Example #1
/// <summary>
/// Check whether this component is overlapping another component.
/// @param OtherComp Component to test this component against.
/// @return Whether this component is overlapping another component.
/// </summary>
        public bool IsOverlappingComponent(UPrimitiveComponent OtherComp)
            int ___ret = IsOverlappingComponent(_this.Get(), OtherComp);

            return(___ret != 0);
        /// <summary>Returns the currently grabbed component, or null if nothing is grabbed.</summary>
        public UPrimitiveComponent GetGrabbedComponent()
            IntPtr ___ret = GetGrabbedComponent(_this.Get());

            if (___ret == IntPtr.Zero)
            UPrimitiveComponent ___ret2 = new UPrimitiveComponent()
                _this = ___ret
            }; return(___ret2);
 /// <summary>Adds the component to our list of show-only components.</summary>
 public extern void ShowOnlyComponent(UPrimitiveComponent InComponent);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Event when this actor bumps into a blocking object, or blocks another actor that bumps into it. </para>
 /// <para>This could happen due to things like Character movement, using Set Location with 'sweep' enabled, or physics simulation. </para>
 /// <para>For events when objects overlap (e.g. walking into a trigger) see the 'Overlap' event. </para>
 /// <para>@note For collisions during physics simulation to generate hit events, 'Simulation Generates Hit Events' must be enabled. </para>
 /// <para>@note When receiving a hit from another object's movement (bSelfMoved is false), the directions of 'Hit.Normal' and 'Hit.ImpactNormal' </para>
 /// <para>will be adjusted to indicate force from the other object against this object. </para>
 /// </summary>
 public override void NotifyHit(UPrimitiveComponent myComp, AActor other, UPrimitiveComponent otherComp, bool bSelfMoved, FVector hitLocation, FVector hitNormal, FVector normalImpulse, FHitResult hit)
 public FPrimitiveMaterialRef(UPrimitiveComponent inPrimitive, int inElementIndex) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FPrimitiveMaterialRef_UPrimitiveComponent_int32(inPrimitive, inElementIndex), false)
Example #6
 /// <summary>Grab the specified component at a given location and rotation. Constrains rotation.</summary>
 public extern void GrabComponentAtLocationWithRotation(UPrimitiveComponent Component, FName InBoneName, FVector Location, FRotator Rotation);
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the base of the character, which is the PrimitiveComponent we are standing on.
 /// </summary>
 public override void SetBase(UPrimitiveComponent newBase, string boneName, bool bNotifyActor)
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Test whether this light affects the given primitive.  This checks both the primitive and light settings for light relevance </para>
 /// <para>and also calls AffectsBounds. </para>
 /// <param name="PrimitiveSceneInfo">The primitive to test. </param>
 /// <return>True if the light affects the primitive. </return>
 /// </summary>
 public bool AffectsPrimitive(UPrimitiveComponent Primitive)
 => E_ULightComponent_AffectsPrimitive(this, Primitive);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Clears the Show Only list. </para>
 /// </summary>
 public void ClearShowOnlyComponents(UPrimitiveComponent InComponent)
 => E_USceneCaptureComponent_ClearShowOnlyComponents(this, InComponent);
Example #10
/// <summary>Clears the Show Only list.</summary>
        public void ClearShowOnlyComponents(UPrimitiveComponent InComponent)
            ClearShowOnlyComponents(_this.Get(), InComponent);
Example #11
/// <summary>Adds the component to our list of show-only components.</summary>
        public void ShowOnlyComponent(UPrimitiveComponent InComponent)
            ShowOnlyComponent(_this.Get(), InComponent);
 /// <summary>Replicated function sent by client to server - contains client movement and view info.</summary>
 public extern virtual void ServerMove(float TimeStamp, FVector_NetQuantize10 InAccel, FVector_NetQuantize100 ClientLoc, byte CompressedMoveFlags, byte ClientRoll, uint View, UPrimitiveComponent ClientMovementBase, FName ClientBaseBoneName, byte ClientMovementMode);
 /// <summary>Replicate position correction to client when using root motion for movement. (animation root motion specific)</summary>
 public extern virtual void ClientAdjustRootMotionPosition(float TimeStamp, float ServerMontageTrackPosition, FVector ServerLoc, FVector_NetQuantizeNormal ServerRotation, float ServerVelZ, UPrimitiveComponent ServerBase, FName ServerBoneName, bool bHasBase, bool bBaseRelativePosition, byte ServerMovementMode);
 /// <summary>Replicated function sent by client to server - contains client movement and view info for two moves.</summary>
