public IOTReader(int id, int org) : base(id, org) { = (IOTGlobal)Global.getInstance(); this.orgMonitorMapping = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>(); this.cachedMonitorNodes = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>(); this.readerType = ReaderType.NORMAL; this.observedPhenomemons = new HashSet<IOTPhenomemon>(); this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons = new Dictionary<int, IOTPhenomemon>(); IOTPhenomemon p = new IOTPhenomemon(IOTPhenomemonType.MOVE_FAST, id); this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons.Add(id, p); this.observedPhenomemons.Add(p); CheckRoutine(); }
public IOTReader(int id, int org) : base(id, org) { this.ReaderCache = new Dictionary<int, RSUEntity>(); this.wiredNodeCache = new List<int>(); this.orgMonitorMapping = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>(); this.cachedMonitorNodes = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>(); this.readerType = ReaderType.NORMAL; this.observedPhenomemons = new HashSet<IOTPhenomemon>(); this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons = new Dictionary<int, IOTPhenomemon>(); IOTPhenomemon p = new IOTPhenomemon(IOTPhenomemonType.MOVE_FAST, id); this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons.Add(id, p); this.observedPhenomemons.Add(p); CheckRoutine(); }
void CheckTimeoutPhenomemons() { double sendTimeout = global.sendPacketTimeout; List<IOTPhenomemon> temp1 = new List<IOTPhenomemon>(); List<IOTPhenomemon> temp2 = new List<IOTPhenomemon>(); foreach (IOTPhenomemon p in this.observedPhenomemons) { if (p.type == IOTPhenomemonType.RECV_PACKET && scheduler.currentTime - p.start > sendTimeout) { IOTPhenomemon foundSend = null, foundNotSend = null; foreach (IOTPhenomemon p1 in this.observedPhenomemons) { if (p1.pkg == null) continue; //找到该节点对该数据包的操作 if (Packet.IsSamePacket(p1.pkg, p.pkg) && p1.nodeId == p.nodeId) { if (p1.type == IOTPhenomemonType.SEND_PACKET) { foundSend = p1; continue; } else if (p1.type == IOTPhenomemonType.NOT_SEND_PACKET) { p1.end = scheduler.currentTime; foundNotSend = p1; continue; } else continue; } } if (foundSend != null && foundNotSend != null) { temp2.Add(foundNotSend); } else if (foundSend == null && foundNotSend == null) { IOTPhenomemon p2 = new IOTPhenomemon(IOTPhenomemonType.NOT_SEND_PACKET, p.nodeId, p.start, scheduler.currentTime, p.pkg); p2.likehood = global.checkTimeoutPhenomemonLikehood; temp1.Add(p2); } } } foreach (IOTPhenomemon p in temp1) { this.observedPhenomemons.Add(p); } foreach (IOTPhenomemon p in temp2) { this.observedPhenomemons.Remove(p); } }
void CheckNodeSpeeds() { foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Neighbor> k in this.Neighbors) { int node = k.Key; Neighbor nb = k.Value; //节点无法测出邻居的距离,但是可以根据信号强弱估计出,为简化,此处直接给出两点距离。 double speed = global.readers[node].GetCurrentSpeed(); if (!this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons.ContainsKey(node)) { IOTPhenomemon p = new IOTPhenomemon(IOTPhenomemonType.MOVE_FAST, node); p.start = 0; this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons.Add(node, p); this.observedPhenomemons.Add(p); } this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons[node].start = this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons[node].end; this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons[node].end = scheduler.currentTime; this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons[node].likehood = Math.Min(speed / global.nodeSpeedThreahold + global.SmallValue, 0.9); } this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons[Id].start = this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons[Id].end; this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons[Id].end = scheduler.currentTime; double s = GetCurrentSpeed(); this.neighborSpeedPhenomemons[Id].likehood = Math.Min(s / global.nodeSpeedThreahold + global.SmallValue, 0.9); }
