Example #1
        private tr_mesh CreateDummyWadMesh(WadMesh oldMesh, bool isStatic, int objectId,
                                           bool isWaterfall = false, bool isOptics = false,
                                           WadMeshLightingType lightType = WadMeshLightingType.PrecalculatedGrayShades)
            int currentMeshSize = 0;
            var newMesh         = new tr_mesh
                Center = new tr_vertex
                    X = (short)oldMesh.BoundingSphere.Center.X,
                    Y = (short)-oldMesh.BoundingSphere.Center.Y,
                    Z = (short)oldMesh.BoundingSphere.Center.Z
                Radius = (short)oldMesh.BoundingSphere.Radius
            int numShades = 0;

            currentMeshSize    += 10;
            newMesh.NumVertices = 0;
            currentMeshSize    += 2;
            int numNormals = 0;

            newMesh.Vertices = new tr_vertex[0];

            newMesh.NumNormals = 0;
            currentMeshSize   += 2;
            short numQuads     = 0;
            short numTriangles = 0;

            newMesh.NumTexturedQuads = numQuads;
            currentMeshSize         += 2;

            newMesh.NumTexturedTriangles = numTriangles;
            currentMeshSize += 2;

            int lastQuad     = 0;
            int lastTriangle = 0;

            newMesh.TexturedQuads     = new tr_face4[numQuads];
            newMesh.TexturedTriangles = new tr_face3[numTriangles];
            if (_level.Settings.GameVersion <= TRVersion.Game.TR3)
                currentMeshSize += 4; // Num colored quads and triangles
            if (currentMeshSize % 4 != 0)
                currentMeshSize += 2;

            newMesh.MeshSize    = currentMeshSize;
            newMesh.MeshPointer = _totalMeshSize;

            _totalMeshSize += currentMeshSize;


Example #2
        private tr_mesh ConvertWadMesh(WadMesh oldMesh, bool isStatic, int objectId, int meshIndex,
                                       bool isWaterfall = false, bool isOptics = false,
                                       WadMeshLightingType lightType = WadMeshLightingType.PrecalculatedGrayShades)
            int currentMeshSize = 0;

            var newMesh = new tr_mesh
                Center = new tr_vertex
                    X = (short)oldMesh.BoundingSphere.Center.X,
                    Y = (short)-oldMesh.BoundingSphere.Center.Y,
                    Z = (short)oldMesh.BoundingSphere.Center.Z
                Radius = (short)oldMesh.BoundingSphere.Radius

            currentMeshSize += 10;

            newMesh.NumVertices = (short)oldMesh.VerticesPositions.Count;
            currentMeshSize    += 2;

            newMesh.Vertices = new tr_vertex[oldMesh.VerticesPositions.Count];

            for (int j = 0; j < oldMesh.VerticesPositions.Count; j++)
                var vertex = oldMesh.VerticesPositions[j];
                newMesh.Vertices[j] = new tr_vertex((short)vertex.X, (short)-vertex.Y, (short)vertex.Z);

                currentMeshSize += 6;

            // FIX: the following code will check for valid normals and shades combinations.
            // As last chance, I recalculate the normals on the fly.
            bool useShades = false;

            if (isStatic)
                if (lightType == WadMeshLightingType.Normals)
                    if (oldMesh.VerticesNormals.Count == 0)
                        _progressReporter.ReportWarn(string.Format("Static {0} is a mesh with invalid lighting data. Normals will be recalculated on the fly.", objectId));
                    useShades = false;
                    if (oldMesh.VerticesShades.Count == 0)
                        if (oldMesh.VerticesNormals.Count == 0)
                            _progressReporter.ReportWarn(string.Format("Static {0} is a mesh with invalid lighting data. Normals will be recalculated on the fly.", objectId));
                        useShades = false;
                        useShades = true;
                if (oldMesh.VerticesNormals.Count == 0)
                    _progressReporter.ReportWarn(string.Format("Mesh {0} of Moveable {1} contains invalid lighting data. Normals will be recalculated on the fly.", meshIndex, objectId));
                useShades = false;

            newMesh.NumNormals = (short)(useShades ? -oldMesh.VerticesShades.Count : oldMesh.VerticesNormals.Count);
            currentMeshSize   += 2;

