public static string ReplacePipesWithCommas(string sText)
            string sRes  = "";
            bool   bLock = false;

            while (sText.Length > 0)
                if (bLock)
                    sRes += ",";
                string sTxt = DBTools.PrepareString(Tools.RetriveSubString(ref sText));
                sRes += "'" + sTxt + "'";
                bLock = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares and merges two tables with same schema into one table with
        /// properly set rowStates for all rows.
        /// Both tables must have primary keys.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalTable">DataTable containing original data.</param>
        /// <param name="changedTable">DataTable containing changed data.</param>
        /// <returns>Merged DataTable with properly set rowStates.</returns>
        public static DataTable MergeTables(DataTable originalTable, DataTable changedTable)
            if (originalTable == null || changedTable == null)

            DataTable resultTable = originalTable.Clone();

            Hashtable hashOrigRows    = new Hashtable(originalTable.Rows.Count);
            Hashtable hashChangedRows = new Hashtable(changedTable.Rows.Count);

            // put changed rows references to hash table
            foreach (DataRow changedRow in changedTable.Rows)
                if (changedRow.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted || changedRow.RowState == DataRowState.Detached)

                hashChangedRows[GetKeyValues(changedRow)] = changedRow;

            // chcek for rows deleted in changedTable
            foreach (DataRow originalRow in originalTable.Rows)
                if (originalRow.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted || originalRow.RowState == DataRowState.Detached)

                hashOrigRows[GetKeyValues(originalRow)] = originalRow;
                bool bFound = false;

                // check if originalRow exists in changedTable
                if (hashChangedRows[GetKeyValues(originalRow)] != null)
                    bFound = true;

                if (!bFound)
                    // originalRow doesn't exist in changedTable, so it has been removed
                    DataRow row = resultTable.NewRow();

                    // copy all data from original row to new row
                    foreach (DataColumn col in originalTable.Columns)
                        row[col.ColumnName] = originalRow[col.ColumnName];
                    // change new row state to Deleted

            // chcek for rows changed or inserted in changedTable
            foreach (DataRow changedRow in hashChangedRows.Values)
                bool bFound = false;

                DataRow originalRow = hashOrigRows[GetKeyValues(changedRow)] as DataRow;

                // check if originalRow exists in changedTable
                if (originalRow != null)
                    bFound = true;

                if (!bFound)
                    // changedRow doesn't exist in originalTable, so it has been added
                    DataRow row = resultTable.NewRow();

                    // copy all data from changed row to new row
                    foreach (DataColumn col in changedTable.Columns)
                        row[col.ColumnName] = changedRow[col.ColumnName];
                    // change new row state to Added
                    // changedRow exists in originalTable, it should be unchanged or modified
                    DataRow row       = resultTable.NewRow();
                    bool    bModified = false;

                    // copy all data from changed row to new row and check if row was modified or is unchanged
                    foreach (DataColumn col in changedTable.Columns)
                        if (originalRow != null)
                            string originalValue = DBTools.GetRowValue(originalRow, col.ColumnName);
                            string changedValue  = DBTools.GetRowValue(changedRow, col.ColumnName);
                            if (!originalValue.Equals(changedValue))
                                // original row data differs from changed row
                                bModified = true;
                            row[col.ColumnName] = originalRow[col.ColumnName];
                            row[col.ColumnName] = changedRow[col.ColumnName];
                    // change new row state to Modified
                    if (bModified)
                        foreach (DataColumn col in changedTable.Columns)
                            row[col.ColumnName] = changedRow[col.ColumnName];
