public void  PersonSocialNetwork(int idMeeting)
            using (var db = FactoryConn.GetConn()) {
                try {
                    var MeetingId = int.Parse(idMeeting.ToString());
                    var dto       = new ModelContainer();

                    dto.Reference = db.Table <Meeting> ().Where(s => s.Id == idMeeting).FirstOrDefault().CaseDetentionId.ToString() ?? "";
                    SocialNetwork me = db.Table <SocialNetwork> ().Where(mee => mee.MeetingId == idMeeting).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (me == null)
                        me           = new SocialNetwork();
                        me.Comment   = "";
                        me.MeetingId = idMeeting;
                    PersonSocialNetwork mdl = new PersonSocialNetwork();
                    mdl.SocialNetworkId = me.Id;
                    dto.JsonModel       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mdl);
                    var temp = new PersonSocialNetworkUpsert {
                        Model = dto
                    var pagestring = "nada que ver";
                    pagestring = temp.GenerateString();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Console.WriteLine("catched exception in MeetingController method PersonSocialNetwork");
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception message :::>" + e.Message);
                } finally {
        public void  MeetingDatosPersonales(int idCase)
            using (var db = FactoryConn.GetConn()) {
                if (idCase == 0)
                    idCase = db.Table <Case> ().FirstOrDefault().Id;

//			var result = new MeetingDatosPersonalesDto ();
//			var resAux = db.Table<Case> ().Where (csAux=>csAux.Id == idCase).FirstOrDefault ();
//			if (resAux != null) {
//				var ent = db.Table<Meeting> ().Where (mtAux=> mtAux.CaseDetentionId == resAux.Id ).FirstOrDefault ();
//				if (ent != null ) {
//					var imputado = db.Table<Imputed> ().Where (datosimp => datosimp.MeetingId == ent.Id).FirstOrDefault ();
//					MeetingDatosPersonalesDto found = new MeetingDatosPersonalesDto ();
//					found.IdFolder = resAux.IdFolder;
//					found.ImputedId = imputado.Id;
//					found.LastNameM = imputado.LastNameM;
//					found.LastNameP = imputado.LastNameP;
//					found.Name = imputado.Name;
//					found.FoneticString = imputado.FoneticString;
//					found.CelPhone = imputado.CelPhone;
//					found.YearsMaritalStatus = imputado.YearsMaritalStatus;
//					found.MaritalStatusId = imputado.MaritalStatusId;
//					found.Boys = imputado.Boys;
//					found.DependentBoys = imputado.DependentBoys;
//					found.BirthCountry = imputado.BirthCountry;
//					found.BirthMunicipality = imputado.BirthMunicipality;
//					found.BirthState = imputado.BirthState;
//					found.BirthLocation = imputado.BirthLocation;
//					found.Nickname = imputado.Nickname;
//					found.LocationId = imputado.LocationId;
//					found.MeetingId = ent.Id;
//					found.ReviewerId = ent.ReviewerId;
//					found.StatusMeetingId = ent.StatusMeetingId;
//					found.CommentReference = ent.CommentReference;
//					found.CommentJob = ent.CommentJob;
//					found.CommentSchool = ent.CommentSchool;
//					found.CommentCountry = ent.CommentCountry;
//					found.CommentHome = ent.CommentHome;
//					found.CommentDrug = ent.CommentDrug;
//					found.DateCreate = ent.DateCreate;
//					found.DateTerminate = ent.DateTerminate;
//					found.CaseId = resAux.Id;
//					found.BirthDate = imputado.BirthDate;
//					found.Gender = imputado.Gender;
//					result=found;
//				}
//			}

