/// <summary>
 /// Should we spawn a special zombie?
 /// </summary>
 public static void CheckSpawnSpecial()
     //If the player started the game
     if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.Two).Buttons.Y == ButtonState.Pressed)
         //Call the spawn special zombie method, passing the variable for Juggernaught
     //If the player started the game
     if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.Two).Buttons.X == ButtonState.Pressed)
         //Call the spawn special zombie method, passing the variable for Juggernaught
     //If the player started the game
     if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.Two).Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed)
         //Call the spawn special zombie method, passing the variable for Juggernaught
     //If the player started the game
     if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.Two).Buttons.B == ButtonState.Pressed)
         //Call the spawn special zombie method, passing the variable for Juggernaught
 /// <summary>
 /// Override Logic method
 /// </summary>
 public override void Logic()
     //Set the target to the first entry in the survivor list
     Target = World.AliveSurvivorList.ElementAt(0);
     //Go through every survivor
     foreach (Survivor surv in World.AliveSurvivorList)
         //If the target has more kills than the next survivor
         if (Target.Kills >= surv.Kills && surv.IsAlive)
             //Set that survivor as the target
             Target = surv;
     //One in three chance of this happening
     if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 3) == 2)
         //If the Director has enough resources
         if (World.Director.Resources > SpeedEffect.Instance.Cost)
             //Go through all the zombies
             foreach (Zombie zom in World.ZombieList)
                 if (CollisionEngine.IsNear(Target, zom))
                     //Use either the slow or speed up
                     if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 2) == 2)
                         //Slow the players
                         //Make the zombies go faster
     //One in three chance of spawning a juggernaught
     if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 3) == 2)
         //Try and spawn a juggernaught
     //One in two chance of spawning an exploder
     if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 5) == 3)
         //Try and spawn a juggernaught
     //One in three chance of spawning a speeder
     //One in three chance of spawning a juggernaught
     if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 1000) == 2)
         //Try and spawn a juggernaught
 /// <summary>
 /// Override Logic method
 /// </summary>
 public override void Logic()
     if (Target.IsAlive == false)
         Target = World.AliveSurvivorList.ElementAt(ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(0, World.AliveSurvivorList.Count));
     //If the Director has enough resources
     if (World.Director.Resources > SpeedEffect.Instance.Cost)
         //Use either the slow or speed up
         if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 10) == 5)
             //Slow the players
         else if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 10) == 2)
             //Make the zombies go faster
     //Spawn a new common zomibie, one in five chance
     if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 20) == 2)
         //Try and spawn a common zombie
     //If the director can spawn a weapon, do it
     if (World.Director.CanSpawnWeapon)
Example #4
        //Frames elapsed

        public static void Update(GameEngine instance)
            //Is updating equals true
            IsUpdating = true;
            //Update the world director
            //Check for collisions
            CollisionEngine.collisionHandler(ZombieList, BulletList, SurvivorList, WeaponList);
            //Call update for every entity in the game
            foreach (GameEntity entity in GameEntities)
                //Update every entity in the game
            //Once every entity has been updated, set the updating flag to false
            IsUpdating = false;

            //Add all the newly added entities into the list of added entities
            foreach (GameEntity entity in AddedEntities)
            //Clear the added entities list

            //Remove any dead entities
            //Lambada alogirthims adapted from Michael Hoffmans
            GameEntities      = GameEntities.Where(x => x.IsAlive).ToList();
            ZombieList        = ZombieList.Where(x => x.IsAlive).ToList();
            BulletList        = BulletList.Where(x => x.IsAlive).ToList();
            WeaponList        = WeaponList.Where(x => x.IsAlive).ToList();
            AliveSurvivorList = SurvivorList.Where(x => x.IsAlive).ToList();

            //Gameover is true
            bool gameover = true;

            //If any survivors are still alive
            foreach (Survivor surv in SurvivorList)
                if (surv.IsAlive == true)
                    //Then it's not game over
                    gameover = false;
            //If the games over, set the gamestate to gameover
            if (gameover)
                instance.currentState = GameEngine.GameState.GameOver;
 //Make every zombie in the game world faster
 public override void Activate()
     //If the director can spawn a weapon
     if (World.Director.CanSpawnWeapon)
         //Spawn the weapon
         //Reward the director
         World.Director.Resources += Reward;
         //Reset the directors ability to spawn a weapon
         World.Director.CanSpawnWeapon = false;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Override Logic method
        /// </summary>
        public override void Logic()
            //Go through every survivor
            foreach (Survivor surv in World.AliveSurvivorList)
                //If the survivor has more kills than the target
                if (Target.Kills < surv.Kills && surv.IsAlive)
                    //Set that survivor to be the target
                    Target = surv;
            //If the Director has enough resources
            if (World.Director.Resources >= 10000)
                while (World.Director.Resources > 500)
                    //Use either the slow or speed up
                    if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 10) == 5)
                        //Slow the players
                    if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 10) == 2)
                        //Make the zombies go faster
                    //Spawn a new common zomibie, one in ten chance
                    if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 10) == 2)
                        //Try and spawn a common zombie
                    //Spawn a juggernaught, one in ten
                    if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 10) == 7)
                        //Try and spawn a common zombie
                    //Spawn an exploder, one in ten
                    if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 10) == 4)
                        //Try and spawn a common zombie
                    //Spawn a speeder, one in ten
                    if (ExtensionMethods.RandomNumber(1, 10) == 3)
                        //Try and spawn a common zombie

            //If the director can spawn a weapon, do it
            if (World.Director.CanSpawnWeapon)