Example #1
 public static void ReStartDemolishing(Account acc, Village vill)
     if (vill.Build.DemolishTasks.Count > 0)
         TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExistInVillage(acc, vill, new DemolishBuilding()
             vill = vill, ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10)
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Will (re)start troop research and improvement for this village
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="acc">Account</param>
        /// <param name="vill">Village to start troops training</param>
        public static void ReStartResearchAndImprovement(Account acc, Village vill)
            Classificator.TroopsEnum[] troops = { vill.Settings.BarracksTrain, vill.Settings.StableTrain, vill.Settings.WorkshopTrain };
            foreach (var troop in troops)
                if (troop == TroopsEnum.None)

                // Research
                if (!vill.Troops.Researched.Contains(troop) &&
                    ((int)troop % 10) != 1)    // Don't try to research 1. troops of each tribe (clubs, phalanx...)
                    if (TroopsHelper.AddBuildingsForTroop(acc, vill, troop))
                        //we already have all required buildings to research this troop
                        //We have all buildings needed to research the troop. Do it.
                        var researchTask = new ResearchTroop()
                            Vill = vill, ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now
                        TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExistInVillage(acc, vill, researchTask);

                // Improvement
                if (vill.Troops.Levels != null)
                    if (!vill.Troops.Levels.Exists(x => x.Troop == troop && x.Level == 20) && vill.Settings.AutoImprove)
                        if (vill.Build.Buildings.Any(x => x.Type == BuildingEnum.Smithy))
                            TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExistInVillage(acc, vill, new ImproveTroop()
                                Vill = vill, ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now
Example #3
        public static void ReStartSendingToMain(Account acc, Village vill)
            acc.Tasks.RemoveAll(x => x.GetType() == typeof(SendResToMain) && x.Vill == vill);

            if (vill.Settings.Type == VillType.Support && vill.Settings.SendRes)
                TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExistInVillage(acc, vill, new SendResToMain()
                    ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now,
                    Vill      = vill
Example #4
        public static void ReStartCelebration(Account acc, Village vill)
            // If we don't want auto-celebrations, return
            if (vill.Expansion.Celebrations == CelebrationEnum.None)

            TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExistInVillage(acc, vill, new Celebration()
                ExecuteAt = vill.Expansion.CelebrationEnd.AddSeconds(7),
                Vill      = vill
Example #5
        public static bool UpdateVillages(HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc, Account acc)
            List <VillageChecked> foundVills = RightBarParser.GetVillages(htmlDoc);

            if (foundVills.Count == 0)
                return(false);                       //some problem in GetVillages function!
            for (int i = 0; i < acc.Villages.Count; i++)
                var oldVill   = acc.Villages[i];
                var foundVill = foundVills.Where(x => x.Id == oldVill.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                //Village was not found -> destroyed/chiefed
                if (foundVill == null)
                oldVill.Name   = foundVill.Name;
                oldVill.Active = foundVill.Active;

                if (oldVill.UnderAttack != foundVill.UnderAttack &&
                    foundVill.UnderAttack &&
                    oldVill.Deffing.AlertType != Models.VillageModels.AlertTypeEnum.Disabled)
                    TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExistInVillage(acc, oldVill, new CheckAttacks()
                        Vill = oldVill, Priority = Tasks.BotTask.TaskPriority.High

                oldVill.UnderAttack = foundVill.UnderAttack;

            //Any villages found and were not previously in acc.Villages should be added (new villages)
            foreach (var newVill in foundVills)
                NewVillageFound(acc, newVill);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new village model and creates the task to update the village
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="acc">Account</param>
        /// <param name="newVill">new village</param>
        public static void NewVillageFound(Account acc, VillageChecked newVill)
            var vill = new Village()
                Active          = newVill.Active,
                Coordinates     = newVill.Coordinates,
                Id              = newVill.Id,
                Name            = newVill.Name,
                UnderAttack     = newVill.UnderAttack,
                UnfinishedTasks = new List <VillUnfinishedTask>() // Move this inside Init()?


