Example #1
        void IAutomapCanvas.AddExitStub(Room room, AutomapDirection direction)
            if (!Project.Current.Elements.Contains(room))
            // avoid issues if the user has just deleted one of these rooms

              var sourceCompassPoint = CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(direction);
              var connection = addConnection(room, sourceCompassPoint, room, sourceCompassPoint);
              switch (direction)
            case AutomapDirection.Up:
              connection.StartText = Connection.Up;
            case AutomapDirection.Down:
              connection.StartText = Connection.Down;
Example #2
 public void SelectRoom(Room room)
     try { m_control.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { m_canvas.SelectRoom(room); }); }
     catch (Exception)
Example #3
 public void RemoveExitStub(Room room, AutomapDirection direction)
     try { m_control.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { m_canvas.RemoveExitStub(room, direction); }); }
     catch (Exception)
Example #4
 public Room CreateRoom(Room existing, AutomapDirection directionFromExisting, string roomName, string line)
     Room room = null;
     try { m_control.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { room = m_canvas.CreateRoom(existing, directionFromExisting, roomName,line); }); }
     catch (Exception)
     return room;
Example #5
        Room IAutomapCanvas.CreateRoom(Room existing, string name)
            // start by placing the room at the origin
              var room = new Room(Project.Current);
              room.Name = name;

              if (existing != null)
            // if we know which room we were just in, start at that instead
            room.Position = existing.Position;
              room.Position = Settings.Snap(room.Position);

              // while we can't place the room, try to the left, then the right,
              // expanding our distance as we go, until we find a blank space.
              var tryOtherSideNext = false;
              var tryLeft = true;
              var distance = 0;
              var initialPosition = room.Position;
              while (AnyRoomsIntersect(room))
            if (tryOtherSideNext)
              tryLeft = !tryLeft;
              tryOtherSideNext = false;
              tryOtherSideNext = true;
            if (tryLeft)
              room.Position = Settings.Snap(new Vector(initialPosition.X - distance*(Settings.PreferredDistanceBetweenRooms + room.Width), room.Position.Y));
              room.Position = Settings.Snap(new Vector(initialPosition.X + distance*(Settings.PreferredDistanceBetweenRooms + room.Width), room.Position.Y));

            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Try again, more to the {0}.", tryLeft ? "left" : "right"));

              // after we set the position, set this flag,
              // since setting the position clears this flag if set.
              room.ArbitraryAutomappedPosition = true;

              return room;
 public void AddAmbiguousRoom(Room room)
     m_roomNamesListBox.Items.Add(new AmbiguousRoom(room));
Example #7
    private void DeduceExitsFromDescription(Room room, string description)
      if (!m_settings.GuessExits)
        // we're disabled; do nothing

      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
        // we don't have a description to work from

      // lowercase the description
      description = description.ToLowerInvariant();

      // search it for the names of compass directions
      foreach (var pair in s_namesForExitsInRoomDescriptions)
        var directions = pair.Key;
        var namesOfExits = pair.Value;
        foreach (var directionName in namesOfExits)
          var index = description.IndexOf(directionName);
          if (index != -1)
            // we found one
            if (index == 0 || !char.IsLetterOrDigit(description[index - 1]))
              // it's not the middle/end of a longer word
              if (index + directionName.Length == description.Length || !char.IsLetterOrDigit(description[index + directionName.Length]))
                // it's not the middle/start of a longer word

                // add all relevant exits
                foreach (var direction in directions)
                  m_canvas.AddExitStub(room, direction);
Example #8
    private bool? Match(Room room, string name, string description)
      if (room == null)
        // never match a null room; this shouldn't happen anyway
        return false;
      if (room.Name != name)
        return false;

      if (!m_settings.VerboseTranscript)
        // transcript is not verbose;
        // must assume room with same name is same room,
        // otherwise the user has to disambiguate potentially without descriptions, and very frequently.
        return true;

      if (m_settings.AssumeRoomsWithSameNameAreSameRoom)
        // ignore the description
        return true;

      if (room.MatchDescription(description))
        // the descriptions match; they're the same room
        return true;

