override public void TramArrive(Tram tram)
            if (firstOpenPos() == -1)
                Console.WriteLine("Attempted to TramArrive at full endpoint. Crashing");
                Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();;
                tram.busy      = false;
                tram.hasloaded = false;
                tram.arrivaltime = Time.Now();
                tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now() + " , Arrival , " + Name);

                logInterDepartureTime.WriteLine((Time.Now()).ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - lastDeparture).ToString());

                if (!TramRetire(tram))
                    if (!tramloading)
                        new StartPassTransfer(Time.Now(), tram, this);
                        tramloading = true;
 *      Passenger Embarkation/debarkation methods

        override public void StartPassExchange(Tram tram)
            int pin; int pout;

            tram.busy = true;

            transferPassNew       = 0;
            transferTimeLast      = lastpassupdate;
            transferPassWaitStart = PassWaiting;

            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , StartPassExchange , " + Name);

            int passnew = updatePassWaiting();

            pout         = PassDepart(tram.PassCurr);
            pin          = Math.Min(tram.PassMax - (tram.PassCurr - pout), PassWaiting);
            PassWaiting -= pin;

            transferPassNew += passnew;

            int extime = TimePassExchange(pin, pout);

            new EndPassTransfer(Time.Now() + extime, tram, this, pin, pout, true);
        override public void ItPassEmbarking(Tram tram)
            int pnew = updatePassWaiting();

            transferPassNew += pnew;

            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , ItPassExchange , " + Name);

            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                Console.WriteLine("iterative passenger embarkation");

            int pin = Math.Min(tram.PassMax - tram.PassCurr, PassWaiting);

            PassWaiting -= pin;
            int deltat = (int)RNG.Gamma3(2, 0.2 * (double)pin, 0.0);

            if ((!tram.cameFromDepot) && (Time.Now() - tram.arrivaltime < Dweltime))
                new PassEmbarkWait(tram.arrivaltime + Dweltime, tram, pin, this);
            else if (NextDeparture() > Time.Now() + 5)
                new PassEmbarkWait(NextDeparture() - 5, tram, pin, this);
                new EndPassTransfer((Time.Now() + deltat), tram, this, pin, 0, false);
 public RecruitTram(int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place)
     Priority = 0;
     ETime    = time; Subject = tram; Place = place;
     Name     = "RecruitTram";
        public void Recruit()
            int i = 0;

            while (i < depot.Length)
                if (depot[i] != null)
                    if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                        Console.WriteLine("Recruited tram.");

                    Tram tram = depot[i];
                    tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , Recruited , " + Name);
                    depot[i]           = null;
                    tram.indepot       = false;
                    tram.cameFromDepot = true;
                    tram.arrivaltime   = Time.Now();
                    tramloading        = true;
                    new StartPassTransfer(Time.Now(), tram, this);
            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                Console.WriteLine("No Tram to recruit.");
 override public bool FirstinLine(Tram tram)
     if (Spaces[0] == tram)
        override public void TramDepart(Tram tram)
            lastDeparture = Time.Now();

            logPassengersWaiting.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , " + PassWaiting.ToString() + " , " + tram.PassCurr.ToString());
            logDwelltime.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - tram.arrivaltime).ToString());
            new EndTransit(Time.Now() + this.TimeTransit(), tram, Next.Next);
 public StartPassTransfer(int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place)
     Priority  = 2;
     tram.busy = true;
     ETime     = time; Subject = tram; Place = place;
     Name      = "StartPassTransfer";
 *      Passenger embarkation/debarkation methods

        override public void StartPassExchange(Tram tram)
            tramloading = true;
            tram.busy   = true;
            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                Console.WriteLine("starting passenger exchange");
 public void RemoveTram(Tram tram){
     int pos = findTram(tram);
     if (pos != -1){
         Spaces[pos] = null;
     else {
         Console.WriteLine("Tram " + tram.TramNo.ToString() + " not found at " + this.Name + ". Quiting simulation.");
         Console.ReadLine(); Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();;;
 protected int findTram(Tram tram)
     for (int i = 0; i < Spaces.Length; i++)
         if (Spaces[i] == tram)
 //There shouldn't be two events for the same tram in the event queue
 public static void checkForTram(Tram tram)
     foreach (Event e in list)
         if (e.Subject == tram)
             Console.WriteLine("Tram already has event in the list");
             Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();
        public EndPassTransfer(int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place, int In, int Out, bool cont)

