public void TC01_CheckTitleOfMainNews() { /* Go to News page * take title of the first article in Main news * compare text with the hardcoded string value*/ HomePage homePage = new HomePage(); homePage.GoToNews(); NewsPage newsPage = new NewsPage(); Assert.AreEqual("Trump to visit mass shooting sites amid criticism", newsPage.GetMainNews()); }
public void TC02_CheckTitleOfSecondNews() { /* Go to News page * take titles of the rest of the articles in Main news * compare it with the hardcoded string values*/ HomePage homePage = new HomePage(); homePage.GoToNews(); NewsPage newsPage = new NewsPage(); List <string> ActualResult = newsPage.GetSecondNews(); List <string> ExpectedResult = new List <string>(); ExpectedResult.Add("Dozens dead in Tanzania fuel tanker blast"); ExpectedResult.Add("Walmart panic caused by gun rights 'test'"); ExpectedResult.Add("North Korea tests 'short-range ballistic missiles'"); ExpectedResult.Add("'Even I will pick up a gun': Inside Kashmir's lockdown"); ExpectedResult.Add("'We moved to the forest to fight climate change'"); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(ExpectedResult, ActualResult); }