation.SamplerMap.TryGetValue(curve.SamplerIndex, out values)) { values = new InputOutputValues(); values.Input = new float[curve.Keyframes.Count]; values.Output = new float[curve.Keyframes.Count * elementNum]; animation.SamplerMap[curve.SamplerIndex] = values; animation.Animation.samplers[curve.SamplerIndex].interpolation = curve.GetInterpolation(); } int keyframeIndex = 0; foreach (var keyframe in curve.Keyframes) { values.Input[keyframeIndex] = keyframe.Time; Buffer.BlockCopy(keyframe.GetRightHandCoordinate(), 0, values.Output, keyframeIndex * elementNum * sizeof(float), elementNum * sizeof(float)); keyframeIndex++; } } #endif return(animation); }
/// <summary> /// Prepareで作ったCopyから、glTFにデータを変換する /// </summary> public virtual void Export() { var bytesBuffer = new ArrayByteBuffer(new byte[50 * 1024 * 1024]); var bufferIndex = glTF.AddBuffer(bytesBuffer); #region Materials and Textures var unityTextures = Materials.SelectMany(x => TextureIO.GetTextures(x)).Where(x => x.Texture != null) .Distinct().ToList(); TextureManager = new TextureExportManager(unityTextures.Select(x => x.Texture)); var materialExporter = CreateMaterialExporter(); glTF.materials = Materials.Select(x => materialExporter.ExportMaterial(x, TextureManager)).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < unityTextures.Count; ++i) { var unityTexture = unityTextures[i]; TextureIO.ExportTexture(glTF, bufferIndex, TextureManager.GetExportTexture(i), unityTexture.TextureType); } #endregion if (Copy != null) { #region Meshes var unityMeshes = Nodes .Select(x => new MeshWithRenderer { Mesh = x.GetSharedMesh(), Rendererer = x.GetComponent <Renderer>(), }) .Where(x => { if (x.Mesh == null) { return(false); } if (x.Rendererer.sharedMaterials == null || x.Rendererer.sharedMaterials.Length == 0) { return(false); } return(true); }) .ToList(); MeshExporter.ExportMeshes(glTF, bufferIndex, unityMeshes, Materials, UseSparseAccessorForBlendShape); Meshes = unityMeshes.Select(x => x.Mesh).ToList(); #endregion #region Nodes and Skins var unitySkins = Nodes .Select(x => x.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>()).Where(x => x != null && x.bones != null && x.bones.Length > 0) .ToList(); glTF.nodes = Nodes.Select(x => ExportNode(x, Nodes, unityMeshes.Select(y => y.Rendererer).ToList(), unitySkins)).ToList(); glTF.scenes = new List <gltfScene> { new gltfScene { nodes = Copy.transform.GetChildren().Select(x => Nodes.IndexOf(x)).ToArray(), } }; foreach (var x in unitySkins) { var matrices = x.sharedMesh.bindposes.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray(); var accessor = glTF.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, matrices, glBufferTarget.NONE); var skin = new glTFSkin { inverseBindMatrices = accessor, joints = x.bones.Select(y => Nodes.IndexOf(y)).ToArray(), skeleton = Nodes.IndexOf(x.rootBone), }; var skinIndex = glTF.skins.Count; glTF.skins.Add(skin); foreach (var z in Nodes.Where(y => y.Has(x))) { var nodeIndex = Nodes.IndexOf(z); var node = glTF.nodes[nodeIndex]; node.skin = skinIndex; } } #endregion #if UNITY_EDITOR #region Animations var clips = new List <AnimationClip>(); var animator = Copy.GetComponent <Animator>(); var animation = Copy.GetComponent <Animation>(); if (animator != null) { clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animator); } else if (animation != null) { clips = AnimationExporter.GetAnimationClips(animation); } if (clips.Any()) { foreach (var clip in clips) { var animationWithCurve = AnimationExporter.Export(clip, Copy.transform, Nodes); foreach (var kv in animationWithCurve.SamplerMap) { var sampler = animationWithCurve.Animation.samplers[kv.Key]; var inputAccessorIndex = glTF.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, kv.Value.Input); sampler.input = inputAccessorIndex; var outputAccessorIndex = glTF.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, kv.Value.Output); sampler.output = outputAccessorIndex; // modify accessors var outputAccessor = glTF.accessors[outputAccessorIndex]; var channel = animationWithCurve.Animation.channels.First(x => x.sampler == kv.Key); switch (glTFAnimationTarget.GetElementCount(channel.target.path)) { case 1: outputAccessor.type = "SCALAR"; //outputAccessor.count = ; break; case 3: outputAccessor.type = "VEC3"; outputAccessor.count /= 3; break; case 4: outputAccessor.type = "VEC4"; outputAccessor.count /= 4; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } } animationWithCurve.Animation.name = clip.name; glTF.animations.Add(animationWithCurve.Animation); } } #endregion #endif } }