public bool createNewAuditLogEntry(AuditLog aLog)
            bool didSucceed = false;

                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_connStr, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "sp_truckschedapp_createNewAuditLogEntry", new SqlParameter("@pIPAddress", aLog.IPAddress),
                                              new SqlParameter("@pUserID", aLog.UserID),
                                              new SqlParameter("@pTimeStamp", aLog.TimeStamp),
                                              new SqlParameter("@pPageAddress", aLog.PageAddress),
                                              new SqlParameter("@pUserAgentStringID", aLog.UserAgentStringID));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in AuditLog createNewAuditLogEntry(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
        public static void updateTankCurrentVolume(int tankID, double newVolume)
                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    string sqlCmdText;
                    string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                    sqlCmdText = "UPDATE dbo.Tanks SET CurrentTankVolume = @VOL WHERE TankID = @TANKID";
                    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@TANKID", tankID), new SqlParameter("@VOL", newVolume));

            catch (SqlException excep)
                string strErr = " SQLException Error in dataProcessingAndCleanup updateTankCurrentVolume(). Details: " + excep.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorNum"] = 2;
                throw excep;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in dataProcessingAndCleanup updateTankCurrentVolume(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorNum"] = 1;
                throw ex;
Example #3
        public static void setCOFAComment(int SAMPLEID, string COMMENT)
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

                ZXPUserData zxpUD = ZXPUserData.GetZXPUserDataFromCookie();
                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    string sqlCmdText;
                    string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                    ChangeLog cl = new ChangeLog(ChangeLog.ChangeLogChangeType.UPDATE, "Samples", "COFAComment", now, zxpUD._uid, ChangeLog.ChangeLogDataType.NVARCHAR, COMMENT, null, "SampleID", SAMPLEID.ToString());

                    sqlCmdText = "UPDATE dbo.Samples SET COFAComment = @COFAComment " +
                                 "WHERE (SampleID = @SampleID)";
                    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@COFAComment", COMMENT),
                                              new SqlParameter("@SampleID", SAMPLEID));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in COFAUpload setCOFAComment(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorNum"] = 1;
                throw ex;
Example #4
        public static Object getPendSamplesTruckData()
            List <object[]> data    = new List <object[]>();
            DataSet         dataSet = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT MS.MSID, MS.PONumber, MS.LocationShort, S.SampleID, S.TestApproved, TrailerNumber, MS.StatusID, isRejected, MS.isOpenInCMS, " +
                             "DATEDIFF(minute, (SELECT TOP 1 MSE.Timestamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents MSE WHERE EventTypeID = 1025 AND MSE.MSID = MS.MSID and isHidden = 'false' ORDER BY TimeStamp DESC), GETDATE() ) AS DemurrageTime, " +
                             "PCMS.ProductName_CMS, POD.ProductID_CMS " +
                             "FROM dbo.MainSchedule AS MS " +
                             "INNER JOIN dbo.PODetails AS POD ON MS.MSID = POD.MSID " +
                             "INNER JOIN dbo.Samples AS S ON S.PODetailsID = POD.PODetailsID " +
                             "LEFT JOIN dbo.ProductsCMS AS PCMS ON POD.ProductID_CMS = PCMS.ProductID_CMS " +
                             "WHERE S.isHidden = 0 AND MS.isHidden = 0 AND MS.isOpenInCMS = 'true' AND S.TestApproved IS NULL " +
                             //"WHERE S.isHidden = 0 AND MS.isHidden = 0 AND TestApproved IS NULL AND (MS.LocationShort NOT IN ('NOS')) " +
                             "ORDER BY MS.MSID";
                dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText);

                //populate return object
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in WaitAndDockOverview getPendSamplesTruckData(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #5
        public static void DeleteFileDBEntry(int SampleID, int MSID)
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

                ZXPUserData zxpUD = ZXPUserData.GetZXPUserDataFromCookie();
                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    string sqlCmdText;
                    string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                    sqlCmdText = "INSERT INTO dbo.MainScheduleEvents (MSID, EventTypeID, TimeStamp, UserID, isHidden) VALUES (@MSID, 4098, @TSTAMP, @UserID, 'false'); " +
                                 "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()";
                    int eventID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@MSID", MSID),
                                                                          new SqlParameter("@TSTAMP", now),
                                                                          new SqlParameter("@UserID", zxpUD._uid)));