            // Update the village
            TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExistInVillage(acc, vill, new UpdateVillage()
                ExecuteAt   = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-2),
                Vill        = vill,
                ImportTasks = true

            DefaultConfigurations.SetDefaultTransitConfiguration(acc, vill);

            // Copy default settings to the new village. TODO: use automapper for this.
            //var defaultSettings = acc.NewVillages.DefaultSettings;
            //vill.Settings = new VillSettings()
            //    Type = defaultSettings.Type,
            //    BarracksTrain = defaultSettings.BarracksTrain,
            //    StableTrain = defaultSettings.StableTrain,
            //    WorkshopTrain = defaultSettings.WorkshopTrain,
            //    GreatBarracksTrain = defaultSettings.GreatBarracksTrain,
            //    GreatStableTrain = defaultSettings.GreatStableTrain,
            //    SendRes = defaultSettings.SendRes,
            //    GetRes = defaultSettings.GetRes,

            // Change village name
            var newVillageFromList = acc.NewVillages.Locations
                                     .FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                     x.SettlersSent &&
                                                     x.Coordinates.x == vill.Coordinates.x &&
                                                     x.Coordinates.y == vill.Coordinates.y

            if (newVillageFromList != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newVillageFromList.Name))
                    newVillageFromList.Name = NewVillageHelper.GenerateName(acc);
                                                new ChangeVillageName()
                    ExecuteAt  = DateTime.Now,
                    ChangeList = new List <(int, string)> {
                        (vill.Id, newVillageFromList.Name)
Example #7
        public static void StartAccountTasks(Account acc)
            // Get the server info (on first running the account)
            if (acc.AccInfo.ServerSpeed == 0 || acc.AccInfo.MapSize == 0)
                TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExists(acc, new GetServerInfo()
                    ExecuteAt = DateTime.MinValue.AddHours(2)

            if (acc.AccInfo.Tribe == null)
                TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExists(acc, new GetTribe()
                    ExecuteAt = DateTime.MinValue.AddHours(3)

            if (acc.Farming.Enabled)
                TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExists(acc, new SendFLs()
                    ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now

            // Bot sleep
            TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExists(acc, new Sleep()
                ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now + TimeHelper.GetWorkTime(acc),
                AutoSleep = true

            // Access change
            var nextAccessChange = TimeHelper.GetNextProxyChange(acc);

            if (nextAccessChange != TimeSpan.MaxValue)
                TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExists(acc, new ChangeAccess()
                    ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now + nextAccessChange
            //research / improve / train troops
            foreach (var vill in acc.Villages)
                //if (vill.Troops.Researched.Count == 0) TaskExecutor.AddTask(acc, new UpdateTroops() { ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now, vill = vill });
                TroopsHelper.ReStartResearchAndImprovement(acc, vill);
                TroopsHelper.ReStartTroopTraining(acc, vill);
                BuildingHelper.ReStartBuilding(acc, vill);
                BuildingHelper.ReStartDemolishing(acc, vill);
                MarketHelper.ReStartSendingToMain(acc, vill);
                ReStartCelebration(acc, vill);
                VillageHelper.SetNextRefresh(acc, vill);
                if (vill.FarmingNonGold.OasisFarmingEnabled)
                    TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExistInVillage(acc, vill, new AttackOasis()
                        Vill = vill

                // Remove in later updates!
                if (vill.Settings.RefreshMin == 0)
                    vill.Settings.RefreshMin = 30;
                if (vill.Settings.RefreshMax == 0)
                    vill.Settings.RefreshMax = 60;
            // Remove in later updates!
            if (acc.Hero.Settings.MinUpdate == 0)
                acc.Hero.Settings.MinUpdate = 40;
            if (acc.Hero.Settings.MaxUpdate == 0)
                acc.Hero.Settings.MaxUpdate = 80;

            // Hero update info
            if (acc.Hero.Settings.AutoRefreshInfo)
                Random ran = new Random();
                TaskExecutor.AddTask(acc, new HeroUpdateInfo()
                    ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(ran.Next(40, 80)),
                    Priority  = Tasks.BotTask.TaskPriority.Low
        /// <summary>
        /// Will be called before each task to update resources/msg?,villages,quests,hero health, adventures num, gold/silver
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="acc">Account</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful, false if error</returns>
        private static bool PreTaskRefresh(Account acc)
            var html = acc.Wb.Html;

