private static List<byte> BuildLocoAddressBytes(LocomotiveAddress address)
     return BuildLocoAddressBytes(address.Address, address.Long);
        public static NMRACommand pomLocoCV(LocomotiveAddress address, uint cv, byte value, bool verify = false)
            // through NMRA.CVAccess instruction, long form
            // 1110CCAA AAAAAAAA DDDDDDDD
            // CC=00 Reserved for future use
            // CC=01 Verify byte, 0x04
            // CC=11 Write byte, 0x0C
            // CC=10 Bit manipulation, 0x08
             Two identical packets are needed before the decoder shall modify a CV.
             These two packets need not be back to back on the track.
             However any other packet to the same decoder will invalidate the write operation.
             (This includes broadcast packets.) If the decoder successfully receives this second
             identical packet, it shall respond with a CV access acknowledgment.
            The contents of the CV as indicated by the 10-bit address are compared with the data
            byte (DDDDDDDD). If the decoder successfully receives this packet and the values are
            identical, the Digital Decoder shall respond with the contents of the CV as the
            Decoder Response Transmission, if enabled.

            if (cv < 1 || cv > 1024)
                return null;

            uint cv_adr = cv - 1;

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
                NMRA.CVAccess |                 // 11100000
                (verify ? 0x04 : 0x0C) |        // CC
                ((cv_adr >> 8) & 0x03)          // 2 left bits of cv_adr
            list.Add((byte)(cv_adr & 0xFF));    // 8 right bits of cv_adr

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.High, NMRACommandType.POM, list);
        public static NMRACommand pomLocoCVBit(LocomotiveAddress address, uint cv, uint bitPosition, byte bitValue, bool verify = false)
            // through NMRA.CVAccess instruction, long form
            // 1110CCAA AAAAAAAA 111KDBBB
            // CC=00 Reserved for future use
            // CC=01 Verify byte, 0x04
            // CC=11 Write byte, 0x0C
            // CC=10 Bit manipulation, 0x08
            // K = (1=write, 0=verify), D = Bitvalue, BBB = bitpos
            // we use CC=10

            The bit manipulation instructions use a special format for the data byte (DDDDDDDD):
            Where BBB represents the bit position within the CV,
            D contains the value of the bit to be verified or written,
            and K describes whether the operation is a verify bit or a write bit operation.
            K = "1" WRITE BIT
            K = "0" VERIFY BIT
            The VERIFY BIT and WRITE BIT instructions operate in a manner similar to the VERIFY BYTE and WRITE
            BYTE instructions (but operates on a single bit). Using the same criteria as the VERIFY BYTE instruction, an
            operations mode acknowledgment will be generated in response to a VERIFY BIT instruction if appropriate. Using
            the same criteria as the WRITE BYTE instruction, a configuration variable access acknowledgment will be
            generated in response to the second identical WRITE BIT instruction if appropriate.

            if (cv < 1 || cv > 1024)
                return null;

            uint cv_adr = cv - 1;

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
                NMRA.CVAccess |                 // 11100000
                0x08 |                          // CC=10 Bit manipulation, 0x08
                ((cv_adr >> 8) & 0x03)          // 2 left bits of cv_adr
            list.Add((byte)(cv_adr & 0xFF));    // 8 right bits of cv_adr
                0xE0 |                          // 11100000
                (verify ? 0x00 : 0x10) |        // K
                ((bitValue & 0x01) << 3) |      // 0000D000, bitValue
                (bitPosition & 0x07)            // bitPosition & 00000111

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.High, NMRACommandType.POM, list);
        // ???
        public static NMRACommand LocoSpeedRestricted(LocomotiveAddress address, int speed, bool enabled)
            // 001CCCCC E*SSSSSS; advanced operation instruction
            // CCCCCC = 111110 - restricted speed steps instruction
            // In 128 speed step mode, the maximum restricted speed is scaled from 28 speed mode.

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
            list.Add(NMRA.AdvancedOperation | 0x1E); // 00111110
                (speed & 0x3F) | // 00SSSSSS
                (enabled ? 0x00 : 0x80) // E*SSSSSS

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.Normal, NMRACommandType.Speed, list);
        // it's equal to pomLocoCVWrite only for CV#23/CV#24
        public static NMRACommand pomLocoAccelerationDeceleration(LocomotiveAddress address, bool acceleration, byte value)
            // through NMRA.CVAccess instruction, short form
            //                  111xxxxx xxxxxxxx
            // short form:      1111CCCC DDDDDDDD
            //                      0000 -------- unused
            //                      0010 xxxxxxxx = Acceleration Value (CV#23), 0x02
            //                      0011 xxxxxxxx = Deceleration Value (CV#24), 0x03
            //                      1001 xxxxxxxx = See RP-9.2.3, Appendix B: Service Mode Decoder Lock Instruction, service mode

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
                NMRA.CVAccess | 0x10 | // 11110000
                (acceleration ? 0x02 : 0x03) // 11110010 or 11110011