                    ChangeLog cl = new ChangeLog(ChangeLog.ChangeLogChangeType.UPDATE, "Samples", "FileID_COFA", now, zxpUD._uid, ChangeLog.ChangeLogDataType.INT, null, eventID, "SampleID", SampleID.ToString());

                    sqlCmdText = "UPDATE dbo.Samples SET FileID_COFA = NULL, COFAEventID = NULL WHERE SampleID = @SampleID";
                    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@SampleID", SampleID));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in COFAUpload DeleteFileDBEntry(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorNum"] = 1;
                throw ex;
Example #6
        public static Object GetPODetailsFromMSID(int MSID)
            List <object[]> data    = new List <object[]>();
            DataSet         dataSet = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT PD.PODetailsID, PD.ProductID_CMS, PD.QTY, PD.LotNumber, PD.UnitOfMeasure, PCMS.ProductName_CMS " +
                             "FROM dbo.PODetails PD " +
                             "LEFT JOIN dbo.ProductsCMS PCMS ON PCMS.ProductID_CMS = PD.ProductID_CMS " +
                             "WHERE PD.MSID = @MSID ORDER BY PD.ProductID_CMS ";

                dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@MSID", MSID));

                //populate return object
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in WaitAndDockOverview GetPODetailsFromMSID(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #7
        public static Object getDockBulkData()
            List <object[]> data    = new List <object[]>();
            DataSet         dataSet = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT MS.MSID, MS.PONumber, MS.TrailerNumber, MS.currentDockSpotID, " +
                             "(SELECT TOP(1) MSE.TimeStamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents AS MSE WHERE MSE.MSID = MS.MSID AND MSE.isHidden = 'false' AND (MSE.EventTypeID = 6)) TimePlacedInDock, MS.isRejected, MS.isOpenInCMS, " +
                             "DATEDIFF(minute, (SELECT TOP 1 MSE.Timestamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents MSE WHERE EventTypeID = 1025 AND MSE.MSID = MS.MSID and isHidden = 'false' ORDER BY TimeStamp DESC), GETDATE() ) AS DemurrageTime " +
                             "FROM dbo.MainSchedule AS MS WHERE MS.LocationShort = 'DOCKBULK' AND MS.isHidden = 'false'";

                dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText);

                //populate return object
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in WaitAndDockOverview getDockBulkData(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #8
        public int createNewUserAgentStringEntry()
            int newUserAgentStringID;
            SQLDataConnectionHelper sqlConnHelper = new SQLDataConnectionHelper();

                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                    newUserAgentStringID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql_connStr, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "sp_truckscheduleapp_insertNewUserAgentString", new SqlParameter("@pUserAgentString", this.userAgentString)));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in UserAgentString getUserAgentStringID(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                throw ex;

                if (sqlConnHelper.doesConnectionExist())

Example #9
        public static Object getDockSpotsForVan()
            List <object[]> data    = new List <object[]>();
            DataSet         dataSet = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT SpotID, SpotDescription FROM TruckDockSpots Where SpotType = 'Van' AND isDisabled = 0 ORDER BY SpotDescription";
                dataSet    = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText);

                //populate return object
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in WaitAndDockOverview getDockSpotsForVan(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #10
        public static Object GetLogList()
            List <object[]> data = new List <object[]>();