                var result = db.Query <MeetingDatosPersonalesDto> (
                    "SELECT cs.id_folder as 'IdFolder', im.id_imputed as 'ImputedId', as 'Name',im.lastname_p as 'LastNameP',im.lastname_m as 'LastNameM'"
                    + " ,im.birth_date as 'BirthDate', im.gender as 'Gender'"
                    + " ,im.fonetic_string as 'FoneticString', im.cel_phone as 'CelPhone'"
                    + " ,im.years_marital_status as 'YearsMaritalStatus', im.id_marital_status as 'MaritalStatusId'"
                    + " ,im.boys as 'Boys', im.dependent_boys as 'DependentBoys'"
                    + " ,im.id_country as 'BirthCountry', im.birth_municipality as 'BirthMunicipality'"
                    + " ,im.birth_state as 'BirthState', im.birth_location as 'BirthLocation'"
                    + " ,im.nickname as 'Nickname', im.id_location as 'LocationId'"
                    + " ,im.id_birth_info_availability as 'BirthInfoId'"
                    + " ,me.id_meeting as 'MeetingId'"
                    + " ,me.id_reviewer as 'ReviewerId', me.id_status as 'StatusMeetingId'"
                    + " ,me.comment_refernce as 'CommentReference', me.comment_job as 'CommentJob'"
                    + " ,me.comment_school as 'CommentSchool', me.comment_country as 'CommentCountry'"
                    + " ,me.comment_home as 'CommentHome', me.comment_drug as 'CommentDrug'"
                    + " ,me.date_create as 'DateCreate', me.date_terminate as 'DateTerminate'"
                    //				+", csm.status as 'StatusCode', csm.description as 'Description'"
                    + " FROM meeting as me "
                    + " left JOIN case_detention as cs ON me.id_case = cs.id_case "
                    + " left JOIN imputed as im ON im.id_meeting = me.id_meeting "
                    //				+" left JOIN cat_status_meeting as csm ON csm.id_status = me.id_status "
                    //				+" and me.id_reviewer = 2 "
                    + " where cs.id_case = ? and cs.has_negation = 0; ", idCase).FirstOrDefault();
                result.CaseId = idCase;

                result.ageString = services.calculateAge(result.BirthDate);

                var domiciliosImputado = db.Table <ImputedHome> ().Where(im => im.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).ToList();
                if (domiciliosImputado != null)
                    result.JsonDomicilios = domiciliosImputado;

                var SE = db.Table <SocialEnvironment> ().Where(s => s.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (SE != null)
                    result.PhysicalCondition = SE.physicalCondition;
                    result.comment           = SE.comment;
                    var ActList = db.Table <RelActivity> ().Where(s => s.SocialEnvironmentId == SE.Id).ToList();
                    if (ActList != null && ActList.Count > 0)
                        result.Activities = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ActList);
                var socialNetComent = db.Table <SocialNetwork> ().Where(s => s.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (socialNetComent != null)
                    result.CommentSocialNetwork = socialNetComent.Comment;
                    socialNetComent           = new SocialNetwork();
                    socialNetComent.Comment   = "";
                    socialNetComent.MeetingId = result.MeetingId ?? 0;

                var personsSocNet = db.Table <PersonSocialNetwork> ().Where(sn => sn.SocialNetworkId == socialNetComent.Id).ToList();
                if (personsSocNet != null)
                    result.JsonPersonSN = personsSocNet;
                    result.JsonPersonSN = null;

                var references = db.Table <Reference> ().Where(sn => sn.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).ToList();
                if (references != null)
                    result.JsonReferences = references;
                    result.JsonReferences = null;

                //Laboral History
                var trabajos = db.Table <Job> ().Where(sn => sn.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).ToList();
                if (trabajos != null)
                    result.JsonJobs = trabajos;
                    result.JsonJobs = null;

                //school history
                var escuelaUtlActual = db.Table <School> ().Where(sc => sc.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (escuelaUtlActual != null)
                    result.SchoolAddress       = escuelaUtlActual.Address;
                    result.SchoolBlock         = escuelaUtlActual.block;
                    result.SchoolDegreeId      = escuelaUtlActual.DegreeId.GetValueOrDefault();
                    result.SchoolName          = escuelaUtlActual.Name;
                    result.SchoolPhone         = escuelaUtlActual.Phone;
                    result.SchoolSpecification = escuelaUtlActual.Specification;

                var drogas = db.Table <Drug> ().Where(sn => sn.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).ToList();
                if (drogas != null)
                    result.JsonDrugs = drogas;
                    result.JsonDrugs = null;

                if (escuelaUtlActual != null)
                    var schedule = db.Table <Schedule> ().Where(sc => sc.SchoolId == escuelaUtlActual.Id).ToList();
                    if (schedule != null)
                        result.ScheduleSchool = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(schedule);