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.High, NMRACommandType.POM, list);
        // speed < 0 => emergency-stop
        // speed = 0 => brake
        // speed = 1...14 => normal speed
        public static NMRACommand LocoSpeed14(LocomotiveAddress address, int speed, bool forward, bool FL)
            // 01DCSSSS
            // CV29 bit1=0 => 14 steps (older compartible), C is used for headlight
            SSSS    Speed parameter
             0  0000    0 - Brake
             1  0001    <0 - Emergency-Stop
             2  0010    1
             3  0011    2
            0100    3
            0101    4
            0110    5
            0111    6
            1000    7
            1001    8
            1010    9
            1011    10
            1100    11
            13  1101    12
            14  1110    13
            15  1111    14

            int ssss = 0;
            if (speed < 0)
                ssss = 1;
            else if (speed == 0)
                ssss = 0;
            else if (speed > 0 && speed <= 14)
                ssss = speed + 1;
            else if (speed > 14)
                ssss = 15; // always max speed

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
                (ssss & 0x0F) | // 0000SSSS
                (FL ? 0x10 : 0x00) | // 000[F0]SSSS
                (forward ? NMRA.SpeedForward : NMRA.SpeedReverse) // 01DCSSSS

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.Normal, NMRACommandType.Speed, list);
        // speed < 0 => emergency-stop
        // speed = 0 => brake
        // speed = 1...28 => normal speed
        public static NMRACommand LocoSpeed28(LocomotiveAddress address, int speed, bool forward)
            // 01DCSSSS
            // CV29bit1=1 => 28 steps, C is intermediate speed bit, least significant bit
            // FL is controlled by LocoFunctionGroup1, bit C
            SSSSC  Speed parameter
             0  00000   0 - Stop-brake
             1  00001   0 - Stop-brake Direction bit may be ignored for directional sensitive functions. (Optional)
             2  00010   <0 - Emergency-Stop
             3  00011   <0 - Emergency-Stop, Direction bit may be ignored for directional sensitive functions. (Optional)
             4  00100   1
             5  00101   2
             6  00110   3
             7  00111   4
            30  11110   27
            31  11111   28

            int ssssc = 0;
            if (speed < 0)
                ssssc = 2; // 2 or 3
            else if (speed == 0)
                ssssc = 0; // 0 or 1
            else if (speed > 0 && speed <= 28)
                ssssc = speed + 3;
            else if (speed > 28)
                ssssc = 31;

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();

            byte c = (byte)((ssssc & 0x01) << 4);	 // 000C0000
            byte ssss = (byte)((ssssc & 0x1E) >> 1); // 0000SSSS
                (ssss | c) | // 000CSSSS
                (forward ? NMRA.SpeedForward : NMRA.SpeedReverse) // 01DCSSSS

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.Normal, NMRACommandType.Speed, list);
        public static NMRACommand LocoFunctionGroup5(LocomotiveAddress address, bool F21, bool F22, bool F23, bool F24, bool F25, bool F26, bool F27, bool F28)
            // 11011111 FFFFFFFF
            // FFFFFFFF => F28, F27, F26, F25, F24, F23, F22, F21

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
                NMRA.Reserved | 0x1F | // 11000000 | 00011111
                (F21 ? 0x01 : 0) |
                (F22 ? 0x02 : 0) |
                (F23 ? 0x04 : 0) |
                (F24 ? 0x08 : 0) |
                (F25 ? 0x10 : 0) |
                (F26 ? 0x20 : 0) |
                (F27 ? 0x40 : 0) |
                (F28 ? 0x80 : 0)

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.Normal, NMRACommandType.Function, list);
        // speed < 0 => emergency-stop
        // speed = 0 => brake
        // speed = 1...126 => normal speed
        public static NMRACommand LocoSpeed128(LocomotiveAddress address, int speed, bool forward)
            // through NMRA.AdvancedOperation => 00100000
            // 001CCCCC DSSSSSSS;
            // CCCCC = 11111 => 128 speed steps
            // FL is controlled by LocoFunctionGroup1, bit C
            SSSSSSS| Speed parameter
             0  0000000 0 - Stop-brake
             1  0000001 <0 - Emergency-Stop
             2  0000010 1
             3  0000011 2
             4  0000100 3
             5  0000101 4
               126  1111110 125
               127  1111111 126

            int sssssss = 0;
            if (speed < 0)
                sssssss = 1;
            else if (speed == 0)
                sssssss = 0;
            else if (speed >= 1 && speed <= 126)
                sssssss = speed + 1;
            else if (speed > 126)
                sssssss = 127;

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
            list.Add((byte)(NMRA.AdvancedOperation | 0x1F)); // 00111111
                (sssssss & 0x7F) | // 0SSSSSSS
                (forward ? 0x80 : 0x00) // DSSSSSSS

