public static void AwardViewersCoins(int setamount = 0) { List <string> usernames = ParseViewersFromJsonAndFindActiveViewers(); if (usernames != null) { foreach (string username in usernames) { Viewer viewer = GetViewer(username); if (viewer.IsBanned) { continue; } if (setamount > 0) { viewer.GiveViewerCoins(setamount); } else { int baseCoins = ToolkitSettings.CoinAmount; float baseMultiplier = (float)viewer.GetViewerKarma() / 100f; if (viewer.IsSub) { baseCoins += ToolkitSettings.SubscriberExtraCoins; baseMultiplier *= ToolkitSettings.SubscriberCoinMultiplier; } else if (viewer.IsVIP) { baseCoins += ToolkitSettings.VIPExtraCoins; baseMultiplier *= ToolkitSettings.VIPCoinMultiplier; } else if (viewer.mod) { baseCoins += ToolkitSettings.ModExtraCoins; baseMultiplier *= ToolkitSettings.ModCoinMultiplier; } // check if viewer is active in chat int minutesSinceViewerWasActive = TimeHelper.MinutesElapsed(viewer.last_seen); if (ToolkitSettings.ChatReqsForCoins) { if (minutesSinceViewerWasActive > ToolkitSettings.TimeBeforeHalfCoins) { baseMultiplier *= 0.5f; } if (minutesSinceViewerWasActive > ToolkitSettings.TimeBeforeNoCoins) { baseMultiplier *= 0f; } } double coinsToReward = (double)baseCoins * baseMultiplier; Store_Logger.LogString($"{viewer.username} gets {baseCoins} * {baseMultiplier} coins, total {(int)Math.Ceiling(coinsToReward)}"); viewer.GiveViewerCoins((int)Math.Ceiling(coinsToReward)); } } } }
public static void CheckCommand(TwitchIRCMessage msg) { if (msg == null) { return; } if (msg.Message == null) { return; } Viewer viewer = msg.Viewer; viewer.WasSeen(); if (viewer.IsBanned) { return; } if (!msg.Message.StartsWith("!")) { IRCMessageLog.AddNewMessage(msg); } Command commandDef = DefDatabase <Command> .AllDefs.ToList().Find(s => msg.Message.StartsWith("!" + s.command)); if (commandDef != null) { bool runCommand = true; if (commandDef.requiresMod && (!viewer.Mod && viewer.UsernameLower != ToolkitSettings.Channel.ToLower())) { runCommand = false; } if (commandDef.requiresAdmin && msg.User.ToLower() != ToolkitSettings.Channel.ToLower()) { runCommand = false; } if (!commandDef.enabled) { runCommand = false; } if (commandDef.shouldBeInSeparateRoom && !AllowCommand(msg)) { runCommand = false; } if (runCommand) { commandDef.RunCommand(msg); } } List <TwitchInterfaceBase> modExtensions = Current.Game.components.OfType <TwitchInterfaceBase>().ToList(); if (modExtensions == null) { return; } foreach (TwitchInterfaceBase parser in modExtensions) { parser.ParseCommand(msg); } }
public static int GetViewerPoints(Viewer viewer) { string[] args = { "", $"{{\"method\":\"get\",\"username\":\"{viewer.username}\"}}" }; return(Convert.ToInt32(WebClientHelper.UploadString(args))); }
public static void CheckCommand(IRCMessage msg) { if (msg == null) { return; } if (msg.Message == null) { return; } string message = msg.Message; string user = msg.User; if (message.Split(' ')[0] == "/w") { List <string> messagewhisper = message.Split(' ').ToList(); messagewhisper.RemoveAt(0); message = string.Join(" ", messagewhisper.ToArray()); Helper.Log(message); } Viewer viewer = Viewers.GetViewer(user); viewer.last_seen = DateTime.Now; if (viewer.IsBanned) { return; } Command commandDef = DefDatabase <Command> .AllDefs.ToList().Find(s => msg.Message.StartsWith("!" + s.command)); if (commandDef != null) { bool runCommand = true; if (commandDef.requiresMod && (!viewer.mod && viewer.username.ToLower() != ToolkitSettings.Channel.ToLower())) { runCommand = false; } if (commandDef.requiresAdmin && msg.User.ToLower() != ToolkitSettings.Channel.ToLower()) { runCommand = false; } if (!commandDef.enabled) { runCommand = false; } if (commandDef.shouldBeInSeparateRoom && !AllowCommand(msg)) { runCommand = false; } if (runCommand) { commandDef.RunCommand(msg); } } List <TwitchInterfaceBase> modExtensions = Current.Game.components.OfType <TwitchInterfaceBase>().ToList(); if (modExtensions == null) { return; } foreach (TwitchInterfaceBase parser in modExtensions) { parser.ParseCommand(msg); } }
