static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { #if DEBUG var method = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(); string methodName = GetMethodName(method); #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample(methodName); #else Profiler.BeginSample(methodName); #endif #endif UnityEngine.JointMotor o; o = new UnityEngine.JointMotor(); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, o); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } #if DEBUG finally { #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample(); #else Profiler.EndSample(); #endif } #endif }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //moter = joint.motor; joint = GetComponent<HingeJoint>(); moter = new JointMotor(); moter.force = 3000; }
/// <summary> /// Write the specified value using the writer. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Value.</param> /// <param name="writer">Writer.</param> public override void Write(object value, ISaveGameWriter writer) { UnityEngine.JointMotor jointMotor = (UnityEngine.JointMotor)value; writer.WriteProperty("targetVelocity", jointMotor.targetVelocity); writer.WriteProperty("force", jointMotor.force); writer.WriteProperty("freeSpin", jointMotor.freeSpin); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { hinge = GetComponent<HingeJoint> (); moter = new JointMotor (); hinge.useMotor = true; moter.force = 100000.0f; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // speed = 10.0f; // rotVec =; hingeJoint = GetComponent<HingeJoint> (); moter = new JointMotor (); moter.force = 100; }
static public int set_force(IntPtr l) { UnityEngine.JointMotor o = (UnityEngine.JointMotor)checkSelf(l); float v; checkType(l, 2, out v); o.force = v; setBack(l, o); return(0); }
static public int set_targetVelocity(IntPtr l) { UnityEngine.JointMotor o = (UnityEngine.JointMotor)checkSelf(l); float v; checkType(l, 2, out v); o.targetVelocity = v; setBack(l, o); return(0); }
static public int set_freeSpin(IntPtr l) { UnityEngine.JointMotor o = (UnityEngine.JointMotor)checkSelf(l); bool v; checkType(l, 2, out v); o.freeSpin = v; setBack(l, o); return(0); }
void SetMotorParameters() { oldVelocity = WheelParameters.Velocity; oldMotorForce = WheelParameters.MotorForce; WheelRigidbody.hingeJoint.useMotor = true; JointMotor wheelMotor = new JointMotor(); wheelMotor.targetVelocity = WheelParameters.Velocity/Radius; wheelMotor.force = WheelParameters.MotorForce; WheelRigidbody.hingeJoint.motor = wheelMotor; }
static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.JointMotor o; o = new UnityEngine.JointMotor(); pushValue(l, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.JointMotor o; o=new UnityEngine.JointMotor(); pushValue(l,true); pushValue(l,o); return 2; } catch(Exception e) { return error(l,e); } }
static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.JointMotor o; o = new UnityEngine.JointMotor(); pushValue(l, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString()); return(0); } }
public static int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.JointMotor o; o=new UnityEngine.JointMotor(); pushValue(l,o); return 1; } catch(Exception e) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString()); return 0; } }
void OnEnable() { door_motor = new JointMotor(); door_motor.force = 10; if(!is_open) { door_motor.targetVelocity = open_velocity; is_open = true; } else if(is_open) { door_motor.targetVelocity = close_velocity; is_open = false; } }
// fields // properties static void HingeJoint_motor(JSVCall vc) { if (vc.bGet) { UnityEngine.HingeJoint _this = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint)vc.csObj; var result = _this.motor; JSMgr.datax.setObject((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, result); } else { UnityEngine.JointMotor arg0 = (UnityEngine.JointMotor)JSMgr.datax.getObject((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg); UnityEngine.HingeJoint _this = (UnityEngine.HingeJoint)vc.csObj; _this.motor = arg0; } }
static void JointMotor_force(JSVCall vc) { if (vc.bGet) { UnityEngine.JointMotor _this = (UnityEngine.JointMotor)vc.csObj; var result = _this.force; JSApi.setSingle((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, (System.Single)(result)); } else { System.Single arg0 = (System.Single)JSApi.getSingle((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg); UnityEngine.JointMotor _this = (UnityEngine.JointMotor)vc.csObj; _this.force = arg0; JSMgr.changeJSObj(vc.jsObjID, _this); } }
