Example #1
        private void InstanceSystemSetup(ProvisionedService provisionedService)
            string name = provisionedService.Name;
            string user = provisionedService.User;
            string password = provisionedService.Password;
            string directory = this.GetInstanceDirectory(name);
            int port = provisionedService.Port.Value;

                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                Logger.Debug(Strings.SqlNodeCreateDatabaseDebugMessage, provisionedService.SerializeToJson());

                // The group and users have to be recreated if the box was recreated by bosh.
                // In that case only the file system resrouces remain. Every system
                // resource of configuration has to be provisioned again.
                // Create the group and user if necessary
                if (!WindowsUsersAndGroups.ExistsGroup(name))
                    Logger.Info("Creating window group: {0}, for instance {1}", name, name);

                    // Add group permissions to directory
                    // TODO: stefi: consider cleaning up orphan users and groups
                    Logger.Info("Adding group permissions for directory: {0}", directory);
                    AddDirectoryPermissions(directory, name);

                    if (!WindowsUsersAndGroups.ExistsUser(user))
                        Logger.Info("Creating user: {0}, for instance {1}", user, name);
                        CreateInstanceUser(name, user, password);
                        AddInstanceUserToGroup(name, user);

                // create the vhd if necessary
                if (this.useVhd)
                    string vhdDirectory = Path.Combine(this.baseDir, name);
                    string vhd = Path.Combine(this.baseDir, name + ".vhd");

                    if (!VHDUtilities.IsMountPointPresent(vhdDirectory))
                        Logger.Info("Mounting VHD: {0}, at: {1}, for instance {2}", vhd, vhdDirectory, name);
                        VHDUtilities.MountVHD(vhd, vhdDirectory);

                if (this.useFsrm)
                    Logger.Info("Setting up windows FSRM for instance: {0}, with quota size: {1} MB", name, this.maxStorageSizeMB);
                    this.dirAccounting.SetDirectoryQuota(directory, this.maxStorageSizeMB * 1024 * 1024);

                // create ftp service if necessary
                if (!FtpUtilities.Exists(name))
                    Logger.Info("Creating ftp site for instance: {0}, at: {1}, with port: {2}", name, directory, port);
                    FtpUtilities.CreateFtpSite(name, directory, port);

                if (!FtpUtilities.HasGroupAccess(name, name))
                    // Add group permissions to ftp share
                    Logger.Info("Adding group permission for ftp site for instance: {0}", name);
                    FtpUtilities.AddGroupAccess(name, name);

                // create the windows share with necessary permission
                var ws = new WindowsShare(name);
                if (!ws.Exists())
                    Logger.Info("Creating windows share for instance: {0}, at: {1}", name, directory);
                    ws = WindowsShare.CreateShare(name, directory);

                if (!ws.HasPermission(name))
                    // Add group permissions to windows share
                    Logger.Info("Adding group permission for windows share for instance: {0}", name);

                Logger.Debug("Done setting up instance {0}. Took {1}s.", provisionedService.SerializeToJson(), (start - DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("Cloud not setup instance {0}. Exception {1}.", provisionedService.SerializeToJson(), ex.ToString());