public ActionResult Profile(ProfileModel model)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    User user = model.toUser();

                    //Will need to be uncommented when we start editing tags on the profile page
                    foreach (string tag in model.tagValues)
                        user = userManager.addTag(user, tag);
                    user = userManager.UpdateUser(user);

                return RedirectToAction("Index");
            catch (Exception ex)
                logAccessor.CreateLog(DateTime.Now, this.GetType().ToString() + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name.ToString(), ex.ToString());
                return View("Error");
        public ActionResult Profile(string profileURL)
            if (profileURL == "")
                User currentUser = userManager.GetUser(User.Identity.Name);
                return RedirectToAction("Profile", "User", new { profileURL = currentUser.profileURL });

            //throw (new ArgumentNullException());
            TempData["MessageBar"] = TempData["MessageBar"];
            TempData["Popup"] = TempData["Popup"];

                ViewBag.DisplayPicture = false;
                ViewBag.DisplayInfo = false;

                TagManager tagManager = new TagManager();

                User user = userManager.GetUserByProfileURL(profileURL);
                if (user == null)
                        string userNameLoggedIn = User.Identity.Name;
                        if (userNameLoggedIn == null || userNameLoggedIn == "")
                            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
                            user = userManager.GetUser(userNameLoggedIn);
                    catch (Exception e)

                else if ((User.Identity.Name != user.userName) && (user.isPublic != 1))
                    //if not the owner and trying to access a user that is not public
                    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
                //projectManager.moveProjectRight(user, 2);
                if (user.projectOrder == null)
                    foreach (Project p in user.projects)

                ProfileModel model = new ProfileModel(user);
                List<string> tagValues = new List<string>();
                //Put user's tags on the ProfileModel
                if (user.tagIds != null && user.tagIds != "")
                    List<Tag> tagList = tagManager.GetTags(user.tagIds);
                    foreach (Tag tag in tagList)
                    model.tagValues = tagValues;

                //ViewBag.WillingToRelocate = new List<string>(Enum.GetNames(typeof(WillingToRelocateType)));

                if (user.userName == User.Identity.Name && User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                    AnalyticsAccessor aa = new AnalyticsAccessor();
                    aa.CreateAnalytic("Profile Page Hit: Logged in", DateTime.Now, user.userName);

                    //User is going to their own profile
                    ViewBag.IsOwner = true;
                    model.connections = new List<User>();
                    if (user.connections != null)
                        foreach (string userId in user.connections.Split(','))
                            if (userId.Trim() != "")
                                int userIdInt = Convert.ToInt32(userId);
                                User connection = userManager.GetUser(userIdInt);

                    /*//depreciated. can't use .CompleteProfilePrompt any more. will have to deal with tags some other way
                     * if (userManager.IsProfilePartiallyComplete(user))
                        //User has already entered some extra information on their profile
                        ViewBag.CompleteProfilePrompt = false;
                        //User has not updated any further info on their profile
                        //Get list of tags for picking out which ones we initially want on our profile
                        List<string> listOfLowestLevelTags = userManager.GetAllLowestLevelTagValues();
                        ViewBag.LowestLevelTags = listOfLowestLevelTags;
                        ViewBag.CompleteProfilePrompt = true;
                    AnalyticsAccessor aa = new AnalyticsAccessor();
                    aa.CreateAnalytic("Profile Page Hit: Not Logged in", DateTime.Now, user.userName);

                    //User is visiting someone else's profile
                    ViewBag.IsOwner = false;

                return View(model);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logAccessor.CreateLog(DateTime.Now, this.GetType().ToString() + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name.ToString(), ex.ToString());
                return View("Error");