                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
                TruckLogHelperFunctions.logListConnection(sql_connStr, data);
            catch (SqlException excep)
                string strErr = " SQLException Error in COFAUpload GetLogList(). Details: " + excep.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorNum"] = 2;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in COFAUpload GetLogList(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorNum"] = 1;
Example #11
        public static Object getWaitingAreaData()
            List <object[]> data    = new List <object[]>();
            DataSet         dataSet = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT MS.MSID, MS.PONumber, MS.TrailerNumber, MS.isDropTrailer," +
                             "(SELECT TOP 1 S.StatusText FROM dbo.Status AS S WHERE S.StatusID = MS.StatusID) AS Status,  MS.isEmpty, MS.WaitingAreaComment,  " +
                             "(SELECT TOP 1 MSE.TimeStamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents AS MSE WHERE MSE.EventTypeID = 3074 AND MS.MSID = MSE.MSID AND isHidden = 'false') AS EmptyTime, MS.isOpenInCMS, MS.isRejected, " +
                             "DATEDIFF(minute, (SELECT TOP 1 MSE.Timestamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents MSE WHERE EventTypeID = 1025 AND MSE.MSID = MS.MSID and isHidden = 'false' ORDER BY TimeStamp DESC), GETDATE() ) AS DemurrageTime,  " +
                             "(SELECT TOP (1) MSE.TimeStamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents AS MSE WHERE MSE.EventTypeID = 4 AND MS.MSID = MSE.MSID AND isHidden = 'false' order by TimeStamp DESC) AS ArrivedAtWaitTime " +
                             "FROM dbo.MainSchedule AS MS " +
                             "WHERE MS.LocationShort = 'WAIT' AND MS.isHidden = 'false'";

                dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText);

                //populate return object
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in WaitAndDockOverview getWaitingAreaData(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #12
        public static void SetRejectionComment(int MSID, string COMMENT)
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

                ZXPUserData zxpUD = ZXPUserData.GetZXPUserDataFromCookie();
                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    string sqlCmdText;
                    string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                    ChangeLog cl = new ChangeLog(ChangeLog.ChangeLogChangeType.UPDATE, "MainSchedule", "RejectionComment", now, zxpUD._uid, ChangeLog.ChangeLogDataType.NVARCHAR, TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(COMMENT).ToString(), null, "MSID", MSID.ToString());

                    sqlCmdText = "UPDATE dbo.MainSchedule SET RejectionComment = @COMMENT " +
                                 "WHERE (MSID = @MSID)";
                    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@COMMENT", TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(COMMENT)),
                                              new SqlParameter("@MSID", MSID));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in RejectTruck SetRejectionComment(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
        public static List <vw_LoadAndUnloadRequests> getLoadAndUnloadRequests(int MSID)
            List <vw_LoadAndUnloadRequests> requestsData = new List <vw_LoadAndUnloadRequests>();

                string        sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
                string        sqlCmdText  = "SELECT RequestID, RequestTypeID, TimeRequestStart, TimeRequestEnd FROM dbo.vw_LoadAndUnloadRequests WHERE MSID = @msid";
                SqlDataReader reader      = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@MSID", MSID));
                while (reader.Read())
                    int      RequestID        = reader.GetValueOrDefault <int>("RequestID");
                    int      RequestTypeID    = reader.GetValueOrDefault <int>("RequestTypeID");
                    DateTime?TimeRequestStart = reader.GetValueOrDefault <DateTime>("TimeRequestStart");
                    DateTime?TimeRequestEnd   = reader.GetValueOrDefault <DateTime>("TimeRequestEnd");

                    TimeRequestStart = TimeRequestStart == default(DateTime) ? null : TimeRequestStart;
                    TimeRequestEnd   = TimeRequestEnd == default(DateTime) ? null : TimeRequestEnd;

