Example #1
        static bool InsertVertices(Face face, List <WingedEdge> edges, List <Vertex> vertices, out ConnectFaceRebuildData data)
            List <Edge>    perimeter        = WingedEdge.SortEdgesByAdjacency(face);
            List <Vertex>  n_vertices       = new List <Vertex>();
            List <int>     newVertexIndexes = new List <int>();
            HashSet <Edge> affected         = new HashSet <Edge>(edges.Select(x => x.edge.local));

            for (int i = 0; i < perimeter.Count; i++)

                if (affected.Contains(perimeter[i]))
                    n_vertices.Add(Vertex.Mix(vertices[perimeter[i].a], vertices[perimeter[i].b], .5f));

            FaceRebuildData res = AppendElements.FaceWithVertices(n_vertices, false);

            if (res != null)
                res.face.textureGroup   = face.textureGroup;
                res.face.uv             = new AutoUnwrapSettings(face.uv);
                res.face.smoothingGroup = face.smoothingGroup;
                res.face.manualUV       = face.manualUV;
                res.face.submeshIndex   = face.submeshIndex;

                data = new ConnectFaceRebuildData(res, newVertexIndexes);

            data = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts new edges connecting the passed edges, optionally restricting new edge insertion to faces in faceMask.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mesh"></param>
        /// <param name="edges"></param>
        /// <param name="addedFaces"></param>
        /// <param name="connections"></param>
        /// <param name="returnFaces"></param>
        /// <param name="returnEdges"></param>
        /// <param name="faceMask"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static ActionResult Connect(
            this ProBuilderMesh mesh,
            IEnumerable <Edge> edges,
            out Face[] addedFaces,
            out Edge[] connections,
            bool returnFaces        = false,
            bool returnEdges        = false,
            HashSet <Face> faceMask = null)
            Dictionary <int, int> lookup        = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
            Dictionary <int, int> lookupUV      = mesh.sharedTextureLookup;
            HashSet <EdgeLookup>  distinctEdges = new HashSet <EdgeLookup>(EdgeLookup.GetEdgeLookup(edges, lookup));
            List <WingedEdge>     wings         = WingedEdge.GetWingedEdges(mesh);

            // map each edge to a face so that we have a list of all touched faces with their to-be-subdivided edges
            Dictionary <Face, List <WingedEdge> > touched = new Dictionary <Face, List <WingedEdge> >();

            foreach (WingedEdge wing in wings)
                if (distinctEdges.Contains(wing.edge))
                    List <WingedEdge> faceEdges;
                    if (touched.TryGetValue(wing.face, out faceEdges))
                        touched.Add(wing.face, new List <WingedEdge>()

            Dictionary <Face, List <WingedEdge> > affected = new Dictionary <Face, List <WingedEdge> >();

            // weed out edges that won't actually connect to other edges (if you don't play ya' can't stay)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Face, List <WingedEdge> > kvp in touched)
                if (kvp.Value.Count <= 1)
                    WingedEdge opp = kvp.Value[0].opposite;

                    if (opp == null)

                    List <WingedEdge> opp_list;

                    if (!touched.TryGetValue(opp.face, out opp_list))

                    if (opp_list.Count <= 1)

                affected.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            List <Vertex> vertices = new List <Vertex>(mesh.GetVertices());
            List <ConnectFaceRebuildData> results = new List <ConnectFaceRebuildData>();
            // just the faces that where connected with > 1 edge
            List <Face> connectedFaces = new List <Face>();

            HashSet <int> usedTextureGroups    = new HashSet <int>(mesh.facesInternal.Select(x => x.textureGroup));
            int           newTextureGroupIndex = 1;

            // do the splits
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Face, List <WingedEdge> > split in affected)
                Face face = split.Key;
                List <WingedEdge> targetEdges = split.Value;
                int     inserts = targetEdges.Count;
                Vector3 nrm     = Math.Normal(vertices, face.indexesInternal);

                if (inserts == 1 || (faceMask != null && !faceMask.Contains(face)))
                    ConnectFaceRebuildData c = InsertVertices(face, targetEdges, vertices);

                    Vector3 fn = Math.Normal(c.faceRebuildData.vertices, c.faceRebuildData.face.indexesInternal);

                    if (Vector3.Dot(nrm, fn) < 0)

                else if (inserts > 1)
                    List <ConnectFaceRebuildData> res = inserts == 2 ?
                                                        ConnectEdgesInFace(face, targetEdges[0], targetEdges[1], vertices) :
                                                        ConnectEdgesInFace(face, targetEdges, vertices);

                    if (face.textureGroup < 0)
                        while (usedTextureGroups.Contains(newTextureGroupIndex))


                    foreach (ConnectFaceRebuildData c in res)

                        Vector3 fn = Math.Normal(c.faceRebuildData.vertices, c.faceRebuildData.face.indexesInternal);

                        if (Vector3.Dot(nrm, fn) < 0)

                        c.faceRebuildData.face.textureGroup   = face.textureGroup < 0 ? newTextureGroupIndex : face.textureGroup;
                        c.faceRebuildData.face.uv             = new AutoUnwrapSettings(face.uv);
                        c.faceRebuildData.face.submeshIndex   = face.submeshIndex;
                        c.faceRebuildData.face.smoothingGroup = face.smoothingGroup;
                        c.faceRebuildData.face.manualUV       = face.manualUV;


            FaceRebuildData.Apply(results.Select(x => x.faceRebuildData), mesh, vertices, null);

            mesh.sharedTextures = new SharedVertex[0];
            int removedVertexCount = mesh.DeleteFaces(affected.Keys).Length;

            mesh.sharedVertices = SharedVertex.GetSharedVerticesWithPositions(mesh.positionsInternal);

            // figure out where the new edges where inserted
            if (returnEdges)
                // offset the newVertexIndexes by whatever the FaceRebuildData did so we can search for the new edges by index
                var appended = new HashSet <int>();

                for (int n = 0; n < results.Count; n++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < results[n].newVertexIndexes.Count; i++)
                        appended.Add((results[n].newVertexIndexes[i] + results[n].faceRebuildData.Offset()) - removedVertexCount);

                Dictionary <int, int>    lup          = mesh.sharedVertexLookup;
                IEnumerable <Edge>       newEdges     = results.SelectMany(x => x.faceRebuildData.face.edgesInternal).Where(x => appended.Contains(x.a) && appended.Contains(x.b));
                IEnumerable <EdgeLookup> distNewEdges = EdgeLookup.GetEdgeLookup(newEdges, lup);

                connections = distNewEdges.Distinct().Select(x => x.local).ToArray();
                connections = null;

            if (returnFaces)
                addedFaces = connectedFaces.ToArray();
                addedFaces = null;

            return(new ActionResult(ActionResult.Status.Success, string.Format("Connected {0} Edges", results.Count / 2)));