private static void uploadStudentsToDb(List<StudentModel> studentsFullList, int branchId) { pickmepleasedbEntities1 p = new pickmepleasedbEntities1(); List<StudentModel> errorList = new List<StudentModel>(); foreach (var s in studentsFullList) //studentsFullList.ForEach(s => { //remove permissions in the pickup //Yes, we give permission for Englilush Ltd. to publish photos including our child/children on website and marketing materials. //No, we do not give permission for Englilush Ltd. to publish photos including our child/children on website and marketing materials. bool resetPicker = false; foreach (var picker in s.PickUpOptions) { if (picker.Contains("for Englilush Ltd")) resetPicker = true; } if (resetPicker) s.PickUpOptions = new List<string>(); students newStudent = new students() { user_id = s.StudentID, address = s.Address, //email_1 = s.Parent2Email, first_name = s.FirstName, image = "", last_name = s.LastName, phone_home = s.HomeNum, parent_a_email = s.Parent1Email, parent_a_first_name = s.Parent1Name, parent_a_last_name = s.LastName, parent_a_phone_mobile = s.Parent1Num, parent_b_email = s.Parent2Email, parent_b_first_name = s.Parent2Name, parent_b_last_name = s.LastName, parent_b_phone_mobile = s.Parent2Num, birthday = s.BirthDay, branch_id = branchId, @class = s.SClass ?? "0", gender = s.Gender == "Male", grade = s.Grade ?? "0", health_issues = (s.HealthIssues != null) ? string.Join("*", s.HealthIssues) : null, is_active = true, pick_up_options = (s.PickUpOptions != null) ? string.Join("*", s.PickUpOptions) : null, }; try { if (s.Grade.Length > 19 || s.SClass.Length > 19) { errorList.Add(s); } else { p.students.Add(newStudent); //p.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(newStudent.first_name + ", " + newStudent.last_name); errorList.Add(s); p.students.Remove(newStudent); //throw; } } try { p.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { //throw; } //}); p.SaveChanges(); }
internal static void LoadCsv(List<string[]> data, int branchId) { pickmepleasedbEntities1 p = new pickmepleasedbEntities1(); if (data == null) return; foreach (string[] row in data) { //student DateTime bDay = DateTime.MinValue; try { bDay = DateTime.ParseExact(row[10], "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception ex) { //linesError.AppendLine("Bad BirthDay format"); //throw; } string gradeAndClass = row[9]; string Grade, sClass; GetFormattedGrageAndClass(gradeAndClass, out Grade, out sClass); students s = new students() { first_name = row[3], last_name = row[4], user_id = row[5], address = row[13], phone_home = row[14], parent_a_first_name = row[15], parent_a_last_name = row[4], parent_a_phone_mobile = row[16], parent_a_email = row[17], parent_b_first_name = row[18], parent_b_last_name = row[4], parent_b_phone_mobile = row[19], parent_b_email = row[20], birthday = bDay, branch_id = branchId, @class = sClass, grade = Grade, gender = (row[11] == "Male") ? true : false, health_issues = row[21], pick_up_options = row[22] }; p.students.Add(s); p.SaveChanges(); } }