Example #1
 public Field(ReturnType type, string fullyQualifiedName, Modifier m, IRegion region)
     this.returnType = type;
     this.FullyQualifiedName = fullyQualifiedName;
     this.region = region;
     modifiers = (ModifierEnum)m;
     //			Console.WriteLine("modifiers for field {0} are {1} were {2}", fullyQualifiedName, modifiers, m);
 public Property(string fullyQualifiedName, ReturnType type, Modifier m, IRegion region, IRegion bodyRegion)
     this.FullyQualifiedName = fullyQualifiedName;
     returnType = type;
     this.region = region;
     this.bodyRegion = bodyRegion;
     modifiers = (ModifierEnum)m;
 public Indexer(ReturnType type, ParameterCollection parameters, Modifier m, IRegion region, IRegion bodyRegion)
     returnType      = type;
     this.parameters = parameters;
     this.region     = region;
     this.bodyRegion = bodyRegion;
     modifiers = (ModifierEnum)m;
Example #4
 public Method(string name, ReturnType type, Modifier m, IRegion region, IRegion bodyRegion)
     FullyQualifiedName = name;
     returnType = type;
     this.region     = region;
     this.bodyRegion = bodyRegion;
     modifiers = (ModifierEnum)m;
 public override object Visit(InvocationExpression invocationExpression, object data)
     if (invocationExpression.TargetObject is FieldReferenceOrInvocationExpression) {
         FieldReferenceOrInvocationExpression field = (FieldReferenceOrInvocationExpression)invocationExpression.TargetObject;
         IReturnType type = field.TargetObject.AcceptVisitor(this, data) as IReturnType;
         ArrayList methods = resolver.SearchMethod(type, field.FieldName);
         resolver.ShowStatic = false;
         if (methods.Count <= 0) {
             return null;
         // TODO: Find the right method
         return ((IMethod)methods[0]).ReturnType;
     } else if (invocationExpression.TargetObject is IdentifierExpression) {
         string id = ((IdentifierExpression)invocationExpression.TargetObject).Identifier;
         if (resolver.CallingClass == null) {
             return null;
         IReturnType type = new ReturnType(resolver.CallingClass.FullyQualifiedName);
         ArrayList methods = resolver.SearchMethod(type, id);
         resolver.ShowStatic = false;
         if (methods.Count <= 0) {
             return null;
         // TODO: Find the right method
         return ((IMethod)methods[0]).ReturnType;
     // invocationExpression is delegate call
     IReturnType t = invocationExpression.AcceptChildren(this, data) as IReturnType;
     if (t == null) {
         return null;
     IClass c = resolver.SearchType(t.FullyQualifiedName, resolver.CallingClass, resolver.CompilationUnit);
     if (c.ClassType == ClassType.Delegate) {
         ArrayList methods = resolver.SearchMethod(t, "invoke");
         if (methods.Count <= 0) {
             return null;
         return ((IMethod)methods[0]).ReturnType;
     return null;
 public Parameter(string name, ReturnType type)
     Name = name;
     returnType = type;
 public override object Visit(ArrayCreateExpression arrayCreateExpression, object data)
     ReturnType type = new ReturnType(arrayCreateExpression.CreateType);
     if (arrayCreateExpression.Parameters != null && arrayCreateExpression.Parameters.Count > 0) {
         int[] newRank = new int[arrayCreateExpression.CreateType.RankSpecifier.Count + 1];
         newRank[0] = arrayCreateExpression.Parameters.Count - 1;
         for (int i = 0; i < type.ArrayDimensions.Length; ++i) {
             newRank[i + 1] = type.ArrayDimensions[i];
         Array.Copy(type.ArrayDimensions, 0, newRank, 1, type.ArrayDimensions.Length);
         type.ArrayDimensions = newRank;
     return type;
        public ArrayList IsAsResolve(string expression, int caretLine, int caretColumn, string fileName, string fileContent)
            //Console.WriteLine("Entering IsAsResolve for " + expression);
            ArrayList result = new ArrayList ();
            this.caretLine = caretLine;
            this.caretColumn = caretColumn;

            IParseInformation parseInfo = parserContext.GetParseInformation (fileName);
            ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.VB.CompilationUnit fcu = parseInfo.MostRecentCompilationUnit.Tag as ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.VB.CompilationUnit;
            if (fcu == null)
                return null;
            ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.VB.Parser p = new ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.VB.Parser ();
            Lexer l = new Lexer (new StringReader (expression));
            Expression expr = p.ParseExpression(l);
            if (expr == null)
                return null;

            lookupTableVisitor = new LookupTableVisitor ();
            lookupTableVisitor.Visit (fcu, null);

            TypeVisitor typeVisitor = new TypeVisitor (this);

