/// <summary>
 /// Gets properties and inherited properties from parent doctype.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inheritedFromDocType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private HashSet<DocumentTypeProperty> GetInheritedProperties(DocumentTypeEditorModel inheritedFromDocType)
     var inheritedProps = new HashSet<DocumentTypeProperty>(inheritedFromDocType.Properties);
     //foreach (var t in inheritedFromDocType.InheritedProperties)
     //    inheritedProps.Add(t);
     return inheritedProps;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets tabs and inherited tabs from parent doctype.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inheritedFromDocType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private HashSet<Tab> GetInheritedTabs(DocumentTypeEditorModel inheritedFromDocType)
     var inheritedTabs = new HashSet<Tab>(inheritedFromDocType.DefinedTabs);
     //foreach (var t in inheritedFromDocType.InheritedTabs)
     //    inheritedTabs.Add(t);
     return inheritedTabs;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create properties from xml
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docTypeXml"></param>
        /// <param name="docType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private new HashSet<DocumentTypeProperty> CreateProperties(XElement docTypeXml, DocumentTypeEditorModel docType)
            var properties = new HashSet<DocumentTypeProperty>();


            var propsXml = docTypeXml.Descendants("property");

            foreach (var xElement in propsXml)
                var name = xElement.Attribute("Name").Value;
                var alias = xElement.Attribute("Alias").Value;

                var dataTypeAlias = xElement.Element("DataTypeAlias").Value;
                var sortOrder = int.Parse(xElement.Attribute("SortOrder").Value);
                var tabAlias = xElement.Attribute("TabAlias").Value;

                LogHelper.Error<UmbracoXmlImportHelper>(String.Format("the data type alias was {0}", dataTypeAlias), new Exception());
                var dataType = _dataTypes.First(x => x.Alias == dataTypeAlias);

                // TODO: property is not in tab...possibly need object initializer?

                var p = new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), dataType)
                    Name = name,
                    Alias = alias,
                   // TabId = docType.DefinedTabs.Single(x => x.Alias == tabAlias).Id,
                    SortOrder = sortOrder

            return properties;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates selected template property
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DocumentTypeProperty CreateSelectedTemplate(DocumentTypeEditorModel docType)
            var selectedTemplateAttributeType = _attributeTypeRegistry.GetAttributeType(SelectedTemplateAttributeType.AliasValue);
            _selectedTemplateDataType = new DataType(
                _propertyEditorFactory.GetPropertyEditor(new Guid(CorePluginConstants.SelectedTemplatePropertyEditorId)).Value,

            var dtp = new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _selectedTemplateDataType);

            dtp.Name = "Selected template";
            dtp.Alias = SelectedTemplateAttributeDefinition.AliasValue;
            //dtp.TabId = docType.DefinedTabs.Where(x => x.Alias == _generalGroup.Alias).Single().Id;
            dtp.TabId = docType.DefinedTabs.Single(x => x.Alias == FixedGroupDefinitions.GeneralGroup.Alias).Id;
            dtp.SortOrder = 0;
            return dtp;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates doctype from xml
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docTypeXml"> </param>
        /// <param name="generateTabs"> </param>
        /// <param name="providerGroupRoot"> </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DocumentTypeEditorModel CreateDocType(XElement docTypeXml, Func<IEnumerable<Tab>> generateTabs, Uri providerGroupRoot)
            //var docType = new DocumentTypeEditorModel(HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(id));
            var docType = new DocumentTypeEditorModel(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()));
            docType.Name = docTypeXml.Attribute("Name").Value;
            docType.Alias = docTypeXml.Attribute("Alias").Value;

            docType.Description = docTypeXml.Element("Description").Value;
            docType.Icon = docTypeXml.Element("Icon").Value;
            docType.Thumbnail = docTypeXml.Element("Thumbnail").Value;
            docType.AllowedTemplates = GetAllowedTemplates(docTypeXml);
            docType.DefaultTemplateId = docTypeXml.Element("DefaultTemplate").Value == string.Empty
                                            ? HiveId.Empty
                                            : _templates.Single(x => x.Name == docTypeXml.Element("DefaultTemplate").Value).Id;

            var tabs = generateTabs.Invoke().ToList();

            docType.DefinedTabs = new HashSet<Tab>(tabs);

            docType.IsAbstract = bool.Parse(docTypeXml.Element("IsAbstract").Value);