                    vw_LoadAndUnloadRequests request = new vw_LoadAndUnloadRequests(RequestID, MSID, RequestTypeID, TimeRequestStart, TimeRequestEnd);
            catch (SqlException excep)
                string strErr = " SQLException Error in loaderMobile getLoadAndUnloadRequests(). Details: " + excep.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(2, strErr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in loaderMobile getLoadAndUnloadRequests(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #14
 private void createAlertRunsEntry(int alertID, DateTime timestamp, int?MSID, string AlertRunsObjectID)
         string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
         using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
             SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_connStr, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "sp_truckschedapp_LogAlertRuns", new SqlParameter("@pALERTID", alertID),
                                       new SqlParameter("@pTIME", timestamp),
                                       new SqlParameter("@pMSID", TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(MSID)),
                                       new SqlParameter("@pOBJID", TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(AlertRunsObjectID)));
     catch (SqlException excep)
         string strErr = " SQLException Error in alertsProcessing createAlertRunsEntry(). Details: " + excep.ToString();
         ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(2, strErr);
     catch (Exception ex)
         string strErr = " Exception Error in alertsProcessing createAlertRunsEntry(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
         ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #15
        public static DataSet GetTruckInfoForRejectCustomMessage(int MSID)
            DataSet TruckData = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
                sqlCmdText = "SELECT MS.PONumber, MS.PONumber_ZXPOutbound, MS.CustomerID, MS.TrailerNumber, MS.RejectionComment, U.FirstName, U.LastName, " +
                             "ISNULL(ProdDet.PDCount, 0) AS ProdCount, ProdDet.topProdID, PCMS.ProductName_CMS " +
                             "FROM dbo.MainSchedule AS MS " +
                             "INNER JOIN dbo.MainScheduleEvents MSE ON MS.MSID = MSE.MSID " +
                             "INNER JOIN dbo.Users U ON U.UserID = MSE.UserId " +
                             "LEFT JOIN (SELECT MSID, COUNT(PODetailsID) AS PDCount, " +
                             "(SELECT TOP 1 PD_A.ProductID_CMS " +
                             "FROM dbo.PODetails PD_A " +
                             "INNER JOIN dbo.ProductsCMS PCMS_A ON PD_A.ProductID_CMS = PCMS_A.ProductID_CMS " +
                             "WHERE PD_A.MSID =  PD.MSID " +
                             ") AS topProdID  " +
                             "FROM dbo.PODetails PD  " +
                             "GROUP BY MSID " +
                             ") ProdDet ON ProdDet.MSID = MS.MSID " +
                             "LEFT JOIN dbo.ProductsCMS PCMS ON PCMS.ProductID_CMS = ProdDet.topProdID " +
                             "WHERE MS.MSID = @MSID AND MSE.EventTypeID = 2037";

                TruckData = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@MSID", MSID));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in RejectTruck GetTruckInfoForRejectCustomMessage(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);

Example #16
        public static Object GetStatusOptions()
            List <object[]> data    = new List <object[]>();
            DataSet         dataSet = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT StatusID, StatusText FROM dbo.Status";
                dataSet    = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText);

                //populate return object
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in WaitAndDockOverview GetStatusOptions(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #17
        public static Object getTimeDiff()
            List <object[]> data    = new List <object[]>();
            DataSet         dataSet = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT * FROM " +
                             "(SELECT MS.MSID, " +
                             "(SELECT TOP 1 MSE.Timestamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents MSE WHERE EventTypeID = 1025 AND MSE.MSID = MS.MSID and isHidden = 'false' ORDER BY TimeStamp DESC) As StartTime, " +
                             "(SELECT TOP 1 MSE.Timestamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents MSE WHERE EventTypeID = 1026 AND MSE.MSID = MS.MSID and isHidden = 'false' ORDER BY TimeStamp DESC) As EndTime " +
                             "FROM dbo.MainSchedule AS MS " +
                             "WHERE MS.isOpenInCMS = 'true' " +
                             ") AS DemurrageTime " +
                             "WHERE StartTime IS NOT NULL AND EndTime IS NULL";
                dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText);

                //populate return object
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in WaitAndDockOverview getTimeDiff(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #18
        protected int getTimesAlertRan(int alertID, int?MSID, string AlertRunsObjectID)
            int runNum = 0;

                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    string sqlCmdText;
                    sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                    sqlCmdText = "SELECT TimesRan FROM dbo.AlertRuns WHERE AlertID = @ALERTID";