void CheckNetworkBandwidth() { if (this.bandwidthPhenomemon == null) this.bandwidthPhenomemon = new IOTPhenomemon(IOTPhenomemonType.BANDWIDTH_BUSY, this.Id); this.bandwidthPhenomemon.start = this.bandwidthPhenomemon.end; this.bandwidthPhenomemon.end = scheduler.currentTime; this.bandwidthPhenomemon.likehood = Math.Min(this.totalReceivedPackets / global.totalPacketThreahold + global.SmallValue, 0.9); if (!this.observedPhenomemons.Contains(this.bandwidthPhenomemon)) this.observedPhenomemons.Add(this.bandwidthPhenomemon); this.totalReceivedPackets = 0; }
//将接收到的数据包添加到观察到的现象中 public void AddReceivePacketPhenomemon(Packet pkg) { IOTPhenomemon p; this.totalReceivedPackets++; //忽略广播包(从实际来看,发送广播包的一般是节点本身的行为,不需要考虑其对数据包的恶意操作) if (pkg.Next == BroadcastNode.Node.Id) return; //记录发送现象 if (pkg.Next != BroadcastNode.Node.Id) { p = new IOTPhenomemon(IOTPhenomemonType.SEND_PACKET, pkg.Prev, scheduler.currentTime, pkg); p.likehood = global.sendLikehood; this.observedPhenomemons.Add(p); if(global.debug) Console.WriteLine("[Debug] reader{0} add a RECV phenomemon of reader{1}", Id, pkg.Next); } //数据包到达目的地,忽略 //记录接收现象 if (pkg.Next != pkg.Dst) { p = new IOTPhenomemon(IOTPhenomemonType.RECV_PACKET, pkg.Next, scheduler.currentTime, pkg); p.likehood = global.recvLikehood; this.observedPhenomemons.Add(p); if(global.debug) Console.WriteLine("[Debug] reader{0} add a SEND phenomemon of reader{1}", Id, pkg.Prev); } }
static double ConditionHappened(HashSet<IOTPhenomemon> observedPhenomemons, IOTPhenomemonType type, int node, double starttime, double endtime, IOTPhenomemon p1, ComparePhenomemon comparer) { foreach (IOTPhenomemon p in observedPhenomemons) { if (p.nodeId == node && p.type == type && p.start >= starttime && p.end <= endtime && comparer(p1, p)) { return p.likehood; } } return global.SmallValue; }
static double ConditionHappened(HashSet<IOTPhenomemon> observedPhenomemons, IOTPhenomemonType type, int node, double starttime, double endtime, IOTPhenomemon p1, List<IOTPhenomemon> list, ComparePhenomemon comparer) { double likehood = global.SmallValue; foreach (IOTPhenomemon p in observedPhenomemons) { if (p.nodeId == node && p.type == type && p.start >= starttime && p.end <= endtime && comparer(p1, p)) { list.Add(p); likehood = Math.Max(p.likehood, likehood); } } return likehood; }
public static double SimiliarCommand(IOTPhenomemon p, List<IOTPhenomemon> list) { double likehood = 0; foreach (IOTPhenomemon p1 in list) { likehood = Math.Max(likehood, 1 - global.SmallValue - Math.Abs(p1.pkg.SrcSenderSeq - p.pkg.SrcSenderSeq) / 100); } return likehood; }
public static bool ComparePhenomemonBySimiliarTag(IOTPhenomemon p1, IOTPhenomemon p2) { if (p1.pkg == null || p1.pkg.Type != PacketType.COMMAND) return false; //使用PacketSeq判断两个数据包是否为同一个 return (p1.pkg.Command.tag == p2.pkg.Dst); }
public static bool ComparePhenomemonByExactTag(IOTPhenomemon p1, IOTPhenomemon p2) { if (p1.pkg == null || p1.pkg.Type != PacketType.COMMAND) return false; //使用PacketSeq判断两个数据包是否为同一个 return (p1.pkg.Command.tag == p2.pkg.Dst && p1.pkg.SrcSenderSeq == p2.pkg.SrcSenderSeq); }
static double ConditionHappened(List<IOTPhenomemon> observedPhenomemons, IOTPhenomemonType type, int node, double starttime, double endtime, IOTPhenomemon p, ComparePhenomemon comparer) { for (int i = 0; i < observedPhenomemons.Count; i++) { if (observedPhenomemons[i].nodeId == node && observedPhenomemons[i].type == type && observedPhenomemons[i].start >= starttime && observedPhenomemons[i].end <= endtime && comparer(p, observedPhenomemons[i])) { return observedPhenomemons[i].likehood; } } return global.SmallValue; }
static double ConditionHappened(List<IOTPhenomemon> observedPhenomemons, IOTPhenomemonType type, int node, double starttime, double endtime, IOTPhenomemon p, List<IOTPhenomemon> list, ComparePhenomemon comparer) { double likehood = global.SmallValue; for (int i = 0; i < observedPhenomemons.Count; i++) { if (observedPhenomemons[i].nodeId == node && observedPhenomemons[i].type == type && observedPhenomemons[i].start >= starttime && observedPhenomemons[i].end <= endtime && comparer(p, observedPhenomemons[i])) { list.Add(observedPhenomemons[i]); likehood = Math.Max(observedPhenomemons[i].likehood, likehood); } } return likehood; }