 public extern virtual void ServerMoveDual(float TimeStamp0, FVector_NetQuantize10 InAccel0, byte PendingFlags, uint View0, float TimeStamp, FVector_NetQuantize10 InAccel, FVector_NetQuantize100 ClientLoc, byte NewFlags, byte ClientRoll, uint View, UPrimitiveComponent ClientMovementBase, FName ClientBaseBoneName, byte ClientMovementMode);
 /// <summary>Replicate position correction to client, associated with a timestamped servermove.  Client will replay subsequent moves after applying adjustment.</summary>
 public extern virtual void ClientAdjustPosition(float TimeStamp, FVector NewLoc, FVector NewVel, UPrimitiveComponent NewBase, FName NewBaseBoneName, bool bHasBase, bool bBaseRelativePosition, byte ServerMovementMode);
Example #16
 /// <summary>Grab the specified component at a given location. Does NOT constraint rotation which means the handle will pivot about GrabLocation.</summary>
 public extern void GrabComponentAtLocation(UPrimitiveComponent Component, FName InBoneName, FVector GrabLocation);
 /// <summary>Adds the component to our list of hidden components.</summary>
 public extern void HideComponent(UPrimitiveComponent InComponent);
Example #18
/// <summary>Adds the component to our list of hidden components.</summary>
        public void HideComponent(UPrimitiveComponent InComponent)
            HideComponent(_this.Get(), InComponent);
 /// <summary>Clears the Show Only list.</summary>
 public extern void ClearShowOnlyComponents(UPrimitiveComponent InComponent);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Removes a component from the Show Only list. </para>
 /// </summary>
 public void RemoveShowOnlyComponent(UPrimitiveComponent InComponent)
 => E_USceneCaptureComponent_RemoveShowOnlyComponent(this, InComponent);
Example #21
/// <summary>Directly specify component to connect. Will update frames based on current position.</summary>
        public void SetConstrainedComponents(UPrimitiveComponent Component1, string BoneName1, UPrimitiveComponent Component2, string BoneName2)
            SetConstrainedComponents(_this.Get(), Component1, BoneName1, Component2, BoneName2);
 public override void ClientVeryShortAdjustPosition_Implementation(float timeStamp, FVector newLoc, UPrimitiveComponent newBase, string newBaseBoneName, bool bHasBase, bool bBaseRelativePosition, byte serverMovementMode)
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Adds the component to our list of hidden components. </para>
 /// </summary>
 public void HideComponent(UPrimitiveComponent InComponent)
 => E_USceneCaptureComponent_HideComponent(this, InComponent);
Example #24
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Ctor for easily creating "fake" hits from limited data. </para>
 /// </summary>
 public FHitResult(AActor InActor, UPrimitiveComponent InComponent, FVector HitLoc, FVector HitNorm) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FHitResult_AActor_UPrimitiveComponent_FVector_FVector(InActor, InComponent, HitLoc, HitNorm), false)
 protected override void CapsuleTouched(UPrimitiveComponent overlappedComp, AActor other, UPrimitiveComponent otherComp, int otherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, FHitResult sweepResult)
 /// <summary>Grab the specified component at a given location and rotation. Constrains rotation.</summary>
 public void GrabComponentAtLocationWithRotation(UPrimitiveComponent Component, string InBoneName, FVector Location, FRotator Rotation)
     GrabComponentAtLocationWithRotation(_this.Get(), Component, InBoneName, ref Location, ref Rotation);
 /// <summary>
 /// Have the server check if the client is outside an error tolerance, and queue a client adjustment if so.
 /// <para>If either GetPredictionData_Server_Character()->bForceClientUpdate or ServerCheckClientError() are true, the client adjustment will be sent. </para>
 /// RelativeClientLocation will be a relative location if MovementBaseUtility::UseRelativePosition(ClientMovementBase) is true, or a world location if false.
 /// <see cref="ServerCheckClientError"/>
 /// </summary>
 protected override void ServerMoveHandleClientError(float clientTimeStamp, float deltaTime, FVector accel, FVector relativeClientLocation, UPrimitiveComponent clientMovementBase, string clientBaseBoneName, byte clientMovementMode)
 /// <summary>Grab the specified component at a given location. Does NOT constraint rotation which means the handle will pivot about GrabLocation.</summary>
 public void GrabComponentAtLocation(UPrimitiveComponent Component, string InBoneName, FVector GrabLocation)
     GrabComponentAtLocation(_this.Get(), Component, InBoneName, ref GrabLocation);
Example #29
/// <summary>Grab the specified component</summary>
        public void GrabComponent(UPrimitiveComponent Component, string InBoneName, FVector GrabLocation, bool bConstrainRotation)
            GrabComponent(_this.Get(), Component, InBoneName, ref GrabLocation, bConstrainRotation?1:0);
Example #30
 public FOverlapInfo(UPrimitiveComponent InComponent, int InBodyIndex) :
     base(E_CreateStruct_FOverlapInfo_UPrimitiveComponent_int32(InComponent, InBodyIndex), false)