} // end of ReadFullTime public static void InsertFullTimer(FullTime insFull) { // add to employee table sql = "INSERT INTO EmployeeTable(EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, DateHired, SSN, Email, PhoneNumber, TaxRate) " + "VALUES ('" + insFull.Id + "', '" + insFull.FirstName + "', '" + insFull.LastName + "', '" + insFull.Doh + "', '" + insFull.Ssn + "', '" + insFull.EMail + "', '" + insFull.PhoneNum + "', '" + insFull.TaxRate + "');"; OpenDB(); SqlCommand cmdInsert1 = new SqlCommand(sql, dbConn); ExecCommand(cmdInsert1); CloseDB(); // adds to f/t table sql = "INSERT INTO FullTime(Salary, NumberVacationDays, NumberSickDays, IsTaxExempt, IsInsured, EmployeeID) " + "VALUES('" + insFull.Salary + "', '" + insFull.VacDays + "', '" + insFull.SickDays + "', '" + insFull.TaxExempt + "', '" + insFull.Insured + "', '" + insFull.Id + "');"; OpenDB(); SqlCommand cmdInsert = new SqlCommand(sql, dbConn); ExecCommand(cmdInsert); CloseDB(); } // end of insert
private void listBoxFullTime_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listBoxFullTime.SelectedIndex != -1) { i = listBoxFullTime.SelectedIndex; FullTime FTEmployee = (FullTime)listBoxFullTime.Items[i]; employeeIDtxtBox.Text = FTEmployee.EmployeeID.ToString(); nameTxtBox.Text = FTEmployee.FName + " " + FTEmployee.LName; salaryTxtBox.Text = FTEmployee.Salary.ToString(); sickDayTxtBox.Text = FTEmployee.SickDays.ToString(); vacationDayTxtBox.Text = FTEmployee.VacationDays.ToString(); if (FTEmployee.HasInsurance) { hasInsuranceCheckBox.Checked = true; } else { hasInsuranceCheckBox.Checked = false; } if (FTEmployee.TaxExempt) { taxExemptCheckBox.Checked = true; } else { taxExemptCheckBox.Checked = false; } } }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FullTime aFullTime = new FullTime(); aFullTime.ID = Convert.ToInt16(txtBxEmployeeID.Text); aFullTime.FirstNanme = txtBxFName.Text; aFullTime.LastName = txtBxLName.Text; aFullTime.DateHired = Convert.ToDateTime(txtBxDateHired.Text); aFullTime.SSN = txtBxSSN.Text; aFullTime.Email = txtBxEmail.Text; aFullTime.Phone = txtBxPhone.Text; aFullTime.TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(txtBxTaxRate.Text); aFullTime.ID = Convert.ToInt16(txtBxID.Text); aFullTime.Salary = Convert.ToDecimal(txtBxSalary.Text); aFullTime.NumOfVacationDays = Convert.ToInt16(numBxVacationDays.Text); aFullTime.HasInsurance = txtBxHasInsurance.Text; aFullTime.TaxExempt = txtBxTaxExempt.Text; aFullTime.NumOfSickDays = Convert.ToInt16(numBxSickDays.Text); DataAdapter.Update(aFullTime); listBox1.Items.Clear(); DataAdapter.FullTimeEmployees[idx] = aFullTime; foreach (FullTime item in DataAdapter.FullTimeEmployees) { listBox1.Items.Add(item); loaded = true; } }
} // end of CloseDB public static ArrayList GetFullTimers() { OpenDB(); dbReader = ReadFullTime(); ArrayList fullEmp = new ArrayList(); while (dbReader.Read()) { aFullTime = new FullTime( dbReader["EmployeeID"].ToString(), dbReader["FirstName"].ToString(), dbReader["LastName"].ToString(), dbReader["DateHired"].ToString(), dbReader["SSN"].ToString(), dbReader["Email"].ToString(), dbReader["PhoneNumber"].ToString(), dbReader["TaxRate"].ToString(), dbReader["Salary"].ToString(), dbReader["NumberVacationDays"].ToString(), dbReader["NumberSickDays"].ToString(), dbReader["IsTaxExempt"].ToString(), dbReader["IsInsured"].ToString()); fullEmp.Add(aFullTime); } // end of while CloseDB(); return(fullEmp); } // end of getall