                    if (MSID == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AlertRunsObjectID))
                        runNum = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@ALERTID", alertID)));
                    else if (MSID != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AlertRunsObjectID))
                        sqlCmdText = sqlCmdText + " AND MSID = @MSID";
                        runNum     = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@MSID", TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(MSID)),
                                                                             new SqlParameter("@ALERTID", alertID)));
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AlertRunsObjectID) && MSID == null)
                        sqlCmdText = sqlCmdText + " AND ObjectID = @OBJID";
                        runNum     = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@ALERTID", alertID),
                                                                             new SqlParameter("@OBJID", TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(AlertRunsObjectID))));
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AlertRunsObjectID) && MSID != null)
                        sqlCmdText = sqlCmdText + " AND ObjectID = @OBJID AND MSID = @MSID";
                        runNum     = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@ALERTID", alertID),
                                                                             new SqlParameter("@MSID", TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(MSID)),
                                                                             new SqlParameter("@OBJID", TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(AlertRunsObjectID))));
            catch (SqlException excep)
                string strErr = " SQLException Error in alertsProcessing getTimesAlertRan(). Details: " + excep.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(2, strErr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in alertsProcessing getTimesAlertRan(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #19
        public static Object getTrailerInYardData()
            List <object[]> data    = new List <object[]>();
            DataSet         dataSet = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT MS.MSID, MS.PONumber, MS.TrailerNumber, " +
                             "(SELECT TOP 1 S.StatusText FROM dbo.Status AS S WHERE S.StatusID = MS.StatusID) AS Status, MS.isDropTrailer, " +
                             "(SELECT TOP 1 MSE.TimeStamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents AS MSE WHERE MSE.EventTypeID = 3070 AND MS.MSID = MSE.MSID AND isHidden = 'false') AS DroppedTime, MS.isEmpty, MS.YardComment, " +
                             "(SELECT TOP 1 MSE.TimeStamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents AS MSE WHERE MSE.EventTypeID = 3074 AND MS.MSID = MSE.MSID AND isHidden = 'false') AS EmptyTime, MS.isOpenInCMS,  " +
                             "DATEDIFF(minute, (SELECT TOP 1 MSE.Timestamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents MSE WHERE EventTypeID = 1025 AND MSE.MSID = MS.MSID and isHidden = 'false' ORDER BY TimeStamp DESC), GETDATE() ) AS DemurrageTime, " +
                             "ISNULL(ProdDet.PDCount, 0) AS ProdCount, ProdDet.topProdID, PCMS.ProductName_CMS " +
                             "FROM dbo.MainSchedule AS MS " +
                             "LEFT JOIN (SELECT MSID, COUNT(PODetailsID) AS PDCount, " +
                             "(SELECT TOP 1 PD_A.ProductID_CMS " +
                             "FROM dbo.PODetails PD_A " +
                             "INNER JOIN dbo.ProductsCMS PCMS_A ON PD_A.ProductID_CMS = PCMS_A.ProductID_CMS " +
                             "WHERE PD_A.MSID =  PD.MSID " +
                             ") AS topProdID  " +
                             "FROM dbo.PODetails PD  " +
                             "GROUP BY MSID " +
                             ") ProdDet ON ProdDet.MSID = MS.MSID " +
                             "LEFT JOIN dbo.ProductsCMS PCMS ON PCMS.ProductID_CMS = ProdDet.topProdID " +
                             "LEFT JOIN dbo.TrailersInYard as TiY ON Tiy.MSID = MS.MSID " +
                             "WHERE (MS.LocationShort = 'YARD' OR (MS.LocationShort = 'NOS' AND TiY.MSID is not NULL)) AND MS.isRejected = 'false' AND MS.isHidden = 'false' " +
                             "UNION " +
                             "SELECT -1 AS MSID, -1 AS PONumber, TiY.TrailerNumber, " +
                             "'Waiting' AS Status, 'false' AS isDropTrailer, " +
                             "NULL AS DroppedTime, 'true' AS isEmpty, NULL AS YardComment,  " +
                             "NULL AS EmptyTime, -1 AS isOpenInCMS, NULL AS DemurrageTime, " +
                             "0 AS ProdCount, NULL AS topProdID, NULL AS ProductName_CMS " +
                             "FROM dbo.TrailersInYard as TiY " +
                             "WHERE tiy.MSID is Null";
                dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText);