            Priority = 4;
            PassIn   = In; PassOut = Out;
            ETime    = time; Subject = tram; Place = place;
            Cont     = cont;
            Name     = "EndPassTransfer";
 public bool AddTram (Tram tram) {
     int pos = firstOpenPos();
     if (pos != -1) {
         Spaces[pos] = tram;
         return true;
     Console.WriteLine("Failure to add tram to station " + Name + ". Ending simulation" );
     Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();;
     return false; 
        public void RemoveTram(Tram tram)
            int pos = findTram(tram);

            if (pos != -1)
                Spaces[pos] = null;
                Console.WriteLine("Tram " + tram.TramNo.ToString() + " not found at " + this.Name + ". Quiting simulation.");
                Console.ReadLine(); Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();;;
        override public void ItPassEmbarking(Tram tram)
            int pnew = updatePassWaiting();

            transferPassNew += pnew;
            tram.busy        = true;
            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , ItPassExchange , " + Name);
            int pin = Math.Min(tram.PassMax - tram.PassCurr, PassWaiting);

            PassWaiting -= pin;
            int deltat = (int)RNG.Gamma3(2, 0.2 * pin, 0.0);

            new EndPassTransfer((Time.Now() + deltat), tram, this, pin, 0, false);
        public bool AddTram(Tram tram)
            int pos = firstOpenPos();

            if (pos != -1)
                Spaces[pos] = tram;

            Console.WriteLine("Failure to add tram to station " + Name + ". Ending simulation");
            Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();;
 public EndTransit(int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place)
     Priority  = 5;
     ETime     = time; Subject = tram; Place = place;
     tram.busy = true;
     if (!place.Name.Trim().Equals(tram.Position.Next.Name.Trim()))
         Console.WriteLine("AT EndTransit: place and subject.position.next do not match. \"" + Place.Name + "\" vs \"" + Subject.Position.Next.Name + "\"");
         Console.ReadLine(); EventList.Sim.EmergencyExit();
     Name = "Endtransit";
        public Station(string name, TimeDistr inrate, TimeDistr outrate, TimeDistr indens, int pass,
                       double driveavg, double drivevar, string datafolder, Simulation sim)
            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                Console.WriteLine("Initialising station " + name);
                if (Simulation.WAIT)
            Name           = name;
            Spaces         = new Tram[1];
            lastpassupdate = 0;
            PassWaiting    = 0;
            lastDeparture  = 0;
            TotalIn        = 0;
            TotalOut       = 0;
            DriveAvg       = driveavg;
            DriveVar       = drivevar;
            Sim            = sim;

            //reformulate distributions for incoming passengers to something sensible
            int[]    times      = indens.getTimes();
            double[] passengers = new double[times.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < passengers.Length; i++)
//                if (Simulation.EXPLICIT) Console.WriteLine("Calculating passengers at time " + times[i].ToString());
                passengers[i] = Convert.ToDouble(pass) * inrate.getRate(times[i]) * indens.getRate(times[i]);
//                if (Simulation.EXPLICIT) Console.WriteLine("Passengers from time " + times[i].ToString() + " : " + passengers[i].ToString());
            PassArrival = new TimeDistr(times, passengers);

            PassArrival.WriteToFile(datafolder + Name + "PassDistr.csv");

            PassOut = outrate;

            logPassengersWaiting = new StreamWriter(datafolder + Name + "PassWaiting.csv");
            logPassengersWaiting.WriteLine("Time , Passengers waiting, passengers in tram");
            logInterDepartureTime = new StreamWriter(datafolder + Name + "IntDepTime.csv");
            logInterDepartureTime.WriteLine("Time , time since last Departure");
            logTramsWaiting = new StreamWriter(datafolder + Name + "TramsWaiting.csv");
            logTramsWaiting.WriteLine("Time , trams waiting , trams at station");
            logWaitingtime = new StreamWriter(datafolder + Name + "WaitingTime.csv");
            logWaitingtime.WriteLine("Time , passengers already waiting , time last departure , new passengers , time since last passenger update , passengers waiting after loading");
            logDwelltime = new StreamWriter(datafolder + name + "Dwelltime.csv");
            logDwelltime.WriteLine("Time , dwelltime of departing tram");
 public PassEmbarkWait(int time, Tram tram, int pin, iHasRails place)
     Priority     = 3;
     ETime        = time; Subject = tram; Place = place;
     Subject.busy = true;
     Pin          = pin;
     Name         = "PassEmbarkWait";
     if (!Place.Name.Trim().Equals(Subject.Position.Name.Trim()))
         Console.WriteLine("At creation of passembarkwait: place and subject.position do not match. " + Place.Name + " vs " + Subject.Position.Name);
         Console.ReadLine(); EventList.Sim.EmergencyExit();
        override public void handleDepart(Tram tram, int slot)
            int pos = findTram(tram);