      // the descriptions don't match; they may or may not be the same room
      return null;
Example #9
        private void PositionRelativeTo(Room room, Room existing, CompassPoint existingCompassPoint, out Vector delta)
            delta = CompassPointHelper.GetAutomapDirectionVector(existingCompassPoint);
              delta.X *= Settings.PreferredDistanceBetweenRooms + room.Width;
              delta.Y *= Settings.PreferredDistanceBetweenRooms + room.Height;

              var newRoomCenter = existing.InnerBounds.Center + delta;
              room.Position = Settings.Snap(new Vector(newRoomCenter.X - room.Width/2, newRoomCenter.Y - room.Height/2));
Example #10
 private Connection FindConnection(Room source, Room target, CompassPoint? directionFromSource, out bool wrongWay)
     foreach (var element in Project.Current.Elements)
     if (element is Connection)
       var connection = (Connection) element;
       CompassPoint fromDirection, toDirection;
       var fromRoom = connection.GetSourceRoom(out fromDirection);
       var toRoom = connection.GetTargetRoom(out toDirection);
       if (fromRoom == source && toRoom == target && (directionFromSource == null || ApproximateDirectionMatch(directionFromSource.Value, fromDirection)))
     // the two rooms are connected already in the given direction, A to B or both ways.
     wrongWay = false;
     return connection;
       if (fromRoom == target && toRoom == source && (directionFromSource == null || ApproximateDirectionMatch(directionFromSource.Value, toDirection)))
     // the two rooms are connected already in the given direction, B to A or both ways.
     wrongWay = connection.Flow == ConnectionFlow.OneWay;
     return connection;
       wrongWay = false;
       return null;
Example #11
 private bool AnyRoomsIntersect(Room room)
     var bounds = room.InnerBounds;
       foreach (var element in Project.Current.Elements)
     if (element is Room && element != room && element.Intersects(bounds))
       Debug.WriteLine("{0} is blocking {1}.", (element as Room).Name, room.Name);
       return true;
       return false;
Example #12
        void IAutomapCanvas.SelectRoom(Room room)
            if (!Project.Current.Elements.Contains(room))
            // avoid issues if the user has just deleted this room

              SelectedElement = room;
              if (room != null)
Example #13
        void IAutomapCanvas.RemoveExitStub(Room room, AutomapDirection direction)
            if (!Project.Current.Elements.Contains(room))
            // avoid issues if the user has just deleted one of these rooms

              var compassPoint = CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(direction);
              foreach (var connection in room.GetConnections(compassPoint))
            CompassPoint sourceCompassPoint, targetCompassPoint;
            var source = connection.GetSourceRoom(out sourceCompassPoint);
            var target = connection.GetTargetRoom(out targetCompassPoint);
            if (source == room && target == room && sourceCompassPoint == compassPoint && targetCompassPoint == compassPoint)
Example #14
        Room IAutomapCanvas.CreateRoom(Room existing, AutomapDirection directionFromExisting, string roomName, string line)
            if (!Project.Current.Elements.Contains(existing))
            // avoid issues if the user has just deleted the existing room
            return null;

              var room = new Room(Project.Current) {Name = roomName};
              if (line != roomName)
            room.SubTitle = line.Replace(roomName, "");

              Vector delta;
              PositionRelativeTo(room, existing, CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(directionFromExisting), out delta);

              if (AnyRoomsIntersect(room))
            ShiftMap(room.InnerBounds, delta);
            Debug.WriteLine("Shift map.");


              return room;
Example #15
        private bool TryMoveRoomForTidyConnection(Room source, CompassPoint targetCompassPoint, Room target)
            var sourceArbitrary = source.ArbitraryAutomappedPosition;
              var sourcePosition = source.Position;

              Vector delta;
              PositionRelativeTo(source, target, targetCompassPoint, out delta);
              if (AnyRoomsIntersect(source))
            // didn't work; restore previous position
            source.Position = sourcePosition;
            source.ArbitraryAutomappedPosition = sourceArbitrary;
            return false;

              // that's better
              return true;
Example #16
        void IAutomapCanvas.Connect(Room source, AutomapDirection directionFromSource, Room target)
            if (!Project.Current.Elements.Contains(source) || !Project.Current.Elements.Contains(target))
            // avoid issues if the user has just deleted one of these rooms

              // work out the correct compass point to use for the given direction

              // look for existing connections:
              // if the given direction is up/down/in/out, any existing connection will suffice;
              // otherwise, only match an existing connection if it's pretty close to the one we want.
              var sourceCompassPoint = CompassPointHelper.GetCompassDirection(directionFromSource);
              CompassPoint? acceptableSourceCompassPoint;
              switch (directionFromSource)
            case AutomapDirection.Up:
            case AutomapDirection.Down:
            case AutomapDirection.In:
            case AutomapDirection.Out:
              acceptableSourceCompassPoint = null; // any existing connection will do
              acceptableSourceCompassPoint = sourceCompassPoint;
              bool wrongWay;
              var connection = FindConnection(source, target, acceptableSourceCompassPoint, out wrongWay);

              if (connection == null)
            // there is no suitable connection between these rooms:
            var targetCompassPoint = CompassPointHelper.GetAutomapOpposite(sourceCompassPoint);

