Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Actually starts the demo
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">Reference to the Telnet Server</param>
 private static void Start(TelnetServer Server)
     for (int f = 0; f < 16; ++f)
         for (int b = 0; b < 8; ++b)
             Server.Color((TelnetServer.Colors)f, (TelnetServer.Colors)b);
             Server.Print(" " + Tools.ZeroFill(f, 2) + "," + Tools.ZeroFill(b, 2) + " ", true, true);
         Server.Color(TelnetServer.Colors.White, TelnetServer.Colors.Black);
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows a specific help page
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">The telnet server object</param>
 /// <param name="Page">The page</param>
 /// <returns>True when the page exists</returns>
 private static bool DoHelp(TelnetServer Server, string Page)
     switch (Page)
         case "":
             Server.Print("NTPSYNC [HOSTNAME]                 Synchronizes with a timeserver");
             return true;
         case "NTPSYNC":
             Server.Print("NTPSYNC [HOSTNAME]                 Synchronizes with a timeserver");
             Server.Print("- [HOSTNAME]  The hostname of an NTP-server (example: pool.ntp.org)");
             return true;
             return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Actually starts the demo
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">Reference to the Telnet Server</param>
 private static void Start(TelnetServer Server)
     NetworkInterface[] Ips = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
     for (int IpCnt = 0; IpCnt < Ips.Length; ++IpCnt)
         Server.Print("Network interface " + IpCnt.ToString() + ":");
         Server.Print("MAC Address: " + NetworkInfo.MacToString(Ips[IpCnt].PhysicalAddress));
         Server.Print("- IP Address: " + Ips[IpCnt].IPAddress.ToString() + " (" + Ips[IpCnt].SubnetMask.ToString() + ")");
         Server.Print("- Gateway: " + Ips[IpCnt].GatewayAddress.ToString());
         for (int DnsCnt = 0; DnsCnt < Ips[IpCnt].DnsAddresses.Length; ++DnsCnt)
             Server.Print("- DNS-server " + DnsCnt.ToString() + ": " + Ips[IpCnt].DnsAddresses[DnsCnt].ToString());
     Server.Print("Connected to: " + Server.RemoteAddress);
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows a file entry (child of ListDir)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
 /// <param name="Path">Path</param>
 private static void ShowFileEntry(TelnetServer Server, FileInfo Path)
     Server.Print(Path.CreationTime.ToString() + Tools.ZeroFill(Path.Length.ToString(), 20, ' ') + "  " + Path.Name);
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows a directory entry (child of ListDir)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
 /// <param name="Path">Path</param>
 /// <param name="Name">If filled, this name will be shown instead (useful for "." and "..")</param>
 private static void ShowDirEntry(TelnetServer Server, DirectoryInfo Path, string Name = "")
     if (Name == "") Name = Path.Name;
     Server.Print(Path.CreationTime.ToString() + "    <DIR>             " + Name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
        /// <param name="Pathname">Filename</param>
        private static void DisplayFile(TelnetServer Server, string Pathname)
            if (!File.Exists(Pathname))
                DisplayError(Server, "File not found");

            FileStream Stream = File.OpenRead(Pathname);
            while (true)
                long Length = Stream.Length - Stream.Position;
                if (Length == 0) break;
                if (Length > 255) Length = 255;
                byte[] Buffer = new byte[(int)Length];
                Stream.Read(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length);
                Server.Print(new String(Tools.Bytes2Chars(Buffer)), true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Actually starts the demo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Server">Reference to the Telnet Server</param>
        public static void Start(TelnetServer Server)
            // Configures the onboard button. If this fails, it's probably already in use by another app.
            InputPort Button = null;
            try { Button = new InputPort(ONBOARD_SW1, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled); }
            catch (Exception e)
                Server.Print("Exception " + e.Message + " given. Were the onboard Button already configured?");

            // Configures the onboard LED. If this fails, it's probably already in use by another app.
            OutputPort Led = null;
            try { Led = new OutputPort(ONBOARD_LED, false); }
            catch (Exception e)
                Button.Dispose(); // The button is already defined
                Server.Print("Exception " + e.Message + " given. Were the onboard LED already configured?");