static void JointMotor_freeSpin(JSVCall vc) { if (vc.bGet) { UnityEngine.JointMotor _this = (UnityEngine.JointMotor)vc.csObj; var result = _this.freeSpin; JSApi.setBooleanS((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, (System.Boolean)(result)); } else { System.Boolean arg0 = (System.Boolean)JSApi.getBooleanS((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg); UnityEngine.JointMotor _this = (UnityEngine.JointMotor)vc.csObj; _this.freeSpin = arg0; JSMgr.changeJSObj(vc.jsObjID, _this); } }
void Start() { m_hingeJoint = gameObject.GetComponent<HingeJoint>(); m_hingeJoint.useMotor = true; m_hingeJoint.useLimits = true; m_hingeJoint.connectedAnchor =; motor = m_hingeJoint.motor; limits = m_hingeJoint.limits; motor.force = 75; motor.targetVelocity = m_inactiveRotationSpeed; limits.min = 0; limits.max = Mathf.Max(m_minAngle, m_maxAngle); limits.min = Mathf.Min(m_minAngle, m_maxAngle); m_hingeJoint.motor = motor; m_hingeJoint.limits = limits; }
/// <summary> /// Read the data using the reader. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">Reader.</param> public override object Read(ISaveGameReader reader) { UnityEngine.JointMotor jointMotor = new UnityEngine.JointMotor(); foreach (string property in reader.Properties) { switch (property) { case "targetVelocity": jointMotor.targetVelocity = reader.ReadProperty <System.Single> (); break; case "force": jointMotor.force = reader.ReadProperty <System.Single> (); break; case "freeSpin": jointMotor.freeSpin = reader.ReadProperty <System.Boolean> (); break; } } return(jointMotor); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // baseJoint.useMotor = true; armJoint.useMotor = true; bucketJoint.useMotor = true; unionJoint.useMotor = true; baseMotor = baseJoint.motor; baseMotor.force = 100; armMotor = armJoint.motor; armMotor.force = 100; bucketMotor = bucketJoint.motor; bucketMotor.force = 100; unionMotor = unionJoint.motor; unionMotor.force = 200; if(useLimits) { setLimits(baseJoint, baseLimits); setLimits(armJoint, armLimits); setLimits(bucketJoint, bucketLimits); } // VRPNEventManager.StartListeningTracker(VRPNManager.Tracker_Types.vrpn_Tracker_RazerHydra, VRPNDeviceConfig.Device_Names.Tracker0, trackerUpdate); }
static public int get_targetVelocity(IntPtr l) { UnityEngine.JointMotor o = (UnityEngine.JointMotor)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, o.targetVelocity); return(1); }
private static void lukeUseTheForce(int index) { //use angle of the joints and hook, or angle of the motors List<double> inputs = new List<double> (); inputs.Add ((double)(joints[index].transform.eulerAngles.z * piOver180)); inputs.Add ((double)(hooks[index].transform.eulerAngles.z * piOver180)); inputs.Add ((double)(joints2[index].transform.eulerAngles.z * piOver180)); inputs.Add ((double)(hooks2[index].transform.eulerAngles.z * piOver180)); //inputs.Add ((double)(topCyl [index].transform.position.y - botCyl [index].transform.position.y)); List<double> outputs = networks [index].calculateOutput (inputs); //botCyl [index].GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().velocity = new Vector3 ((float)outputs [0], 0.0f, 0.0f); JointMotor jm = new JointMotor(); jm.force = 3000.0f; jm.targetVelocity = 60.0f * ((float)outputs[0]); JointMotor hm = new JointMotor(); hm.force = 3000.0f; hm.targetVelocity = 60.0f * ((float)outputs[1]); joints[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().motor = jm; hooks[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().motor = hm; JointMotor jm2 = new JointMotor(); jm2.force = 3000.0f; jm2.targetVelocity = 60.0f * ((float)outputs[2]); JointMotor hm2 = new JointMotor(); hm2.force = 3000.0f; hm2.targetVelocity = 60.0f * ((float)outputs[3]); joints2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().motor = jm2; hooks2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().motor = hm2; }