public void CheckCommand(string message, string user) { if (message.Split(' ')[0] == "/w") { List <string> messagewhisper = message.Split(' ').ToList(); messagewhisper.RemoveAt(0); message = string.Join(" ", messagewhisper.ToArray()); Helper.Log(message); } //admin commands if (user.ToLower() == Settings.Channel.ToLower()) { if (message.StartsWith("!resetviewers")) { if (resetWarning == 0) { _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + "TwitchToolkitResetViewersWarningOne".Translate()); resetWarning = 1; } else if (resetWarning == 1) { _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + "TwitchToolkitResetViewersWarningTwo".Translate()); resetWarning = 2; } else if (resetWarning == 2) { _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + "TwitchToolkitResetViewersWarningThree".Translate()); Settings.ViewerIds = null; Settings.ViewerCoins = null; Settings.ViewerKarma = null; Settings.listOfViewers = new List <Viewer>(); _mod.WriteSettings(); resetWarning = 0; } } if (message.StartsWith("!addtoolkitmod")) { string[] command = message.Split(' '); if (command.Length < 2) { return; } string mod = command[1].Replace("@", "").ToLower(); if (Viewer.IsModerator(mod)) { _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitAlreadyMod".Translate(), mod: mod)); return; } Viewer modviewer = Viewer.GetViewer(mod); modviewer.SetAsModerator(); _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitAddedMod".Translate(), mod: mod)); } if (message.StartsWith("!removetoolkitmod")) { string[] command = message.Split(' '); if (command.Length < 2) { return; } string mod = command[1].Replace("@", "").ToLower(); if (!Viewer.IsModerator(mod)) { return; } Viewer modviewer = Viewer.GetViewer(mod); modviewer.RemoveAsModerator(); _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitRemovedMod".Translate(), mod: mod)); } } //moderator commands if (user.ToLower() == Settings.Channel.ToLower() || Viewer.IsModerator(user)) { if (message.StartsWith("!refreshviewers")) { TwitchToolkitDev.WebRequest_BeginGetResponse.Main("" + Settings.Channel.ToLower() + "/chatters", new Func <TwitchToolkitDev.RequestState, bool>(Settings.viewers.SaveUsernamesFromJsonResponse)); } if (message.StartsWith("!karmaround")) { Settings.viewers.AwardViewersCoins(); } if (message.StartsWith("!giveallcoins")) { try { string[] command = message.Split(' '); if (command.Length < 2) { return; } bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(command[1], out int amount); if (isNumeric) { foreach (Viewer viewer in Settings.listOfViewers) { viewer.GiveViewerCoins(amount); } _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitGiveAllCoins".Translate(), amount: amount.ToString())); } } catch (InvalidCastException e) { Helper.Log("Give All Coins Syntax Error " + e.Message); } } if (message.StartsWith("!givecoins")) { try { string[] command = message.Split(' '); if (command.Length < 3) { return; } string giftee = command[1].Replace("@", ""); if (user.ToLower() != Settings.Channel.ToLower() && giftee.ToLower() == user.ToLower()) { _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + "TwitchToolkitModCannotGiveCoins".Translate()); return; } int amount; bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(command[2], out amount); if (isNumeric) { Viewer viewer = Viewer.GetViewer(giftee); Helper.Log($"Giving viewer {viewer.username} {amount} coins"); viewer.GiveViewerCoins(amount); _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitGivingCoins".Translate(), viewer: viewer.username, amount: amount.ToString(), newbalance: viewer.GetViewerCoins().ToString())); } } catch (InvalidCastException e) { Helper.Log("Invalid Give Viewer Coins Command " + e.Message); } } if (message.StartsWith("!checkuser")) { try { string[] command = message.Split(' '); if (command.Length < 2) { return; } string target = command[1].Replace("@", ""); Viewer viewer = Viewer.GetViewer(target); _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitCheckUser".Translate(), viewer: viewer.username, amount: viewer.GetViewerCoins().ToString(), karma: viewer.GetViewerKarma().ToString())); } catch (InvalidCastException e) { Helper.Log("Invalid Check User Command " + e.Message); } } if (message.StartsWith("!setkarma")) { try { string[] command = message.Split(' '); if (command.Length < 3) { return; } string target = command[1].Replace("@", ""); int amount; bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(command[2], out amount); if (isNumeric) { Viewer viewer = Viewer.GetViewer(target); viewer.SetViewerKarma(amount); _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user}" + Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitSetKarma".Translate(), viewer: viewer.username, karma: amount.ToString())); } } catch (InvalidCastException e) { Helper.Log("Invalid Check User Command " + e.Message); } } if (message.StartsWith("!togglecoins")) { if (Settings.EarningCoins) { Settings.EarningCoins = false; _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + "TwitchToolkitEarningCoinsMessage".Translate() + " " + "TwitchToolkitOff".Translate()); } else { Settings.EarningCoins = true; _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + "TwitchToolkitEarningCoinsMessage".Translate() + " " + "TwitchToolkitOn".Translate()); } } if (message.StartsWith("!togglestore")) { if (Settings.StoreOpen) { Settings.StoreOpen = false; _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + "TwitchToolkitStorePurchasesMessage".Translate() + " " + "TwitchToolkitOn".Translate()); } else { Settings.StoreOpen = true; _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + "TwitchToolkitStorePurchasesMessage".Translate() + " " + "TwitchToolkitOn".Translate()); } } } // commands are suppressed when not earning coins if (Settings.EarningCoins) { if (message.StartsWith(Settings.BalanceCmd)) { Helper.Log("Trying to find User"); Viewer viewer = Viewer.GetViewer(user); _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{viewer.username} " + Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitBalanceMessage".Translate(), amount: viewer.GetViewerCoins().ToString(), karma: viewer.GetViewerKarma().ToString())); } if (message.StartsWith(Settings.KarmaCmd) && !message.Contains("!karmaround")) { Viewer viewer = Viewer.GetViewer(user); _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{viewer.username} " + "TwitchToolkitWhatIsKarma".Translate() + $" { viewer.GetViewerKarma()}%"); } if (message.StartsWith(Settings.InstructionsCmd)) { _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + "TwitchToolkitInstructions".Translate() + $" { Settings.CustomPricingSheetLink}"); } if (message.StartsWith(Settings.PurchaselistCmd)) { _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + "TwitchToolkitPurchaseList".Translate() + $" {Settings.CustomPricingSheetLink}"); } if (message.StartsWith(Settings.GiftCmd) && Settings.GiftingCoins) { string[] command = message.Split(' '); if (command.Count() < 3) { return; } string target = command[1].Replace("@", ""); bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(command[2], out int amount); if (isNumeric && amount > 0) { Viewer giftee = Viewer.GetViewer(target); Viewer gifter = Viewer.GetViewer(user); if (gifter.GetViewerCoins() >= amount) { gifter.TakeViewerCoins(amount); giftee.GiveViewerCoins(amount); _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{giftee.username} " + Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitGiftCoins".Translate(), amount: amount.ToString(), from: gifter.username)); } } } } if (message.StartsWith(Settings.ModinfoCmd)) { _mod._client.SendMessage($"@{user} " + "TwitchToolkitModInfo".Translate() + " !"); } if (Settings.StoreOpen) { if (message.StartsWith(Settings.BuyeventCmd)) { if (message.Split(' ').Count() < 2 || (message.Split(' ')[1] == "carepackage")) { return; } ShopCommand command = new ShopCommand(message, Viewer.GetViewer(user)); if (command.errormessage != null) { _mod._client.SendMessage(command.errormessage); } else if (command.successmessage != null && Settings.PurchaseConfirmations) { _mod._client.SendMessage(command.successmessage); //TTS BuyeventCmd Helper.Log($"Attempting to say {message}"); TTSHelper.Speech.SpeakAsync(message); } } if (message.StartsWith(Settings.BuyitemCmd)) { string[] command = message.Split(' '); if (command.Length < 2) { return; } string item = command[1]; command[1] = "TwitchToolkitCarepackage".Translate(); command[0] = item.ToLower(); string newcommand = string.Join(" ", command); Helper.Log("Attemping item purchase " + newcommand); ShopCommand command2 = new ShopCommand(newcommand, Viewer.GetViewer(user)); if (command2.errormessage != null) { _mod._client.SendMessage(command2.errormessage); } else if (command2.successmessage != null && Settings.PurchaseConfirmations) { _mod._client.SendMessage(command2.successmessage); //TTS BuyItemCMD Helper.Log($"Attempting to say {message}"); TTSHelper.Speech.SpeakAsync(message); } } } if (message.StartsWith(Settings.ModsettingsCmd)) { string minutess = Settings.CoinInterval > 1 ? "s" : ""; string storeon = Settings.StoreOpen ? "TwitchToolkitOn".Translate() : "TwitchToolkitOff".Translate(); string earningcoins = Settings.EarningCoins ? "TwitchToolkitOn".Translate() : "TwitchToolkitOff".Translate(); string stats_message = Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitModSettings".Translate(), amount: Settings.CoinAmount.ToString(), first: Settings.CoinInterval.ToString(), second: storeon, third: earningcoins, karma: Settings.KarmaCap.ToString() ); _mod._client.SendMessage(stats_message); } if (message.StartsWith(Settings.CommandHelpCmd)) { string commands = " " + Settings.BalanceCmd + ", " + Settings.BuyeventCmd + ", " + Settings.BuyitemCmd + ", " + Settings.InstructionsCmd + ", " + Settings.PurchaselistCmd + ", " + Settings.ModinfoCmd + ", " + Settings.ModsettingsCmd + ", " + Settings.KarmaCmd + ", " + Settings.GiftCmd; _mod._client.SendMessage("TwitchToolkitUserCommands".Translate() + commands); } if (Settings.CommandsAliveEnabled && message.StartsWith("!alive", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && (DateTime.Now - _mod._aliveCommand).TotalSeconds >= 10) { _mod._aliveCommand = DateTime.Now; _mod._client.SendMessage( "TwitchStoriesChatMessageColonyAlive".Translate() + " " + Current.Game.tickManager.TicksGame.ToReadableRimworldTimeString() + ", " + "TwitchStoriesChatMessageGamePlayed".Translate() + " " + Current.Game.Info.RealPlayTimeInteracting.ToReadableTimeString() ); return; } if (Settings.CommandsModsEnabled && message.Contains("!installedmods") && (DateTime.Now - _mod._modsCommand).TotalSeconds >= 10) { _mod._modsCommand = DateTime.Now; string msg = "Version: " + _mod.Version + ", Mods: "; string[] mods = LoadedModManager.RunningMods.Select((m) => m.Name).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < mods.Length; i++) { msg += mods[i] + ", "; if (i == (mods.Length - 1) || msg.Length > 256) { msg = msg.Substring(0, msg.Length - 2); _mod._client.SendMessage(msg); msg = ""; } } return; } }
public override void ExposeData() { base.ExposeData(); Scribe_Values.Look(ref Channel, "Channel", "", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref Username, "Username", "", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref OAuth, "OAuth", "", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref ChannelID, "ChannelID", "", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref ChatroomUUID, "ChatroomUUID", "", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref VoteTime, "VoteTime", 1, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref VoteOptions, "VoteOptions", 3, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref VoteEnabled, "VoteEnabled", false, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref AutoConnect, "AutoConnect", false, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref OtherStorytellersEnabled, "OtherStorytellersEnabled", false, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref CommandsModsEnabled, "CommandsModsEnabled", true, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref CommandsAliveEnabled, "CommandsAliveEnabled", true, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref QuotesEnabled, "QuotesEnabled", true, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref CoinInterval, "CoinInterval", 2, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref CoinAmount, "CoinAmount", 30, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref KarmaCap, "KarmaCap", 140, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref MinimumPurchasePrice, "MinimumPurchasePrice", 60, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref EventCooldownInterval, "EventCooldownInterval", 15, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref StartingBalance, "StartingBalance", 150, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref StartingKarma, "StartingKarma", 100, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref CustomPricingSheetLink, "CustomPricingSheetLink", "", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref EarningCoins, "EarningCoins", true, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref StoreOpen, "StoreOpen", false, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref GiftingCoins, "GiftingCoins", false, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref WhisperCmdsAllowed, "WhisperCmdsAllowed", true, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref WhisperCmdsOnly, "WhisperCmdsOnly", false, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref PurchaseConfirmations, "PurchaseConfirmations", true, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref JWTToken, "JWTToken", "", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref AccountID, "AccountID", "", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref MinifiableBuildings, "MinifiableBuildings", false, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref UnlimitedCoins, "UnlimitedCoins", false, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref EventsHaveCooldowns, "EventsHaveCooldowns", true, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref RepeatViewerNames, "RepeatViewerNames", false, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref LargeVotingWindow, "LargeVotingWindow", false, true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref BalanceCmd, "BalanceCmd", "!bal", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref BuyeventCmd, "BuyeventCmd", "!buyevent", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref BuyitemCmd, "BuyitemCmd", "!buyitem", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref InstructionsCmd, "InstructionsCmd", "!instructions", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref PurchaselistCmd, "PurchaselistCmd", "!purchaselist", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref ModinfoCmd, "ModinfoCmd", "!modinfo", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref ModsettingsCmd, "ModsettingsCmd", "!modsettings", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref KarmaCmd, "KarmaCmd", "!whatiskarma", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref GiftCmd, "GiftCmd", "!giftcoins", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref CommandHelpCmd, "CommandHelpCmd", "!toolkitcmds", true); Scribe_Values.Look(ref VoteInterval, "VoteInterval", 5, true); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ViewerIds, "ViewerIds", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ViewerCoins, "ViewerCoins", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ViewerKarma, "ViewerKarma", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ViewerModerators, "ViewerModerators", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ItemIds, "ItemIds", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ItemPrices, "ItemPrices", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ItemDefnames, "ItemDefnames", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ItemStuffnames, "ItemStuffnames", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ProductIds, "ProductIds", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ProductTypes, "ProductTypes", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ProductNames, "ProductNames", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ProductKarmaTypes, "ProductKarmaTypes", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ProductAmounts, "ProductAmounts", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ProductEventIds, "ProductEventIds", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref ProductMaxEvents, "ProductMaxEvents", LookMode.Value, LookMode.Value); Scribe_Collections.Look(ref CategoryWeights, "CategoryWeights", LookMode.Value); if (ViewerIds == null) { ViewerIds = new Dictionary <string, int>(); ViewerCoins = new Dictionary <int, int>(); ViewerKarma = new Dictionary <int, int>(); } if (CategoryWeights == null) { CategoryWeights = Enumerable.Repeat <int>(100, _Categories.Count).ToList(); } Scribe_Collections.Look(ref EventWeights, "EventWeights", LookMode.Value); if (EventWeights == null) { EventWeights = Events.GetEvents().ToDictionary(e => e.Id, e => 100); } if (listOfViewers == null) { listOfViewers = new List <Viewer>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> viewer in ViewerIds) { int viewerkarma = ViewerKarma[viewer.Value]; int viewercoins = ViewerCoins[viewer.Value]; Viewer newviewer = new Viewer(viewer.Key, viewer.Value); listOfViewers.Add(newviewer); } } if (products == null) { if (ProductIds == null || ProductMaxEvents == null) { Helper.Log("Ressetting