                //populate return object
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in WaitAndDockOverview getTrailerInYardData(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
        public static List <object> GetTankDataByProduct(string CmsProduct)
            List <object> tankData = new List <object>();
            DataSet       dataSet  = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT ISNULL(SUM(TankCapacity),0) AS ttlTankCapacity " +
                             ",ISNULL(SUM(CurrentTankVolume),0) AS ttlCurrentTankVolume " +
                             ",COUNT(T.TankID) AS numberOfTanksWithProducts " +
                             ",ISNULL(MAX(TankProdData.ProdCount),0) AS maxProdCount " +
                             "FROM dbo.Tanks T " +
                             "INNER JOIN dbo.TankProducts TP ON TP.TankID = T.TankID " +
                             "INNER JOIN (SELECT SUB1_T.TankID,  COUNT(SUB1_TP.ProductID_CMS) AS ProdCount " +
                             "FROM dbo.Tanks SUB1_T " +
                             "INNER JOIN dbo.TankProducts SUB1_TP ON SUB1_T.TankID = SUB1_TP.TankID " +
                             "WHERE SUB1_T.isDisabled = 0 AND SUB1_TP.isDisabled = 0 " +
                             "GROUP BY SUB1_T.TankID " +
                             ") AS TankProdData ON TankProdData.TankID = TP.TankID " +
                             "WHERE TP.ProductID_CMS = @CMSPROD AND T.isDisabled = 0 AND TP.isDisabled = 0";
                dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@CMSPROD", CmsProduct));

                //populate return object
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
            catch (SqlException excep)
                string strErr = " SQLException Error in dataProcessingAndCleanup GetTankDataByProduct(). Details: " + excep.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorNum"] = 2;
                throw excep;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in dataProcessingAndCleanup GetTankDataByProduct(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorNum"] = 1;
                throw ex;
Example #21
        private void updateAlertRunsEntry(int alertID, DateTime timestamp, int newRunNum, int?MSID, string AlertRunsObjectID)
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    string sqlCmdText;
                    sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                    sqlCmdText = "UPDATE dbo.AlertRuns SET TimeStampAlertLastRan = @TIME, TimesRan = @RUN WHERE AlertID = @ALERTID";

                    if (MSID == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AlertRunsObjectID))
                        SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@ALERTID", alertID));
                    else if (MSID != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AlertRunsObjectID))
                        sqlCmdText = sqlCmdText + " AND MSID = @MSID";
                        SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@MSID", TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(MSID)),
                                                  new SqlParameter("@ALERTID", alertID));
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AlertRunsObjectID) && MSID == null)
                        sqlCmdText = sqlCmdText + " AND ObjectID = @OBJID";
                        SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@ALERTID", alertID),
                                                  new SqlParameter("@OBJID", TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(AlertRunsObjectID)));
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AlertRunsObjectID) && MSID != null)
                        sqlCmdText = sqlCmdText + " AND ObjectID = @OBJID AND MSID = @MSID";
                        SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@ALERTID", alertID),
                                                  new SqlParameter("@MSID", TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(MSID)),
                                                  new SqlParameter("@OBJID", TransportHelperFunctions.convertStringEmptyToDBNULL(AlertRunsObjectID)));
            catch (SqlException excep)
                string strErr = " SQLException Error in alertsProcessing updateAlertRunsEntry(). Details: " + excep.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(2, strErr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in alertsProcessing updateAlertRunsEntry(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
        public static Sample getSampleInformationForMSID(int MSID)
            Sample sampleInfo = new Sample();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
                sqlCmdText = string.Concat("SELECT  MSID ,PODetailsID ,PONumber ,ProductID_CMS ,FileID ,Filepath ,FilenameOld ,SampleID, LotusID ,TimeSampleTaken ,TimeSampleSent ",
                                           ",TimeSampleReceived ,didLabNotReceived ,Comments ,FilenameNew ,TestApproved ,TrailerNumber ,FirstName ,LastName ,bypassCOFAComment ,SpecificGravity ",
                                           ",isOpenInCMS ,isRejected ,ProductName_CMS ",
                                           "FROM dbo.vw_SampleGridData ",
                                           "WHERE MSID = @pMSID ",
                                           "ORDER BY TestApproved, didLabNotReceived, TimeSampleReceived");
                SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@pMSID", MSID));
                while (reader.Read())
                    sampleInfo.MSID          = reader.GetValueOrDefault <int>("MSID");
                    sampleInfo.PODetailsID   = reader.GetValueOrDefault <int>("PODetailsID");
                    sampleInfo.PONumber      = reader.GetValueOrDefault <int>("PONumber");
                    sampleInfo.ProductID_CMS = reader.GetValueOrDefault <string>("ProductID_CMS");
                    sampleInfo.FileID        = reader.GetValueOrDefault <int>("FileID");
                    sampleInfo.Filepath      = reader.GetValueOrDefault <string>("Filepath");
                    sampleInfo.FilenameOld   = reader.GetValueOrDefault <string>("FilenameOld");
                    sampleInfo.SampleID      = reader.GetValueOrDefault <int>("SampleID");
                    sampleInfo.LotusID       = reader.GetValueOrDefault <string>("LotusID");
                    DateTime?tempTime = reader.GetValueOrDefault <DateTime>("TimeSampleTaken");
                    sampleInfo.TimeSampleTaken = tempTime == default(DateTime)? null: tempTime;
                    DateTime?tempTime2 = reader.GetValueOrDefault <DateTime>("TimeSampleReceived");
                    sampleInfo.TimeSampleReceived = tempTime == default(DateTime) ? null : tempTime2;
                    sampleInfo.didLabNotReceived  = reader.GetValueOrDefault <int>("didLabNotReceived");
                    sampleInfo.Comments           = reader.GetValueOrDefault <string>("Comments");
                    sampleInfo.FilenameNew        = reader.GetValueOrDefault <string>("FilenameNew");
                    sampleInfo.TestApproved       = reader.GetValueOrDefault <bool>("TestApproved");
                    sampleInfo.TrailerNumber      = reader.GetValueOrDefault <string>("TrailerNumber");
                    sampleInfo.FirstName          = reader.GetValueOrDefault <string>("FirstName");
                    sampleInfo.LastName           = reader.GetValueOrDefault <string>("LastName");
                    sampleInfo.bypassCOFAComment  = reader.GetValueOrDefault <string>("bypassCOFAComment");
                    sampleInfo.SpecificGravity    = reader.GetValueOrDefault <int>("SpecificGravity");
                    sampleInfo.isOpenInCMS        = reader.GetValueOrDefault <bool>("isOpenInCMS");
                    sampleInfo.isRejected         = reader.GetValueOrDefault <bool>("isRejected");
                    sampleInfo.ProductName_CMS    = reader.GetValueOrDefault <string>("ProductName_CMS");
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in loaderMobile getSampleGridData(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
        public void setSqlConnectionStringUsingConfiguration()
            TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper TSCKHelper = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper();