            // Disables echoing of keypresses
            Server.EchoEnabled = false;
            // Clears the screen
            // Draws a Netduino Plus in ANSI/ASCII art
            Server.Print("\xb3             \xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe \xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xb3");
            Server.Print("\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb                   \xdc  \xb3");
            Server.Print("\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb             NETDUINO \xb3");
            Server.Print("\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb               PLUS   \xb3");
            Server.Print("\xb3                            ..\xb3");
            Server.Print("\xdb\xdb                       \xdb\xdb  ::\xb3");
            Server.Print("\xb3       \xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb                 \xb3");
            Server.Print("\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb   \xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb                 \xb3");
            Server.Print("\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb   \xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb\xdb    \xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe \xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xfe\xb3");
            Server.Print("", true);
            Server.Print("Push the Netduino Plus onboard button, or press a key to close this app");

            // We only update the screen if the LastState is different from the current state
            bool LastState = false;
            while (Server.IsConnected && Server.Input(1, false) == "") 
                // We need to update
                if (Button.Read() == LastState)
                    // Lets record the last state
                    LastState = !Button.Read();

                    // Draws the button
                    if (LastState) Server.Color(TelnetServer.Colors.HighIntensityWhite);
                    else Server.Color(TelnetServer.Colors.Gray);
                    Server.Locate(7, 26, true); Server.Print("\xdb\xdb", true, true);

                    // Draws the LED
                    if (LastState) Server.Color(TelnetServer.Colors.LightBlue);
                    else Server.Color(TelnetServer.Colors.Gray);
                    Server.Locate(3, 29, true); Server.Print("\xdc", true);

                    // Brings back the cursor to the last line
                    Server.Locate(14, 1);

            // Releases the pins

            // Enables echo again and clears the screen
            if (Server.IsConnected)
                Server.EchoEnabled = true;
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Synchronizes with an NTP-server
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">The telnet server object</param>
 /// <param name="NtpServer">Hostname of the NTP server</param>
 private static void Sync(TelnetServer Server, string NtpServer)
     SNTP_Client Client = new SNTP_Client(new IntegratedSocket(NtpServer, 123));
     Server.Print("Current time: " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Edits a line
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
        /// <param name="Tempfile">The location of the temp file</param>
        /// <param name="LineNo">Line number to edit</param>
        private static void EditLine(TelnetServer Server, string Tempfile, int LineNo)
            List(Server, Tempfile, LineNo, LineNo);
            Server.Print(Tools.ZeroFill(LineNo, 8, ' ') + ":*", true);
            string NewLine = Server.Input();
            if (NewLine == "\x03") return;

            Edlin.UpdateLine(Tempfile, LineNo, NewLine);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts editting a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
        /// <param name="Filename">File to edit</param>
        private static void EditFile(TelnetServer Server, string Filename)
            if (!File.Exists(Filename)) throw new Exception("File does not exist: " + Filename);

            // Makes a working file
            string Tempfile = ReplaceExt(Filename, ".$$$");
            string Bakfile = ReplaceExt(Filename, ".bak");
            File.Copy(Filename, Tempfile, true);

            // Detecting line endings
            FileStream Stream = File.OpenRead(Tempfile);
            int Lines = 0;
            int Byte = 0;
            for (long Pos = 0; Pos < Stream.Length; ++Pos)
                Byte = Stream.ReadByte();
                if (Byte == 10) ++Lines;
            // Appairently the file doesn't end with a line ending
            if (Byte != 10) ++Lines;

            // Okay, we know the amount of lines
            Server.Print(Lines.ToString() + " lines. Type ? for help.");

