Example #1
		/// <summary> 
		/// initializes the document.  init() is not longer
		/// dependant upon context, but we need to let the
		/// init() carry the template name down through for VM
		/// namespace features
		/// </summary>
		public void InitDocument()
			// send an empty InternalContextAdapter down into the AST to initialize it
			InternalContextAdapterImpl internalContextAdapterImpl = new InternalContextAdapterImpl(new VelocityContext());

				// put the current template name on the stack

				// init the AST
				((SimpleNode) data).Init(internalContextAdapterImpl, runtimeServices);
				// in case something blows up...
				// pull it off for completeness
Example #2
		/// <summary>
		/// The AST node structure is merged with the
		/// context to produce the final output.
		/// Throws IOException if failure is due to a file related
		/// issue, and Exception otherwise
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="context">Context with data elements accessed by template</param>
		/// <param name="writer">writer for rendered template</param>
		/// <exception cref="ResourceNotFoundException">
		/// if template not found from any available source.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="ParseErrorException">
		/// if template cannot be parsed due to syntax (or other) error.
		/// </exception>
		/// <exception cref="System.Exception">
		/// anything else.
		/// </exception>
		public void Merge(IContext context, TextWriter writer)
			// we shouldn't have to do this, as if there is an error condition, 
			// the application code should never get a reference to the 
			// Template
			if (errorCondition != null)
				throw errorCondition;

			if (data != null)
				// create an InternalContextAdapter to carry the user Context down
				// into the rendering engine.  Set the template name and render()
				InternalContextAdapterImpl internalContextAdapterImpl = new InternalContextAdapterImpl(context);

					internalContextAdapterImpl.CurrentResource = this;

					((SimpleNode) data).Render(internalContextAdapterImpl, writer);
					// lets make sure that we always clean up the context 
					internalContextAdapterImpl.CurrentResource = null;
				// this shouldn't happen either, but just in case.
				String msg = "Template.merge() failure. The document is null, most likely due to parsing error.";

				throw new System.Exception(msg);
		/// <summary>
		/// Renders the input reader using the context into the output writer.
		/// To be used when a template is dynamically constructed, or want to
		/// use Velocity as a token replacer.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="context">context to use in rendering input string</param>
		/// <param name="writer"> Writer in which to render the output</param>
		/// <param name="logTag"> string to be used as the template name for log messages in case of error</param>
		/// <param name="reader">Reader containing the VTL to be rendered</param>
		/// <returns>true if successful, false otherwise.  If false, see Velocity runtime log</returns>
		public bool Evaluate(IContext context, TextWriter writer, String logTag, TextReader reader)
			SimpleNode nodeTree = null;

				nodeTree = runtimeInstance.Parse(reader, logTag);
			catch(ParseException parseException)
				throw new ParseErrorException(parseException.Message, parseException);

			// now we want to init and render
			if (nodeTree != null)
				InternalContextAdapterImpl internalContextAdapterImpl = new InternalContextAdapterImpl(context);


						nodeTree.Init(internalContextAdapterImpl, runtimeInstance);
					catch(System.Exception e)
						runtimeInstance.Error(string.Format("Velocity.evaluate() : init exception for tag = {0} : {1}", logTag, e));

					// now render, and let any exceptions fly
					nodeTree.Render(internalContextAdapterImpl, writer);

				return true;

			return false;