                sql_connStr = TSCKHelper.sql_connStr;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in SQLDataConnectionHelper getSqlConnectionStringFromConfiguration(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
Example #24
        public static ICollection <Tuple <string, string> > GetProductInfoRejectCustomMessage(int MSID)
            DataSet productInfo = new DataSet();
            string  productName;
            string  partNum;
            ICollection <Tuple <string, string> > listOfProductDetails = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
                sqlCmdText = "SELECT PODetailsID, ProductID_CMS " +
                             "FROM dbo.PODetails POD " +
                             "WHERE MSID = @MSID";

                productInfo = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@MSID", MSID));
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in productInfo.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (productInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductID_CMS"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                        productName = "";
                        productName = Convert.ToString(productInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProductID_CMS"]);

                    if (productInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PODetailsID"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                        partNum = "";
                        partNum = Convert.ToString(productInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PODetailsID"]);

                    listOfProductDetails.Add(Tuple.Create(partNum, productName));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in RejectTruck GetProductInfoRejectCustomMessage(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);

        public static bool CheckInspectionValidationSetting()
            bool ValidationSetting = false;

                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
                ValidationSetting = InspectionsHelperFunctions.CheckInspectionValidationSetting(sql_connStr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in loaderMobile CheckInspectionValidationSetting(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
        public static List <object> canInspectionBeEdited(int prodDetailID, int MSInspectionListID, int MSInspectionID)
            List <object> returnObj = new List <object>();