            // Lets start the main loop
            while (true)
                // Shows a prompt and asks for a command
                Server.Print("*", true);
                string[] Arguments = SplitCommandline(Server.Input());
                if (Arguments.Length == 0) continue;

                switch (Arguments[Arguments.Length - 1].Substring(0, 1).ToUpper())
                    case "Q": // Quits, without saving
                    case "E": // Quits, with saving
                        if (File.Exists(Bakfile)) File.Delete(Bakfile);
                        File.Move(Filename, Bakfile);
                        File.Move(Tempfile, Filename);
                    case "L": // Lists some lines
                        if (Arguments.Length > 2) List(Server, Tempfile, int.Parse(Arguments[0]), int.Parse(Arguments[1]));
                        else if (Arguments.Length > 1) List(Server, Tempfile, int.Parse(Arguments[0]), Lines);
                        else List(Server, Tempfile, 1, Lines);
                    case "?": // Shows help
                        // Is this a line number, or unknown entry?
                        int LineNo = -1;
                        try { LineNo = int.Parse(Arguments[0]); } catch { }
                        if (LineNo == -1) Server.Print("Entry error");
                        else if (LineNo > Lines) Server.Print("Line out of range (1 to " + Lines.ToString() + ")");
                        else EditLine(Server, Tempfile, LineNo);
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures a pin
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
        /// <param name="Pin">Pin</param>
        /// <param name="Type">Type</param>
        private static void _ConfigPin(TelnetServer Server, string Pin, string Type)
            int PinIndex = _PinToIndex(Pin);
            if (PinIndex == -1) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid pin name: " + Pin); }

            switch (Type)
                case "GPI":
                    Server.Print("Pin " + Pin + " is now a digital input port");
                case "GPO":
                    Server.Print("Pin " + Pin + " is now a digital output port");
                case "PWM":
                    Server.Print("Pin " + Pin + " is now a PWM port");
                case "ADC":
                    Server.Print("Pin " + Pin + " is now an analog input port");
                case "NONE":
                    Server.Print("Pin " + Pin + " is now released");
                    throw new ArgumentException("Type " + Type + " unknown");
Example #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads a pin
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
 /// <param name="Pin">Pin</param>
 private static void _ReadPin(TelnetServer Server, string Pin)
     int PinIndex = _PinToIndex(Pin);
     if (PinIndex == -1) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid pin name: " + Pin); }
     Server.Print("Pin " + Pin + " has value: " + _Pins[PinIndex].Read().ToString());
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the pwm pulse
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
        /// <param name="Pin">Pin</param>
        /// <param name="Pulse">Pulse</param>
        /// <param name="Duration">Duration</param>
        private static void _SetPulse(TelnetServer Server, string Pin, string Pulse, string Duration)
            int PinIndex = _PinToIndex(Pin);
            if (PinIndex == -1) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid pin name: " + Pin); }
            int iPulse = int.Parse(Pulse);
            int iDuration = int.Parse(Duration);

            _Pins[PinIndex].Write((uint)iPulse, (uint)iDuration);
            Server.Print("Pulse for pin " + Pin + " set to " + Pulse + "," + Duration);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the dutycycle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
        /// <param name="Pin">Pin</param>
        /// <param name="Dutycycle">Dutycycle</param>
        private static void _DutyCycle(TelnetServer Server, string Pin, string Dutycycle)
            int PinIndex = _PinToIndex(Pin);
            if (PinIndex == -1) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid pin name: " + Pin); }
            int Value = int.Parse(Dutycycle);