                //leave country
                var leaveActual = db.Table <LeaveCountry> ().Where(lv => lv.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (leaveActual != null)
                    result.OfficialDocumentationId = leaveActual.OfficialDocumentationId;
                    result.LivedCountryId          = leaveActual.LivedCountryId;
                    result.timeAgo = leaveActual.timeAgo;
                    result.Reason  = leaveActual.Reason;
                    result.FamilyAnotherCountryId = leaveActual.FamilyAnotherCountryId;
                    result.CountryId                 = leaveActual.CountryId;
                    result.State                     = leaveActual.State;
                    result.Media                     = leaveActual.Media;
                    result.Address                   = leaveActual.Address;
                    result.ImmigrationDocumentId     = leaveActual.ImmigrationDocumentId;
                    result.RelationshipId            = leaveActual.RelationshipId;
                    result.TimeResidence             = leaveActual.TimeResidence;
                    result.SpecficationImmigranDoc   = leaveActual.SpecficationImmigranDoc;
                    result.SpecificationRelationship = leaveActual.SpecificationRelationship;
                    result.CommunicationFamilyId     = leaveActual.CommunicationFamilyId;
                //End leave country

                string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);
                result.JsonMeeting = output;

                result.JsonCountrys     = this.jsonCountrys;
                result.JsonStates       = this.jsonStates;
                result.JsonMunycipality = this.jsonMunycipality;
                result.JsonElection     = this.jsonElection;
                result.JsonActivities   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(db.Table <ActivityCatalog> ().ToList());

                var temp = new MeetingDatosPersonales {
                    Model = result
                //			var temp = new NewMeeting{Model = new EntrevistaTabla{Name="nombre" , DateBirthString=DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/mm/dd")} };
                var pagestring = "nada que ver";
                pagestring = temp.GenerateString();
Example #3
        public void ValidationMeetingBySource(int idSource)
            using (var db = FactoryConn.GetConn()) {
                var     source       = db.Table <SourceVerification> ().Where(sv => sv.Id == idSource).FirstOrDefault();
                int     idCase       = (int)source.CaseRequestId;
                User    Reviewer     = db.Table <User> ().First();
                Case    cs           = db.Table <Case> ().Where(cas => cas.Id == idCase).ToList().First();
                Meeting baseMe       = db.Table <Meeting> ().Where(meet => meet.CaseDetentionId == cs.Id).First();
                Imputed baseImp      = db.Table <Imputed> ().Where(imput => imput.MeetingId == baseMe.Id).First();
                var     verification = db.Table <Verification> ().Where(ver => ver.CaseDetentionId == idCase).FirstOrDefault();
                var     result       = new VerificationMeetingSourceDto();
                result.IdFolder           = cs.IdFolder;
                result.ImputedId          = baseImp.Id;
                result.Name               = baseImp.Name;
                result.LastNameP          = baseImp.LastNameP;
                result.LastNameM          = baseImp.LastNameM;
                result.BirthDate          = baseImp.BirthDate;
                result.Gender             = baseImp.Gender;
                result.FoneticString      = baseImp.FoneticString;
                result.CelPhone           = baseImp.CelPhone;
                result.YearsMaritalStatus = baseImp.YearsMaritalStatus;
                result.MaritalStatusId    = baseImp.MaritalStatusId;
                result.Boys               = baseImp.Boys;
                result.DependentBoys      = baseImp.DependentBoys;
//				result.Location = baseImp.Location;
                result.LocationId        = baseImp.LocationId;
                result.BirthLocation     = baseImp.BirthLocation;
                result.BirthCountry      = baseImp.BirthCountry;
                result.BirthState        = baseImp.BirthState;
                result.BirthMunicipality = baseImp.BirthMunicipality;
                result.Nickname          = baseImp.Nickname;
                result.BirthInfoId       = baseImp.BirthInfo;

                result.MeetingId        = baseMe.Id;
                result.ReviewerId       = Reviewer.Id;
                result.StatusMeetingId  = baseMe.StatusMeetingId;
                result.CommentReference = baseMe.CommentReference;
                result.CommentCountry   = baseMe.CommentCountry;
                result.CommentDrug      = baseMe.CommentDrug;
                result.CommentHome      = baseMe.CommentHome;
                result.CommentJob       = baseMe.CommentJob;
                result.CommentSchool    = baseMe.CommentSchool;
                result.DateCreate       = baseMe.DateCreate;
                result.DateTerminate    = baseMe.DateTerminate;