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.Normal, NMRACommandType.Speed, list);
Example #10
        public static NMRACommand LocoFunctionGroup4(LocomotiveAddress address, bool F13, bool F14, bool F15, bool F16, bool F17, bool F18, bool F19, bool F20)
            // 11011110 FFFFFFFF
            // FFFFFFFF => F20, F19, F18, F17, F16, F15, F14, F13

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
                NMRA.Reserved | 0x1E | // 11000000 | 00011110
                (F13 ? 0x01 : 0) |
                (F14 ? 0x02 : 0) |
                (F15 ? 0x04 : 0) |
                (F16 ? 0x08 : 0) |
                (F17 ? 0x10 : 0) |
                (F18 ? 0x20 : 0) |
                (F19 ? 0x40 : 0) |
                (F20 ? 0x80 : 0)

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.Normal, NMRACommandType.Function, list);
Example #11
        public static NMRACommand LocoFunctionGroup3(LocomotiveAddress address, bool F9, bool F10, bool F11, bool F12)
            // 101SFFFF
            // S=0 FFFF => F12, F11, F10, F9

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
                NMRA.FunctionGroup2 | // 10100000
                (F9 ? 0x01 : 0) |
                (F10 ? 0x02 : 0) |
                (F11 ? 0x04 : 0) |
                (F12 ? 0x08 : 0)

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.Normal, NMRACommandType.Function, list);
Example #12
        public static NMRACommand LocoFunctionGroup2(LocomotiveAddress address, bool F5, bool F6, bool F7, bool F8)
            // 101SFFFF
            // S=1 FFFF => F8, F7, F6, F5

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
                NMRA.FunctionGroup2 | 0x10 | // 10110000
                (F5 ? 0x01 : 0) |
                (F6 ? 0x02 : 0) |
                (F7 ? 0x04 : 0) |
                (F8 ? 0x08 : 0)

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.Normal, NMRACommandType.Function, list);
Example #13
        public static NMRACommand LocoFunctionGroup1(LocomotiveAddress address, bool F0, bool F1, bool F2, bool F3, bool F4)
            // 100CFFFF
            // CFFFF => F0, F4, F3, F2, F1
            // CV29 bit1=1 => C controls F0 (flight), 28/128 speed steps
            // CV29 bit1=0 => C not used here; flight is controlled by (C in speed14 )
            //If CV29 bit1 has a value of one (1), then bit 4(F0) controls function FL, otherwise bit 4 has no meaning!!!

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
                NMRA.FunctionGroup1 | // 10000000
                (F1 ? 0x01 : 0) |
                (F2 ? 0x02 : 0) |
                (F3 ? 0x04 : 0) |
                (F4 ? 0x08 : 0) |
                (F0 ? 0x10 : 0) // if speed format != speed14

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.Normal, NMRACommandType.Function, list);
Example #14
        public static NMRACommand LocoConsist(LocomotiveAddress address, byte consistAddress, bool forward)
            // 0001CCCC 0AAAAAAA

            // When Consist Control is in effect, the decoder will ignore any speed or direction instructions addressed to its
            // normal locomotive address (unless this address is the same as its consist address). Speed and direction instructions
            // now apply to the consist address only.
            // Functions controlled by instruction 100 and 101 will continue to respond to the decoders baseline address and also respond
            // to the consist address if the appropriate bits in CVs #21,22 have been activated.
            // By default all forms of Bi-directional communication are not activated in response to commands sent to the consist
            // address until specifically activated by a Decoder Control instruction. Operations mode acknowledgement and Data
            // Transmission applies to the appropriate commands at the respective decoder addresses.
            // A value of “1” in bit 7 of the second byte is reserved for future use.
            // CCCC contains a consist setup instruction, and the AAAAAAA in the second byte is a seven bit consist address.
            // If the address is "0000000" then the consist is deactivated. If the address is non-zero, then the consist is activated.
            // If the consist is deactivated (by setting the consist to ‘0000000’), the Bi-Directional communications settings are set as specified in CVs 26-28.

            // When operations-mode acknowledgement is enabled, all consist commands must be acknowledged via operations mode acknowledgement. The format for CCCC shall be:
            // CCCC=0010 (0x02)
            // Set the consist address as specified in the second byte, and activate the consist. The consist
            // address is stored in bits 0-6 of CV #19, and bit 7 of CV #19 is set to a value of 0. The direction
            // of this unit in the consist is the normal direction. If the consist address is 0000000 the consist is deactivated.
            // CCCC=0011 (0x03)
            // Set the consist address as specified in the second byte and activate the consist. The consist
            // address is stored in bits 0-6 of CV #19, and bit 7 of CV#19 is set to a value of 1. The direction
            // of this unit in the consist is opposite its normal direction. If the consist address is 0000000 the consist is deactivated.

            // All other values of CCCC are reserved for future use.

            if (consistAddress > 127 || consistAddress < 0)
                return null;

            List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
                NMRA.ConsistControl | // 00010000
                (forward ? 0x02 : 0x03)
            list.Add((byte)(consistAddress & 0x7F));

            return new NMRACommand(NMRACommandPriority.Normal, NMRACommandType.None, list);