/// <summary> /// Insert a Full time employee into both of the tables /// </summary> /// <param name="insFullTime"></param> public static void InsertFullTimeTable(FullTime insFullTime) { sql = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT Employee ON " + "INSERT INTO Employee(EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, DateHired, Ssn, Email, Phone, TaxRate)" + "VALUES('" + insFullTime.EmployeeId + "', '" + insFullTime.FirstName + "', '" + insFullTime.LastName + "', '" + insFullTime.DateHired + "', '" + insFullTime.Ssn + "', '" + insFullTime.Email + "', '" + insFullTime.Phone + "', '" + insFullTime.TaxRate + "');" + "SET IDENTITY_INSERT Employee OFF " + "INSERT INTO FullTime(EmployeeId,Salary, NumOfVacationDays, HasInsurance, TaxExempt, SickDays)" + "VALUES('" + insFullTime.EmployeeId + "', '" + insFullTime.Salary + "', '" + insFullTime.NumOfVacationDays + "', '" + insFullTime.HasInsurance + "', '" + insFullTime.IsTaxExempt + "', '" + insFullTime.SickDays + "');"; Connect(); SqlCommand cmdInsert = new SqlCommand(sql, oConn); ExeCommand(cmdInsert); }
private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listBox1.SelectedIndex != -1) { btnInsert.Enabled = false; btnUpdate.Enabled = true; btnDelete.Enabled = true; // These two enabled function is for us to not duplicate data in the database. // For example you can not just click on an exist data and do INSERT them to the database // The only option you have is only to Update data if you click on the list idx = listBox1.SelectedIndex; FullTime aFullTime = (FullTime)DataAdapter.FullTimeEmployees[idx]; txtBxEmployeeID.Text = aFullTime.ID.ToString(); txtBxFName.Text = aFullTime.FirstNanme; txtBxLName.Text = aFullTime.LastName; txtBxDateHired.Text = aFullTime.DateHired.ToString(); txtBxSSN.Text = aFullTime.SSN; txtBxEmail.Text = aFullTime.Email; txtBxPhone.Text = aFullTime.Phone; txtBxTaxRate.Text = aFullTime.TaxRate.ToString(); txtBxID.Text = aFullTime.ID.ToString(); txtBxSalary.Text = aFullTime.Salary.ToString(); numBxVacationDays.Text = aFullTime.NumOfVacationDays.ToString(); txtBxHasInsurance.Text = aFullTime.HasInsurance; txtBxTaxExempt.Text = aFullTime.TaxExempt; numBxSickDays.Text = aFullTime.NumOfSickDays.ToString(); } }
/// <summary> /// Updating Database row; /// </summary> /// <param name="updFullTime"></param> public static void UpdateFullTimeTable(FullTime updFullTime) { // set up an sql command to run in my sql sql = "UPDATE Employee SET " + "FirstName = '" + updFullTime.FirstName + "', " + "LastName = '" + updFullTime.LastName + "', " + "DateHired = '" + updFullTime.DateHired + "', " + "Ssn = '" + updFullTime.Ssn + "', " + "Email = '" + updFullTime.Email + "', " + "Phone = '" + updFullTime.Phone + "' " + "WHERE EmployeeId = @id " + "UPDATE FullTime SET " + "Salary= '" + updFullTime.Salary + "', " + "NumOfVacationDays= '" + updFullTime.NumOfVacationDays + "', " + "HasInsurance= '" + updFullTime.HasInsurance + "', " + "TaxExempt= '" + updFullTime.IsTaxExempt + "', " + "SickDays= '" + updFullTime.SickDays + "' " + "WHERE EmployeeId = @id; "; Connect(); SqlCommand cmdUpdate = new SqlCommand(sql, oConn); cmdUpdate.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", updFullTime.EmployeeId); ExeCommand(cmdUpdate); }
