public TrafficLightSystem(Crossing crossing)
     this.crossing = crossing;
     roadindex = 0;
     roadlist = new List<Road>();
     time = 0;
     trafficlightdictionary = new Dictionary<Road, List<TrafficLight>>();
     trafficlightstate = TrafficLightState.Yellow;
        //[OptionalField] private RoadLane nextlane;
        //[OptionalField] private RoadLane previouslane;
        public CrossingLane(Crossing crossing, Lane previouslane, Lane nextlane, double width, List<Vehicle> vehiclelist)
            int colorindex;

            if (previouslane.LaneDirection == LaneDirection.Forward)
                colorindex = previouslane.LaneIndex;
                colorindex = -previouslane.LaneIndex - 1;

            Crossing = crossing;
            curvecolor = Colors.GetSaturatedColor(colorindex);
            ILaneContainer = crossing;
            LaneIndex = nextlane.LaneIndex;
            Width = width;
            this.vehiclelist = vehiclelist;


            PointD point1 = previouslane.GetLastCoordinate();
            PointD point2 = nextlane.GetFirstCoordinate();

            VectorD vector1 = previouslane.GetLastVelocity();
            VectorD vector2 = nextlane.GetFirstVelocity();
            VectorD vector3 = vector1.GetUnitVector()*new VectorD(point1, point2).Length/3;

            if (vector1.IsCoLinearWith(vector2))
                // Als de in en uitgaande RoadLane van de die deze CrossingLane verbindt dezelfde richting hebben
                // If the incoming and outgoing RoadLane that this crossinglane connects have the same direction
                // we need a third order curve
                beziers = new Bezier[] {new CubicBezier(point1, point1 + vector3, point2 - vector3, point2)};
            else // else a second order
                beziers = new Bezier[]
                        new QuadraticBezier(point1,
                                            new LineD(point1, vector1).GetCrossingPoint(new LineD(point2,

            Length = beziers.Sum(bezier => bezier.Length);