public void initEverything(int index) { int x = index / 13; int z = index % 13; float sx = ((float)x) * 9.0f; float sz = 0.0f; if (x % 2 == 0) { sz = ((float)z) * 4.5f; } else if (x % 2 == 1) { sz = ((float)z) * 4.5f + 2.25f; } cubes[index] = Instantiate (cubePreFab) as GameObject; joints[index] = Instantiate (jointPreFab) as GameObject; hooks [index] = Instantiate (hookPreFab) as GameObject; joints2[index] = Instantiate (jointPreFab2) as GameObject; hooks2 [index] = Instantiate (hookPreFab2) as GameObject; wheel1s [index] = Instantiate (wheel1PreFab) as GameObject; wheel2s [index] = Instantiate (wheel2PreFab) as GameObject; /*int posneg = rand.Next (0, 2); float tchange = 0.0f; if (posneg == 0) { tchange = 0.02f; } else { tchange = -0.02f; }*/ cubesStartX [index] = cubes [index].transform.position.x + sx; cubes[index].transform.position = new Vector3 (cubes[index].transform.position.x + sx, cubes[index].transform.position.y, cubes[index].transform.position.z + sz); joints [index].transform.position = new Vector3 (joints[index].transform.position.x + sx, joints[index].transform.position.y, joints[index].transform.position.z + sz); hooks [index].transform.position = new Vector3 (hooks[index].transform.position.x + sx, hooks[index].transform.position.y, hooks[index].transform.position.z + sz); joints2 [index].transform.position = new Vector3 (joints2[index].transform.position.x + sx, joints2[index].transform.position.y, joints2[index].transform.position.z + sz); hooks2 [index].transform.position = new Vector3 (hooks2[index].transform.position.x + sx, hooks2[index].transform.position.y, hooks2[index].transform.position.z + sz); wheel1s [index].transform.position = new Vector3 (wheel1s[index].transform.position.x + sx, wheel1s[index].transform.position.y, wheel1s[index].transform.position.z + sz); wheel2s [index].transform.position = new Vector3 (wheel2s[index].transform.position.x + sx, wheel2s[index].transform.position.y, wheel2s[index].transform.position.z + sz); joints [index].AddComponent <HingeJoint>(); joints[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().connectedBody = cubes [index].GetComponent<Rigidbody> (); joints[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().anchor = new Vector3 (0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); joints[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().axis = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); joints[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = true; joints[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().useMotor = true; JointMotor jm = new JointMotor(); jm.force = 2000.0f; jm.targetVelocity = 0.0f; joints[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().motor = jm; joints2 [index].AddComponent <HingeJoint>(); joints2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().connectedBody = cubes [index].GetComponent<Rigidbody> (); joints2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().anchor = new Vector3 (0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); joints2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().axis = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); joints2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = true; joints2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().useMotor = true; JointMotor jm2 = new JointMotor(); jm2.force = 2000.0f; jm2.targetVelocity = 0.0f; joints2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().motor = jm2; hooks [index].AddComponent<HingeJoint> (); hooks[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().connectedBody = joints [index].GetComponent<Rigidbody> (); hooks[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().anchor = new Vector3 (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); hooks[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().axis = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); hooks[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = true; hooks[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().useMotor = true; JointMotor hm = new JointMotor(); hm.force = 2000.0f; hm.targetVelocity = 0.0f; hooks[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().motor = hm; hooks2 [index].AddComponent<HingeJoint> (); hooks2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().connectedBody = joints2 [index].GetComponent<Rigidbody> (); hooks2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().anchor = new Vector3 (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); hooks2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().axis = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); hooks2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = true; hooks2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().useMotor = true; JointMotor hm2 = new JointMotor(); hm2.force = 2000.0f; hm2.targetVelocity = 0.0f; hooks2[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().motor = hm2; wheel1s [index].AddComponent <HingeJoint>(); wheel1s[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().connectedBody = cubes [index].GetComponent<Rigidbody> (); wheel1s[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().anchor = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); wheel1s[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().axis = new Vector3 (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); wheel1s[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = true; wheel2s [index].AddComponent <HingeJoint>(); wheel2s[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().connectedBody = cubes [index].GetComponent<Rigidbody> (); wheel2s[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().anchor = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); wheel2s[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().axis = new Vector3 (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); wheel2s[index].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = true; }
private extern void INTERNAL_set_motor(ref JointMotor value);
void driveKart() { //Accelerate the motor JointMotor motor = new JointMotor (); motor.force = maxTorque; motor.targetVelocity = -maxSpeed*accelerate; //Free spin on the motor if (accelerate == 0) { motor.freeSpin = true; motor.force = 0; } else { motor.freeSpin = false; } rlDrive.motor = motor; rrDrive.motor = motor; accelerate = 0; //Reverse if (reverse != 0) { motor = new JointMotor (); motor.force = maxTorqueReverse; motor.targetVelocity = maxSpeedReverse * reverse; motor.freeSpin = false; rlDrive.motor = motor; rrDrive.motor = motor; reverse = 0; } //Mario kart style spinnout if (spinnout > 0) { chassisRigidBody.angularVelocity = new Vector3(0, 1000, 0); spinnout -= Time.deltaTime*10; } //Turn the wheels motor = new JointMotor (); motor.force = 1000; if (leftSteer.angle > turning) { motor.targetVelocity = -10*(leftSteer.angle-turning); } else if (leftSteer.angle < turning) { motor.targetVelocity = 10*(turning-leftSteer.angle); } leftSteer.motor = motor; if (rightSteer.angle > turning) { motor.targetVelocity = -10*(rightSteer.angle-turning); } else if (rightSteer.angle < turning) { motor.targetVelocity = 10*(turning-rightSteer.angle); } rightSteer.motor = motor; //Default the shift position GameObject gearShift = drivingPartsRender.transform.FindChild ("shiftRigged").FindChild ("Armature").FindChild ("Armature").FindChild ("Shift").gameObject;//.Rotate (new Vector3 (0, 0, 1), 1); if (gearShift.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z < 30 && accelerate == 0 && reverse == 0) { gearShift.transform.Rotate ( new Vector3 (0, 0, 1), 2); } if (gearShift.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z > 30 && accelerate == 0 && reverse == 0) { gearShift.transform.Rotate ( new Vector3 (0, 0, 1), -2); } }
void Start() { var components = GetComponentsInChildren<HingeJoint>(); foreach (var component in components) { var hinge = component; var motor = new JointMotor(); motor.targetVelocity = Velocity; motor.force = 0f; hinge.motor = motor; if ("right")) { rightWheels.Add(hinge); } else { leftWheels.Add(hinge); } } }
private extern void INTERNAL_get_motor(out JointMotor value);
public override void BuildGamePieces() { // COMPONENTS ONLY RIGHT NOW! //Debug.Log ("Build GamePieces()"); GOtargetSphere.AddComponent<GamePiecePhysXTestsBall>().InitGamePiece(); GOtargetSphere.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().useGravity = false; GOtargetSphere.transform.SetParent(ArenaGroup.arenaGroupStatic.gameObject.transform); for(int w = 0; w < numberOfSegments; w++) { GOwormSegments[w].transform.localScale = new Vector3(wormSegmentArray_Length[w][0], wormSegmentThickness, wormSegmentThickness*2f); //GOwormSegments[w].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(wormSegmentArray_PosX[w][0], wormSegmentArray_PosY[w][0], wormSegmentArray_PosZ[w][0]); // RE-EVALUATE!!! GOwormSegments[w].transform.position = new Vector3(wormSegmentArray_PosX[w][0], wormSegmentArray_PosY[w][0], wormSegmentArray_PosZ[w][0]); // RE-EVALUATE!!! GOwormSegments[w].