} // end of insert public static void UpdateEmployee(FullTime updEmp) { // to update the employee table sql = $"UPDATE EmployeeTable " + $"SET FirstName = '{updEmp.FirstName}', " + $" LastName = '{updEmp.LastName}', " + $" DateHired = '{updEmp.Doh}', " + $" SSN = '{updEmp.Ssn}', " + $" Email = '{updEmp.EMail}'," + $" PhoneNumber = '{updEmp.PhoneNum}', " + $" TaxRate = '{updEmp.TaxRate}' " + $"WHERE EmployeeID = '{updEmp.Id}';"; OpenDB(); SqlCommand cmdUpdate = new SqlCommand(sql, dbConn); ExecCommand(cmdUpdate); CloseDB(); // updates the fulltime table sql = $"UPDATE FullTime " + $"SET Salary = '{updEmp.Salary}', " + $" NumberVacationDays = '{updEmp.VacDays}', " + $" NumberSickDays = '{updEmp.SickDays}', " + $" IsTaxExempt = '{updEmp.TaxExempt}', " + $"IsInsured = '{updEmp.Insured}' " + $"WHERE EmployeeID = '{updEmp.Id}';"; OpenDB(); cmdUpdate = new SqlCommand(sql, dbConn); ExecCommand(cmdUpdate); CloseDB(); } // end of UpdateEmployee
} // end of UpdateEmployee public static void DeleteEmployee(FullTime delEmp) { // sql to delete row where id = sql = "DELETE FROM EmployeeTable WHERE EmployeeID = '" + delEmp.Id + "';"; OpenDB(); SqlCommand cmdDelete = new SqlCommand(sql, dbConn); ExecCommand(cmdDelete); CloseDB(); } // end of delete
/// <summary> /// load items in the text box /// </summary> public void LoadItems() { lstBxFullTime.Items.Clear(); ArrayList fullTime = FullTime.getAllFullTime(); foreach (FullTime aFullTime in fullTime) { this.lstBxFullTime.Items.Add(aFullTime); } }
} // end of btnLoad_Click private void LoadItems() { lstBxFullTime.Items.Clear(); ArrayList ar = FullTime.GetFullTime(); // foreaach f/t , add to listbox foreach (FullTime fullTimer in ar) { lstBxFullTime.Items.Add(fullTimer); } // end of foreach } // end of LoadItems
/// <summary> /// Purpose: Check on condition before insert data to the database /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnInsert_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { FullTime aFullTime = new FullTime(); if (Convert.ToInt16(txtBxEmployeeID.Text) <= DataAdapter.FullTimeEmployees.Count) { MessageBox.Show("This ID has been taken!"); } else if (!Decimal.TryParse(txtBxTaxRate.Text, out decimal number) || txtBxTaxRate.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter TaxRate to check out"); } else if (!Decimal.TryParse(txtBxSalary.Text, out decimal salary) || txtBxSalary.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Salary to check out"); } else if (numBxVacationDays.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter TaxRate to check out"); } else if (numBxSickDays.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter TaxRate to check out"); } else { aFullTime.ID = Convert.ToInt16(txtBxEmployeeID.Text); aFullTime.FirstNanme = txtBxFName.Text; aFullTime.LastName = txtBxLName.Text; aFullTime.DateHired = Convert.ToDateTime(txtBxDateHired.Text); aFullTime.SSN = txtBxSSN.Text; aFullTime.Email = txtBxEmail.Text; aFullTime.Phone = txtBxPhone.Text; aFullTime.TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(txtBxTaxRate.Text); aFullTime.ID = Convert.ToInt16(txtBxID.Text); aFullTime.Salary = Convert.ToDecimal(txtBxSalary.Text); aFullTime.NumOfVacationDays = Convert.ToInt16(numBxVacationDays.Text); aFullTime.HasInsurance = txtBxHasInsurance.Text; aFullTime.TaxExempt = txtBxTaxExempt.Text; aFullTime.NumOfSickDays = Convert.ToInt16(numBxSickDays.Text); DataAdapter.Insert(aFullTime); listBox1.Items.Clear(); DataAdapter.FullTimeEmployees.Add(aFullTime); foreach (FullTime item in DataAdapter.FullTimeEmployees) { listBox1.Items.Add(item); loaded = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Add or update employee method when OK button clicked /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool hasIns = Convert.ToBoolean(txtBxInsure.Text); bool isTaxEx = Convert.ToBoolean(txtBxTax.Text); int ifHasIns = hasIns ? 1 : 0; int isTaxExempt = isTaxEx ? 