            if (pos == 0)       // tram in line with departing rail
                if (!raillock[0])
                    tram.busy = true;
                    int time = TimeLocked();
                    new TrackLock(Time.Now() + time, tram, this, 0, false);
                    logPunctuality.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - timetable[slot]).ToString());

                    base.handleDepart(tram, 0);
                    usedtimes[slot] = false;
                    tram.busy       = false;
            else if (pos == 1)       // tram not in line with departing rail
                if ((!raillock[0]) && (!raillock[1]))
                    tram.busy = true;
                    int time = TimeLocked();
                    logPunctuality.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - timetable[slot]).ToString());
                    new TrackLock(Time.Now() + time, tram, this, 2, false);

                    base.handleDepart(tram, 0);
                    usedtimes[slot] = false;
                    tram.busy       = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Event handleDepart at station " + Name + " at time " + Time.Now().ToString() + " attempted on tram not at the station.");
                Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();
 override public void EndPassExchange(Tram tram, int pin, int pout, bool iterate)
     tram.busy = false;
     tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , EndPassExchange , " + Name);
     tram.changePass(pin, pout);
     if (iterate)
         logWaitingtime.WriteLine(Time.Now() + " , " + transferPassWaitStart.ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - lastDeparture).ToString()
                                  + " , " + transferPassNew + " , " + (Time.Now() - transferTimeLast).ToString() + "  , " + PassWaiting);
         new StartTransit(Time.Now(), tram, this, 0);
        public TrackLock(int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place, int track, bool incoming)
            Priority = 6;
            ETime    = time; Place = place; Track = track; Incoming = incoming;
            Name = "TrackLock";
            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                Console.WriteLine("Starting tracklock of  at station " + Place.Name + " at time " + Time.Now().ToString());
                if (Simulation.WAIT)

Example #24
         *  Instantiates the trams and places them in the Endstation containing the depot. The latter is currently hardcoded to be the first entry in railway
        private void buildTrams()
            if (EXPLICIT)
                Console.WriteLine("Initialising trams");
                if (WAIT)
            trams = new Tram[NoTrams];

            for (int i = 0; i < NoTrams; i++)
                trams[i] = new Tram(i, (Endstation)railway[0], MaxPassTram, DataFolder, this);
        public StartTransit(int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place, int timenumber)
            Priority     = 5;
            ETime        = time; Subject = tram; Place = place; number = timenumber;
            Subject.busy = true;
            if (Place != tram.Position)
                Console.WriteLine("At StartTransit event: place and subject.Position did not match. " + Place.Name + " vs " + Subject.Position.Name);
                Console.ReadLine(); EventList.Sim.EmergencyExit();

            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                Console.WriteLine("Planned Starttransit of tram" + Subject.TramNo.ToString() + " at station " + Place.Name + " at time " + Time.Now().ToString());
            Name = "StartTransit";
        //Handles actual arrival.
        override public void TramArrive(Tram tram)
            if (this.firstOpenPos() == -1)
                Console.WriteLine("Tried to move tram to station" + Name + " while there were no free spaces. Crashing");
                Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();;
                tram.busy = false;
                tram.arrivaltime = Time.Now();
                tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now() + " , Arrival , " + Name);

                new StartPassTransfer(Time.Now(), tram, this);
                logInterDepartureTime.WriteLine((Time.Now()).ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - lastDeparture).ToString());
 *  Arrival methods
        override public void handleArrival(Tram tram)
            int spot = firstOpenPos();

