Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolate rotator from Current to Target. Scaled by distance to Target, so it has a strong start speed and ease out.
        /// </summary>
        public static FRotator RInterpTo(FRotator current, FRotator target, float deltaTime, float interpSpeed)
            // if DeltaTime is 0, do not perform any interpolation (Location was already calculated for that frame)
            if (deltaTime == 0.0f || current == target)

            // If no interp speed, jump to target value
            if (interpSpeed <= 0.0f)

            float deltaInterpSpeed = interpSpeed * deltaTime;

            FRotator delta = (target - current).GetNormalized();

            // If steps are too small, just return Target and assume we have reached our destination.
            if (delta.IsNearlyZero())

            // Delta Move, Clamp so we do not over shoot.
            FRotator deltaMove = delta * FMath.Clamp(deltaInterpSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            return((current + deltaMove).GetNormalized());
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes a color red->green with the passed in scalar (e.g. 0 is red, 1 is green)
        /// </summary>
        public static FColor MakeRedToGreenColorFromScalar(float scalar)
            float redSclr   = FMath.Clamp((1.0f - scalar) / 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            float greenSclr = FMath.Clamp((scalar / 0.5f), 0.0f, 1.0f);
            int   r         = FMath.TruncToInt(255 * redSclr);
            int   g         = FMath.TruncToInt(255 * greenSclr);
            int   b         = 0;

            return(new FColor((byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolate float from Current to Target with constant step
        /// </summary>
        public static float FInterpConstantTo(float current, float target, float deltaTime, float interpSpeed)
            float dist = target - current;

            // If distance is too small, just set the desired location
            if (FMath.Square(dist) < SmallNumber)

            float step = interpSpeed * deltaTime;

            return(current + FMath.Clamp(dist, -step, step));
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolate quaternion from Current to Target. Scaled by angle to Target, so it has a strong start speed and ease out.
        /// </summary>
        public static FQuat QInterpTo(FQuat current, FQuat target, float deltaTime, float interpSpeed)
            // If no interp speed, jump to target value
            if (interpSpeed <= 0.0f)

            // If the values are nearly equal, just return Target and assume we have reached our destination.
            if (current.Equals(target))

            return(FQuat.Slerp(current, target, FMath.Clamp(interpSpeed * deltaTime, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolate vector2D from Current to Target. Scaled by distance to Target, so it has a strong start speed and ease out.
        /// </summary>
        public static FVector2D Vector2DInterpTo(FVector2D current, FVector2D target, float deltaTime, float interpSpeed)
            if (interpSpeed <= 0.0f)

            FVector2D dist = target - current;

            if (dist.SizeSquared() < KindaSmallNumber)

            FVector2D deltaMove = dist * FMath.Clamp(deltaTime * interpSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            return(current + deltaMove);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Simpler Slerp that doesn't do any checks for 'shortest distance' etc.
        /// We need this for the cubic interpolation stuff so that the multiple Slerps dont go in different directions.
        /// Result is NOT normalized.
        /// </summary>
        public static FQuat SlerpFullPath_NotNormalized(FQuat quat1, FQuat quat2, float alpha)
            float cosAngle = FMath.Clamp(quat1 | quat2, -1.0f, 1.0f);
            float angle    = FMath.Acos(cosAngle);

            //UE_LOG(LogUnrealMath, Log,  TEXT("CosAngle: %f Angle: %f"), CosAngle, Angle );

            if (FMath.Abs(angle) < FMath.KindaSmallNumber)

            float sinAngle    = FMath.Sin(angle);
            float invSinAngle = 1.0f / sinAngle;

            float scale0 = FMath.Sin((1.0f - alpha) * angle) * invSinAngle;
            float scale1 = FMath.Sin(alpha * angle) * invSinAngle;

            return(quat1 * scale0 + quat2 * scale1);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolate quaternion from Current to Target with constant step (in radians)
        /// </summary>
        public static FQuat QInterpConstantTo(FQuat current, FQuat target, float deltaTime, float interpSpeed)
            // If no interp speed, jump to target value
            if (interpSpeed <= 0.0f)