            VBNetVisitor vbVisitor = new VBNetVisitor ();
            cu = (ICompilationUnit)vbVisitor.Visit (fcu, null);
            if (cu != null) {
                callingClass = GetInnermostClass ();

            IReturnType type = expr.AcceptVisitor (typeVisitor, null) as IReturnType;
            if (type == null || type.PointerNestingLevel != 0) {
                fcu = parserContext.ParseFile (fileName, fileContent).MostRecentCompilationUnit.Tag as ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.VB.CompilationUnit;
                lookupTableVisitor.Visit (fcu, null);
                cu = (ICompilationUnit)vbVisitor.Visit (fcu, null);

                if (cu != null) {
                    callingClass = GetInnermostClass ();
                type = expr.AcceptVisitor (typeVisitor, null) as IReturnType;
                if (type == null)
                    return null;
            if (type.ArrayDimensions != null && type.ArrayDimensions.Length > 0)
                type = new ReturnType ("System.Array");

            //			IClass returnClass = SearchType (type.FullyQualifiedName, null, cu);
            IClass returnClass = parserContext.SearchType (type.FullyQualifiedName, null, cu);
            if (returnClass == null)
                return null;

            foreach (IClass iclass in parserContext.GetClassInheritanceTree (returnClass)) {
                if (!result.Contains (iclass))
                    result.Add (iclass);
            return result;
        public IReturnType internalResolve(string expression, int caretLineNumber, int caretColumn, string fileName, string fileContent)
            //Console.WriteLine("Start Resolving " + expression);
            if (expression == null) {
                return null;
            expression = expression.TrimStart(null);
            if (expression == "") {
                return null;
            this.caretLine     = caretLineNumber;
            this.caretColumn   = caretColumn;

            IParseInformation parseInfo = parserContext.GetParseInformation(fileName);
            ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.VB.CompilationUnit fileCompilationUnit = parseInfo.MostRecentCompilationUnit.Tag as ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.VB.CompilationUnit;
            if (fileCompilationUnit == null) {
                ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.VB.Parser fileParser = new ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.VB.Parser();
                fileParser.Parse(new Lexer(new StringReader(fileContent)));
                //Console.WriteLine("!Warning: no parseinformation!");
                return null;
            //// try to find last expression in original string, it could be like " if (act!=null) act"
            //// in this case only "act" should be parsed as expression
            !!is so!! don't change things that work
            Expression expr=null;	// tentative expression
            Lexer l=null;
            ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.Parser p = new ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.Parser();
            while (expression.Length > 0) {
                l = new Lexer(new StringReader(expression));
                expr = p.ParseExpression(l);
                if (l.LookAhead.val != "" && expression.LastIndexOf(l.LookAhead.val) >= 0) {
                    if (expression.Substring(expression.LastIndexOf(l.LookAhead.val) + l.LookAhead.val.Length).Length > 0)
                        expression=expression.Substring(expression.LastIndexOf(l.LookAhead.val) + l.LookAhead.val.Length).Trim();
                    else {
                        l=new Lexer(new StringReader(expression));
                } else {
                    if (l.Token.val!="" || expr!=null) break;
            //// here last subexpression should be fixed in expr
            if it should be changed in expressionfinder don't fix it here
            ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.VB.Parser p = new ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.VB.Parser();
            Lexer l = new Lexer(new StringReader(expression));
            Expression expr = p.ParseExpression(l);
            if (expr == null) {
                return null;
            lookupTableVisitor = new LookupTableVisitor();
            lookupTableVisitor.Visit(fileCompilationUnit, null);
            //Console.WriteLine("Visited lookup table");

            TypeVisitor typeVisitor = new TypeVisitor(this);

            VBNetVisitor vbVisitor = new VBNetVisitor();
            cu = (ICompilationUnit)vbVisitor.Visit(fileCompilationUnit, null);
            //Console.WriteLine("Visited VBNetVisitor");
            if (cu != null) {
                callingClass = GetInnermostClass();
                //Console.WriteLine("CallingClass is " + callingClass == null ? "null" : callingClass.Name);
            //			Console.WriteLine("expression = " + expr.ToString());
            IReturnType type = expr.AcceptVisitor(typeVisitor, null) as IReturnType;
            //Console.WriteLine("type visited");
            if (type == null || type.PointerNestingLevel != 0) {
                //Console.WriteLine("Type == null || type.PointerNestingLevel != 0");
                //if (type != null) {
                    //Console.WriteLine("Accepted visitor: " + type.FullyQualifiedName);
                    //Console.WriteLine("PointerNestingLevel is " + type.PointerNestingLevel);
                //} else {
                    //Console.WriteLine("Type == null");