            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now() + " , Arrival , " + Previous.Name);

            tram.busy = false;
            if (!Previous.FirstinLine(tram))
            if (spot == 0)
                if ((!raillock[0]) && (!raillock[1]))
                    int time = TimeLocked();
                    new TrackLock(Time.Now() + time, tram, this, 2, true);
            else if (spot == 1)
                if (!raillock[1])
                    int time = TimeLocked();
                    new TrackLock(Time.Now() + time, tram, this, 1, true);

            int trams = 0;

            foreach (Tram place in Spaces)
                if (place != null)
            logTramsWaiting.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , " + Previous.TramWaitingCount().ToString() + " , " + trams.ToString());
 *          Departure methods

        //due to the scheduling at Termini which doesn't exist at regular stations, it's require to plan departures in advance.
        public void planDeparture(Tram tram)
            int next = NextDeparture();

            if (next == -1)

            int slot = ReserveSlot();

            if (next < Time.Now())
                tram.busy = true;
                new StartTransit(Time.Now(), tram, this, slot);
                tram.busy = true;
                new StartTransit(next, tram, this, slot);

            if (tramloading && ReadyToLoad() != null)
                Console.WriteLine("At planDeparture: tramloading == true, but also tram ready to load.");
                Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();
            if (ReadyToLoad() != null)
                if (ReadyToLoad().TramNo == tram.TramNo)
                    Console.WriteLine("Trying to start passenger loading departing tram");
                    Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();
                tramloading = true;
                new StartPassTransfer(Time.Now(), ReadyToLoad(), this);
 *      Tram Recruitment/retiring
        private bool TramRetire(Tram tram)
            if (depot != null)            //wrong endstation
                if (((Time.Now() >= RetireTime) && (firstOpenPos() == -1)) || NextDeparture() == -1)
                    int i = 0;
                    while (i < depot.Length)
                        if (depot[i] == null)
                            int pout = PassDepart(tram.PassCurr);
                            TotalOut += pout;
                            tram.changePass(0, pout);
                            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                                Console.WriteLine("Retired tram to depot");
                            depot[i] = tram;

                            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , Retired , " + Name);
                            tram.indepot = true;

/*          This was an idea, but not really necessary, since it ends after the even this belongs to is done anyhow.
 *          bool full = true;
 *          for (int i = 0; i < depot.Length; i++) {
 *              if (depot[i] == null) { full = false; break; }
 *          }
 *          if (full) //Find some way to end simulation from here...
 override public void EndPassExchange(Tram tram, int pin, int pout, bool iterate)
     tram.changePass(pin, pout);
     tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , EndPassExchange , " + Name);
     if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
         Console.WriteLine("ending passenger exchange");
     if (iterate)
         tramloading        = false;
         tram.busy          = true;
         tram.cameFromDepot = false;
         tram.hasloaded     = true;
         logWaitingtime.WriteLine(Time.Now() + " , " + transferPassWaitStart.ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - lastDeparture).ToString()
                                  + " , " + transferPassNew + " , " + (Time.Now() - transferTimeLast).ToString() + "  , " + PassWaiting);
 *      Tram arrival methods

        //Executes on endTransit event. Checks if tram is allow to enter the station
        override public void handleArrival(Tram tram)
            tram.busy = false;
            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now() + " , Arrival , " + Previous.Name);

            if (firstOpenPos() != -1)
                if (Previous.FirstinLine(tram))

            int trams = 0;

            foreach (Tram place in Spaces)
                if (place != null)
            logTramsWaiting.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , " + Previous.TramWaitingCount().ToString() + " , " + trams.ToString());
    	override public bool FirstinLine(Tram tram){
	    	if (Spaces[0] == tram){
		    	return true;
		    return false;
    	override public void ItPassEmbarking(Tram tram){ 
	    	int pnew = updatePassWaiting();
            transferPassNew += pnew;
            tram.busy = true;
            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , ItPassExchange , " + Name);
		    int pin = Math.Min(tram.PassMax - tram.PassCurr, PassWaiting);
            PassWaiting -= pin;
		    int deltat= (int)RNG.Gamma3(2, 0.2 * pin, 0.0);
		    new EndPassTransfer ( (Time.Now() + deltat), tram, this, pin, 0, false ) ;
        public Endstation(string name, bool depot, int maxtrams, TimeDistr inrate, TimeDistr outrate,
                          TimeDistr indens, int pass, double driveavg, double drivevar, TimeDistr schedule,
                          int timefromstrt, string datafolder, Simulation sim)
            : base(name, inrate, outrate, indens, pass, driveavg, drivevar, datafolder, sim)
            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                Console.WriteLine("Initialising Endstation " + name);
                if (Simulation.WAIT)
            Spaces   = new Tram[2];
            raillock = new bool[2];
            if (depot)
                this.depot = new Tram[maxtrams];
            Name     = name;
            Dweltime = 4 * 60;  //Parameterize this.
            //counter = 0;

