Example #1
 public void SetCallBackMessage(ref ImageProperty imageProp, uint pixelAvg)
     CurrentImageProperty = imageProp;
     PixelAverage         = pixelAvg;
     CallBackMessageLabel1.Text = "Frame Count:" + _callbackCount + "Exposure Time: " + (CurrentImageProperty.ExposureTime / 20) + "(ms) Pixel Average:" + PixelAverage; // ShowMessage
     CallBackMessageLabel2.Text = "Row:" + CurrentImageProperty.Row + " Column:" + CurrentImageProperty.Column + " Bin:" + CurrentImageProperty.Bin + " AT(" +
                                  CurrentImageProperty.XStart + "," + CurrentImageProperty.YStart + ")";
     CallBackMessageLabel3.Text = "Gain: (" + CurrentImageProperty.RedGain + "," + CurrentImageProperty.GreenGain + "," + CurrentImageProperty.BlueGain + ")";
Example #2
        // JTZ: The frame callback.
        public void GrabbingFrameCallback(ref ImageProperty frameProperty, IntPtr SSClassicferPtr)
            uint i, pixelAvg;

            pixelAvg = 0;
            MightexCam.SetCallBackMessage(ref frameProperty, pixelAvg);

            // System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat imageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed;
            System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat imageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb;

            int imageWidth  = frameProperty.Column / (frameProperty.Bin + 1);
            int imageHeight = frameProperty.Row / (frameProperty.Bin + 1);
            int imageStride;

            imageStride  = imageWidth * 1;
            imageStride += (imageStride % 4);
            imageStride *= 3;

                byte *dptr = (byte *)_pImage;
                byte *sptr = (byte *)SSClassicferPtr;
                // For Mono camera, the returned image data is 1 byte for each pixel.
                for (i = 0; i < (imageWidth * imageHeight); i++)
                    *dptr++ = *sptr;
                    *dptr++ = *sptr;
                    *dptr++ = *sptr++;
            //Bitmap imageBitmap = new Bitmap(imageWidth, imageHeight, imageStride, imageFormat, new IntPtr(SSClassicferPtr));
            Bitmap imageBitmap = new Bitmap(imageWidth, imageHeight, imageStride, imageFormat, _pImage);


            MightexCam.pictureBox1.Image = imageBitmap;
Example #3
        // JTZ: The frame callback.
        public void GrabbingFrameCallback(int FrameType, int Row, int Col, ref ImageProperty frameProperty, IntPtr BufferPtr)
            uint i, pixelAvg=0;
            uint frameSize;
            int notCurrent = (current==0)?1:0;
            g = Graphics.FromImage(bmps[notCurrent]);
            g.DrawImage(bmps[current], 0, 0, rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            Bmpdata = bmps[current].LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, picBox.Width, picBox.Height),
                                                ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

                ushort* frameptr;
                byte* Bmpptr = (byte*)(Bmpdata.Scan0) + pos;
                byte* bufPtr = null;

                if(true == hasBuffer)
                    bufPtr = (byte*)(Bufferdata.Scan0) + Bufferdata.Stride*index;

                 * JTZ: In tihs example, we get "Raw" data.
                pixelAvg = 0;
                frameSize = (uint)(Row * Col); // We take 1304 as example, it's 3648
                frameptr = (ushort*)BufferPtr;

                // faster to request memory block copy ?
                for (i = 0; i < frameSize; i++)
                    pixelAvg += (uint)*frameptr;
                    byte p = (byte)((uint)*frameptr >> 4);

                    // preview
                    if (i % 10 == 0)
                        *Bmpptr = p; Bmpptr++;
                        *Bmpptr = p; Bmpptr++;
                        *Bmpptr = p; Bmpptr += (Bmpdata.Stride-2);

                    // write to buffer
                    if (true == hasBuffer)
                        *bufPtr = p; bufPtr++;

                    // increment source
                if (true == mode)   // buffer mode

                pixelAvg = pixelAvg / frameSize;

            // stick it in the picture box !!!

            picBox.Image = (Image)bmps[current];
            current = notCurrent;
             * JTZ: For Buffer camera, the callback in invoked in the main thread of the application, so it's
             * allowed to do any GUI operations here...however, don't block here.
            MightexCam.SetCallBackMessage(ref frameProperty, pixelAvg);

            if (true == hasBuffer &&
                index >= lastIndex)
                hasBuffer = false;
                if (true == mode)

                bool success = MightexCam.saveBitmap(buffer);

                // stop if buffered mode or failed to save
                if (true == mode || false==success)
                else // saved ok and run-on mode
                    index = 0;
                    hasBuffer = true;   // keep going for run-on mode
Example #4
 public void SetCallBackMessage( ref ImageProperty imageProp, uint pixelAvg )
     CurrentImageProperty  = imageProp;
     PixelAverage = pixelAvg;
     CallBackMessageLabel1.Text = "Frame Count:" + _callbackCount + " Exposure Time: " + (CurrentImageProperty.ExposureTime/10) + "(ms)"; // ShowMessage
     CallBackMessageLabel2.Text = "TimeStamp: " + CurrentImageProperty.TimeStamp;
     CallBackMessageLabel3.Text = "Pixel Average:" + PixelAverage + " ShieldPixel: " + CurrentImageProperty.LightShieldAverageValue ;