Example #1
        public BSPrim(uint localID, String primName, BSScene parent_scene, OMV.Vector3 pos, OMV.Vector3 size,
            OMV.Quaternion rotation, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, bool pisPhysical)
            : base(parent_scene, localID, primName, "BSPrim")
            // MainConsole.Instance.DebugFormat("{0}: BSPrim creation of {1}, id={2}", LogHeader, primName, localID);
            _physicsActorType = (int)ActorTypes.Prim;
            _position = pos;
            _size = size;
            Scale = size; // prims are the size the user wants them to be (different for BSCharactes).
            _orientation = rotation;
            _buoyancy = 0f;
            RawVelocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero;
            _rotationalVelocity = OMV.Vector3.Zero;
            BaseShape = pbs;
            _isPhysical = pisPhysical;
            _isVolumeDetect = false;

            // Add a dynamic vehicle to our set of actors that can move this prim.
              VehicleActor = new BSDynamics(PhysicsScene, this, VehicleActorName);
            PhysicalActors.Add(VehicleActorName, VehicleActor);
            //PhysicalActors.Add(VehicleActorName, new BSDynamics(PhysicsScene, this, VehicleActorName));

            _mass = CalculateMass();

            // DetailLog("{0},BSPrim.constructor,call", LocalID);
            // do the actual object creation at taint time
            PhysicsScene.TaintedObject(LocalID, "BSPrim.create", delegate()
                // Make sure the object is being created with some sanity.
                ExtremeSanityCheck(true /* inTaintTime */);


                CurrentCollisionFlags = PhysicsScene.PE.GetCollisionFlags(PhysBody);

                IsInitialized = true;