            logPunctuality = new StreamWriter(datafolder + Name + "Punctuality.csv");
            logPunctuality.WriteLine("Time , Deviation from schedule");

            //create schedule
            int[]    periods   = schedule.getTimes();
            double[] intensity = schedule.getRates();

            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                Console.WriteLine("Creating timetable at Endstation " + name);
                if (Simulation.WAIT)
            Queue <int> temptable = new Queue <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < periods.Length; i++)
                if ((i + 1 == periods.Length + timefromstrt) || (intensity[i] == 0.0))
                    if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                        Console.WriteLine("Scheduled leaving of tram at " + (periods[i] + timefromstrt).ToString());
                    temptable.Enqueue(periods[i] + timefromstrt);
                int next = periods[i] + timefromstrt;

                int intdeptime = Convert.ToInt32(3600.0 / intensity[i]);
                while (next < periods[i + 1] + timefromstrt)
                    if (Simulation.EXPLICIT)
                        Console.WriteLine("Scheduled event leaving at " + next.ToString());

                    next += intdeptime;

            timetable = temptable.ToArray();
            StreamWriter logTimeSchedule = new StreamWriter(datafolder + Name + "schedule.txt");

            foreach (int i in timetable)

            usedtimes = new bool[timetable.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < usedtimes.Length; i++)
                usedtimes[i] = false;
    	override public void TramArrive (Tram tram) { 
	    	if (firstOpenPos() == -1){
		    	Console.WriteLine("Attempted to TramArrive at full endpoint. Crashing");
			    Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();;
	    	else {
                tram.busy = false;
                tram.hasloaded = false;
                tram.arrivaltime = Time.Now();
                tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now() + " , Arrival , " + Name);

                logInterDepartureTime.WriteLine((Time.Now()).ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - lastDeparture).ToString());

			    if (!TramRetire(tram)) {
				    if (!tramloading) {
                        new StartPassTransfer(Time.Now(), tram, this);
                        tramloading = true;
        Tram Recruitment/retiring
	    private bool TramRetire (Tram tram) { 
		    if (depot != null ) { //wrong endstation
                if ( ( (Time.Now() >= RetireTime ) && (firstOpenPos()  == -1) ) || NextDeparture() == -1) {
        		    RemoveTram (tram);
				    int i = 0;
				    while ( i < depot.Length ) {
					    if (depot[i] == null) {
                            int pout = PassDepart(tram.PassCurr );
                            TotalOut += pout;
                            tram.changePass(0, pout);
                            if(Simulation.EXPLICIT) Console.WriteLine("Retired tram to depot");
						    depot[i] = tram;
                            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , Retired , " + Name);
                            tram.indepot = true;
						    return true;
/*          This was an idea, but not really necessary, since it ends after the even this belongs to is done anyhow.
            bool full = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < depot.Length; i++) {
                if (depot[i] == null) { full = false; break; }
            if (full) //Find some way to end simulation from here...
		    return false;
        public StartTransit(int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place, int timenumber) {
            Priority = 5;
            ETime = time; Subject = tram; Place = place; number = timenumber;
            Subject.busy = true;
            if (Place != tram.Position) {
                 Console.WriteLine("At StartTransit event: place and subject.Position did not match. " + Place.Name + " vs " + Subject.Position.Name);
                 Console.ReadLine(); EventList.Sim.EmergencyExit();