Products"); ResetProductData(); this.Write(); } else { Helper.Log("Loading Product Settings"); products = new List <Product>(); // load products from settings, then load them into settings class foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> product in ProductIds) { int id = product.Value; string abr = product.Key; int type = ProductTypes[id]; string name = ProductNames[id]; KarmaType karmatype = (KarmaType)ProductKarmaTypes[id]; int amount = ProductAmounts[id]; int evtId = ProductEventIds[id]; int maxEvents = ProductMaxEvents[id]; products.Add(new Product(id, type, name, abr, karmatype, amount, evtId, maxEvents)); } } } if (items == null) { if (ItemIds == null) { Helper.Log("Creating all items"); ResetItemData(); this.Write(); } else { Helper.Log("Loading items from settings"); items = new List <Item>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> item in ItemIds) { int id = item.Value; string abr = item.Key; int price = ItemPrices[id]; string defname = ItemDefnames[id]; string stuffname = ItemStuffnames[id]; items.Add(new Item(price, abr, defname, id, stuffname)); } } } }
public ShopCommand(string message, Viewer viewer) { string[] command = message.Split(' '); string productabr = command[1]; this.message = message; this.viewer = viewer; Helper.Log($"debug {productabr.ToLower()}"); this.product = Products.GetProduct(productabr.ToLower()); if (this.product == null) { Helper.Log("Product is null"); return; } Helper.Log("Configuring purchase"); if (product.type == 0) { //event Helper.Log("Calculating price for event"); if (this.product.amount < 0) { return; } this.calculatedprice = this.product.amount; string[] chatmessage = command; craftedmessage = $"{this.viewer.username}: "; for (int i = 2; i < chatmessage.Length; i++) { craftedmessage += chatmessage[i] + " "; } this.product.evt.chatmessage = craftedmessage; } else if (product.type == 1) { //item try { Helper.Log("Trying ItemEvent Checks"); Item itemtobuy = Item.GetItemFromAbr(command[0]); if (itemtobuy == null) { return; } if (itemtobuy.price < 0) { return; } int itemPrice = itemtobuy.price; int messageStartsAt = 3; // check if 2nd index of command is a number if (command.Count() > 2 && int.TryParse(command[2], out this.quantity)) { messageStartsAt = 3; } else if (command.Count() == 2) { // short command this.quantity = 1; messageStartsAt = 2; } else if (command[2] == "*") { Helper.Log("Getting max"); this.quantity = this.viewer.GetViewerCoins() / itemtobuy.price; messageStartsAt = 3; Helper.Log(this.quantity); } else { this.quantity = 1; messageStartsAt = 2; Helper.Log("Quantity not calculated"); } string[] chatmessage = command; craftedmessage = $"{this.viewer.username}: "; for (int i = messageStartsAt; i < chatmessage.Length; i++) { craftedmessage += chatmessage[i] + " "; } try { if (itemPrice > 0) { Helper.Log($"item: {this.item} - price: {itemPrice} - quantity{this.quantity}"); this.calculatedprice = checked (itemtobuy.CalculatePrice(this.quantity)); this.itemtobuy = itemtobuy; } } catch (OverflowException e) { Helper.Log("overflow in calculated price " + e.Message); } } catch (InvalidCastException e) { Helper.Log("Invalid product or quantity - " + e.Message); } } if (this.calculatedprice <= 0) { // invalid price Helper.Log("Invalid price detected?"); } else if (viewer.GetViewerCoins() < this.calculatedprice && !Settings.UnlimitedCoins) { // send message not enough coins this.errormessage = Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitNotEnoughCoins".Translate(), viewer: viewer.username, amount: this.calculatedprice.ToString(), first: viewer.GetViewerCoins().ToString()); } else if (calculatedprice < Settings.MinimumPurchasePrice) { // does not meet minimum purchase price this.errormessage = Helper.ReplacePlaceholder("TwitchToolkitMinPurchaseNotMet".Translate(), viewer: this.viewer.username, amount: this.calculatedprice.ToString(), first: Settings.MinimumPurchasePrice.ToString()); } else if (this.product.type == 0 && !this.product.evt.IsPossible()) { this.errormessage = $"@{this.viewer.username} " + "TwitchToolkitEventNotPossible".Translate(); } else if (this.product.maxEvents < 1 && Settings.EventsHaveCooldowns) { this.errormessage = $"@{this.viewer.username} " + "TwitchToolkitEventOnCooldown".Translate(); } else { this.ExecuteCommand(); } }