Example #1
        public override IOnlineStatement Parse( OnlineAccount account, StreamReader reader )
            // Format of this data is HTML

            string html = reader.ReadToEnd();

            OnlineStatement statement = new OnlineStatement();

            Regex regex = new Regex( @"<td>\s*<a class=""blue noul m_link m_type""\s*onclick="".*?""\s*href=""/myaccount/.*?&historySequenceNumber=(\d+?)&.*?"">(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d)</a>\s*</td>\s*<td>\s*<div class=""s16 mb0 mr0"">\s*<div>\s*<a class=""blue m_link m_type"" onclick="".*?""\s*href=""/myaccount/.*?"">\s*<span class=""transaction_description"">\s*(.*?)\s*</span>\s*</a>\s*<div>\s*</div>\s*</td>\s*<td class=""right"">\s*<a class=""blue noul m_link m_type""\s*onclick="".*?""\s*href=""/myaccount/.*?"">(.*?)</a>\s*</td>\s*<td class=""right"">\s*<a class=""blue noul m_link m_type""\s*onclick="".*?""\s*href=""/myaccount/.*?"">(.*?)</a>\s*</td>\s*<td class=""right"">\s*<a class=""blue noul m_link m_type""\s*onclick="".*?""\s*href=""/myaccount/.*?"">(.*?)</a>\s*</td>",
                RegexOptions.Singleline );

            foreach( Match match in regex.Matches( html ) )
                // 1 = "history sequence number" - hopefully a unique ID
                // 2 = date MM/YY/DDDD
                // 3 = description
                // 4 = debit (or &nbsp;)
                // 5 = credit (or &nbsp;)
                // 6 = balance
                OnlineTransaction record = new OnlineTransaction();


            //// Columns:
            //// 0 = bank id
            //// 1 = account number
            //// 2 = account type (CHECKING)
            //// 3 = balance
            //// 4 = start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
            //// 5 = end date (YYYY-MM-DD)
            //// 6 = transaction type (CREDIT or DEBIT)
            //// 7 = transaction date (YYYY-MM-DD)
            //// 8 = transaction amount
            //// 9 = transaction id
            //// 10 = transaction description

            //reader.ReadLine(); // Skip headers

            //DateTime lastDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            //int lastSequence = 0;

            //string line;
            //while( (line = reader.ReadLine()) != null )
            //    string[] columns = line.Split( ',' );

            //    OnlineTransaction record = new OnlineTransaction();
            //    record.Amount = decimal.Parse( columns[8] );
            //    // Form BankId from account number and transaction id
            //    record.BankId = columns[1] + "-" + columns[9];
            //    record.Date = DateTime.Parse( columns[7] );
            //    record.Description = columns[10];
            //    record.Number = null;

            //    // Strip the "- Debit" suffix ING puts on the description
            //    if( record.Description.EndsWith( " - Debit" ) )
            //        record.Description = record.Description.Substring( 0, record.Description.Length - 8 );

            //    if( record.Date > lastDate ) lastSequence = -1;
            //    record.Sequence = ++lastSequence;

            //    // Transactions are given to us in descending order.
            //    // Reverse it so they are in ascending order
            //    // by inserting at the top of the list each time.
            //    statement.Transactions.Insert( 0, record );

            // TODO: Parse balances

            return statement;
Example #2
 private IOnlineStatement ParseMortgagePage( string html )
     OnlineStatement statement = new OnlineStatement();
     string balance = this.browser.RegexCapture(
         @"<td><label for=""litBalance"">.*?</label></td>\s+<td class=""currency"">\$([\d,.]*?)</td>", html );
     statement.Balance = decimal.Parse( balance );
     statement.AvailableBalance = statement.Balance;
     return statement;
Example #3
        public IOnlineStatement ParseVisa( OnlineAccount account, StreamReader reader )
            // Format is HTML
            string html = reader.ReadToEnd();

            OnlineStatement statement = new OnlineStatement();