            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT) Console.WriteLine("Planned Starttransit of tram"  + Subject.TramNo.ToString() + " at station " + Place.Name + " at time " + Time.Now().ToString());
            Name = "StartTransit";
    	override public void handleDepart(Tram tram, int slot) {

    		int pos = findTram(tram);
    		if (pos == 0) { // tram in line with departing rail
    			if (!raillock[0]) {
                    tram.busy = true;
	    			int time = TimeLocked();
		    		new TrackLock (Time.Now() + time, tram, this, 0, false);
                    logPunctuality.WriteLine ( Time.Now().ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - timetable[slot]).ToString()  );
                    counter ++;
	       			base.handleDepart(tram, 0);
                else {
                     usedtimes[slot] = false;
                     tram.busy = false;
	    	else if (pos == 1) { // tram not in line with departing rail
		    	if ((!raillock[0]) && (!raillock[1])) {
                    tram.busy = true;
			    	int time = TimeLocked();
                    logPunctuality.WriteLine ( Time.Now().ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - timetable[slot]).ToString()  );
				    new TrackLock (Time.Now() + time, tram, this, 2, false);

    				base.handleDepart(tram, 0);
                else {
                    usedtimes[slot] = false;
                    tram.busy = false;
            else {
                Console.WriteLine("Event handleDepart at station " + Name + " at time " + Time.Now().ToString() + " attempted on tram not at the station." );
                Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit(); 
        Passenger Embarkation/debarkation methods

        override public void StartPassExchange(Tram tram) {
            int pin; int pout;
            tram.busy = true;

            transferPassNew = 0;
            transferTimeLast = lastpassupdate;
            transferPassWaitStart = PassWaiting;

            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , StartPassExchange , " + Name);

            int passnew = updatePassWaiting();
            pout = PassDepart(tram.PassCurr);
            pin = Math.Min(tram.PassMax - (tram.PassCurr - pout), PassWaiting);
            PassWaiting -= pin;

            transferPassNew += passnew;

            int extime = TimePassExchange(pin, pout);
            new EndPassTransfer(Time.Now() + extime, tram, this, pin, pout, true);
        public PassEmbarkWait(int time, Tram tram, int pin, iHasRails place){
            Priority = 3;
			ETime = time; Subject = tram; Place= place;
            Subject.busy = true;
            Pin = pin;
            Name = "PassEmbarkWait";
            if ( !Place.Name.Trim().Equals( Subject.Position.Name.Trim())) {
                Console.WriteLine("At creation of passembarkwait: place and subject.position do not match. " +Place.Name + " vs " + Subject.Position.Name);
                Console.ReadLine(); EventList.Sim.EmergencyExit();
	    override public void ItPassEmbarking(Tram tram) { 
		    int pnew = updatePassWaiting();
            transferPassNew += pnew;

            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , ItPassExchange , " + Name);

            if(Simulation.EXPLICIT) Console.WriteLine("iterative passenger embarkation");

		    int pin = Math.Min(tram.PassMax - tram.PassCurr, PassWaiting);
            PassWaiting -= pin;
            int deltat = (int)RNG.Gamma3(2, 0.2 * (double)pin, 0.0); 

            if (( !tram.cameFromDepot ) && (Time.Now() - tram.arrivaltime < Dweltime) ) {

                new PassEmbarkWait ( tram.arrivaltime + Dweltime, tram,  pin, this);
            else if (NextDeparture() > Time.Now() + 5){
                new PassEmbarkWait ( NextDeparture() - 5 , tram, pin , this);
            else {
                 new EndPassTransfer ( (Time.Now() + deltat), tram, this, pin, 0, false);
        public TrackLock(int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place, int track, bool incoming ) {
            Priority = 6;
            ETime = time; Place = place; Track = track; Incoming = incoming;
            Name = "TrackLock";
            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT) {
                Console.WriteLine("Starting tracklock of  at station " + Place.Name + " at time " + Time.Now().ToString());
                if (Simulation.WAIT) Console.ReadLine();

 public StartPassTransfer(int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place) {
     Priority = 2;
     tram.busy = true; 
     ETime = time; Subject = tram; Place = place;
     Name = "StartPassTransfer";
        //Handles actual arrival. 
        override public void TramArrive (Tram tram) { 
            if (this.firstOpenPos() == -1) {
                Console.WriteLine("Tried to move tram to station" + Name + " while there were no free spaces. Crashing");
                Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();;
            else {

                tram.busy = false;
                tram.arrivaltime = Time.Now();
                tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now() + " , Arrival , " + Name);

