Example #1
        public static void Init()
            // Get existing open window or if none, make a new one:
            window         = (SpawnEditorWindow)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(SpawnEditorWindow), false, "Spawn Editor");
            window.minSize = new Vector2(480, 620);

            int enumLength = Enum.GetValues(typeof(SpawnManager._SpawnLimit)).Length;

            spawnLimitLabel   = new string[enumLength];
            spawnLimitTooltip = new string[enumLength];
            for (int i = 0; i < enumLength; i++)
                spawnLimitLabel[i] = ((SpawnManager._SpawnLimit)i).ToString();
                if ((SpawnManager._SpawnLimit)i == SpawnManager._SpawnLimit.Finite)
                    spawnLimitTooltip[i] = "Finite number of waves";
                if ((SpawnManager._SpawnLimit)i == SpawnManager._SpawnLimit.Infinite)
                    spawnLimitTooltip[i] = "Infinite number of waves (for survival or endless mode)";

            enumLength       = Enum.GetValues(typeof(SpawnManager._SpawnMode)).Length;
            spawnModeLabel   = new string[enumLength];
            spawnModeTooltip = new string[enumLength];
            for (int i = 0; i < enumLength; i++)
                spawnModeLabel[i] = ((SpawnManager._SpawnMode)i).ToString();
                if ((SpawnManager._SpawnMode)i == SpawnManager._SpawnMode.Continous)
                    spawnModeTooltip[i] = "A new wave is spawn upon every wave duration countdown (with option to skip the timer)";
                if ((SpawnManager._SpawnMode)i == SpawnManager._SpawnMode.WaveCleared)
                    spawnModeTooltip[i] = "A new wave is spawned when the current wave is cleared (with option to spawn next wave in advance)";
                if ((SpawnManager._SpawnMode)i == SpawnManager._SpawnMode.Round)
                    spawnModeTooltip[i] = "Each wave is treated like a round. a new wave can only take place when the previous wave is cleared. Each round require initiation from user";

            creepList = CreepDB.Load();
            rscList   = ResourceDB.Load();
Example #2
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()

            if (GUILayout.Button("Show In Editor"))
            int spawnMode = (int)instance.spawnMode;

            cont     = new GUIContent("Spawn Mode:", "Spawn mode in this level");
            contList = new GUIContent[spawnModeLabel.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < contList.Length; i++)
                contList[i] = new GUIContent(spawnModeLabel[i], spawnModeTooltip[i]);
            spawnMode          = EditorGUILayout.Popup(cont, spawnMode, contList);
            instance.spawnMode = (SpawnManager._SpawnMode)spawnMode;

            int spawnLimit = (int)instance.spawnLimit;

            cont     = new GUIContent("Spawn Count:", "Spawn count in this level. Infinite (endless mode) must use procedural wave generation");
            contList = new GUIContent[spawnLimitLabel.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < contList.Length; i++)
                contList[i] = new GUIContent(spawnLimitLabel[i], spawnLimitTooltip[i]);
            spawnLimit          = EditorGUILayout.Popup(cont, spawnLimit, contList);
            instance.spawnLimit = (SpawnManager._SpawnLimit)spawnLimit;

            cont = new GUIContent("Allow Skip:", "Allow player to skip ahead and spawn the next wave");
            instance.allowSkip = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(cont, instance.allowSkip);

            cont = new GUIContent("Auto Start: ", "Check to have the spawning start on a fixed timer. Rather than waiting for player initiation");
            instance.autoStart = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(cont, instance.autoStart);

            if (instance.autoStart)
                cont = new GUIContent(" - Start Delay: ", "The duration to wait in second before the spawning start");
                instance.autoStartDelay = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(cont, instance.autoStartDelay);

            if (instance.spawnLimit == SpawnManager._SpawnLimit.Finite)
                cont = new GUIContent("Auto-Gen Wave:", "Check to have the SpawnManager automatically generate the wave in runtime as opposed to using preset data");
                instance.procedurallyGenerateWave = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(cont, instance.procedurallyGenerateWave);

            cont = new GUIContent("Default Path:", "The primary path to be used. Every creep will follow this path unless an alternate path is specified in a sub-wave");
            instance.defaultPath = (PathTD)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(cont, instance.defaultPath, typeof(PathTD), true);


            //~ EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
            //~ EditorGUILayout.Space();
            //~ GUIStyle style=new GUIStyle();
            //~ style.wordWrap=true;
            //~ EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Editing of spawnInfo via Inspector is not recommended, please use SpawnEditorWindow instead", style);
            //~ EditorGUILayout.Space();
            //~ EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal();

            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Editing of spawnInfo via Inspector is not recommended. Please use SpawnEditorWindow instead", MessageType.Info);

            if (GUILayout.Button("Open SpawnEditorWindow"))

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("", GUILayout.MaxWidth(10));
            showDefaultFlag = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showDefaultFlag, "Show default editor");
            if (showDefaultFlag)

            if (GUI.changed)
Example #3
 public static void OpenSpawnEditor()