                string      sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
                ZXPUserData zxpUD       = ZXPUserData.GetZXPUserDataFromCookie();
                returnObj = InspectionsHelperFunctions.canInspectionBeEdited(prodDetailID, MSInspectionListID, MSInspectionID, sql_connStr, zxpUD);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in loaderMobile canInspectionBeStarted(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #27
        public static Object GetGridData()
            List <object[]> data    = new List <object[]>();
            DataSet         dataSet = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                //gets MSID and other data needed
                sqlCmdText = "SELECT MS.MSID, MS.PONumber, MS.TrailerNumber, LS.LocationLong, " +
                             "(SELECT TOP 1 TimeStamp FROM dbo.MainScheduleEvents MSE WHERE (MSE.MSID = MS.MSID) AND (MS.isRejected = 'true') AND (isHidden = 'false') ORDER BY Timestamp DESC) AS TimeRejected, " +
                             "MS.RejectionComment, MS.isOpenInCMS, " +
                             "ISNULL(ProdDet.PDCount, 0) AS ProdCount, ProdDet.topProdID, PCMS.ProductName_CMS " +
                             "FROM dbo.MainSchedule AS MS " +
                             "INNER JOIN dbo.Locations LS ON LS.LocationShort = MS.LocationShort  " +
                             "LEFT JOIN (SELECT MSID, COUNT(PODetailsID) AS PDCount, " +
                             "(SELECT TOP 1 PD_A.ProductID_CMS " +
                             "FROM dbo.PODetails PD_A " +
                             "INNER JOIN dbo.ProductsCMS PCMS_A ON PD_A.ProductID_CMS = PCMS_A.ProductID_CMS " +
                             "WHERE PD_A.MSID =  PD.MSID " +
                             ") AS topProdID  " +
                             "FROM dbo.PODetails PD  " +
                             "GROUP BY MSID " +
                             ") ProdDet ON ProdDet.MSID = MS.MSID " +
                             "LEFT JOIN dbo.ProductsCMS PCMS ON PCMS.ProductID_CMS = ProdDet.topProdID " +
                             "WHERE isHidden = 0 AND LS.LocationShort != 'NOS' " +
                             "ORDER BY MSID";

                dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText);

                //populate return object
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in RejectTruck GetGridData(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
Example #28
        private DataSet getDemurrageAlerts()
            string  sqlGetAlerts = "SELECT * FROM dbo.vw_Alerts_isNearDemurrageTimeLimit";
            DataSet dsDemurrageAlerts;

            try {
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
                dsDemurrageAlerts = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlGetAlerts);
            catch (SqlException excep)
                string strErr = " SQLException Error in alertsProcessing getAndPopulateDemurrageAlerts(). Details: " + excep.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                throw excep;

Example #29
        private bool loginForAlertProcessing(string userName, string password)
            ZXPUserData zxpUD       = new ZXPUserData();
            int         rowCount    = 0;
            bool        isValidUser = false;

                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;
                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    string sqlCmdText;
                    sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                    sqlCmdText = "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM dbo.Users WHERE [Password] = @UPASS AND UserName = @UNAME AND isDisabled = 0";
                    rowCount   = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText, new SqlParameter("@UNAME", userName), new SqlParameter("@UPASS", DataTransformer.PasswordHash(password))));

                    if (rowCount > 0)
                        isValidUser = true;
                        isValidUser = false;
                        throw new Exception("Invalid login.");
            catch (SqlException excep)
                string strErr = " SQLException Error in alertsProcessing loginForAlertProcessing(). Details: " + excep.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(2, strErr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in alertsProcessing loginForAlertProcessing(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.LogErrorAndRedirect(1, strErr);
        public static List <int> getTrucksWithPOStillOpenInCMS()
            List <int> truckPO = new List <int>();
            DataSet    dataSet = new DataSet();

                string sqlCmdText;
                string sql_connStr = new TruckScheduleConfigurationKeysHelper().sql_connStr;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT PONumber FROM dbo.MainSchedule " +
                             "WHERE (isHidden = 0 AND LocationShort = 'NOS' " +
                             "AND StatusID = 10 AND isOpenInCMS = 1) OR  (isHidden = 0 AND LocationShort = 'NOS' " +
                             "AND TimeDeparted IS NOT NULL AND isOpenInCMS = 1)" +
                             "ORDER BY PONumber";
                dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql_connStr, CommandType.Text, sqlCmdText);

                //populate return object
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
            catch (SqlException excep)
                string strErr = " SQLException Error in dataProcessingAndCleanup getTrucksWithPOStillOpenInCMS(). Details: " + excep.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorNum"] = 2;
                throw excep;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strErr = " Exception Error in dataProcessingAndCleanup getTrucksWithPOStillOpenInCMS(). Details: " + ex.ToString();
                ErrorLogging.WriteEvent(strErr, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorNum"] = 1;
                throw ex;