Example #1
        public Dictionary <string, object> CreateOrUpdate([FromUri] string contentType, [FromBody] Dictionary <string, object> newContentItem, [FromUri] int?id = null, [FromUri] string appPath = null)
            Log.Add($"create or update type:{contentType}, id:{id}, path:{appPath}");
            // if app-path specified, use that app, otherwise use from context
            var appId = GetAppIdFromPathOrContext_AndInitEavAndSerializer(appPath);

            // Check that this ID is actually of this content-type,
            // this throws an error if it's not the correct type
            var itm = id == null
                ? null
                : _entitiesController.GetEntityOrThrowError(contentType, id.Value);

            var perm = id == null
                ? Grants.Create
                : Grants.Update;

            PerformSecurityCheck(appId, contentType, perm, appPath == null ? Dnn.Module : null, App, itm);

            // Convert to case-insensitive dictionary just to be safe!
            newContentItem = new Dictionary <string, object>(newContentItem, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Now create the cleaned up import-dictionary so we can create a new entity
            var cleanedNewItem = CreateEntityDictionary(contentType, newContentItem, appId);

            var userName = new DnnUser().IdentityToken;

            // try to create
            var currentApp = new App(new DnnTenant(PortalSettings), appId);
            //currentApp.InitData(false, new ValueCollectionProvider());
            var publish = Factory.Resolve <IEnvironmentFactory>().PagePublisher(Log);

            if (id == null)
                currentApp.Data.Create(contentType, cleanedNewItem, userName);
                // Todo: try to return the newly created object
                currentApp.Data.Update(id.Value, cleanedNewItem, userName);