            Server.Print("Dutycycle for pin " + Pin + " set to " + Dutycycle);
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows a specific help page
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">The telnet server object</param>
 /// <param name="Page">The page</param>
 /// <returns>True when the page exists</returns>
 private static bool DoHelp(TelnetServer Server, string Page)
     switch (Page)
         case "":
             Server.Print("LISTPINS                           Shows a list of all pins");
             Server.Print("CONFIG [PIN] [TYPE]                Configures a pin");
             Server.Print("READPIN [PIN]                      Reads a pin value");
             Server.Print("GETPINTYPE [PIN]                   Reads a pin type");
             Server.Print("WRITEPIN [PIN] [VALUE]             Writes a pin value");
             Server.Print("DUTYCYCLE [PIN] [DUTYCYCLE]        Sets the PWM dutycycle");
             Server.Print("SETPULSE [PIN] [PULSE] [DURATION]  Sets the PWM pulse");
             return true;
         case "LISTPINS":
             Server.Print("LISTPINS                           Shows a list of all pins");
             return true;
         case "CONFIG":
             Server.Print("CONFIG [PIN] [TYPE]                Configures a pin");
             Server.Print("- [PIN]       The name of the pin");
             Server.Print("- [TYPE]      Can be: GPI, GPO, PWM, ADC or None");
             return true;
         case "READPIN":
             Server.Print("READPIN [PIN]                      Reads a pin value");
             Server.Print("- [PIN]       The name of the pin");
             return true;
         case "GETPINTYPE":
             Server.Print("GETPINTYPE [PIN]                   Reads a pin type");
             Server.Print("- [PIN]       The name of the pin");
             return true;
         case "WRITEPIN":
             Server.Print("WRITEPIN [PIN] [VALUE]             Writes a pin value");
             Server.Print("- [PIN]       The name of the pin");
             Server.Print("- [VALUE]     1 for high, 0 for low");
             return true;
         case "DUTYCYCLE":
             Server.Print("DUTYCYCLE [PIN] [DUTYCYCLE]        Sets the PWM dutycycle");
             Server.Print("- [PIN]       The name of the pin");
             Server.Print("- [DUTYCYCLE] The PWM dutycycle (0 to 100)");
             return true;
         case "SETPULSE":
             Server.Print("SETPULSE [PIN] [PULSE] [DURATION]  Sets the PWM pulse");
             Server.Print("- [PIN]       The name of the pin");
             Server.Print("- [PULSE]     PWM pulse");
             Server.Print("- [DURATION]  PWM duration");
             return true;
             return false;
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Displays a line of text in red
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
 /// <param name="Text">Text to display</param>
 private static void DisplayError(TelnetServer Server, string Text)
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows a specific help page
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">The telnet server object</param>
 /// <param name="Page">The page</param>
 /// <returns>True when the page exists</returns>
 private static bool DoHelp(TelnetServer Server, string Page)
     switch (Page)
         case "":
             Server.Print("DIR                                Reads out a listing of the current directory");
             Server.Print("CD [PATH]                          Changes the current directory");
             Server.Print("MKDIR [PATH]                       Creates a directory");
             Server.Print("RMDIR [PATH]                       Removes a directory");
             Server.Print("DEL [PATH]                         Removes a file");
             Server.Print("TYPE [PATH]                        Prints out a file");
             Server.Print("TOUCH [PATH]                       Creates an empty file");
             return true;
         case "CD":
             Server.Print("CD [PATH]                          Changes the current directory");
             Server.Print("- [PATH]  The directory to go into");
             return true;
         case "TYPE":
             Server.Print("TYPE [PATH]                        Prints out a file");
             Server.Print("- [PATH]  The file to display");
             return true;
         case "DEL":
             Server.Print("DEL [PATH]                         Removes a file");
             Server.Print("- [PATH]  The file to remove");
             return true;
         case "TOUCH":
             Server.Print("TOUCH [PATH]                       Creates an empty file");
             Server.Print("- [PATH]  The file to create");
             return true;
         case "MKDIR":
             Server.Print("MKDIR [PATH]                       Creates a directory");
             Server.Print("- [PATH]  The directory to create");
             return true;
         case "RMDIR":
             Server.Print("RMDIR [PATH]                       Removes a directory");
             Server.Print("- [PATH]  The directory to remove");
             return true;
         case "DIR":
             Server.Print("DIR                                Reads out a listing of the current directory");
             return true;
             return false;
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the current date
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
        /// <param name="Date">New date</param>
        private static void ChangeDate(TelnetServer Server, string Date)
            // Splits up date parts
            string[] Parts = Date.Split(new char[] { '-' });
            if (Parts.Length != 3) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid TIME format. See HELP DATE for more.");
            // Validates data
            int Years = int.Parse(Parts[0]);
            int Months = int.Parse(Parts[1]);
            int Days = int.Parse(Parts[2]);
            if (Years < 2000 || Years > 3000) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid DATE format. See HELP DATE for more.");
            if (Months > 12 || Months < 1) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid DATE format. See HELP DATE for more.");
            if (Days > 31 || Days < 1) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid DATE format. See HELP DATE for more.");