                //// when type is null might be file needs to be reparsed - some vars were lost
                fileCompilationUnit=parserContext.ParseFile(fileName, fileContent).MostRecentCompilationUnit.Tag
                    as ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.VB.CompilationUnit;
                //Console.WriteLine("Lookup table visited again");

                cu = (ICompilationUnit)vbVisitor.Visit(fileCompilationUnit, null);
                if (cu != null) {
                    callingClass = GetInnermostClass();
                    //Console.WriteLine("Got new cu, calling class = " + callingClass.FullyQualifiedName);
                type=expr.AcceptVisitor(typeVisitor,null) as IReturnType;
                //Console.WriteLine("Type visited again");
                if (type==null)	return null;
            if (type.ArrayDimensions != null && type.ArrayDimensions.Length > 0) {
                type = new ReturnType("System.Array");
            //Console.WriteLine("Here: Type is " + type.FullyQualifiedName);
            return type;
            }catch(Exception ex){
                //Console.WriteLine("Exception in internalResolve: " + ex.Message);
                return null;
        ReturnType SearchVariable(string name)
            //			Console.WriteLine("Searching Variable");
            //			Console.WriteLine("LookUpTable has {0} entries", lookupTableVisitor.variables.Count);
            //			Console.WriteLine("Listing Variables:");
            //			IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = lookupTableVisitor.variables.GetEnumerator();
            //			while (enumerator.MoveNext()) {
            //				Console.WriteLine(enumerator.Key);
            //			}
            //			Console.WriteLine("end listing");
            ArrayList variables = (ArrayList)lookupTableVisitor.Variables[name.ToLower()];
            //			if (variables == null || variables.Count <= 0) {
            //				Console.WriteLine(name + " not in LookUpTable");
            //				return null;
            //			}

            ReturnType found = null;
            if (variables != null) {
                foreach (LocalLookupVariable v in variables) {
            //					Console.WriteLine("Position: ({0}/{1})", v.StartPos, v.EndPos);
                    if (IsInside(new Point(caretColumn, caretLine), v.StartPos, v.EndPos)) {
                        found = new ReturnType(v.TypeRef);
            //						Console.WriteLine("Variable found");
            //			if (found == null) {
            //				Console.WriteLine("No Variable found");
            //				return null;
            //			}
            return found;
 public override object Visit(AST.FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, object data)
     DefaultRegion region     = GetRegion(fieldDeclaration.StartLocation, fieldDeclaration.EndLocation);
     Class c = (Class)currentClass.Peek();
     if (currentClass.Count > 0) {
         foreach (AST.VariableDeclaration field in fieldDeclaration.Fields) {
             ReturnType type = null;
             if (field.Type != null) {
                 type = new ReturnType(field.Type);
             Field f = new Field(type, field.Name, fieldDeclaration.Modifier, region);
             if (type == null) {
                 f.SetModifiers(ModifierEnum.Const | ModifierEnum.SpecialName);
     return null;
        public override object Visit(AST.ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration, object data)
            DefaultRegion region     = GetRegion(constructorDeclaration.StartLocation, constructorDeclaration.EndLocation);
            DefaultRegion bodyRegion = GetRegion(constructorDeclaration.EndLocation, constructorDeclaration.Body != null ? constructorDeclaration.Body.EndLocation : new Point(-1, -1));

            Class c       = (Class)currentClass.Peek();

            Constructor constructor = new Constructor(constructorDeclaration.Modifier, region, bodyRegion);
            ParameterCollection parameters = new ParameterCollection();
            if (constructorDeclaration.Parameters != null) {
                foreach (AST.ParameterDeclarationExpression par in constructorDeclaration.Parameters) {
                    ReturnType parType = new ReturnType(par.TypeReference);
                    Parameter p = new Parameter(par.ParameterName, parType);
            constructor.Parameters = parameters;
            return null;
        public override object Visit(AST.MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, object data)
            DefaultRegion region     = GetRegion(methodDeclaration.StartLocation, methodDeclaration.EndLocation);
            DefaultRegion bodyRegion = GetRegion(methodDeclaration.EndLocation,   methodDeclaration.Body != null ? methodDeclaration.Body.EndLocation : new Point(-1, -1));

            ReturnType type = methodDeclaration.TypeReference == null ? new ReturnType("System.Void") : new ReturnType(methodDeclaration.TypeReference);
            Class c       = (Class)currentClass.Peek();

            Method method = new Method(String.Concat(methodDeclaration.Name), type, methodDeclaration.Modifier, region, bodyRegion);
            ParameterCollection parameters = new ParameterCollection();
            if (methodDeclaration.Parameters != null) {
                foreach (AST.ParameterDeclarationExpression par in methodDeclaration.Parameters) {
                    ReturnType parType = new ReturnType(par.TypeReference);
                    Parameter p = new Parameter(par.ParameterName, parType);
            method.Parameters = parameters;
            return null;