Example #1
        private static string GetPartHeaderLine(YencHeader header)
            long begin = header.PartOffset + 1;
            long end   = header.PartOffset + header.PartSize;

            return($"{YencKeywords.YPart} {YencKeywords.Begin}={begin} {YencKeywords.End}={end}");
Example #2
        private static void ValidatePart(YencArticle article, ICollection <ValidationFailure> failures)
            YencHeader header = article.Header;
            YencFooter footer = article.Footer;

            if (header.PartNumber != footer.PartNumber)
                failures.Add(new ValidationFailure(
                                 YencValidationErrorCodes.PartMismatch, Resources.Yenc.PartMismatch,
                                 new { HeaderPart = header.PartNumber, FooterPart = footer.PartNumber }));

            if (!(footer.PartSize == article.Data.Length && footer.PartSize == header.PartSize))
                failures.Add(new ValidationFailure(
                                 YencValidationErrorCodes.SizeMismatch, Resources.Yenc.PartSizeMismatch,
                                 new { DataSize = article.Data.Length, HeaderSize = header.PartSize, FooterSize = footer.PartSize }));

            if (!footer.PartCrc32.HasValue)
                failures.Add(new ValidationFailure(
                                 YencValidationErrorCodes.MissingChecksum, Resources.Yenc.MissingPartChecksum));

            uint calculatedCrc32 = Crc32.CalculateChecksum(article.Data);

            if (calculatedCrc32 != footer.PartCrc32.Value)
                failures.Add(new ValidationFailure(
                                 YencValidationErrorCodes.ChecksumMismatch, Resources.Yenc.PartChecksumMismatch,
                                 new { CalculatedChecksum = calculatedCrc32, FooterChecksum = footer.PartCrc32 }));
Example #3
        private static string GetHeaderLine(YencHeader header)
            var builder = new StringBuilder(YencKeywords.YBegin);

            if (header.IsFilePart)
                builder.Append(' ').Append(YencKeywords.Part).Append('=').Append(header.PartNumber);
                builder.Append(' ').Append(YencKeywords.Total).Append('=').Append(header.TotalParts);

            builder.Append(' ').Append(YencKeywords.Line).Append('=').Append(header.LineLength);
            builder.Append(' ').Append(YencKeywords.Size).Append('=').Append(header.FileSize);
            builder.Append(' ').Append(YencKeywords.Name).Append('=').Append(header.FileName);

        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes yEnc-encoded text into a <see cref="YencArticle"/>
        /// using the specified charcter encoding.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="encodedLines">The yEnc-encoded lines to decode.</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">The charcter encoding to use.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="YencArticle"/> containing the decoded binary data and meta-data.</returns>
        public static YencArticle Decode(IEnumerable <string> encodedLines, Encoding encoding)
            Guard.ThrowIfNull(encodedLines, nameof(encodedLines));
            Guard.ThrowIfNull(encoding, nameof(encoding));

            using (IEnumerator <string> enumerator = encodedLines.GetEnumerator())
                IDictionary <string, string> headers = YencMeta.GetHeaders(enumerator);
                int part = headers.GetAndConvert(YencKeywords.Part, int.Parse);
                if (part > 0)
                    headers.Merge(YencMeta.GetPartHeaders(enumerator), false);

                YencHeader header = YencMeta.ParseHeader(headers);
                YencFooter footer = null;

                // create buffer for part or entire file if single part
                var decodedBytes      = new byte[header.PartSize];
                var decodedBytesIndex = 0;

                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    if (enumerator.Current == null)

                    if (enumerator.Current.StartsWith(yEnd))
                        footer = YencMeta.ParseFooter(YencMeta.ParseLine(enumerator.Current));

                        // skip remainder if there is some
                        while (enumerator.MoveNext())

                    byte[] encodedBytes = encoding.GetBytes(enumerator.Current);
                    decodedBytesIndex += YencLineDecoder.Decode(encodedBytes, decodedBytes, decodedBytesIndex);
                return(new YencArticle(header, footer, decodedBytes));
Example #5
        private static string GetFooterLine(YencHeader header, uint checksum)
            var builder = new StringBuilder(YencKeywords.YEnd);

            if (header.IsFilePart)
                builder.Append(' ').Append(YencKeywords.Size).Append('=').Append(header.PartSize);
                builder.Append(' ').Append(YencKeywords.Part).Append('=').Append(header.PartNumber);
                builder.Append(' ').Append(YencKeywords.PartCrc32).Append('=').AppendFormat("{0:x}", checksum);
                builder.Append(' ').Append(YencKeywords.Size).Append('=').Append(header.FileSize);
                builder.Append(' ').Append(YencKeywords.Crc32).Append('=').AppendFormat("{0:x}", checksum);

