Inheritance: RevisableEntity
 public void HasGetSet()
     var value = new List<Affiliation> { new Affiliation() };
     var entity = new Establishment { Affiliates = value };
Example #2
        /* Deprecated */
        public bool IsAffiliatedWith(Establishment establishment)
            if (Affiliations != null)
                foreach (var affiliation in Affiliations)
                    if (affiliation.EstablishmentId == establishment.RevisionId)
                        return true;

                    // check all parents of the establishment
                    if (establishment.Ancestors != null && establishment.Ancestors.Count > 0)
                        //foreach (var ancestor in establishment.Ancestors.Select(a => a.Ancestor))
                        //    if (IsAffiliatedWith(ancestor)) return true;
                        if (establishment.Ancestors.Select(a => a.Ancestor).Any(IsAffiliatedWith))
                            return true;
            return false;
Example #3
 public void HasGetSet()
     var value = new Establishment();
     var entity = new RoleGrant { ForEstablishment = value };
 public void HasGetSet()
     var value = new EstablishmentContactInfo();
     var entity = new Establishment { PartnerContactInfo = value };
            public void IsValidWhen_MatchesEstablishment_WithAnyTypeCategory()
                const int establishmentId = 6;
                var command = new CreateAffiliationCommand { EstablishmentId = establishmentId };
                var establishment = new Establishment
                    RevisionId = command.EstablishmentId,
                    Type = new EstablishmentType
                        Category = new EstablishmentCategory
                            Code = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Govt,
                var entities = new Mock<IQueryEntities>(MockBehavior.Strict).Initialize();
                entities.Setup(m => m.Query<Establishment>()).Returns(new[] { establishment }.AsQueryable);
                entities.Setup(m => m.Query<Person>()).Returns(new Person[] { }.AsQueryable);
                var validator = new CreateAffiliationValidator(entities.Object);

                var results = validator.Validate(command);

                var error = results.Errors.SingleOrDefault(e => e.PropertyName == "EstablishmentId");
            public void IsInvalidWhen_IsTrue_ButEstablishmentIsNotInstitution()
                const bool isClaimingStudent = true;
                var establishment = new Establishment
                    Type = new EstablishmentType
                        Category = new EstablishmentCategory
                            Code = "not an institution",
                var command = new CreateAffiliationCommand
                    IsClaimingStudent = isClaimingStudent
                var entities = new Mock<IQueryEntities>(MockBehavior.Strict).Initialize();
                entities.Setup(m => m.Query<Establishment>()).Returns(new[] { establishment }.AsQueryable);
                entities.Setup(m => m.Query<Person>()).Returns(new Person[] { }.AsQueryable);
                var validator = new CreateAffiliationValidator(entities.Object);

                var results = validator.Validate(command);

                results.Errors.Count.ShouldBeInRange(1, int.MaxValue);
                var error = results.Errors.SingleOrDefault(e => e.PropertyName == "IsClaimingStudent");
                // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException
                // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException
Example #7
        public Affiliation AffiliateWith(Establishment establishment)
            var currentAffiliations = Affiliations.ToList();

            // affiliation may already exist
            var affiliation = currentAffiliations
                .SingleOrDefault(a => a.Establishment == establishment);
            if (affiliation != null) return affiliation;

            // create affiliation
            affiliation = new Affiliation
                // if person does not already have a default affiliation, this is it
                IsDefault = !currentAffiliations.Any(a => a.IsDefault),
                Establishment = establishment, // affiliate with establishment
                Person = this,

                // for non-institutions, person should not be claiming student, faculty, etc
                IsClaimingEmployee = !establishment.IsInstitution,

            // add & return affiliation
            return affiliation;
        private IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetHierarchySelectList(Establishment establishment)
            var rootEstablishment = establishment.Parent == null
                ? establishment
                : establishment.Ancestors.Single(e => e.Ancestor.Parent == null).Ancestor;

            var childEstablishments =
                    new FindInstitutionalAgreementsOwnedByEstablishmentQuery(rootEstablishment.EntityId)
                        EagerLoad = new Expression<Func<InstitutionalAgreement, object>>[]
                            a => a.Participants.Select(p => p.Establishment.Ancestors),
                .SelectMany(a => a.Participants.Where(p => p.IsOwner)).Select(p => p.Establishment)
                .Distinct(new RevisableEntityEqualityComparer()).Cast<Establishment>()
                .OrderBy(e => e.Ancestors.Count).ThenBy(e => e.OfficialName);

            var selectList = childEstablishments.Select(e => new SelectListItem
                Text = e.OfficialName,
                Value = e.WebsiteUrl,

            return selectList;
 public void HasGetSet()
     var value = new Establishment();
     var entity = new InstitutionalAgreementParticipant { Establishment = value };
Example #10
        public EstablishmentView(Establishment entity)
            Id = entity.RevisionId;