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; Debug.Log ("BuildGamePieces() position: " + GOwormSegments[w].transform.position.ToString()); GOwormSegments[w].AddComponent<GamePiecePhysXWormSegment>().InitGamePiece(); GOwormSegments[w].GetComponent<Rigidbody>().useGravity = false; // Set starting position: //Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(wormSegmentArray_PosX[w][0], wormSegmentArray_PosY[w][0], wormSegmentArray_PosZ[w][0]); //GOwormSegments[w].GetComponent<Rigidbody>().position = newPos; //Debug.Log ("Build GamePieces() newPos: " + newPos.ToString()); //GOwormSegments[w].GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); //GOwormSegments[w].GetComponent<Rigidbody>().angularVelocity = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); if(w < (numberOfSegments - 1)) { // if not the final 'Tail' segment: } if(w > 0) { // if not the first root segment: HingeJoint hingeJoint = GOwormSegments[w-1].AddComponent<HingeJoint>(); hingeJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false; hingeJoint.connectedBody = GOwormSegments[w].GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); // connected bod of previous segment is THIS segment hingeJoint.anchor = new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, 0f); if(w % 2 == 0) { hingeJoint.axis = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f); } else { hingeJoint.axis = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f); } hingeJoint.connectedAnchor = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0f, 0f); JointLimits jointLimits = new JointLimits(); jointLimits.max = armSegmentMaxBend; jointLimits.min = -armSegmentMaxBend; hingeJoint.limits = jointLimits; hingeJoint.useLimits = true; hingeJoint.useMotor = true; JointMotor motor = new JointMotor(); motor.force = jointMotorForce; hingeJoint.motor = motor; } GOwormSegments[w].transform.SetParent(ArenaGroup.arenaGroupStatic.gameObject.transform); Material segmentMaterial = new Material (Shader.Find("Diffuse")); GOwormSegments[w].GetComponent<Renderer>().material = segmentMaterial; } piecesBuilt = true; }
private void MotorStart(motorWay way) { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("MotorStart(Rotor) - Start motor..."); if (!hingeJnt) return; if (KAS_Shared.RequestPower(this.part, powerDrain)) { //Sound if (hingeJnt.motor.targetVelocity == 0) {; } if (!; //Limit config ResetLimitsConfig(); hingeJnt.useLimits = hasLimit; JointMotor mtr = new JointMotor(); //Motor config mtr.force = force; mtr.freeSpin = freeSpin; if (way == motorWay.Negative) { if (controlInverted) mtr.targetVelocity = speed; else mtr.targetVelocity = -speed; stateField = "Going " + negativeWayText; } if (way == motorWay.Positive) { if (controlInverted) mtr.targetVelocity = -speed; else mtr.targetVelocity = speed; stateField = "Going " + positiveWayText; } hingeJnt.motor = mtr; //misc hingeJnt.useSpring = false; hingeJnt.useMotor = true; rotorActivated = true; } else { if (this.part.vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(this.part.partInfo.title + " stopped ! Insufficient Power", 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); } stateField = "Insufficient Power"; } }
void Awake() { hinge = GetComponent<HingeJoint>(); rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); motor = hinge.motor; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { baseJoint.useMotor = true; armJoint.useMotor = true; bucketJoint.useMotor = true; unionJoint.useMotor = true; baseMotor = baseJoint.motor; baseMotor.force = 400; armMotor = armJoint.motor; armMotor.force = 100; bucketMotor = bucketJoint.motor; bucketMotor.force = 100; unionMotor = unionJoint.motor; unionMotor.force = 200; excavatorRotationAxisName = "Rotate Excavator"; baseRotationAxisName = "Rotate Base"; armRotationAxisName = "Rotate Arm"; bucketRotationAxisName = "Rotate Bucket"; /*if(enableLimits) { setLimits(baseJoint, baseLimits); setLimits(armJoint, armLimits); setLimits(bucketJoint, bucketLimits); }*/ }
