Example #1
        public float GetHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label, bool includeChildren)
            float height = 0f;

            if (DecoratorDrawers != null && !IsCurrentlyNested)
                foreach (var drawer in DecoratorDrawers)
                    height += drawer.GetHeight();

            if (PropertyDrawer != null)
                height += PropertyDrawer.GetPropertyHeightSafe(property.Copy(), label ?? EditorGUIUtilityHelper.TempContent(property.displayName));
            else if (!includeChildren)
                height += EasyGUI.GetSinglePropertyHeight(property, label);
                property = property.Copy();

                // First property with custom label
                height += EasyGUI.GetSinglePropertyHeight(property, label);
                bool childrenAreExpanded = property.isExpanded && EasyGUI.HasVisibleChildFields(property);

                // Loop through all child properties
                var tc = EditorGUIUtilityHelper.TempContent(property.displayName);
                if (childrenAreExpanded)
                    SerializedProperty endProperty = property.GetEndProperty();
                    while (property.NextVisible(childrenAreExpanded) && !SerializedProperty.EqualContents(property, endProperty))
                        height += ScriptAttributeUtility.GetHandler(property, null).GetHeight(property, tc, true);
                        childrenAreExpanded = false;
                        height += EasyGUI.kControlVerticalSpacing;

Example #2
        public void HandleDrawnType(Type drawnType, Type propertyType, FieldInfo field, PropertyAttribute attribute)
            Type drawerType = ScriptAttributeUtility.GetDrawerTypeForType(drawnType);

            // If we found a drawer type, instantiate the drawer, cache it, and return it.
            if (drawerType != null)
                if (typeof(PropertyDrawer).IsAssignableFrom(drawerType))
                    // HACK: Here is different from the U3D setting, maybe is not a good idea!
                    // Unity only want use PropertyDrawer on array elements, not on array itself,
                    // But i don't like this setting, so i recode it.
                    propertyDrawer = (PropertyDrawer)Activator.CreateInstance(drawerType);

                    // Will be null by design if default type drawer!
                else if (typeof(UnityEditor.DecoratorDrawer).IsAssignableFrom(drawerType))
                    // Draw decorators on array itself, not on each array elements
                    if (field != null && field.FieldType.IsArrayOrList() && !propertyType.IsArrayOrList())
                    UnityEditor.DecoratorDrawer decoratorDrawer = (UnityEditor.DecoratorDrawer)System.Activator.CreateInstance(drawerType);
                    DecoratorDrawerHelper.SetAttribute(decoratorDrawer, attribute);

                    if (DecoratorDrawers == null)
                        DecoratorDrawers = new List <UnityEditor.DecoratorDrawer>();
Example #3
 public static float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label = null, bool includeChildren = true)
     return(ScriptAttributeUtility.GetHandler(property).GetHeight(property, label, includeChildren));
Example #4
        public bool OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label, bool includeChildren, Rect visibleArea)
            float oldLabelWidth, oldFieldWidth;

            float propHeight = position.height;

            position.height = 0;
            if (DecoratorDrawers != null && !IsCurrentlyNested)
                foreach (var decorator in DecoratorDrawers)
                    position.height = decorator.GetHeight();

                    oldLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
                    oldFieldWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth;
                    EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = oldLabelWidth;
                    EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = oldFieldWidth;

                    position.y += position.height;
                    propHeight -= position.height;

            position.height = propHeight;
            if (PropertyDrawer != null)
                // Remember widths
                oldLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
                oldFieldWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth;
                // Draw with custom drawer
                PropertyDrawer.OnGUISafe(position, property.Copy(), label ?? EditorGUIUtilityHelper.TempContent(property.displayName));
                // Restore widths
                EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = oldLabelWidth;
                EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = oldFieldWidth;

                if (!includeChildren)
                    return(EasyGUI.DefaultPropertyField(position, property, label));
                // Remember state
                Vector2 oldIconSize = EditorGUIUtility.GetIconSize();
                bool    wasEnabled  = GUI.enabled;
                int     origIndent  = EditorGUI.indentLevel;

                int relIndent = origIndent - property.depth;

                SerializedProperty prop = property.Copy();

                position.height = EasyGUI.GetSinglePropertyHeight(prop, label);

                // First property with custom label
                EditorGUI.indentLevel = prop.depth + relIndent;
                bool childrenAreExpanded = EasyGUI.DefaultPropertyField(position, prop, label) && EasyGUI.HasVisibleChildFields(prop);
                position.y += position.height + EasyGUI.kControlVerticalSpacing;

                // Loop through all child properties
                if (childrenAreExpanded)
                    SerializedProperty endProperty = prop.GetEndProperty();
                    while (prop.NextVisible(childrenAreExpanded) && !SerializedProperty.EqualContents(prop, endProperty))
                        var handler = ScriptAttributeUtility.GetHandler(prop, null);
                        EditorGUI.indentLevel = prop.depth + relIndent;
                        position.height       = handler.GetHeight(prop, null, false);

                        if (position.Overlaps(visibleArea))
                            childrenAreExpanded = handler.OnGUI(position, prop, null, false) && EasyGUI.HasVisibleChildFields(prop);
                            // Changing child properties (like array size) may invalidate the iterator,
                            // so stop now, or we may get errors.
                            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())

                        position.y += position.height + EasyGUI.kControlVerticalSpacing;

                // Restore state
                GUI.enabled = wasEnabled;
                EditorGUI.indentLevel = origIndent;

Example #5
 public static bool PropertyFieldInternal(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label, bool includeChildren)
     return(ScriptAttributeUtility.GetHandler(property).OnGUI(position, property, label, includeChildren));