                //check & update dorf1/dorf2
                if (!UpdateAccountObject.UpdateVillages(html, acc))
                    return(false);                                                //Web browser not initiali
                var activeVill = acc.Villages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Active);
                //update dorf1/dorf2
                if (acc.Wb.CurrentUrl.Contains("dorf1"))
                else if (acc.Wb.CurrentUrl.Contains("dorf2"))

                acc.AccInfo.CulturePoints = RightBarParser.GetCulurePoints(html, acc.AccInfo.ServerVersion);

                var villExpansionReady = acc.Villages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Expansion.ExpensionAvailable);
                if (acc.AccInfo.CulturePoints.MaxVillages > acc.AccInfo.CulturePoints.VillageCount &&
                    villExpansionReady != null)
                    villExpansionReady.Expansion.ExpensionAvailable = false;
                    TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExists(acc, new SendSettlers()
                        ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now, vill = villExpansionReady

                acc.AccInfo.Tribe = LeftBarParser.GetAccountTribe(acc, html);
                acc.Quests        = RightBarParser.GetQuests(html);
                var goldSilver = RightBarParser.GetGoldAndSilver(html, acc.AccInfo.ServerVersion);
                acc.AccInfo.Gold        = goldSilver[0];
                acc.AccInfo.Silver      = goldSilver[1];
                acc.AccInfo.PlusAccount = RightBarParser.HasPlusAccount(html, acc.AccInfo.ServerVersion);
                //Check reports/msg count
                if (MsgParser.UnreadMessages(html, acc.AccInfo.ServerVersion) > 0 &&
                    !acc.Wb.CurrentUrl.Contains("messages.php") &&
                    !IsTaskOnQueue(acc, typeof(ReadMessage)))
                    TaskExecutor.AddTask(acc, new ReadMessage()
                        ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(AccountHelper.Delay() * 30)

                //update loyalty of village

                activeVill.Res.FreeCrop = RightBarParser.GetFreeCrop(html);
                activeVill.Res.Capacity = ResourceParser.GetResourceCapacity(html, acc.AccInfo.ServerVersion);
                activeVill.Res.Stored   = ResourceParser.GetResources(html);

                float ratio = (float)activeVill.Res.Stored.Resources.Crop / activeVill.Res.Capacity.GranaryCapacity;
                if (ratio >= 0.99 &&
                    acc.AccInfo.Gold >= 3 &&
                    activeVill.Market.Npc.Enabled &&
                    (activeVill.Market.Npc.NpcIfOverflow || !MarketHelper.NpcWillOverflow(activeVill)))
                {  //npc crop!
                    TaskExecutor.AddTaskIfNotExistInVillage(acc, activeVill, new NPC()
                        ExecuteAt = DateTime.MinValue,
                        vill      = activeVill
                if (acc.Settings.AutoActivateProductionBoost && CheckProductionBoost(acc))
                    TaskExecutor.AddTask(acc, new TTWarsPlusAndBoost()
                        ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1)

                acc.Hero.AdventureNum    = HeroParser.GetAdventureNum(html, acc.AccInfo.ServerVersion);
                acc.Hero.Status          = HeroParser.HeroStatus(html, acc.AccInfo.ServerVersion);
                acc.Hero.HeroInfo.Health = HeroParser.GetHeroHealth(html, acc.AccInfo.ServerVersion);

                bool heroReady = (acc.Hero.HeroInfo.Health > acc.Hero.Settings.MinHealth &&
                                  acc.Hero.Settings.AutoSendToAdventure &&
                                  acc.Hero.Status == Hero.StatusEnum.Home &&
                                  acc.Hero.NextHeroSend < DateTime.Now);
                // Update adventures
                if (heroReady &&
                    (acc.Hero.AdventureNum != acc.Hero.Adventures.Count() || HeroHelper.AdventureInRange(acc))) //update adventures
                    AddTaskIfNotExists(acc, new StartAdventure()
                        ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10)
                if (acc.Hero.AdventureNum == 0 && acc.Hero.Settings.BuyAdventures) //for UNL servers, buy adventures
                    AddTaskIfNotExists(acc, new TTWarsBuyAdventure()
                        ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5)
                if (acc.Hero.Status == Hero.StatusEnum.Dead && acc.Hero.Settings.AutoReviveHero) //if hero is dead, revive him
                    AddTaskIfNotExists(acc, new ReviveHero()
                        ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5), vill = AccountHelper.GetHeroReviveVillage(acc)
                if (HeroParser.LeveledUp(html) && acc.Hero.Settings.AutoSetPoints)
                    AddTaskIfNotExists(acc, new HeroSetPoints()
                        ExecuteAt = DateTime.Now
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error in PreTask " + e.Message + "\n\nStack Trace: " + e.StackTrace + "\n-----------------------");