            // get properties
            docType.Properties = CreateProperties(docTypeXml, docType);

            return docType;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Node Name property
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DocumentTypeProperty CreateNodeName(DocumentTypeEditorModel docType)
            var nodeNameAttributeType = _attributeTypeRegistry.GetAttributeType(NodeNameAttributeType.AliasValue);
            _nodeNameDataType = new DataType(
                _propertyEditorFactory.GetPropertyEditor(new Guid(CorePluginConstants.NodeNamePropertyEditorId)).Value,

            var dtp = new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _nodeNameDataType);
            dtp.Name = "Node Name";
            dtp.Alias = NodeNameAttributeDefinition.AliasValue;
            dtp.TabId = docType.DefinedTabs.Single(x => x.Alias == FixedGroupDefinitions.GeneralGroup.Alias).Id;
            dtp.SortOrder = 0;

            return dtp;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create selected template content property.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="docType"></param>
 /// <param name="selectedTemplateId"> </param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private ContentProperty CreateSelectedTemplateContentProperty(DocumentTypeEditorModel docType, HiveId selectedTemplateId)
     var prop = new ContentProperty((HiveId)Guid.NewGuid(),
                                                docType.Properties.Single(x => x.Alias == SelectedTemplateAttributeDefinition.AliasValue),
                                                selectedTemplateId.IsNullValueOrEmpty() ? new Dictionary<string, object>() : new Dictionary<string, object> { { "TemplateId", selectedTemplateId.ToString() } })
         Name = SelectedTemplateAttributeDefinition.AliasValue,
         Alias = SelectedTemplateAttributeDefinition.AliasValue,
         TabId = docType.DefinedTabs.Single(x => x.Alias == FixedGroupDefinitions.GeneralGroup.Alias).Id
     return prop;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create selected template content property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docType"></param>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ContentProperty CreateNodeNameContentProperty(DocumentTypeEditorModel docType, XElement nodeXml)
            var prop = new ContentProperty((HiveId)Guid.NewGuid(),
                                                   docType.Properties.Single(x => x.Alias == NodeNameAttributeDefinition.AliasValue),
                                                   new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Name", (string)nodeXml.Attribute("nodeName") } })
                Name = NodeNameAttributeDefinition.AliasValue,
                Alias = NodeNameAttributeDefinition.AliasValue,
                TabId = docType.DefinedTabs.Single(x => x.Alias == FixedGroupDefinitions.GeneralGroup.Alias).Id


            return prop;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docType"></param>
        /// <param name="templateId"> </param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ContentEditorModel CreateContentNodeFromXml(DocumentTypeEditorModel docType, HiveId templateId, XElement x)
            var parentId = x.Attribute("parentID");
            var contentNode = new ContentEditorModel(HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid((int)x.Attribute("id")))
                Name = (string)x.Attribute("nodeName"),
                DocumentTypeId = docType == null ? HiveId.Empty : docType.Id,
                DocumentTypeName = docType == null ? "" : docType.Name,
                DocumentTypeAlias = docType == null ? "" : docType.Alias,
                ParentId = parentId != null ? HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid((int)parentId) : HiveId.Empty,

                //assign the properties
                Properties = GetNodeProperties(x, templateId)
            return contentNode;
Example #10
 private DocumentTypeProperty CreateSelectedTemplateId(DocumentTypeEditorModel docType)
     return new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _selectedTemplateDataType)
         Name = "Selected template",
         Alias = SelectedTemplateAttributeDefinition.AliasValue,
         TabId = docType.DefinedTabs.Where(x => x.Alias == _generalGroup.Alias).Single().Id,
         SortOrder = 0
Example #11
        private void InitDocTypes()
            Func<Tab[]> generateTabs = () => new[]
                    new Tab {Id = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(++_tabIdCounter), Alias = "tab1", Name = "Some Content", SortOrder = 0},
                    new Tab {Id = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(++_tabIdCounter), Alias = "tab2", Name = "A second test tab", SortOrder = 1},
                    new Tab {Id = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(++_tabIdCounter), Alias = "tab3", Name = "Other info", SortOrder = 2},
                    //add the general tab
                    new Tab
                            Id = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(++_tabIdCounter), Alias = _generalGroup.Alias, Name = _generalGroup.Name, SortOrder = _generalGroup.Ordinal