            OfficialName = entity.Names.Single(e => e.IsOfficialName).Text;

            var officialUrl = entity.Urls.SingleOrDefault(e => e.IsOfficialUrl);
            WebsiteUrl = officialUrl != null ? officialUrl.Value : string.Empty;

            var country = GetCountry(entity);
            CountryCode = country != null ? country.GeoPlanetPlace.Country.Code : string.Empty;
            CountryName = country != null ? country.OfficialName : string.Empty;

            CeebCode = entity.CollegeBoardDesignatedIndicator ?? "";
            UCosmicCode = entity.UCosmicCode ?? "";

            var names = new List<EstablishmentNameView>();
            foreach (var name in entity.Names)
                names.Add(new EstablishmentNameView(name));
            Names = names;

            var urls = new List<EstablishmentUrlView>();
            foreach (var url in entity.Urls)
                urls.Add(new EstablishmentUrlView(url));
            Urls = urls;
 public void HasGetSet()
     var value = new Establishment();
     var entity = new EstablishmentNode { Offspring = value };
 public void HasGetSet()
     var value = new Establishment();
     var entity = new EstablishmentNode { Ancestor = value };
 public void HasGetSet()
     var value = new Establishment();
     var entity = new EstablishmentEmailDomain { Establishment = value };
        public static bool EmailMatchesEntity(string email, IQueryEntities entities,
            IEnumerable<Expression<Func<Establishment, object>>> eagerLoad, out Establishment entity)
            entity = entities.Query<Establishment>().EagerLoad(entities, eagerLoad).ByEmail(email);

            // return true (valid) if there is an entity
            return entity != null;
Example #15
            public void ReturnsExistingAffiliation_WhenAlreadyAffiliated()
                var establishment = new Establishment();
                var affiliation = new Affiliation { Establishment = establishment };
                var person = new Person
                    Affiliations = new List<Affiliation> { affiliation }

                var result = person.AffiliateWith(establishment);

            public void ReturnsNull_WhenIdCannotBeMatched()
                const int id = 9;
                var query = new GetEstablishmentByIdQuery(id);
                var establishments = new Establishment[] {}.AsQueryable();
                var entities = new Mock<IQueryEntities>(MockBehavior.Strict);
                entities.Setup(p => p.Query<Establishment>()).Returns(establishments);
                var handler = new GetEstablishmentByIdHandler(entities.Object);

                var result = handler.Handle(query);

Example #17
 private Place GetCountry(Establishment establishment)
     var country = establishment.Location.Places.FirstOrDefault(e => e.IsCountry);
     if (country == null)
         var parent = establishment.Parent;
         while (parent != null)
             country = parent.Location.Places.FirstOrDefault(e => e.IsCountry);
             if (country != null) break;
             parent = parent.Parent;
     return country;
        public static bool IdMatchesEntity(int id, IQueryEntities entities,
            IEnumerable<Expression<Func<Establishment, object>>> eagerLoad, out Establishment entity)
            if (id < 0)
                entity = null;
                return false;

            entity = entities.Query<Establishment>()
                .EagerLoad(entities, eagerLoad).By(id);

            // return true (valid) if there is an entity
            return entity != null;
            public void ReturnsEstablishment_WhenIdCanBeMatched()
                const int id = 6;
                var query = new GetEstablishmentByIdQuery(id);
                var establishment = new Establishment
                    RevisionId = id,
                var establishments = new[]
                var entities = new Mock<IQueryEntities>(MockBehavior.Strict);
                entities.Setup(p => p.Query<Establishment>()).Returns(establishments);
                var handler = new GetEstablishmentByIdHandler(entities.Object);

                var result = handler.Handle(query);