1:0; if (selectedItem == -1) // if creating a new full time employee { aFullTime = new FullTime(txtBxFName.Text, txtBxLName.Text, Convert.ToDateTime(txtBxDateHired.Text), txtBxSsn.Text, txtBxEmail.Text, txtBxPhone.Text, Convert.ToDecimal(txtBxTaxRate.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtBxID.Text), Convert.ToDecimal(txtBxSalary.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtBxVac.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtBxSick.Text), Convert.ToBoolean(ifHasIns), Convert.ToBoolean(txtBxInsure.Text) ); aFullTime.InsertFullTime(); lblMessage.Text = "Member Added"; LoadItems(); } else if (selectedItem >= 0)// if not, update the employee selected in the listbox { aFullTime.FirstName = txtBxFName.Text; aFullTime.LastName = txtBxLName.Text; aFullTime.DateHired = Convert.ToDateTime(txtBxDateHired.Text); aFullTime.Ssn = txtBxSsn.Text; aFullTime.Email = txtBxEmail.Text; aFullTime.Phone = txtBxPhone.Text; aFullTime.TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(txtBxTaxRate.Text); aFullTime.Salary = Convert.ToDecimal(txtBxSalary.Text); aFullTime.NumOfVacationDays = Convert.ToInt32(txtBxVac.Text); aFullTime.SickDays = Convert.ToInt32(txtBxSick.Text); aFullTime.IsTaxExempt = Convert.ToBoolean(ifHasIns); aFullTime.HasInsurance = Convert.ToBoolean(ifHasIns); aFullTime.updateFullTime(); lblMessage.Text = "Full Time Employee Updated"; } else { } EnableDisable(false); ClearText(); LoadItems(); }
/// <summary> /// Delete the full time employee dynamically /// </summary> /// <param name="delFullTime"></param> public static void DelFullTimeTable(FullTime delFullTime) { // set up an sql command to run in my sql sql = "DELETE Employee " + "WHERE EmployeeId = @id; "; Connect(); SqlCommand cmdDelete = new SqlCommand(sql, oConn); cmdDelete.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", aFulltime.EmployeeId); // deleting the employee using the employeeId dynamically make sure both tables are cascaded ExeCommand(cmdDelete); }
}// end of event private void LoadText() { //EnableDisable(false); btnDelete.Visible = false; btnDelete.Enabled = false; try { aFullTime = (FullTime)lstBxFullTime.Items[selected]; txtBxEmpID.Text = aFullTime.Id.ToString(); txtBxEmpID.Enabled = false; txtBxFName.Text = aFullTime.FirstName; txtBxLName.Text = aFullTime.LastName; txtBxDOH.Text = aFullTime.Doh.ToString(); txtBxSSN.Text = aFullTime.Ssn; txtBxMail.Text = aFullTime.EMail; txtBxPhNum.Text = aFullTime.PhoneNum; txtBxTaxRate.Text = aFullTime.TaxRate.ToString(); txtBxSal.Text = aFullTime.Salary.ToString(); txtBxVacDay.Text = aFullTime.VacDays.ToString(); txtBxSick.Text = aFullTime.SickDays.ToString(); if (aFullTime.TaxExempt.ToString() == "True") { txtBxTax.Text = "Y"; } // end of true else { txtBxTax.Text = "N"; } // end of false //txtBxTax.Text = aFullTime.TaxExempt.ToString(); if (aFullTime.Insured.ToString() == "True") { txtBxIns.Text = "Y"; } // end of true else { txtBxIns.Text = "N"; } // end of false } // end of try catch (Exception e) { lblMessage.Text = "Must have an employee selected"; } // end of catch //txtBxIns.Text = aFullTime.Insured.ToString(); } // end of loadText
