public static void DrawGizmos(Func <float, float> function, Vector3 position, Vector2 size, Color axis, Color line, int precision = 100) { Color gizmosColor = Gizmos.color; Gizmos.color = axis; Gizmos.DrawLine(position, position + Vector3.right * size.x); Gizmos.DrawLine(position, position + Vector3.up * size.y); Gizmos.color = line; Vector3 to, from = position; for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++) { float t = HMath.Clamp01((i + 1F) / precision); float d = function(t); to = position + new Vector3(t * size.x, d * size.y); Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to); from = to; } Gizmos.color = gizmosColor; }
public static float FirstDerivative(float t, params float[] points) { t = HMath.Clamp01(t); if (t == 1F) { return(0F); } int n = points.Length; switch (n) { case 0: case 1: return(0F); case 2: return(points[1] - points[0]); case 3: return(2F * ((points[2] - 2F * points[1] + points[0]) * t + points[1] - points[0])); case 4: return(3F * ((points[3] - 3F * points[2] + 3F * points[1] - points[0]) * (t * t) + 2F * (points[2] - 2F * points[1] + points[0]) * t + points[1] - points[0])); default: n--; float combination, d = 1F - t; float add = points[0] * (-n * HMath.Pow(d, n - 1)); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { combination = HMath.Combinations(n, i); add += combination * points[i] * (-(n - i) * HMath.Pow(d, n - i - 1)) * HMath.Pow(t, i) + combination * points[i] * HMath.Pow(d, n - i) * i * HMath.Pow(t, i - 1); } return(add); } }
public static Vector2 Lerp(float t, params Vector2[] points) { t = HMath.Clamp01(t); float d = 1F - t; int n = points.Length; switch (n) { case 0: return(; case 1: return(points[0]); case 2: return(points[0] * d + points[1] * t); case 3: return(points[0] * d * d + 2F * points[1] * d * t + points[2] * t * t); case 4: float td3 = 3F * t * d; return(points[0] * d * d * d + points[1] * td3 * d + points[2] * td3 * t + points[3] * t * t * t); default: n--; float pt = 1F; Vector2 add =; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++, pt *= t) { add += HMath.Combinations(n, i) * points[i] * HMath.Pow(d, n - i) * pt; } return(add); } }
public static Bounds GetBounds(params Bounds[] bounds) { float mx = bounds[0].min.x; float my = bounds[0].min.y; float mz = bounds[0].min.z; float Mx = bounds[0].max.x; float My = bounds[0].max.y; float Mz = bounds[0].max.z; for (int i = 1; i < bounds.Length; i++) { mx = HMath.Min(mx, bounds[i].min.x); my = HMath.Min(my, bounds[i].min.y); mz = HMath.Min(mz, bounds[i].min.z); Mx = HMath.Max(Mx, bounds[i].max.x); My = HMath.Max(My, bounds[i].max.y); Mz = HMath.Max(Mz, bounds[i].max.z); } Vector3 size = new Vector3(Mx - mx, My - my, Mz - mz); Vector3 center = new Vector3(mx, my, mz) + size / 2F; return(new Bounds(center, size)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public T[] Clamp(T[] values) { return(HMath.Clamp(this, values)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public T Clamp(T value) { return(HMath.Clamp <T>(value, Min, Max)); }
public static Func <float, float> PingPong(float loops) { return((t) => { return HMath.PingPong(t * loops * 2F, 1F); }); }
/// <summary> /// Linearly interpolates between min and max by t. /// </summary> /// <param name="t"> /// The interpolation value between 0f and 1f. /// </param> public override float Lerp(float t) { return(HMath.Lerp(min, max, t)); }
/// <summary> /// Linearly interpolates between min and max by t. /// </summary> /// <param name="t"> /// The interpolation value between 0f and 1f. /// </param> public override int Lerp(float t) { return(HMath.FloorToInt(HMath.Lerp(min, max, t))); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public static float EaseInElastic(float t) { return(t != 0F && t != 1F ? -HMath.Pow(2F, 10F * (t -= 1F)) * HMath.Sin((t - 0.3f / 4F) * (2F * HMath.PI) / 0.3f) : t); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public static float EaseInCirc(float t) { return(1F - HMath.Sqrt(1F - t * t)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public static float EaseOutExp(float t) { return(t != 1F ? 1F - HMath.Pow(2F, -10F * t) : 1F); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public static float EaseInSine(float t) { return(1F - HMath.Cos(t * HMath.HalfPI)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public static float EaseInExp(float t) { return(t != 0 ? HMath.Pow(2F, 10F * (t - 1F)) : 0F); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public static float EaseOutElastic(float t) { return(t != 0F && t != 1F ? HMath.Pow(2F, -10F * t) * HMath.Sin((t - 0.3f / 4F) * (2F * HMath.PI) / 0.3f) + 1F : t); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public static float EaseOutCirc(float t) { t = 1F - t; return(HMath.Sqrt(1F - t * t)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public static float EaseOutSine(float t) { return(HMath.Sin(t * HMath.HalfPI)); }