            var providerGroupRoot = new Uri("content://");
            var homePage = new DocumentTypeEditorModel(HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(1045))
                    Name = "Home Page",
                    Description = "Represents a home page node",
                    Icon = "doc.gif",
                    Thumbnail = "folder.png",
                    Alias = "homePage",
                    AllowedTemplates = new List<SelectListItem>(new[]
                        }.Select(x => new SelectListItem {Selected = true, Text = x.Name, Value = x.Id.ToString()})),
                    DefaultTemplateId = _templates.First().Id,
                    DefinedTabs = new HashSet<Tab>(generateTabs.Invoke()),
                    InheritFrom = new[]{ new HierarchicalSelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = FixedHiveIds.ContentRootSchema.ToString()
                    AllowedChildren = new[]
                            new SelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(providerGroupRoot, "nhibernate", 1046).ToString()
                            new SelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(providerGroupRoot, "nhibernate", 2000).ToString()
            homePage.Properties = new HashSet<DocumentTypeProperty>(new[]
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[0]) { Name = "Body Text", Alias = "bodyText", TabId = homePage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 0 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[1]) { Name = "Site Name", Alias = "siteName", TabId = homePage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(1).Id, SortOrder = 1 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[1]) { Name = "Site Description", Alias = "siteDescription", TabId = homePage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(1).Id, SortOrder = 2 },

            var contentPage = new DocumentTypeEditorModel(HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(1046))
                    Name = "Content Page",
                    Description = "A page for content",
                    Icon = "doc4.gif",
                    Thumbnail = "doc.png",
                    Alias = "contentPage",
                    AllowedTemplates = new List<SelectListItem>(new[] { _templates.ElementAt(1) }.Select(x => new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = x.Name, Value = x.Id.ToString() })),
                    DefaultTemplateId = _templates.ElementAt(1).Id,
                    DefinedTabs = new HashSet<Tab>(generateTabs.Invoke()),
                    InheritFrom = new[]{ new HierarchicalSelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = FixedHiveIds.ContentRootSchema.ToString()
                    AllowedChildren = new[]
                            new SelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(providerGroupRoot, "nhibernate", 1046).ToString()
            contentPage.Properties = new HashSet<DocumentTypeProperty>(new[]
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[0]) { Name = "Body Text", Alias = "bodyText", TabId = contentPage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 0 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[1]) { Name = "Umbraco Hide in Nav", Alias = "umbracoNaviHide", TabId = contentPage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(1).Id, SortOrder = 4 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[2]) { Name = "Color Swatch Picker", Alias = "colorSwatchPicker", TabId = contentPage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 5 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[3]) { Name = "Tags", Alias = "tags", TabId = contentPage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 5 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[4]) { Name = "Textbox", Alias = "textBox", TabId = contentPage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 5 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[1]) { Name = "New tree", Alias = "newTree", TabId = contentPage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 5 }

            var faq = new DocumentTypeEditorModel(HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(1055))
                    Name = "Faq",
                    Description = "A Faqs container",
                    Icon = "doc4.gif",
                    Thumbnail = "doc.png",
                    Alias = "Faq",
                    AllowedTemplates = new List<SelectListItem>(new[] {_templates.ElementAt(2)}.Select(x => new SelectListItem {Selected = true, Text = x.Name, Value = x.Id.ToString()})),
                    DefaultTemplateId = _templates.ElementAt(2).Id,
                    DefinedTabs = new HashSet<Tab>(generateTabs.Invoke()),
                    InheritFrom = new[]{ new HierarchicalSelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = FixedHiveIds.ContentRootSchema.ToString()
                    AllowedChildren = new[]
                            new SelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(providerGroupRoot, "nhibernate", 1056).ToString()
            faq.Properties = new HashSet<DocumentTypeProperty>(new[]
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[0]) { Name = "Body Text", Alias = "bodyText", TabId = faq.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 0 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[1]) { Name = "Umbraco Hide in Nav", Alias = "umbracoNaviHide", TabId = faq.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(1).Id, SortOrder = 4 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[1]) { Name = "Show Form", Alias = "ShowForm", TabId = faq.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 5 },

            var faqCategory = new DocumentTypeEditorModel(HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(1056))
                    Name = "Faq Category",
                    Description = "An Faq category",
                    Icon = "doc4.gif",
                    Thumbnail = "doc.png",
                    Alias = "FaqCategory",
                    //AllowedTemplates = new List<SelectListItem>(new[] { _templates.ElementAt(3) }.Select(x => new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = x.Name, Value = x.Id.ToString() })),
                    //DefaultTemplateId = _templates.ElementAt(3).Id,
                    DefinedTabs = new HashSet<Tab>(generateTabs.Invoke()),
                    InheritFrom = new[]{ new HierarchicalSelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = FixedHiveIds.ContentRootSchema.ToString()
                    AllowedChildren = new[]
                            new SelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(providerGroupRoot, "nhibernate", 1057).ToString()
            faqCategory.Properties = new HashSet<DocumentTypeProperty>(new[]
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[0]) { Name = "Body Text", Alias = "bodyText", TabId = faqCategory.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 0 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[1]) { Name = "Umbraco Hide in Nav", Alias = "umbracoNaviHide", TabId = faqCategory.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(1).Id, SortOrder = 4 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[1]) { Name = "Show Form", Alias = "ShowForm", TabId = faqCategory.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 5 },