                result.CaseId = idCase;

                result.ageString = services.calculateAge(result.BirthDate);

                var parantesco = db.Table <Relationship> ().ToList();
                result.ListaDeRelaciones = parantesco;
                var elecciones = db.Table <Election> ().ToList();
                result.ListaDeElection = elecciones;
                var documentosIdentificacion = db.Table <DocumentType> ().ToList();
                result.ListaDeIdentificaciones = documentosIdentificacion;
                var drogasCatalog = db.Table <DrugType> ().ToList();
                result.ListaDeDrogas = drogasCatalog;
                var periodoCatalog = db.Table <Periodicity> ().ToList();
                result.ListaDePeriodicidad = periodoCatalog;
                var registerCatalog = db.Table <RegisterType> ().ToList();
                result.ListaDeRegisterType = registerCatalog;

                result.JsonDomicilios = new List <DomiciliosVerificationDto> ();
                var domiciliosImputado = db.Table <ImputedHome> ().Where(im => im.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).ToList();
                if (domiciliosImputado != null && domiciliosImputado.Count > 0)
                    var domVerified = new List <DomiciliosVerificationDto> ();
                    foreach (ImputedHome i in domiciliosImputado)
                        var home = new DomiciliosVerificationDto(i);
                        if (i.webId != null && i.webId != 0L)
                            home.Id = (int)i.webId;
                        home.ScheduleList = db.Table <Schedule> ().Where(xywz => xywz.ImputedHomeId == i.Id).ToList();
                    result.JsonDomicilios = domVerified;

                foreach (DomiciliosVerificationDto h in result.JsonDomicilios)
                    h.Schedule = "";
                    var horario = db.Table <Schedule> ().Where(sche => sche.ImputedHomeId == h.Id).ToList();
                    if (horario != null && horario.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Schedule skdl in horario)
                            h.Schedule += "<tr>";
                            h.Schedule += "<td>" + skdl.Day + "</td>";
                            h.Schedule += "<td>" + skdl.Start + "</td>";
                            h.Schedule += "<td>" + skdl.End + "</td>";
                            h.Schedule += "</ tr>";

                var SE = db.Table <SocialEnvironment> ().Where(s => s.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (SE != null)
                    result.PhysicalCondition = SE.physicalCondition;
                    result.comment           = SE.comment;
                    var ActList = db.Table <RelActivity> ().Where(s => s.SocialEnvironmentId == SE.Id).ToList();
                    if (ActList != null && ActList.Count > 0)
                        result.Activities = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ActList);
                var socialNetComent = db.Table <SocialNetwork> ().Where(s => s.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (socialNetComent != null)
                    result.CommentSocialNetwork = socialNetComent.Comment;
                    socialNetComent           = new SocialNetwork();
                    socialNetComent.Comment   = "";
                    socialNetComent.MeetingId = result.MeetingId ?? 0;

                var personsSocNet = db.Table <PersonSocialNetwork> ().Where(sn => sn.SocialNetworkId == socialNetComent.Id).ToList();
                if (personsSocNet != null && personsSocNet.Count > 0)
                    var socialList = new List <PersonSocialNetworkVerificationDto> ();
                    foreach (PersonSocialNetwork psn in personsSocNet)
                        var nuev = new PersonSocialNetworkVerificationDto(psn);
                        if (psn.webId != null && psn.webId != 0L)
                            nuev.Id = (int)psn.webId;

                    result.JsonPersonSN = socialList;
                    result.JsonPersonSN = null;

                var references = db.Table <Reference> ().Where(sn => sn.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).ToList();
                if (references != null && references.Count > 0)
                    for (var cont = 0; cont < references.Count; cont++)
                        if (references [cont].webId != null && references [cont].webId != 0L)
                            references [cont].Id = (int)references [cont].webId;
                    result.JsonReferences = references;
                    result.JsonReferences = null;

