public override void OnImportAsset(AssetImportContext ctx)
            var importLog = new ShaderGraphImporter.AssetImportErrorLog(ctx);

            var graphAsset   = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SubGraphAsset>();
            var subGraphPath = ctx.assetPath;
            var subGraphGuid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(subGraphPath);

            graphAsset.assetGuid = subGraphGuid;
            var textGraph      = File.ReadAllText(subGraphPath, Encoding.UTF8);
            var messageManager = new MessageManager();
            var graphData      = new GraphData
                isSubGraph     = true,
                assetGuid      = subGraphGuid,
                messageManager = messageManager

            MultiJson.Deserialize(graphData, textGraph);

                ProcessSubGraph(graphAsset, graphData, importLog);
            catch (Exception e)
                graphAsset.isValid = false;
                Debug.LogException(e, graphAsset);
                var errors   = messageManager.ErrorStrings((nodeId) => NodeWasUsedByGraph(nodeId, graphData));
                int errCount = errors.Count();
                if (errCount > 0)
                    var firstError = errors.FirstOrDefault();
                    importLog.LogError($"Sub Graph at {subGraphPath} has {errCount} error(s), the first is: {firstError}", graphAsset);
                    graphAsset.isValid = false;
                    var warnings     = messageManager.ErrorStrings((nodeId) => NodeWasUsedByGraph(nodeId, graphData), Rendering.ShaderCompilerMessageSeverity.Warning);
                    int warningCount = warnings.Count();
                    if (warningCount > 0)
                        var firstWarning = warnings.FirstOrDefault();
                        importLog.LogWarning($"Sub Graph at {subGraphPath} has {warningCount} warning(s), the first is: {firstWarning}", graphAsset);

            Texture2D texture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("Icons/sg_subgraph_icon");

            ctx.AddObjectToAsset("MainAsset", graphAsset, texture);

            var metadata = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ShaderSubGraphMetadata>();

            metadata.hideFlags         = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
            metadata.assetDependencies = new List <UnityEngine.Object>();

            AssetCollection assetCollection = new AssetCollection();

            MinimalGraphData.GatherMinimalDependenciesFromFile(assetPath, assetCollection);

            foreach (var asset in assetCollection.assets)
                if (asset.Value.HasFlag(AssetCollection.Flags.IncludeInExportPackage))
                    // this sucks that we have to fully load these assets just to set the reference,
                    // which then gets serialized as the GUID that we already have here.  :P

                    var dependencyPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset.Key);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependencyPath))
                            AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(dependencyPath, typeof(UnityEngine.Object)));
            ctx.AddObjectToAsset("Metadata", metadata);

            // declare dependencies
            foreach (var asset in assetCollection.assets)
                if (asset.Value.HasFlag(AssetCollection.Flags.SourceDependency))

                    // I'm not sure if this warning below is actually used or not, keeping it to be safe
                    var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset.Key);

                    // Ensure that dependency path is relative to project
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath) && !assetPath.StartsWith("Packages/") && !assetPath.StartsWith("Assets/"))
                        importLog.LogWarning($"Invalid dependency path: {assetPath}", graphAsset);

                // NOTE: dependencies declared by GatherDependenciesFromSourceFile are automatically registered as artifact dependencies
                // HOWEVER: that path ONLY grabs dependencies via MinimalGraphData, and will fail to register dependencies
                // on GUIDs that don't exist in the project.  For both of those reasons, we re-declare the dependencies here.
                if (asset.Value.HasFlag(AssetCollection.Flags.ArtifactDependency))