            // Rather complex regex expression...
            // This regex only matches purchases, not payments
            Regex regex = new Regex( @"<TR class="".*?"">\s+<TD vAlign=""middle"" height=""6"" width=""13%"">\s+<FONT color=""#000000"" size=""1"" face=""Arial"">(\d{1,2}/\d\d/\d\d)</FONT>\s+</TD><TD vAlign=""middle"" height=""6"" width=""13%"">\s+<FONT color=""#000000"" size=""1"" face=""Arial"">(\d{1,2}/\d\d/\d\d)</FONT>\s+</TD><TD vAlign=""middle"" height=""6"" width=""55%"">\s+<FONT color=""#000000"" size=""1"" face=""Arial"">(.*?)</FONT>\s+</TD><TD vAlign=""middle"" height=""6"" width=""12%"">\s+<FONT color=""#000000"" size=""1"" face=""Arial"">\s+\$([\d,.]+)</FONT>" );
            MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches( html );

            // Resulting list should be in order from oldest to newest.
            // Fortunately that is how the transactions are given to us.

            // TODO: Pick out payments and finance charges, too!

            foreach( Match match in matches )
                OnlineTransaction otrans = new OnlineTransaction();

                    // First column is the date
                    otrans.Date = DateTime.Parse( Cleanse( match.Groups[2].Value ) );

                    otrans.Description = Cleanse( match.Groups[3].Value.Trim() ).Trim();

                    otrans.Amount = Decimal.Parse( Cleanse( match.Groups[4].Value ) );

                    otrans.BankId = this.CreateBankId( otrans, otrans.Description );

                    statement.Transactions.Add( otrans );
                catch( FormatException ex )
                    // Cannot parse transaction - just skip it.
                    this.LogWrite( OnlineServiceEventType.Warning,
                        string.Format( "Skipping {0}, cannot parse: {1}", match.Groups[0], ex.Message ) );

            // TODO: Parse balances

            return statement;
Example #4
        public override IOnlineStatement Parse( OnlineAccount account, StreamReader reader )
            string html = reader.ReadToEnd();

            // Mortgage is a special case
            if( account.Name.StartsWith( "Mortgage" ) )
                return this.ParseMortgagePage( html );

            OnlineStatement statement = new OnlineStatement();

            //string balance = this.browser.RegexCapture( @"Balance: \$[\d,.]+?</div>", html );
            //statement.Balance = decimal.Parse( balance );

            string regex;

            if( account.Name.StartsWith( "Checking" ) )
                regex = @"<td\s?>\s+(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d|PENDING)</td>\s+<td>.*?</td>\s+<td><span id="".*?""><a class="""" ID="".*?"" href='.*?ss_tempTransaction=(PD94.*?)&.*?'>(.*?)\s*</a></span></td>\s+<td class=""currency""\s*?>\s+\$?([\d.,]*?)</td>\s+<td class=""currency""\s*?>\s+\$?([\d.,]*?)</td>\s+<td class=""currency""\s*?>\s+(\$?[\d.,]*?)</td>";
            else if( account.Name.StartsWith( "Equity" ) )
                regex = @"<td>(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d)</td>\s+<td>.*?</td>\s+<td><span id="".*?""><a class="""" ID="".*?"" href='.*?ss_tempTransaction=(PD94.*?)&.*?'>(.*?)\s*</a></span></td>\s+<td class=""currency"">\$?([\d.,]*?)</td>\s+<td class=""currency"">\$?([\d.,]*?)</td>";
                throw new OnlineServiceException( "Parsing the " + account.Name +
                    " account is not supported at this time." );

            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches( html, regex );

            foreach( Match match in matches )
                if( match.Groups[1].Value != "PENDING" )
                    OnlineTransaction otrans = new OnlineTransaction();

                    otrans.Date = DateTime.Parse( match.Groups[1].Value );

                    otrans.Description = this.Cleanse( match.Groups[3].Value );

                    // Parse check numbers
                    if( account.Name.StartsWith( "Checking" ) &&
                        otrans.Description.StartsWith( "CHECK #" ) )
                        otrans.Number = otrans.Description.Substring( 7 ).Trim();
                    if( account.Name.StartsWith( "Equity" ) )
                        // Parse out any 3+ digit number beginning with hash mark (#110)
                        Match checkmatch = Regex.Match( otrans.Description, @"[^#]*?#(\d\d\d+)[^#]*?" );
                        if( checkmatch.Success ) otrans.Number = checkmatch.Groups[1].Value;