                //Laboral History
                var trabajos = db.Table <Job> ().Where(sn => sn.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).ToList();
                if (trabajos != null && trabajos.Count > 0)
                    var dtojob = new List <JobVerificationDto> ();
                    foreach (Job j in trabajos)
                        var trabajo = new JobVerificationDto(j);
                        if (j.webId != null && j.webId != 0L)
                            trabajo.Id = (int)j.webId;
                        trabajo.ScheduleList = db.Table <Schedule> ().Where(trbjao => trbjao.JobId == j.Id).ToList() ?? new List <Schedule> ();
                    result.JsonJobs = dtojob;
                    result.JsonJobs = null;

                //school history
                var escuelaUtlActual = db.Table <School> ().Where(sc => sc.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (escuelaUtlActual != null)
                    result.SchoolAddress       = escuelaUtlActual.Address;
                    result.SchoolBlock         = escuelaUtlActual.block;
                    result.SchoolDegreeId      = escuelaUtlActual.DegreeId.GetValueOrDefault();
                    result.SchoolName          = escuelaUtlActual.Name;
                    result.SchoolPhone         = escuelaUtlActual.Phone;
                    result.SchoolSpecification = escuelaUtlActual.Specification;

                if (escuelaUtlActual != null)
                    result.SchoolId = escuelaUtlActual.Id;
                    var schedule = db.Table <Schedule> ().Where(scular => scular.SchoolId == escuelaUtlActual.Id).ToList();
                    if (schedule != null)
                        result.ScheduleSchool = schedule;

                var drogas = db.Table <Drug> ().Where(sn => sn.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).ToList();
                if (drogas != null && drogas.Count > 0)
                    for (var cont2 = 0; cont2 < drogas.Count; cont2++)
                        if (drogas [cont2].webId != null && drogas [cont2].webId != 0L)
                            drogas [cont2].Id = (int)drogas [cont2].webId;
                    result.JsonDrugs = drogas;
                    result.JsonDrugs = null;

                //leave country
                var leaveActual = db.Table <LeaveCountry> ().Where(lv => lv.MeetingId == result.MeetingId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (leaveActual != null)
                    result.OfficialDocumentationId = leaveActual.OfficialDocumentationId;
                    result.LivedCountryId          = leaveActual.LivedCountryId;
                    result.timeAgo = leaveActual.timeAgo;
                    result.Reason  = leaveActual.Reason;
                    result.FamilyAnotherCountryId = leaveActual.FamilyAnotherCountryId;
                    result.CountryId                 = leaveActual.CountryId;
                    result.State                     = leaveActual.State;
                    result.Media                     = leaveActual.Media;
                    result.Address                   = leaveActual.Address;
                    result.ImmigrationDocumentId     = leaveActual.ImmigrationDocumentId;
                    result.RelationshipId            = leaveActual.RelationshipId;
                    result.TimeResidence             = leaveActual.TimeResidence;
                    result.SpecficationImmigranDoc   = leaveActual.SpecficationImmigranDoc;
                    result.SpecificationRelationship = leaveActual.SpecificationRelationship;
                    result.CommunicationFamilyId     = leaveActual.CommunicationFamilyId;
                //End leave country

                string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);
                result.JsonMeeting = output;

                result.JsonCountrys     = this.JsonCountrys;
                result.JsonStates       = this.JsonStates;
                result.JsonMunycipality = this.JsonMunycipality;
                result.JsonElection     = this.JsonElection;
                result.JsonActivities   = this.JsonActivities;

                //result source
                result.SourceAddress = source.Address;
                result.SourceAge     = source.Age;
                result.SourceId      = source.Id;
                result.SourceName    = source.FullName;
                result.SourcePhone   = source.Phone;
                var SourceRelationship = db.Table <Relationship> ().Where(sore => sore.Id == source.RelationshipId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (SourceRelationship.Equals(null))
                    result.SourceRelationshipString = "";
                    result.SourceRelationshipString = SourceRelationship.Name;

                var temp = new VerificacionInterview {
                    Model = result
                //			var temp = new NewMeeting{Model = new EntrevistaTabla{Name="nombre" , DateBirthString=DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/mm/dd")} };
                var pagestring = "nada que ver";
                pagestring = temp.GenerateString();