Example #1
        static void GetQuantizedTransformations(
            float4x4 leafToBody, Aabb bounds,
            out float3 translation, out quaternion orientationQ, out float3 scale, out float3x3 shear,
            float linearPrecision = k_DefaultLinearPrecision
            translation = RoundToNearest(leafToBody.c3.xyz, linearPrecision);

            var farthestPoint =
                math.abs(math.lengthsq(bounds.Max) > math.lengthsq(bounds.Min) ? bounds.Max : bounds.Min);

            // round scale using precision inversely proportional to mesh size along largest axis
            // (i.e. amount to scale farthest point one unit of linear precision)
            var scalePrecision = linearPrecision / math.max(math.cmax(farthestPoint), math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL);

            scale = RoundToNearest(leafToBody.DecomposeScale(), scalePrecision);
            if (math.determinant(leafToBody) < 0f)
                scale.x *= -1f;

            shear = new float3x3(
                leafToBody.c0.xyz / math.max(math.abs(scale.x), math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL) * math.sign(scale.x),
                leafToBody.c1.xyz / math.max(math.abs(scale.y), math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL) * math.sign(scale.y),
                leafToBody.c2.xyz / math.max(math.abs(scale.z), math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL) * math.sign(scale.z)
            var orientation = float3x3.LookRotationSafe(shear.c2, shear.c1);

            // if shear is very nearly identity, hash it as identity
            // TODO: quantize shear
            shear = math.mul(shear, math.inverse(orientation));
            if (!PhysicsShapeExtensions.HasShear(new float4x4(shear, 0f)))
                shear = float3x3.identity;

            // round orientation using precision inversely proportional to scaled mesh size
            // (i.e. radians to rotate farthest scaled point one unit of linear precision)
            var angularPrecision = math.min(linearPrecision / math.length(farthestPoint * scale), math.PI);
            var axisPrecision    = math.min(math.cos(angularPrecision), math.sin(angularPrecision));

            orientation.c0 = math.normalize(RoundToNearest(orientation.c0, axisPrecision));
            orientation.c1 = math.normalize(RoundToNearest(orientation.c1, axisPrecision));
            orientation.c2 = math.normalize(RoundToNearest(orientation.c2, axisPrecision));

            translation  = Sanitize(translation);
            orientationQ = new quaternion(Sanitize(orientation));
            scale        = Sanitize(scale);
            shear        = Sanitize(shear);