/// <summary> /// populated text box fields upon selected item in the list box /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void lstBxFullTime_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectedItem = lstBxFullTime.SelectedIndex; aFullTime = (FullTime)lstBxFullTime.Items[selectedItem]; // cast the items txtBxID.Text = aFullTime.EmployeeId.ToString(); txtBxFName.Text = aFullTime.FirstName; txtBxLName.Text = aFullTime.LastName; txtBxDateHired.Text = aFullTime.DateHired.ToString(); txtBxSsn.Text = aFullTime.Ssn; txtBxEmail.Text = aFullTime.Email; txtBxPhone.Text = aFullTime.Phone; txtBxTaxRate.Text = aFullTime.TaxRate.ToString(); txtBxSalary.Text = aFullTime.Salary.ToString(); txtBxVac.Text = aFullTime.NumOfVacationDays.ToString(); txtBxSick.Text = aFullTime.SickDays.ToString(); txtBxTax.Text = aFullTime.IsTaxExempt.ToString(); txtBxInsure.Text = aFullTime.HasInsurance.ToString(); }
public static List <FullTime> SelectAll() { var FTEmployees = new List <FullTime>(); string selectStatement = "SELECT * FROM Employees LEFT JOIN FullTime ON Employees.employeeID = FullTime.employeeID; "; SqlCommand sql = new SqlCommand(selectStatement, myConnection); try { Connect(); SqlDataReader reader = sql.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { var fullTimeEmployee = new FullTime { EmployeeID = Convert.ToInt32(reader["employeeID"]), FName = reader["firstName"].ToString(), LName = reader["lastName"].ToString(), HireDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["hireDate"]), Social = Convert.ToInt32(reader["SSN"]), Email = reader["email"].ToString(), PhoneNumber = Convert.ToInt32(reader["phone"]), TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["taxRate"]), Salary = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["salary"]), VacationDays = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["vacationDays"]), HasInsurance = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["hasInsurance"]), TaxExempt = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["taxExempt"]), SickDays = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["sickDays"]) }; FTEmployees.Add(fullTimeEmployee); Status = "Connected - Full Time Employee List Loaded"; } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Status = e.Message; } return(FTEmployees); }
}// Emd pf Insert public static void Update(FullTime data) { string sqlIns = $"UPDATE Employee SET FirstName = @FirstName , DateHired = @DateHired, SSN = @SSN, Email = @Email, Phone = @Phone, TaxRate = @TaxRate WHERE ID = @condition; "; string sqlIns_1 = $"UPDATE FullTime SET Salary=@Salary, NumOfVacationDays= @NumOfVacationDays, HasUInsurance= @HasUInsurance,TaxExempt= @TaxExempt,NumOfSickDays= @NumOfSickDays) WHERE ID = @condition; "; try { Connect(); SqlCommand cmdIns = new SqlCommand(sqlIns, oConn); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FirstName", data.FirstNanme); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LastName", data.LastName); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateHired", data.DateHired); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SSN", data.SSN); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", data.Email); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Phone", data.Phone); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TaxRate", data.TaxRate); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@condition", data.ID); cmdIns.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlCommand cmdIns_1 = new SqlCommand(sqlIns_1, oConn); cmdIns_1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Salary", data.Salary); cmdIns_1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NumOfVacationDays", data.NumOfVacationDays); cmdIns_1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HasUInsurance", data.HasInsurance); cmdIns_1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TaxExempt", data.TaxExempt); cmdIns_1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NumOfSickDays", data.NumOfSickDays); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@condition", data.ID); cmdIns_1.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { Disconnect(); } }// End of Update