            // If the values are nearly equal, just return Target and assume we have reached our destination.
            if (current.Equals(target))

            float deltaInterpSpeed = FMath.Clamp(deltaTime * interpSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            float angularDistance  = FMath.Max(SmallNumber, target.AngularDistance(current));
            float alpha            = FMath.Clamp(deltaInterpSpeed / angularDistance, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            return(FQuat.Slerp(current, target, alpha));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolate Linear Color from Current to Target. Scaled by distance to Target, so it has a strong start speed and ease out.
        /// </summary>
        public static FLinearColor CInterpTo(FLinearColor current, FLinearColor target, float deltaTime, float interpSpeed)
            // If no interp speed, jump to target value
            if (interpSpeed <= 0.0f)

            // Difference between colors
            float dist = FLinearColor.Dist(target, current);

            // If distance is too small, just set the desired color
            if (dist < KindaSmallNumber)

            // Delta change, Clamp so we do not over shoot.
            FLinearColor deltaMove = (target - current) * FMath.Clamp(deltaTime * interpSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            return(current + deltaMove);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolate float from Current to Target. Scaled by distance to Target, so it has a strong start speed and ease out.
        /// </summary>
        public static float FInterpTo(float current, float target, float deltaTime, float interpSpeed)
            // If no interp speed, jump to target value
            if (interpSpeed <= 0.0f)

            // Distance to reach
            float dist = target - current;

            // If distance is too small, just set the desired location
            if (FMath.Square(dist) < SmallNumber)

            // Delta Move, Clamp so we do not over shoot.
            float deltaMove = dist * FMath.Clamp(deltaTime * interpSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            return(current + deltaMove);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolate vector from Current to Target. Scaled by distance to Target, so it has a strong start speed and ease out.
        /// </summary>
        public static FVector VInterpTo(FVector current, FVector target, float deltaTime, float interpSpeed)
            // If no interp speed, jump to target value
            if (interpSpeed <= 0.0f)

            // Distance to reach
            FVector dist = target - current;

            // If distance is too small, just set the desired location
            if (dist.SizeSquared() < KindaSmallNumber)

            // Delta Move, Clamp so we do not over shoot.
            FVector deltaMove = dist * FMath.Clamp(deltaTime * interpSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            return(current + deltaMove);
Example #11
        // Special-case interpolation

        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolate a normal vector Current to Target, by interpolating the angle between those vectors with constant step.
        /// </summary>
        public static FVector VInterpNormalRotationTo(FVector current, FVector target, float deltaTime, float rotationSpeedDegrees)
            // Find delta rotation between both normals.
            FQuat deltaQuat = FQuat.FindBetween(current, target);

            // Decompose into an axis and angle for rotation
            FVector deltaAxis;
            float   deltaAngle;

            deltaQuat.ToAxisAndAngle(out deltaAxis, out deltaAngle);

            // Find rotation step for this frame
            float rotationStepRadians = rotationSpeedDegrees * (PI / 180) * deltaTime;

            if (FMath.Abs(deltaAngle) > rotationStepRadians)
                deltaAngle = FMath.Clamp(deltaAngle, -rotationStepRadians, rotationStepRadians);
                deltaQuat  = new FQuat(deltaAxis, deltaAngle);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpolate rotator from Current to Target with constant step
        /// </summary>
        public static FRotator RInterpConstantTo(FRotator current, FRotator target, float deltaTime, float interpSpeed)
            // if DeltaTime is 0, do not perform any interpolation (Location was already calculated for that frame)
            if (deltaTime == 0.0f || current == target)

            // If no interp speed, jump to target value
            if (interpSpeed <= 0.0f)

            float deltaInterpSpeed = interpSpeed * deltaTime;

            FRotator deltaMove = (target - current).GetNormalized();
            FRotator result    = current;

            result.Pitch += FMath.Clamp(deltaMove.Pitch, -deltaInterpSpeed, deltaInterpSpeed);
            result.Yaw   += FMath.Clamp(deltaMove.Yaw, -deltaInterpSpeed, deltaInterpSpeed);
            result.Roll  += FMath.Clamp(deltaMove.Roll, -deltaInterpSpeed, deltaInterpSpeed);
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a copy of this vector with both axes clamped to the given range.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="minAxisVal"></param>
 /// <param name="maxAxisVal"></param>
 /// <returns>New vector with clamped axes.</returns>
 public FVector2D ClampAxes(float minAxisVal, float maxAxisVal)
     return(new FVector2D(FMath.Clamp(X, minAxisVal, maxAxisVal), FMath.Clamp(Y, minAxisVal, maxAxisVal)));