 public static bool IdMatchesEntity(int id, IQueryEntities entities, out Establishment entity)
     return IdMatchesEntity(id, entities, null, out entity);
Example #21
 public static bool EstablishmentIsInstitutionWhenIsClaimingStudent(bool isClaimingStudent, Establishment establishment)
     // return false when user is claiming student but establishment is not an academic institution
     return establishment != null && (establishment.IsInstitution || isClaimingStudent == false);
            public void IsValidWhen_MatchesPerson_WithNonSamlLocalUser_AndConfirmedEmailAddress()
                var validated = new ForgotPasswordForm
                    EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                var person = new Person
                    User = new User
                        Name = "*****@*****.**",
                    Emails = new[]
                        new EmailAddress
                            Value = validated.EmailAddress,
                            IsConfirmed = true,
                var establishment = new Establishment
                    IsMember = true,
                    EmailDomains = new[] { new EstablishmentEmailDomain { Value = "@domain.tld" }, },
                var passwords = new Mock<IStorePasswords>(MockBehavior.Strict);
                passwords.Setup(m => m
                var entities = new Mock<IQueryEntities>(MockBehavior.Strict).Initialize();
                entities.Setup(m => m.Query<Establishment>()).Returns(new[] { establishment }.AsQueryable);
                entities.Setup(m => m.Query<Person>()).Returns(new[] { person }.AsQueryable);
                var validator = new ForgotPasswordValidator(entities.Object, passwords.Object);

                var results = validator.Validate(validated);

                var error = results.Errors.SingleOrDefault(e => e.PropertyName == PropertyName);
            public void ValidWhen_IsTrue_AndEstablishmentIsInstitution()
                const bool isClaimingStudent = true;
                var command = new CreateAffiliationCommand
                    IsClaimingStudent = isClaimingStudent
                var establishment = new Establishment
                    Type = new EstablishmentType
                        Category = new EstablishmentCategory
                            Code = EstablishmentCategoryCode.Inst,
                var entities = new Mock<IQueryEntities>(MockBehavior.Strict).Initialize();
                entities.Setup(m => m.Query<Establishment>()).Returns(new[] { establishment }.AsQueryable);
                entities.Setup(m => m.Query<Person>()).Returns(new Person[] { }.AsQueryable);
                var validator = new CreateAffiliationValidator(entities.Object);

                var results = validator.Validate(command);

                var error = results.Errors.SingleOrDefault(e => e.PropertyName == "IsClaimingStudent");
        private static bool HasDefaultAffiliate(Establishment establishment, IPrincipal principal)
            if (establishment == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("establishment");
            if (principal == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("principal");

            Func<Affiliation, bool> defaultAffiliation = a =>
                a.IsDefault && a.Person.User != null
                && a.Person.User.Name.Equals(principal.Identity.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            return establishment.Affiliates.Any(defaultAffiliation)
                || establishment.Ancestors.Any(n => n.Ancestor.Affiliates.Any(defaultAffiliation));
 public void IsInvalidWhen_MatchingEstablishment_IsNotMember()
     const string emailAddress = "*****@*****.**";
     var establishment = new Establishment
         IsMember = false,
         EmailDomains = new[] { new EstablishmentEmailDomain { Value = "@domain.tld", } }
     var entities = new Mock<IQueryEntities>(MockBehavior.Strict).Initialize();
     entities.Setup(m => m.Query<Establishment>()).Returns(new[] { establishment }.AsQueryable);
     var validator = new SignOnValidator(entities.Object);
     var model = new SignOnForm { EmailAddress = emailAddress };
     var results = validator.Validate(model);
     results.Errors.Count.ShouldBeInRange(1, int.MaxValue);
     var error = results.Errors.SingleOrDefault(e => e.PropertyName == PropertyName);
     // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException
         SignOnValidator.FailedBecauseEstablishmentIsNotEligible, emailAddress));
     // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException
Example #26
 public void ReturnsNull_WhenNoNamesExist()
     var establishment = new Establishment { Names = new List<EstablishmentName>() };
     var translatedName = establishment.TranslateNameTo("en");
Example #27
        private void PushToSamlSso(Establishment establishment, string returnUrl)
            if (establishment == null) return;

            // update the provider metadata
                new UpdateSamlSignOnMetadataCommand
                    EstablishmentId = establishment.RevisionId,

            // clear the email from temp data

            // send the authn request
                returnUrl ?? Url.Action(MVC.Identity.MyHome.Get()),
 public void IsValidWhen_IsValidEmailAddress_AndBelongsToMemberEstablishment()
     var establishment = new Establishment
         IsMember = true,
         EmailDomains = new[] { new EstablishmentEmailDomain { Value = "@domain.tld", } }
     var entities = new Mock<IQueryEntities>(MockBehavior.Strict).Initialize();
     entities.Setup(m => m.Query<Establishment>()).Returns(new[] { establishment }.AsQueryable);
     var validator = new SignOnValidator(entities.Object);
     var model = new SignOnForm { EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**" };
     var results = validator.Validate(model);
     var error = results.Errors.SingleOrDefault(e => e.PropertyName == PropertyName);
 public static bool EmailMatchesEntity(string email, IQueryEntities entities, out Establishment entity)
     return EmailMatchesEntity(email, entities, null, out entity);
Example #30
        private ActionResult PushToSamlSsoExternal(Establishment establishment, string returnUrl)
            if (establishment != null)
                // update the provider metadata
                    new UpdateSamlSignOnMetadata
                        EstablishmentId = establishment.RevisionId,