            // check whether we can move one of the rooms to make the connection tidier;
            // we won't need this very often, but it can be useful especially if the user teleports into a room
            // and then steps out into an existing one (this can appear to happen if the user moves into a
            // dark room, turns on the light, then leaves).
            TryMoveRoomsForTidyConnection(source, sourceCompassPoint, target, targetCompassPoint);

            // add a new connection
            connection = addConnection(source, sourceCompassPoint, target, targetCompassPoint);
            connection.Style = ConnectionStyle.Solid;
            connection.Flow = ConnectionFlow.OneWay;
              else if (wrongWay)
            // there is a suitable connection between these rooms, but it goes the wrong way;
            // make it bidirectional since we can now go both ways.
            connection.Flow = ConnectionFlow.TwoWay;

              // if this is an up/down/in/out connection, mark it as such;
              // but don't override any existing text.
              switch (directionFromSource)
            case AutomapDirection.Up:
            case AutomapDirection.Down:
            case AutomapDirection.In:
            case AutomapDirection.Out:
              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connection.StartText) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(connection.EndText))
            switch (directionFromSource)
              case AutomapDirection.Up:
                connection.SetText(wrongWay ? ConnectionLabel.Down : ConnectionLabel.Up);
              case AutomapDirection.Down:
                connection.SetText(wrongWay ? ConnectionLabel.Up : ConnectionLabel.Down);
              case AutomapDirection.In:
                connection.SetText(wrongWay ? ConnectionLabel.Out : ConnectionLabel.In);
              case AutomapDirection.Out:
                connection.SetText(wrongWay ? ConnectionLabel.In : ConnectionLabel.Out);
Example #17
 private void TryMoveRoomsForTidyConnection(Room source, CompassPoint sourceCompassPoint, Room target, CompassPoint targetCompassPoint)
     if (source.ArbitraryAutomappedPosition && !source.IsConnected)
     if (TryMoveRoomForTidyConnection(source, targetCompassPoint, target))
       if (target.ArbitraryAutomappedPosition && !target.IsConnected)
     TryMoveRoomForTidyConnection(target, sourceCompassPoint, source);
Example #18
 private void NowInRoom(Room room)
   m_lastKnownRoom = room;
Example #19
 public void Connect(Room source, AutomapDirection directionFromSource, Room target)
     try { m_control.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { m_canvas.Connect(source, directionFromSource, target); }); }
     catch (Exception)
 public AmbiguousRoom(Room room)
     Room = room;
Example #21
 public Room CreateRoom(Room existing, string name)
     Room room = null;
     try { m_control.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { room = m_canvas.CreateRoom(existing, name); }); }
     catch (Exception)
     return room;
Example #22
        public bool Load()
                if (new FileInfo(FileName).Length == 0)
                    // this is an empty file, probably thanks to our Explorer New->Trizbort Map menu option.
                    return true;

                var doc = new XmlDocument();
                var root = new XmlElementReader(doc.DocumentElement);

                if (!root.HasName("trizbort"))
                    throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Not a {0} map file.", Application.ProductName));

                // load info
                Title = root["info"]["title"].Text;
                Author = root["info"]["author"].Text;
                Description = root["info"]["description"].Text;
                History = root["info"]["history"].Text;

                // load all elements
                var map = root["map"];
                var mapConnectionToLoadState = new Dictionary<Connection, object>();
                foreach (var element in map.Children)
                    if (element.HasName("room"))
                        var room = new Room(this);
                        room.ID = element.Attribute("id").ToInt(room.ID);
                    else if (element.HasName("line"))
                        var connection = new Connection(this);
                        connection.ID = element.Attribute("id").ToInt(connection.ID);
                        var loadState = connection.BeginLoad(element);
                        if (loadState != null)
                            mapConnectionToLoadState.Add(connection, loadState);

                // connect them together
                foreach (var pair in mapConnectionToLoadState)
                    var connection = pair.Key;
                    var state = pair.Value;

                // load settings last, since their load can't be undone
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(Program.MainForm, string.Format("There was a problem loading the map:\n\n{0}", ex.Message), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                return false;
Example #23
 public CompassPort(CompassPoint compassPoint, Room room)
     : base(room)
     CompassPoint = compassPoint;
     Room = room;