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the specified <see cref="YencArticle"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="article">The yEnc-encoded article to validate.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="ValidationResult"/> containing a list of 0 or more validation failures.</returns>
        public static ValidationResult Validate(YencArticle article)
            var failures = new List <ValidationFailure>();

            YencHeader header = article.Header;
            YencFooter footer = article.Footer;

            if (footer == null)
                // nothing to validate
                return(new ValidationResult(failures));

            if (header.PartNumber > 0)
                ValidatePart(article, failures);
                return(new ValidationResult(failures));

            if (footer.PartSize != article.Data.Length)
                failures.Add(new ValidationFailure(
                                 YencValidationErrorCodes.SizeMismatch, Resources.Yenc.SizeMismatch,
                                 new { DataSize = article.Data.Length, FooterSize = footer.PartSize }));

            if (!footer.Crc32.HasValue)
                failures.Add(new ValidationFailure(
                                 YencValidationErrorCodes.MissingChecksum, Resources.Yenc.MissingChecksum));
                return(new ValidationResult(failures));

            uint calculatedCrc32 = Crc32.CalculateChecksum(article.Data);

            if (calculatedCrc32 != footer.Crc32.Value)
                failures.Add(new ValidationFailure(
                                 YencValidationErrorCodes.ChecksumMismatch, Resources.Yenc.ChecksumMismatch,
                                 new { CalculatedChecksum = calculatedCrc32, FooterChecksum = footer.Crc32.Value }));
            return(new ValidationResult(failures));
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="YencArticle"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="header">The header of the Yenc-encoded article.</param>
 /// <param name="footer">The optional footer of the Yenc-encoded article.</param>
 /// <param name="data">The binary data obtained by decoding the Yenc-decoded article.</param>
 public YencArticle(YencHeader header, YencFooter footer, byte[] data)
     Header = header.ThrowIfNull(nameof(header));
     Footer = footer;
     Data   = data.ThrowIfNull(nameof(data));
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the <see cref="YencStream"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="header">The header of the Yenc-encoded article.</param>
 /// <param name="input">An enumeration of byte chunks from the decoded Yenc-encoded article.</param>
 public YencStream(YencHeader header, IEnumerable <byte[]> input) : base(input)
     Guard.ThrowIfNull(header, nameof(header));
     Guard.ThrowIfNull(input, nameof(input));
     Header = header;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes the binary data in the specified stream into yEnc-encoded text
        /// using the specified character encoding.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">The yEnc header.</param>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream containing the binary data to encode.</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">The character encoding to use.</param>
        /// <returns>The yEnc-encoded text.</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <string> Encode(YencHeader header, Stream stream, Encoding encoding)
            yield return(GetHeaderLine(header));

            if (header.IsFilePart)
                yield return(GetPartHeaderLine(header));
            var  encodedBytes  = new byte[1024];
            var  encodedOffset = 0;
            int  lastCol       = header.LineLength - 1;
            uint checksum      = Crc32.Initialize();

            for (var offset = 0; offset < header.PartSize; offset++)
                int @byte = stream.ReadByte();
                if (@byte == -1)
                    // end of stream
                checksum = Crc32.Calculate(checksum, @byte);
                int val = (@byte + 42) % 256;

                // encode dot only in first column
                bool encodeDot = encodedOffset == 0;

                // encode white space only in first and last column
                bool encodeWhitespace = encodedOffset == 0 || encodedOffset == lastCol;

                // encode critical characters
                if (val == YencCharacters.Null ||
                    val == YencCharacters.Lf ||
                    val == YencCharacters.Cr ||
                    val == YencCharacters.Equal ||
                    val == YencCharacters.Dot && encodeDot ||
                    val == YencCharacters.Space && encodeWhitespace ||
                    val == YencCharacters.Tab && encodeWhitespace)
                    encodedBytes[encodedOffset++] = YencCharacters.Equal;
                    val = (val + 64) % 256;

                encodedBytes[encodedOffset++] = (byte)val;
                if (encodedOffset < header.LineLength)

                // return encoded line
                yield return(encoding.GetString(encodedBytes, 0, encodedOffset));

                // reset offset
                encodedOffset = 0;
            if (encodedOffset > 0)
                // return remainder
                yield return(encoding.GetString(encodedBytes, 0, encodedOffset));
            checksum = Crc32.Finalize(checksum);
            yield return(GetFooterLine(header, checksum));
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Encodes the binary data in the specified stream into yEnc-encoded text
 /// using the default Usenet character encoding.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="header">The yEnc header.</param>
 /// <param name="stream">The stream containing the binary data to encode.</param>
 /// <returns>The yEnc-encoded text.</returns>
 public static IEnumerable <string> Encode(YencHeader header, Stream stream) =>
 Encode(header, stream, UsenetEncoding.Default);