            var faqQuestion = new DocumentTypeEditorModel(HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(1057))
                    Name = "Faq Question",
                    Description = "An Faq question",
                    Icon = "doc4.gif",
                    Thumbnail = "doc.png",
                    Alias = "FaqQuestion",
                    //AllowedTemplates = new List<SelectListItem>(new[] { _templates.ElementAt(4) }.Select(x => new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = x.Name, Value = x.Id.ToString() })),
                    //DefaultTemplateId = _templates.ElementAt(4).Id,
                    DefinedTabs = new HashSet<Tab>(generateTabs.Invoke()),
                    InheritFrom = new[]{ new HierarchicalSelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = FixedHiveIds.ContentRootSchema.ToString()
            faqQuestion.Properties = new HashSet<DocumentTypeProperty>(new[]
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[0]) { Name = "Body Text", Alias = "bodyText", TabId = faqQuestion.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 0 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[1]) { Name = "Question Text", Alias = "questionText", TabId = faqQuestion.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(1).Id, SortOrder = 1 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[1]) { Name = "Umbraco Hide in Nav", Alias = "umbracoNaviHide", TabId = faqQuestion.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(1).Id, SortOrder = 4 },

            var booksPage = new DocumentTypeEditorModel(HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(2000))
                Name = "Books Page",
                Description = "List of usefull books",
                Icon = "doc4.gif",
                Thumbnail = "doc.png",
                Alias = "BooksPage",
                AllowedTemplates = new List<SelectListItem>(new[] { _templates.ElementAt(5) }.Select(x => new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = x.Name, Value = x.Id.ToString() })),
                DefaultTemplateId = _templates.ElementAt(5).Id,
                DefinedTabs = new HashSet<Tab>(new[]
                    new Tab {Id = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(++_tabIdCounter), Alias = "content", Name = "Content", SortOrder = 0},
                    new Tab { Id = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(++_tabIdCounter), Alias = _generalGroup.Alias, Name = _generalGroup.Name, SortOrder = _generalGroup.Ordinal }
                InheritFrom = new[]{ new HierarchicalSelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = FixedHiveIds.ContentRootSchema.ToString()
                AllowedChildren = new[]
                            new SelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(providerGroupRoot, "nhibernate", 2001).ToString()
            booksPage.Properties = new HashSet<DocumentTypeProperty>(new[]

            var bookPage = new DocumentTypeEditorModel(HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(2001))
                Name = "Book Page",
                Description = "An individual book",
                Icon = "doc4.gif",
                Thumbnail = "doc.png",
                Alias = "BookPage",
                AllowedTemplates = new List<SelectListItem>(new[] { _templates.ElementAt(6) }.Select(x => new SelectListItem { Selected = true, Text = x.Name, Value = x.Id.ToString() })),
                DefaultTemplateId = _templates.ElementAt(6).Id,
                DefinedTabs = new HashSet<Tab>(new[]
                    new Tab { Id = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(++_tabIdCounter), Alias = "content", Name = "Content", SortOrder = 0},
                    new Tab { Id = HiveId.ConvertIntToGuid(++_tabIdCounter), Alias = _generalGroup.Alias, Name = _generalGroup.Name, SortOrder = _generalGroup.Ordinal }
                InheritFrom = new[]{ new HierarchicalSelectListItem
                                    Selected = true,
                                    Value = FixedHiveIds.ContentRootSchema.ToString()
            bookPage.Properties = new HashSet<DocumentTypeProperty>(new[]
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[0]) { Name = "Description", Alias = "bodyText", TabId = bookPage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 0 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[1]) { Name = "Publisher", Alias = "publisher", TabId = bookPage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 0 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[6]) { Name = "Number of Pages", Alias = "numberOfPages", TabId = bookPage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 0 },
                    new DocumentTypeProperty(new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()), _dataTypes[7]) { Name = "Image", Alias = "image", TabId = bookPage.DefinedTabs.ElementAt(0).Id, SortOrder = 0 }

            _docTypes = new List<DocumentTypeEditorModel>