Will execute each branch of logic in order, until one succeeds. This composite will fail only if all branches fail as well.
Inheritance: Selector
Example #1
 public PbProfile()
     ProfilePath = XmlPath = "";
     Branch = new PrioritySelector();
 public PBIdentityComposite(PrioritySelector ps)
     : base(c => StyxWoW.IsInWorld && !ExitBehavior() && Professionbuddy.Instance.IsRunning, ps) { }
        public static Composite GetComposite(WoWClass wowClass, TalentSpec spec, BehaviorType behavior, WoWContext context, out int behaviourCount)
            behaviourCount = 0;
            if (_methods.Count <= 0)
                Logger.Write("Building method list");
                foreach (var type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes())
                    _methods.AddRange(type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public));
                Logger.Write("Added " + _methods.Count + " methods");
            var matchedMethods = new Dictionary<int, PrioritySelector>();
            foreach (MethodInfo mi in
                    mi =>
                    !mi.IsGenericMethod &&
                    mi.GetParameters().Length == 0)
                        mi =>
                        mi.ReturnType == typeof(Composite) ||
                //Logger.WriteDebug("[CompositeBuilder] Checking attributes on " + mi.Name);
                bool classMatches = false, specMatches = false, behaviorMatches = false, contextMatches = false, hasIgnore = false;
                int thePriority = 0;
                var theBehaviourType = BehaviorType.All;
                var theIgnoreType = BehaviorType.All;
                foreach (object ca in mi.GetCustomAttributes(false))
                    if (ca is ClassAttribute)
                        var attrib = ca as ClassAttribute;
                        if (attrib.SpecificClass != WoWClass.None && attrib.SpecificClass != wowClass)
                        //Logger.WriteDebug(mi.Name + " has my class");
                        classMatches = true;
                    else if (ca is SpecAttribute)
                        var attrib = ca as SpecAttribute;
                        if (attrib.SpecificSpec != TalentSpec.Any && attrib.SpecificSpec != spec)
                        //Logger.WriteDebug(mi.Name + " has my spec");
                        specMatches = true;
                    else if (ca is BehaviorAttribute)
                        var attrib = ca as BehaviorAttribute;
                        if ((attrib.Type & behavior) == 0)
                        //Logger.WriteDebug(mi.Name + " has my behavior");
                        theBehaviourType = attrib.Type;
                        behaviorMatches = true;
                    else if (ca is ContextAttribute)
                        var attrib = ca as ContextAttribute;

                        if (SingularSettings.Instance.UseInstanceRotation)
                            if ((attrib.SpecificContext & WoWContext.Instances) == 0)
                        else if ((attrib.SpecificContext & context) == 0)
                        //Logger.WriteDebug(mi.Name + " has my context");
                        contextMatches = true;
                    else if (ca is PriorityAttribute)
                        var attrib = ca as PriorityAttribute;
                        thePriority = attrib.PriorityLevel;
                    else if (ca is IgnoreBehaviorCountAttribute)
                        var attrib = ca as IgnoreBehaviorCountAttribute;
                        hasIgnore = true;
                        theIgnoreType = attrib.Type;

                if (behaviorMatches && hasIgnore && theBehaviourType == theIgnoreType)

                // If all our attributes match, then mark it as wanted!
                if (classMatches && specMatches && behaviorMatches && contextMatches)
                    Logger.WriteDebug("{0} is a match!", mi.Name);
                    if (!hasIgnore)
                        Logger.Write(" Using {0} for {1} - {2} (Priority: {3})", mi.Name, spec.ToString().CamelToSpaced().Trim(), behavior, thePriority);
                        Logger.WriteDebug(" Using {0} for {1} - {2} (Priority: {3})", mi.Name, spec.ToString().CamelToSpaced().Trim(), behavior, thePriority);
                    Composite matched;
                        matched = (Composite) mi.Invoke(null, null);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.Write("ERROR Creating composite: {0}\n{1}", mi.Name, e.StackTrace);
                    if (!matchedMethods.ContainsKey(thePriority))
                        matchedMethods.Add(thePriority, new PrioritySelector(matched));
            // If we found no methods, rofls!
            if (matchedMethods.Count <= 0)
                return null;

            var result = new PrioritySelector();
            foreach (var kvp in matchedMethods.OrderByDescending(mm => mm.Key))

            return result;
            // Return the composite match we found. (Note: ANY composite return is fine)
            return matchedMethods.OrderByDescending(mm => mm.Key).First().Value;