public static void Insert(FullTime data) { string sqlIns = $"INSERT INTO Employee(ID, FirstName, LastName, DateHired, SSN, Email, Phone,TaxRate) VALUES(@ID, @FirstName, @LastName, @DateHired, @SSN, @Email, @Phone,@TaxRate);"; string sqlIns_1 = $"INSERT INTO FullTime(ID, Salary, NumOfVacationDays, HasUInsurance, TaxExempt, NumOfSickDays) VALUES(@ID, @Salary, @NumOfVacationDays, @HasUInsurance, @TaxExempt, @NumOfSickDays);"; try { Connect(); SqlCommand cmdIns = new SqlCommand(sqlIns, oConn); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", data.ID); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FirstName", data.FirstNanme); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LastName", data.LastName); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateHired", data.DateHired); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SSN", data.SSN); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", data.Email); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Phone", data.Phone); cmdIns.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TaxRate", data.TaxRate); cmdIns.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlCommand cmdIns_1 = new SqlCommand(sqlIns_1, oConn); cmdIns_1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", data.ID); cmdIns_1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Salary", data.Salary); cmdIns_1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NumOfVacationDays", data.NumOfVacationDays); cmdIns_1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HasUInsurance", data.HasInsurance); cmdIns_1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TaxExempt", data.TaxExempt); cmdIns_1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NumOfSickDays", data.NumOfSickDays); cmdIns_1.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { Disconnect(); } }// Emd pf Insert
/// <summary> /// Get all full time employee and stores it into a instance passing the data unto a constructor on the full time employee /// Then the instance is added in to a Collection of ArrayList /// </summary> /// <returns>memarray</returns> public static ArrayList getAllFullTime() { Connect(); dbReader = getFullTime(); ArrayList memArray = new ArrayList(); while (dbReader.Read()) { //aFulltime = new FullTime( // Convert.ToDecimal(dbReader["Salary"]), // Convert.ToDouble(dbReader["NumOfVacationDays"])); //Convert.ToBoolean(dbReader["TaxExempt"]), // Convert.ToBoolean(dbReader["HasInsurance"])); aFulltime = new FullTime( dbReader["FirstName"].ToString(), dbReader["LastName"].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(dbReader["DateHired"]), dbReader["SSN"].ToString(), dbReader["Email"].ToString(), dbReader["Phone"].ToString(), Convert.ToDecimal(dbReader["TaxRate"]), Convert.ToInt32(dbReader["EmployeeId"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dbReader["Salary"]), Convert.ToDouble(dbReader["NumOfVacationDays"]), Convert.ToDouble(dbReader["SickDays"]), Convert.ToBoolean(dbReader["TaxExempt"]), Convert.ToBoolean(dbReader["HasInsurance"])); memArray.Add(aFulltime); // the instance in to the ArrayList } Disconnect(); return(memArray); }