    		    new StartPassTransfer(Time.Now(), tram, this );
                logInterDepartureTime.WriteLine((Time.Now()).ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - lastDeparture).ToString());
        override public void EndPassExchange(Tram tram, int pin, int pout, bool iterate) {
            tram.busy = false;
            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , EndPassExchange , " + Name);
            tram.changePass(pin , pout);
	        if (iterate) ItPassEmbarking(tram);
            else {
                logWaitingtime.WriteLine(Time.Now() + " , " + transferPassWaitStart.ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - lastDeparture).ToString() 
                                         + " , " + transferPassNew + " , "  + (Time.Now() - transferTimeLast).ToString() + "  , " + PassWaiting );
                new StartTransit(Time.Now(), tram, this, 0);    
            Departure methods

        //due to the scheduling at Termini which doesn't exist at regular stations, it's require to plan departures in advance.
        public void planDeparture(Tram tram) {  

            int next = NextDeparture();
            if (next == -1) {

            int slot = ReserveSlot();

            if (next < Time.Now() ) { 
                tram.busy = true;
                new StartTransit(Time.Now(), tram, this, slot);
            else {
                tram.busy = true;
                new StartTransit(next, tram, this, slot);

            if (tramloading && ReadyToLoad() != null) {
                Console.WriteLine("At planDeparture: tramloading == true, but also tram ready to load.");
                Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();
            if (ReadyToLoad() != null) {
                if (ReadyToLoad().TramNo == tram.TramNo) {
                    Console.WriteLine("Trying to start passenger loading departing tram");
                    Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();
                tramloading = true;
                new StartPassTransfer(Time.Now(), ReadyToLoad(), this);
 public InTransit (int maxTrams, Simulation sim, string name) {
     Spaces = new Tram[maxTrams];
     Name = "intransitafter" + name;
     Sim = sim;
    Arrival methods

	    override public void handleArrival(Tram tram){ 
		    int spot = firstOpenPos();
            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now() + " , Arrival , " + Previous.Name);

		    tram.busy = false;
            if (!Previous.FirstinLine(tram)) return;
		    if (spot == 0){
			    if ((!raillock[0]) && (!raillock[1])) {
				    int time = TimeLocked();
				    new TrackLock( Time.Now() + time, tram, this, 2, true);
		    else if (spot == 1) {
			    if (!raillock[1]) {
				    int time = TimeLocked();
				    new TrackLock (Time.Now() + time, tram, this, 1, true);

            int trams =0;
            foreach (Tram place in Spaces) {
                if (place != null) {
            logTramsWaiting.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , " + Previous.TramWaitingCount().ToString() + " , " + trams.ToString());

 //Handles the actual departing of trams from the station. Then checks if a tram can be put into the station in its place.
 virtual public void TramDepart (Tram tram) {
     Console.WriteLine("Attempted to call TramDepart from nonstation object. Crashing.");
     Console.ReadLine(); Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();;;
        public Endstation (string name, bool depot, int maxtrams, TimeDistr inrate, TimeDistr outrate, 
                           TimeDistr indens, int pass, double driveavg, double drivevar, TimeDistr schedule,
                           int timefromstrt, string datafolder, Simulation sim ) 
                           : base(name,inrate,outrate,indens, pass, driveavg, drivevar, datafolder, sim) {
            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT) {
                Console.WriteLine("Initialising Endstation " + name);
                if (Simulation.WAIT) Console.ReadLine();
            Spaces = new Tram[2];
            raillock = new bool[2];
            if (depot) this.depot = new Tram[maxtrams];
            Name = name;
            Dweltime = 4* 60;  //Parameterize this.
            //counter = 0;

            logPunctuality = new StreamWriter(datafolder + Name + "Punctuality.csv");
            logPunctuality.WriteLine("Time , Deviation from schedule");

