Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The segment detector function. It calls the RLHT scorer and if line segments are sensed, it calls the LineAnalyzer to find the source blobs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Input">Input data.</param>
        /// <param name="Position">Position of the input data array in the image.</param>
        /// <param name="Data">Bag of algorithm parameters and data.</param>
        static void LTD_RLHT(double[,] Input, SchedCore.ImageSegmentPosition Position, LongTrailData Data)
            /* Extracts the size of the input data */
            int    Height = Input.GetLength(0), Width = Input.GetLength(1);
            double Diagonal = Math.Sqrt(Width * Width + Height * Height);

            /* Initialize VPool */
            lock (Data.AgData.VPool)
                if (Data.AgData.VPool.Constructor == null)
                    Data.AgData.VPool.Constructor = () => new List <Vector>();

            /* Applies the RLHT algorithm */
            Data.AgData.StrongValueFunction = (x) => ThresholdComputer(x, Data, Diagonal);
            var Result = RLHT.SmartSkipRLHT(Input, Data.ImageParameters, Data.AgData);

            /* Prepare common data for the LineAnalyzer */
            bool[,] Mask = new bool[Height, Width];
            double SST = Data.SegmentSelectThreshold * Data.Sigma, SDT = Data.SegmentDropThreshold * Data.Sigma;
            int    MIB = Data.MaxInterblobDistance, SW = Data.ScanWidth, pX = (int)Position.Alignment.X, pY = (int)Position.Alignment.Y;

            if (Data.DropCrowdedRegion)                   /* If the region is too crowded, it's very likely to be some luminous residue - for example star halos */
                if (Result.StrongPoints.Count > Diagonal) /* There is no deep meaning between this comparison; a reasonable Diagonal seems to correspond to a reasonable number of lines */
                    goto clear_end;

            /* Analyze each possible trail line and store the detections */
            foreach (Vector vx in Result.StrongPoints)
                var z = LineAnalyzer.AnalyzeLine(Input, Mask, Height, Width, vx.X, vx.Y, SST, SDT, MIB, SW, pX, pY);
                lock (Data.Results)
                    Data.Results.AddRange(z.Select((x) => StandardDetectionFactory.CreateDetection(Data.RunningImage, x.Points, x.PointValues)));

            /* Release resources */
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a median filter between multiple data sets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Inputs">Input data.</param>
        /// <param name="Output">Output data.</param>
        /// <param name="InputPositions">Input alignments.</param>
        /// <param name="OutputPosition">Output alignment.</param>
        /// <param name="empty">Dummy argument.</param>
        static void MultiImageMedianFilter(double[][,] Inputs, double[,] Output, SchedCore.ImageSegmentPosition[] InputPositions, SchedCore.ImageSegmentPosition OutputPosition, object empty)
            PixelPoint[] InputAlignments = InputPositions.Select((x) => x.Alignment).ToArray();
            PixelPoint   OutputAlignment = OutputPosition.Alignment;

            IWCSProjection[] InputImagesTransforms = InputPositions.Select((x) => x.WCS).ToArray();
            IWCSProjection   OutputImageTransform  = OutputPosition.WCS;

            int OW = Output.GetLength(1);
            int OH = Output.GetLength(0);
            int i, j, k, c;

            double[]   MedValues = new double[Inputs.Length];
            PixelPoint pxp       = new PixelPoint();

            for (i = 0; i < OH; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < OW; j++)
                    pxp.X = j + OutputAlignment.X; pxp.Y = i + OutputAlignment.Y;
                    EquatorialPoint eqp = OutputImageTransform.GetEquatorialPoint(pxp);
                    c = 0;
                    for (k = 0; k < Inputs.Length; k++)
                        PixelPoint pyp = InputImagesTransforms[k].GetPixelPoint(eqp);
                        pyp.X = Math.Round(pyp.X - InputAlignments[k].X); pyp.Y = Math.Round(pyp.Y - InputAlignments[k].Y);
                        if (pyp.X < 0 || pyp.X >= Inputs[k].GetLength(1))
                        if (pyp.Y < 0 || pyp.Y >= Inputs[k].GetLength(0))
                        double dex = Inputs[k][(int)pyp.Y, (int)pyp.X];
                        MedValues[c] = dex;
                    if (c == 0)

                    if (c % 2 == 1)
                        Output[i, j] = MedValues[c / 2];
                        Output[i, j] = MedValues[c / 2 - 1];