
        /// <summary>Draws a field (using GUILayout) which lets you pick an object from a list and returns the selected object.</summary>
        public static T DrawLayout <T>(T selected, Func <List <T> > getOptions, int suggestions, Func <T, GUIContent> getLabel, Func <T> getDragAndDrop,
                                       GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] layoutOptions)
            var id = CheckCommand(ref selected);

            if (GUILayout.Button(getLabel(selected), style, layoutOptions))
                ObjectPickerWindow.Show(id, selected, getOptions(), suggestions, getLabel);

            CheckDragAndDrop(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), ref selected, getOptions, getDragAndDrop);

        #region Main Drawing Methods

        /// <summary>Draws a field which lets you pick an object from a list and returns the selected object.</summary>
        public static T Draw <T>(Rect area, T selected, Func <List <T> > getOptions, int suggestions, Func <T, GUIContent> getLabel, Func <T> getDragAndDrop,
                                 GUIStyle style)
            var id = CheckCommand(ref selected);

            if (GUI.Button(area, getLabel(selected), style))
                ObjectPickerWindow.Show(id, selected, getOptions(), suggestions, getLabel);

            CheckDragAndDrop(area, ref selected, getOptions, getDragAndDrop);