            //create schedule
            int[] periods = schedule.getTimes();
            double[] intensity = schedule.getRates();

            if (Simulation.EXPLICIT) {
                Console.WriteLine("Creating timetable at Endstation " + name);
                if (Simulation.WAIT) Console.ReadLine();
            Queue<int> temptable = new Queue<int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < periods.Length ; i++) {
                if ( (i+1 == periods.Length + timefromstrt) || (intensity[i] == 0.0) ){
                    if (Simulation.EXPLICIT) Console.WriteLine("Scheduled leaving of tram at " + (periods[i]+ timefromstrt).ToString() );
                    temptable.Enqueue(periods[i] + timefromstrt);
                int next = periods[i] + timefromstrt;
                int intdeptime = Convert.ToInt32( 3600.0/intensity[i]);
                while (next < periods[i+1] + timefromstrt) {
                    if (Simulation.EXPLICIT) Console.WriteLine("Scheduled event leaving at " + next.ToString() );

                    next += intdeptime;

            timetable = temptable.ToArray();
            StreamWriter logTimeSchedule = new StreamWriter(datafolder + Name + "schedule.txt");
            foreach (int i in timetable) {

            usedtimes = new bool[timetable.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < usedtimes.Length; i++) {
                usedtimes[i] = false;

            Instantiates the trams and places them in the Endstation containing the depot. The latter is currently hardcoded to be the first entry in railway
        private void buildTrams() {
            if (EXPLICIT) {
                Console.WriteLine("Initialising trams");
                if (WAIT) Console.ReadLine();
            }            trams = new Tram[NoTrams];

            for (int i = 0; i < NoTrams; i++) {
                trams[i] = new Tram(i, (Endstation)railway[0], MaxPassTram, DataFolder, this);

        Tram departure methods


        //Handles everything needed for departure. 
        override public void handleDepart(Tram tram, int slot) { 
            tram.busy = true;
 public EndTransit(int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place) {
     Priority = 5;
     ETime = time; Subject = tram; Place = place;
     tram.busy = true;
     if ( !place.Name.Trim().Equals( tram.Position.Next.Name.Trim())) {
         Console.WriteLine("AT EndTransit: place and subject.position.next do not match. \"" + Place.Name + "\" vs \"" + Subject.Position.Next.Name + "\"");
          Console.ReadLine(); EventList.Sim.EmergencyExit();
     Name = "Endtransit";
        Passenger embarkation/debarkation methods

	    override public void StartPassExchange(Tram tram) { 
	        tramloading = true; 
            tram.busy = true;
            if(Simulation.EXPLICIT) Console.WriteLine("starting passenger exchange");
        public EndPassTransfer(int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place, int In, int Out, bool cont) {

            Priority = 4;
            PassIn = In; PassOut = Out;
            ETime = time; Subject = tram; Place = place;
            Cont = cont;
            Name = "EndPassTransfer";
 override public void TramDepart (Tram tram) {
     lastDeparture = Time.Now();
     logPassengersWaiting.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , " + PassWaiting.ToString() + " , " + tram.PassCurr.ToString());
     logDwelltime.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - tram.arrivaltime).ToString());
     new EndTransit(Time.Now() + this.TimeTransit(), tram, Next.Next);
		public RecruitTram (int time, Tram tram, iHasRails place){
            Priority = 0;
			ETime = time; Subject = tram; Place= place;
            Name = "RecruitTram";
 protected int findTram(Tram tram) {
     for (int i = 0; i < Spaces.Length; i++) {
         if (Spaces[i] == tram) return i;
     return -1;
 //There shouldn't be two events for the same tram in the event queue
 public static void checkForTram(Tram tram) {
     foreach (Event e in list) {
         if (e.Subject == tram) {
             Console.WriteLine("Tram already has event in the list");
             Console.ReadLine(); Sim.EmergencyExit();
	    override public void EndPassExchange(Tram tram, int pin, int pout, bool iterate) {
            tram.changePass(pin , pout);
            tram.tramActivitylog.WriteLine(Time.Now().ToString() + " , EndPassExchange , " + Name);
            if(Simulation.EXPLICIT) Console.WriteLine("ending passenger exchange");
    	    if (iterate) { ItPassEmbarking(tram); }
            else {  
                tramloading = false;
                tram.busy = true;
                tram.cameFromDepot = false;
                tram.hasloaded = true;
                logWaitingtime.WriteLine(Time.Now() + " , " + transferPassWaitStart.ToString() + " , " + (Time.Now() - lastDeparture).ToString() 
                                         + " , " + transferPassNew + " , "  + (Time.Now() - transferTimeLast).ToString() + "  , " + PassWaiting );