Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Tomboy.AppDelegate"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		public AppDelegate () {
			var storage_path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "Library", "Application Support", "Tomboy");
            		// TODO, set it in a generic way
            		noteStorage = new DiskStorage (storage_path);

            		if (!Directory.Exists(backupPathUri))
                		noteStorage.Backup(); //FIXME: Need to better handle status messages.

			Logger.Debug ("Backup Path set to {0}", backupPathUri);

			NoteEngine = new Engine (noteStorage);

			// keep track of note for syncing
			// TODO move this into an Add-in one day
			var manifest_path = Path.Combine (storage_path, "manifest.xml");
			manifestTracker = new ManifestTracker (NoteEngine, manifest_path);

			// Create our cache directory
			if (!Directory.Exists (BaseUrlPath))
				Directory.CreateDirectory (BaseUrlPath);

			// Currently lazy load because otherwise the Dock Menu throws an error about there being no notes.
			if (Notes == null)
				Notes = NoteEngine.GetNotes ();
			NoteEngine.NoteAdded += HandleNoteAdded;
			NoteEngine.NoteRemoved += HandleNoteRemoved;
			NoteEngine.NoteUpdated += HandleNoteUpdated;

			settings = SettingsSync.ReadFile ();

			if (settings == null) {
				SettingsSync.CreateSettings ();
				settings = new SettingsSync ();
				Console.WriteLine ("Created New settings");

            		Notebooks = new List<string>();
            		currentNotebook = "All Notebooks";

			Console.WriteLine ("App Delegate Loaded!");