            DateTime NewTime = new DateTime(
                year: Years,
                month: Months,
                day: Days,
                hour: DateTime.Now.Hour,
                minute: DateTime.Now.Minute,
                second: DateTime.Now.Second

            Server.Print("New date: " + DisplayDate());
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Lists lines from a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
        /// <param name="Tempfile">The location of the temp file</param>
        /// <param name="Start">First line to show</param>
        /// <param name="End">Last line to show</param>
        private static void List(TelnetServer Server, string Tempfile, int Start, int End)
            FileStream Stream = File.OpenRead(Tempfile);

            int LineNo = 1;
            string Buffer = "";
            while (true)
                // Defines the buffer size (max. 255 bytes)
                long Length = Stream.Length - Stream.Position;
                if (Length == 0) break;
                if (Length > 255) Length = 255;
                // Reads out the buffer
                byte[] ReadBuffer = new byte[(int)Length];
                Stream.Read(ReadBuffer, 0, ReadBuffer.Length);
                Buffer += new string(Tools.Bytes2Chars(ReadBuffer));

                // Is this a line?
                while (true) 
                    int Pos = Buffer.IndexOf("\n");
                    if (Pos < 0) break;
                    // New line found, lets split it
                    string Line = Buffer.Substring(0, Pos);
                    Buffer = Buffer.Substring(Pos + 1);
                    // Do we need to print this line?
                    if (LineNo >= Start && LineNo <= End)
                        Server.Print(Tools.ZeroFill(LineNo, 8, ' ') + ": " + Line.TrimEnd());

            // If there's no line ending at the end of the file, we need to show this line
            if (Buffer != "" && LineNo >= Start && LineNo <= End)
                Server.Print(Tools.ZeroFill(LineNo, 8, ' ') + ": " + Buffer.TrimEnd());
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows a specific help page
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">The telnet server object</param>
 /// <param name="Page">The page</param>
 /// <returns>True when the page exists</returns>
 private static bool DoHelp(TelnetServer Server, string Page)
     switch (Page)
         case "":
             Server.Print("TIME [TIME]                        Displays or changes the current time");
             Server.Print("DATE [DATE]                        Displays or changes the current date");
             return true;
         case "TIME":
             Server.Print("TIME [TIME]                        Displays or changes the current time");
             Server.Print("- [TIME]  If set, will change the time (Format: hh:mm:ss)");
             return true;
         case "DATE":
             Server.Print("DATE [DATE]                        Displays or changes the current date");
             Server.Print("- [DATE]  If set, will change the date (Format: yyyy-mm-dd)");
             return true;
             return false;
Example #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows the EDLIN help
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
 private static void EdlinHelp(TelnetServer Server)
     Server.Print("Edit line                   line#");
     Server.Print("End (save file)             E");
     Server.Print("Quit (throw away changes)   Q");
     Server.Print("List                        [startline][,endline]L");
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the current time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Server">Reference to the telnet server</param>
        /// <param name="Time">New time</param>
        private static void ChangeTime(TelnetServer Server, string Time)
            // Splits up time parts
            string[] Parts = Time.Split(new char[] { ':' });
            if (Parts.Length != 3) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid TIME format. See HELP TIME for more.");
            // Validates data
            int Hours = int.Parse(Parts[0]);
            int Minutes = int.Parse(Parts[1]);
            int Seconds = int.Parse(Parts[2]);
            if (Hours > 23 || Hours < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid TIME format. See HELP TIME for more.");
            if (Minutes > 59 || Minutes < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid TIME format. See HELP TIME for more.");
            if (Seconds > 59 || Seconds < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid TIME format. See HELP TIME for more.");

            DateTime NewTime = new DateTime(
                year: DateTime.Now.Year,
                month: DateTime.Now.Month,
                day: DateTime.Now.Day,
                hour: Hours,
                minute: Minutes,
                second: Seconds

            Server.Print("New time: " + DisplayTime());