            if (!useShades)
                newMesh.Normals = new tr_vertex[oldMesh.VerticesNormals.Count];

                for (int j = 0; j < oldMesh.VerticesNormals.Count; j++)
                    Vector3 normal = oldMesh.VerticesNormals[j];
                    normal             = Vector3.Normalize(normal);
                    normal            *= 16300.0f;
                    newMesh.Normals[j] = new tr_vertex((short)normal.X, (short)-normal.Y, (short)normal.Z);

                    currentMeshSize += 6;
                newMesh.Lights = new short[oldMesh.VerticesShades.Count];

                for (int j = 0; j < oldMesh.VerticesShades.Count; j++)
                    newMesh.Lights[j] = oldMesh.VerticesShades[j];

                    currentMeshSize += 2;

            short numQuads     = 0;
            short numTriangles = 0;

            foreach (var poly in oldMesh.Polys)
                if (poly.Shape == WadPolygonShape.Quad)

            newMesh.NumTexturedQuads = numQuads;
            currentMeshSize         += 2;

            newMesh.NumTexturedTriangles = numTriangles;
            currentMeshSize += 2;

            int lastQuad     = 0;
            int lastTriangle = 0;

            newMesh.TexturedQuads     = new tr_face4[numQuads];
            newMesh.TexturedTriangles = new tr_face3[numTriangles];

            for (int j = 0; j < oldMesh.Polys.Count; j++)
                var poly = oldMesh.Polys[j];

                ushort lightingEffect = poly.Texture.BlendMode == BlendMode.Additive ? (ushort)1 : (ushort)0;
                if (poly.ShineStrength > 0)
                    if (useShades && isStatic)
                        _progressReporter.ReportWarn("Stray shiny effect found on static " + objectId + ", face " + oldMesh.Polys.IndexOf(poly) + ". Ignoring data.");
                        lightingEffect |= 0x02;
                        lightingEffect |= (ushort)(Math.Min((byte)63, poly.ShineStrength) << 2);

                // Very quirky way to identify 1st face of a waterfall in TR4-TR5 wads.
                bool topmostAndUnpadded = (j == 0) ? isWaterfall : false;

                // Check if we should merge object and room textures in same texture tiles.
                bool agressivePacking = _level.Settings.AgressiveTexturePacking;

                if (poly.Shape == WadPolygonShape.Quad)
                    FixWadTextureCoordinates(ref poly.Texture);

                    var result = _textureInfoManager.AddTexture(poly.Texture, agressivePacking, false, topmostAndUnpadded);
                    if (isOptics)
                        result.Rotation = 0;           // Very ugly hack for TR4-5 binocular/target optics!
                    newMesh.TexturedQuads[lastQuad++] = result.CreateFace4(new ushort[] { (ushort)poly.Index0, (ushort)poly.Index1, (ushort)poly.Index2, (ushort)poly.Index3 },
                                                                           poly.Texture.DoubleSided, lightingEffect);
                    currentMeshSize += _level.Settings.GameVersion <= TRVersion.Game.TR3 ? 10 : 12;
                    FixWadTextureCoordinates(ref poly.Texture);

                    var result = _textureInfoManager.AddTexture(poly.Texture, agressivePacking, true, topmostAndUnpadded);
                    if (isOptics)
                        result.Rotation = 0;           // Very ugly hack for TR4-5 binocular/target optics!
                    newMesh.TexturedTriangles[lastTriangle++] = result.CreateFace3(new ushort[] { (ushort)poly.Index0, (ushort)poly.Index1, (ushort)poly.Index2 },
                                                                                   poly.Texture.DoubleSided, lightingEffect);
                    currentMeshSize += _level.Settings.GameVersion <= TRVersion.Game.TR3 ? 8 : 10;

            if (_level.Settings.GameVersion <= TRVersion.Game.TR3)
                currentMeshSize += 4; // Num colored quads and triangles
            if (currentMeshSize % 4 != 0)
                currentMeshSize += 2;

            newMesh.MeshSize    = currentMeshSize;
            newMesh.MeshPointer = _totalMeshSize;

            _totalMeshSize += currentMeshSize;