                    // Compute positive or negative amount based on position in debit or credit column.
                    if( match.Groups[4].Value.Length > 0 )
                        otrans.Amount = -Decimal.Parse( match.Groups[4].Value );
                    else if( match.Groups[5].Value.Length > 0 )
                        otrans.Amount = Decimal.Parse( match.Groups[5].Value );
                    if( account.AccountType == OnlineAccountType.Liability )
                        otrans.Amount = -otrans.Amount;

                    // Add to beginning of list to reverse the order from oldest to newest
                    statement.Transactions.Insert( 0, otrans );

            DateTime lastDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            int lastSequence = 0;

            foreach( OnlineTransaction otrans in statement.Transactions )
                // Calculate the Sequence
                if( otrans.Date > lastDate )
                    lastSequence = -1;
                otrans.Sequence = ++lastSequence;
                lastDate = otrans.Date;

            return statement;
Example #5
        public override IOnlineStatement Parse( OnlineAccount account, StreamReader reader )
            // Format is actually CSV, not HTML

            if( account.Name == "Visa" )
                return this.ParseVisa( account, reader );

            string text = reader.ReadToEnd();

            OnlineStatement statement = new OnlineStatement();

            // 1 = date
            // 2 = description
            // 3 = comments, with newlines
            // 4 = check number
            // 5 = debit "(" or credit ""
            // 6 = amount
            // 7 = balance
            string regexString = @"""(\d{1,2}/\d\d/\d\d\d\d)"",""(.*?)"",""(.*?)"",""(.*?)"",""(\(?)\$([\d,.-]*?)\)?"",""(.*?)""";
            Regex regex = new Regex( regexString, RegexOptions.Singleline );
            MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches( text );

            // Resulting list should be in order from oldest to newest.
            // Fortunately that is how the transactions are given to us.

            DateTime lastDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            int lastSequence = 0;

            foreach( Match match in matches )
                OnlineTransaction otrans = new OnlineTransaction();

                    // First column is the date
                    otrans.Date = DateTime.Parse( Cleanse( match.Groups[1].Value ) );

                    // HACK: Reject dates before 12/5 because that is when the new Vacu
                    // site came online.
                    if( otrans.Date < new DateTime( 2009, 12, 5 ) ) continue;

                    if( match.Groups[2].Value.StartsWith( "DBT PURCHASE" )
                        || match.Groups[2].Value.StartsWith( "POS PURCHASE" ) )
                        // Leave off the "DBT"/"POS" information as it is somewhat useless.
                        otrans.Description = Cleanse( match.Groups[3].Value ).Trim();
                        otrans.Description = (Cleanse( match.Groups[2].Value ) + " " + Cleanse( match.Groups[3].Value )).Trim();

                    int i = otrans.Description.IndexOf( "CARD NBR:" );
                    if( i >= 0 ) otrans.Description = otrans.Description.Substring( 0, i ).Trim();

                    if( match.Groups[4].Value.Length > 0 )
                        otrans.Number = match.Groups[4].Value;

                    otrans.Amount = Decimal.Parse( Cleanse( match.Groups[6].Value ) );

                    // Values displayed in parens are negative (debits).
                    if( match.Groups[5].Value == "(" )
                        otrans.Amount = -otrans.Amount;

                    // We use a hash of the running bank balance as a unique identifier
                    otrans.BankId = this.CreateBankId( otrans, Cleanse( match.Groups[7].Value ) );

                    // Calculate the Sequence
                    if( otrans.Date > lastDate )
                        lastSequence = -1;
                    otrans.Sequence = ++lastSequence;

                    lastDate = otrans.Date;

                    statement.Transactions.Add( otrans );
                catch( FormatException ex )
                    // Cannot parse transaction for some reason - just skip it.
                    this.LogWrite( OnlineServiceEventType.Warning,
                        string.Format( "Skipping {0}, cannot parse: {1}", match.Groups[0], ex.Message ) );

            // TODO: Parse balances

            return statement;