} // end of add private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (selected == -1) { //anEmployee = new Employee(txtBxEmpID.Text, txtBxFName.Text, txtBxLName.Text, txtBxDOH.Text, txtBxSSN.Text, txtBxMail.Text, txtBxPhNum.Text, txtBxTaxRate.Text); aFullTime = new FullTime(txtBxEmpID.Text, txtBxFName.Text, txtBxLName.Text, txtBxDOH.Text, txtBxSSN.Text, txtBxMail.Text, txtBxPhNum.Text, txtBxTaxRate.Text, txtBxSal.Text, txtBxVacDay.Text, txtBxSick.Text, txtBxTax.Text, txtBxIns.Text); aFullTime.InsertFullTimeEmp(); lblMessage.Text = "FullTimer Added"; LoadItems(); EnableDisable(false); ClearText(); } // end of if else { //aFullTime = (FullTime)lstBxFullTime.Items[selected]; aFullTime.FirstName = txtBxFName.Text; aFullTime.LastName = txtBxLName.Text; aFullTime.Doh = DateTime.Parse(txtBxDOH.Text); aFullTime.Ssn = txtBxSSN.Text; aFullTime.EMail = txtBxMail.Text; aFullTime.PhoneNum = txtBxPhNum.Text; //if (txtBxTaxRate.Text = "") //{ // string taxRate = "0.0"; // aFullTime.TaxRate = decimal.Parse(taxRate); //} // end of if aFullTime.TaxRate = decimal.Parse(txtBxTaxRate.Text); aFullTime.Salary = decimal.Parse(txtBxSal.Text); aFullTime.VacDays = Convert.ToDouble(txtBxVacDay.Text); aFullTime.SickDays = Convert.ToDouble(txtBxSick.Text); if (txtBxTax.Text == "Y") { aFullTime.TaxExempt = true; } // end of true else { aFullTime.TaxExempt = false; } // end of false //aFullTime.TaxExempt = Boolean.Parse(txtBxTax.Text); if (txtBxIns.Text == "Y") { aFullTime.Insured = true; } // end of true else { aFullTime.Insured = false; } // end of false //aFullTime.Insured = Boolean.Parse(txtBxIns.Text); aFullTime.UpdateEmployee(); lblMessage.Text = "Employee Updated"; LoadItems(); EnableDisable(false); ClearText(); } // end of else } // end of btnOK-Click
}//End of Delete /// <summary> /// Purpose: Connect to database and add objects of data /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static ArrayList Get() { string sql = "SELECT * FROM Employee LEFT JOIN FullTime ON Employee.ID = FullTime.ID; "; string[,] FulltimeStrArray = new string[99, 14]; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, oConn); try { // Form1 frm1 = new Form1(); Connect(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); Console.WriteLine("asdasdsad"); //while (reader.Read()) //{ // //while we are getting records from the DB // Serializer.DeSerializeNow(reader["Data"].ToString()); //} // for (int j = 0; j <= FulltimeStrArray.Length; j++) { int j = 0; while (reader.Read()) { //FullTime item = new FullTime(reader); for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { FulltimeStrArray[j, i] = reader.GetValue(i).ToString(); } FullTime aFulltime = new FullTime(); aFulltime.ID = Convert.ToInt32(FulltimeStrArray[j, 0]); aFulltime.FirstNanme = FulltimeStrArray[j, 1]; aFulltime.LastName = FulltimeStrArray[j, 2]; aFulltime.DateHired = Convert.ToDateTime(FulltimeStrArray[j, 3]); aFulltime.SSN = FulltimeStrArray[j, 4]; aFulltime.Email = FulltimeStrArray[j, 5]; aFulltime.Phone = FulltimeStrArray[j, 6]; aFulltime.TaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(FulltimeStrArray[j, 7]); aFulltime.ID = Convert.ToInt32(FulltimeStrArray[j, 8]); aFulltime.Salary = Convert.ToDecimal(FulltimeStrArray[j, 9]); aFulltime.NumOfVacationDays = Convert.ToInt32(FulltimeStrArray[j, 10]); aFulltime.HasInsurance = FulltimeStrArray[j, 11]; aFulltime.TaxExempt = FulltimeStrArray[j, 12]; aFulltime.NumOfSickDays = Convert.ToInt32(FulltimeStrArray[j, 13]); FullTimeEmployees.Add(aFulltime); j++; Console.WriteLine(FullTimeEmployees.Count); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { Disconnect(); } return(FullTimeEmployees); } // End of get