public float Evaluate(Vector <float> input)
                        if (this.isDirty)
                            var logger = new FishLogger();
                            var useSim = true;
                            if (useSim)
                                //start new simulation to get trajactory
                                var body    = GeometryFunctions.Load();
                                var problem = new FishSimulatorOffline.Problem(body, this.activationData);
                                var dt      = new IterationDelta();
                                var sim     = new FishSimulatorOffline(problem, dt);
                                // wait to finish
                                var sol = sim.CurrentSolution as FishSimulatorOffline.Solution;
                                while (sol.IsDone == false)
                                logger = sol.logger.DeepCopy();

                            var e = GetCurrentE(logger, this.activationData);

                            this.LatestE = e;
                            this.isDirty = false;

                            // Debug.Log("end with e = " + this.LatestE);
                        //cal new E from RandomX2FDiscreteFunction and trajactory

        protected static float GetCurrentE(FishLogger logger, FishActivationData activationData)
            var mu1 = 0.5f;
            var mu2 = 0.5f;

            //As the value of v1 increases,
            //both the amplitude and the frequency decrease
            //v1 = 0; 0.1; 0.2
            var v1 = 0.001f;
            //As the value of v2 increases,
            //the amplitude remains constant and only the frequency decreases.
            //v2 = 0; 0.002; 0.006
            var v2 = 0.002f;

            var E = 0f;

            var goalPos = new float3(0, 0, 100);
            var orgPos  = new float3(0, 0, 0);
            var goalVel = 10f;

            var Ev = 0f;

            foreach (var pos in logger.LogData.trajectory.ToYVector())
                Ev += math.distance(pos, goalPos) / math.distance(orgPos, goalPos);

            foreach (var vel in logger.LogData.velocity.ToYVector())
                Ev += -vel.x / goalVel;

            var Eu = 0f;

                foreach (var activation in activationData.ToActivationList())
                    var du   = 0f;
                    var du2  = 0f;
                    var func = activation.DiscreteFunction;
                    for (var i = 0; i < func.SampleNum; ++i)
                        var dev  = func.Derivate(i);
                        var dev2 = func.Derivate2(i);
                        du  += dev * dev;
                        du2 += dev2 * dev2;
                    Eu += 0.5f * (v1 * du + v2 * du2);
            E = mu1 * Eu + mu2 * Ev;

        // public FishBrain Brain => this.brain;

        // public bool IsDone { get; set; }

        public void Init()
            this.body = this.GetComponentInChildren <FishBody>();

            this.brain = this.GetComponentInChildren <FishBrain>();

            this.perception = this.GetComponentInChildren <Perception>();

            this.logger     = this.logger ?? new FishLogger();
            this.localDelta = this.localDelta ?? new FishSimulator.Delta();
