/// <summary>
        /// Runs the script event with the given input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prio">The priority to run with.</param>
        /// <param name="oevt">The details of the script to be ran.</param>
        /// <returns>The event details after firing.</returns>
        public void Run(int prio, PlayerChatEventArgs oevt)
            PlayerChatScriptEvent evt = (PlayerChatScriptEvent)Duplicate();

            evt.Cancelled = oevt.Cancelled;
            evt.Player    = oevt.Player;
            evt.ChatMode  = oevt.ChatMode;
            evt.Text      = oevt.Text;
            evt.Color     = oevt.Color;
            oevt.ChatMode  = evt.ChatMode;
            oevt.Text      = evt.Text;
            oevt.Color     = evt.Color;
            oevt.Cancelled = evt.Cancelled;
 /// <summary>
 /// Runs the script event with the given input.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="prio">The priority to run with.</param>
 /// <param name="oevt">The details of the script to be ran.</param>
 /// <returns>The event details after firing.</returns>
 public void Run(int prio, PlayerChatEventArgs oevt)
     PlayerChatScriptEvent evt = (PlayerChatScriptEvent)Duplicate();
     evt.Cancelled = oevt.Cancelled;
     evt.Player = oevt.Player;
     evt.ChatMode = oevt.ChatMode;
     evt.Text = oevt.Text;
     evt.Color = oevt.Color;
     oevt.ChatMode = evt.ChatMode;
     oevt.Text = evt.Text;
     oevt.Color = evt.Color;
     oevt.Cancelled = evt.Cancelled;
 public static bool PlayerChat(SteamPlayer steamPlayer, ref byte modeByte, ref EChatMode mode, ref Color color, ref string text)
     if (text.StartsWith("@") && steamPlayer.isAdmin)
         // Send the admin command through.
         return false;
     if (text.StartsWith("/"))
         SysConsole.Output(OutputType.CLIENTINFO, "Player [" + steamPlayer.player.name + "] executing player command: " + text);
         string cmd = text.Substring(1);
         int splitPos = cmd.IndexOf(' ');
         string args = "";
         if (splitPos > 0)
             args = cmd.Substring(splitPos + 1);
             cmd = cmd.Substring(0, splitPos);
         for (int i = 0; i < Instance.PlayerCommands.Count; i++)
             if (Instance.PlayerCommands[i].check(steamPlayer.playerID.steamID, cmd, args))
                 return true;
         // TODO: if (CVars.g_showinvalidplayercommand.ValueB)
         ChatManager.manager.channel.send("tellChat", steamPlayer.playerID.steamID, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_UNRELIABLE_BUFFER, steamPlayer.playerID.steamID, (byte)0, Color.red, "Unknown command!");
         // Processed a local command.
         return true;
     color = Color.white;
     if (steamPlayer.isAdmin)
         color = Palette.ADMIN;
     else if (steamPlayer.isPro)
         color = Palette.PRO;
     PlayerChatEventArgs evt = new PlayerChatEventArgs();
     evt.Player = new PlayerTag(steamPlayer);
     evt.ChatMode = new TextTag(mode.ToString());
     evt.Text = new TextTag(text);
     evt.Color = new ColorTag(color);
     mode = (EChatMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(EChatMode), evt.ChatMode.ToString().ToUpper());
     modeByte = (byte)mode;
     text = evt.Text.ToString();
     color = evt.Color.Internal;
     return evt.Cancelled;