                var callbackUrl = returnUrl ?? Url.Action(MVC.MyProfile.Index());
                callbackUrl = MakeAbsoluteUrl(callbackUrl);

                var redirectUrl = "";
                if (_configurationManager.SamlRealServiceProviderEntityId.StartsWith(""))
                    redirectUrl = "";

                redirectUrl = string.Format("{0}/sign-on/alpha-proxy/{1}/?returnUrl={2}", redirectUrl,
                    establishment.RevisionId, Server.UrlEncode(callbackUrl));
                return Redirect(redirectUrl);

            return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Example #31
        public void Handle(CreateEstablishment command)
            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("command");

            var parent = command.ParentId.HasValue
                ? _entities.FindByPrimaryKey <Establishment>(command.ParentId.Value)
                : null;

            var type = _entities.FindByPrimaryKey <EstablishmentType>(command.TypeId);

            var entity = new Establishment
                OfficialName = command.OfficialName,
                Parent       = parent,
                WebsiteUrl   = command.OfficialWebsiteUrl,
                IsMember     = command.IsMember,
                Type         = type,
                Location     = new EstablishmentLocation(),

            // add official name to list
            entity.Names.Add(new EstablishmentName
                Text           = command.OfficialName,
                IsOfficialName = true,

            // add non-official names
            if (command.NonOfficialNames != null && command.NonOfficialNames.Any())
                foreach (var nonOfficialName in command.NonOfficialNames)
                    entity.Names.Add(new EstablishmentName
                        Text                  = nonOfficialName.Text,
                        IsFormerName          = nonOfficialName.IsDefunct,
                        TranslationToLanguage = nonOfficialName.TranslationToLanguageId.HasValue
                            ? _entities.FindByPrimaryKey <Language>(nonOfficialName.TranslationToLanguageId.Value)
                            : null,

            // add official url to list
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.OfficialWebsiteUrl))
                entity.Urls.Add(new EstablishmentUrl
                    Value         = command.OfficialWebsiteUrl,
                    IsOfficialUrl = true,

            // add non-official URL's
            if (command.NonOfficialUrls != null && command.NonOfficialUrls.Any())
                foreach (var nonOfficialUrl in command.NonOfficialUrls)
                    entity.Urls.Add(new EstablishmentUrl
                        Value       = nonOfficialUrl.Value,
                        IsFormerUrl = nonOfficialUrl.IsDefunct,

            // add email domains
            if (command.EmailDomains != null && command.EmailDomains.Any())
                foreach (var emailDomain in command.EmailDomains)
                    entity.EmailDomains.Add(new EstablishmentEmailDomain
                        Value = emailDomain,

            // apply coordinates
            if (command.FindPlacesByCoordinates &&
                command.CenterLatitude.HasValue && command.CenterLongitude.HasValue)
                var woeId = _queryProcessor.Execute(new WoeIdByCoordinates(
                                                        command.CenterLatitude.Value, command.CenterLongitude.Value));
                var place = _queryProcessor.Execute(
                    new GetPlaceByWoeIdQuery {
                    WoeId = woeId
                var places = place.Ancestors.OrderByDescending(n => n.Separation)
                             .Select(a => a.Ancestor).ToList();
                entity.Location.Center      = new Coordinates(command.CenterLatitude, command.CenterLongitude);
                entity.Location.BoundingBox = place.BoundingBox;
                entity.Location.Places      = places;

            // apply addresses
            if (command.Addresses != null && command.Addresses.Any())
                foreach (var address in command.Addresses)
                    entity.Location.Addresses.Add(new EstablishmentAddress
                        Text = address.Text,
                        TranslationToLanguage = _entities.FindByPrimaryKey <Language>(address.TranslationToLanguageId),

            // apply contact info
            if (command.PublicContactInfo != null)
                entity.PublicContactInfo = new EstablishmentContactInfo
                    Email = command.PublicContactInfo.Email,
                    Phone = command.PublicContactInfo.Phone,
                    Fax   = command.PublicContactInfo.Fax,

            // apply CEEB / UCosmic code
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.UCosmicCode))
                entity.UCosmicCode = command.UCosmicCode;

            _hierarchy.Handle(new UpdateEstablishmentHierarchyCommand(entity));
            command.CreatedEstablishment = entity;