public override void Tick() { // Runs the mini-game for a single evaluation step. //Debug.Log ("Tick()"); // THIS IS ALL PRE- PHYS-X!!! :: for(int w = 0; w < numberOfSegments; w++) { if(GOwormSegments[w].GetComponent<HingeJoint>() != null) { JointMotor motor = new JointMotor(); motor.force = jointMotorForce; motor.targetVelocity = wormSegmentArray_MotorTarget[w][0] * jointMotorSpeed; GOwormSegments[w].GetComponent<HingeJoint>().motor = motor; } ApplyViscosityForces(GOwormSegments[w], w, viscosityDrag); } // FITNESS COMPONENTS! Vector3 avgPos = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); for(int e = 0; e < numberOfSegments; e++) { avgPos += new Vector3(wormSegmentArray_PosX[e][0], wormSegmentArray_PosY[e][0], wormSegmentArray_PosZ[e][0]); fitEnergySpent[0] += Mathf.Abs (wormSegmentArray_MotorTarget[e][0])/(float)numberOfSegments; } avgPos /= (float)numberOfSegments; ArenaCameraController.arenaCameraControllerStatic.focusPosition = avgPos; Vector3 targetDirection = new Vector3(targetPosX[0] - avgPos.x, targetPosY[0] - avgPos.y, targetPosZ[0] - avgPos.z); float distToTarget = targetDirection.magnitude; fitDistToTarget[0] = distToTarget / maxScoreDistance; fitDistFromOrigin[0] += avgPos.magnitude / maxScoreDistance; targetDirX[0] = targetDirection.x; targetDirY[0] = targetDirection.y; targetDirZ[0] = targetDirection.z; if(distToTarget < targetRadius) { fitTimeToTarget[0] += 0f; } else { fitTimeToTarget[0] += 1f; } gameTicked = true; }
public void ResetMotorConfig() { JointMotor mtr = new JointMotor(); mtr.force = force; mtr.targetVelocity = 0; mtr.freeSpin = freeSpin; hingeJnt.motor = mtr; }
static public int get_freeSpin(IntPtr l) { UnityEngine.JointMotor o = (UnityEngine.JointMotor)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, o.freeSpin); return(1); }
private void MotorStop() { KAS_Shared.DebugLog("MotorStart(Rotor) - Stop motor..."); if (!hingeJnt) return; //Sound if (hingeJnt.motor.targetVelocity != 0) {; } if (; //Motor config JointMotor mtr = new JointMotor(); mtr.force = force; mtr.freeSpin = freeSpin; mtr.targetVelocity = 0; hingeJnt.motor = mtr; //Limit config (workaround, motor don't seem to keep position correctly with mass attached) JointLimits lmt = new JointLimits(); lmt.min = hingeJnt.angle - stopOffset; lmt.minBounce = 0; lmt.max = hingeJnt.angle + stopOffset; lmt.maxBounce = 0; hingeJnt.limits = lmt; //Misc hingeJnt.useLimits = true; hingeJnt.useSpring = false; hingeJnt.useMotor = false;//true rotorActivated = false; rotorGoingTo = false; stateField = "Idle"; }
public override void BuildGamePieceComponents() { //Debug.Log ("BuildGamePieceComponents()"); GOtargetSphere.AddComponent<GamePiecePhysXTestsBall>().InitGamePiece(); GOtargetSphere.AddComponent<Rigidbody>().useGravity = false; //GOtargetSphere.GetComponent<Rigidbody>() Material segmentMaterial = new Material (Shader.Find("Diffuse")); for(int w = 0; w < numberOfSegments; w++) { GOwormSegments[w].AddComponent<GamePiecePhysXWormSegment>().InitGamePiece(); GOwormSegments[w].GetComponent<Renderer>().material = segmentMaterial; GOwormSegments[w].AddComponent<Rigidbody>().useGravity = false; if(w < (numberOfSegments - 1)) { // if not the final 'Tail' segment: } if(w > 0) { // if not the first root segment: HingeJoint hingeJoint = GOwormSegments[w-1].AddComponent<HingeJoint>(); hingeJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false; hingeJoint.connectedBody = GOwormSegments[w].GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); // connected bod of previous segment is THIS segment hingeJoint.anchor = new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, 0f); if(w % 2 == 0) { hingeJoint.axis = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f); } else { hingeJoint.axis = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f); } hingeJoint.connectedAnchor = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0f, 0f); JointLimits jointLimits = new JointLimits(); jointLimits.max = armSegmentMaxBend; jointLimits.min = -armSegmentMaxBend; hingeJoint.limits = jointLimits; hingeJoint.useLimits = true; hingeJoint.useMotor = true; JointMotor motor = new JointMotor(); motor.force = jointMotorForce; hingeJoint.motor = motor; } } piecesBuilt = true; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { rgb=GetComponent <Rigidbody> (); acc = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0); mdl = 70; x = 0; y= 0; cuchillas = false; cuem=cue.motor; cued = cud.motor; chek = false; }